BEST Rogue Perks | Tier List | Dark and Darker

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what's up guys if you're not nice here today we're going to be talking about the best rogue perks you can use in deck and darker wait a second do you guys hear that okay so first off we have Ambush so what Ambush does is your first attack within three seconds after leaving stealth it gives your weapon 50 additional damage this is very good for burst in unsuspected foes um this is very good against even armored people squishy people with destroys um I would say if this is not an S tier a tier but in my opinion this is an S tier ability you can absolutely erase people with this and second we have back attack back attack increases the physical damage done by 30 when attacking from behind this is very good um same sort of thing if you have a good Ambush if you third party somebody pvp'ing you can easily get some back attacks in take a full value of this even if you have an enemy that you know sometimes they try to run away from you and as they're running away you get like one or two hits in that'll normally take them right out I would say this is another s tier ability starting strong with this list the third perk that's available to Rogue is one called creep not to get confused with uh stealth here they have very similar uh photos but this one is creep that's what creep does is when Crouch walking the volume of your footstep sound is significantly reduced and the movement speed is increased by five um I'm gonna tell you right now that extra five percent is as good as useless I've played with this in a high roller a couple of times with a buddy to try to test it um on my end of things it doesn't seem like the decreased foot sound is significant um and I would try to test it with my buddy and it just it didn't seem to be that great maybe this needs a buff uh in the future but at now I would say probably don't use it CTA okay now fourth on our list is dagger Mastery this perk increases your physical damage bonus by 10 when attacking with the dagger and let me underline that when attacking with a dagger that means if you like to use Rapier or a short sword this does not apply in my opinion this perk is not the best because I think as Rogue you want to be very bursty a lot of damage in a short window of time this doesn't really fit that this is more of a sustained damage like every attack you do has an extra 10 damage meaning um if you consider a blue uh dagger they'll ballpark have anywhere from 25 to 30 damage that's an extra three damage a hit as opposed to something like Ambush where you'll get 50 bonus damage that's 15 damage right away the sustained damage in PVE might be good so I'm not gonna count it out I'll put it in B tier because it's not the worst it's not the best it's it's truly something in the middle okay fifth on our list we have double jump you can jump again while jumping uh pretty straightforward this ability you really have to consider the map a map like ruins this ability is absolutely s tier no questions asked um howling Crypt maybe not as good a or b uh something like Goblin cave I would never take it uh not D tier because it's not completely useless but probably see tear on Goblin cave um so this is an ability you really have to consider what you're doing what you're playing what your goal is on ruins I would say this is absolutely s tier you should probably consider taking this on ruins if you were playing solo I choose this ability all the time on ruins when I want a 1vx this ability lets you engage and disengage easily the enemy has to open up doors and you can hop over the wall and Escape no problem further to that you can get rid of PVE by jumping over any obstacles or perching yourself on a stone wall and attacking down it gives you the best mobility in the game which the Rogue is all about and for that reason I would say this ability is an S tier ability so number six on our list is hidden Pockets which hides the potion in your utility belts now when I first started playing this game I thought this was the greatest ability now that I've played for a while uh I know for certain this is a detailed ability um as a rogue there's hardly ever any situations you'll really need like absolutely need potions on your bar now what I mean by that is you can easily have them right here on the top of the inventory and Slot them upwards you can even have it on the right side too depending on whatever you prefer and you can slot them up as needed slot them down as needed right you can do this with any combination of potions right maybe you have uh invisibility potions you can just slot them up as needed there's very few times where you absolutely need a potion on your utility bar uh that's gonna change the outcome of the game me personally I have never used this perk I've never found it to be useful it doesn't impact me whatsoever I would say this perk just absolutely not worth it you can do some micro management here and get by without it just fine okay our seventh perk at the bottom here we have jokester the Rogue lightens the mood giving all party members around him a plus two attribute buff and another thing I want to highlight here it says all party members around him it literally means around him the distance is almost next to nothing it's like shoulder to shoulder um and a plus two attribute buff uh that's the strength agility will knowledge resourcefulness it doesn't give you plus two physical true damage or whatever uh it's just the base attributes now this has potential to be good I think it is a strong ability um I don't think it's the best ability in the game uh so maybe solo I would put it A or B in a group I would probably put this at a I think it's it's it's one of these abilities you can't really go wrong with it'll be always useful because it's always active Okay up next on our list we have lock picking Mastery at number eight ability to pick locks that are lock pick so now what this ability does is you're able to pick as many locks as you want and uh just keep in mind it's not just chest when it says locks it means doors as well some doors have locks like in the ruins that have loot rooms it lets you pick those uh previously when dark and dark was on Steam this was absolutely an a tier ability since then they've nerfed the drop rates on regular dungeons making this ability not as great however on high roller dungeons this is significantly better just because in High Roller dungeons there's there's rare drops almost everywhere you can open up golden chest that gives you a chance to see uh maybe purples or even legendaries I would say on a high roller dungeon I'd probably keep it at a um non-high roller dungeons maybe be a c it's an extra it gives you a chance to get extra loot but you're not always going to see these lion chests um so for that reason I would put it on a for high roller for normal I would put it maybe between B or C but probably closer to C it isn't that game changing all right number nine pickpocket let's let's just make this quick right into detail pickpocket and you can steal enemies items from the dungeon which means if you have an enemy standing next to you uh you can start taking items out of his pockets with this ability I would say if you want your enemies items you could probably just kill them your Rogue you do good damage and that's enough of that moving on alrighty coming in at number 10 is Poison the weapon a successful attack applies poison damage that deals four magic damage over four seconds this poison can stack up to five times at once okay I just want to highlight it said magic damage meaning this scales with the magic damage you have on your equipment you should hear that and think s tier immediately one thing to note though is that Rogue start with five magic power which gives them negative 50 magic power bonus would have to stack a significant amount of magic power bonus to see the result of this this is an S tier ability I think it doesn't really matter what kind of build you're playing this can always be used it can it will always be good and no matter what situation you're in I think this is the first ability you should have on and it should just never come off after that the 11th booty on our list here is stealth if you're hiding which is the ability that makes you go invisible you can move 10 steps while crouching or slow walking I'd say this ability has decently High skill cap but it's almost mandatory if you take the skill hide as great potential for Jukes and outplays it lets you engage enemy teams uh for example when you see an enemy you can sneak up and get real close if you hear them opening a door you can ready you can position yourself really good uh and team fights um you can have your team bait the enemies into a fight and you can kill their back line whether it be a cleric or a ranger you can do some tricks with this as well where you run around a corner envis and then re-engage you can make somebody think you're running away and then you can hit them with a backstab and Ambush you're obviously able to use this as a disengage um if you're stuck between two teams you can go invisible and hopefully make your way out obviously uh situation dictates but I would say disability is incredibly useful uh this for sure is an S tier ability and that 12 we have shadowrunner 15 movement speed increase for three seconds one coming out of hide I would say this ability is C tier it does have some use it's not extremely useful in my experience with disability uh it doesn't change too much typically if you're gonna catch somebody you're gonna catch them if you're not you're not this doesn't seem to have a very significant outcome in the games I have played so for that reason I would say C tier number 13 we have thrust attacks through enemy armor gaps ignoring 50 of the target's physical damage reduction when attacking at this point in the game there's eight classes uh and only the fighter and Barbarian wear armor and even then half the time the Barbarian doesn't even have a shirt on um so really this is just the hard counter to The Fighter um it's not very valuable I don't think this would be very significant in moster fights and for that reason I would be putting it in CTA okay hey last but not least just kidding I I definitely lied to you guys this is uh this is the least ability uh trap detection the highlights nearby traps highlighted traps can be discerned by the player I would say only use this ability if you were a brand new player to the game and the traps were giving you a hard time for whatever reason otherwise this is good for seeing the hunter trap which is very circumstantial you'll hardly get value out of this and for that reason uh this goes right where it belongs in detail so that's my list you guys let me know what you think down in the comments was that right was I wrong um how good is this lock picking Mastery and maybe maybe there's some kind of tech I don't know about we can learn to grow together you guys let me know have a good day peace out
Channel: Shua Not Nice
Views: 1,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark and darker, rogue, perks, best perks, skills, ambush
Id: S7jQ4VY_qBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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