All ABOUT ORES!!! (Dark and Darker)

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welcome again this is gens and today's dark and darker video is all about ores and Mining so I'm going to be talking about how to get each uh specific ore what to do with those ores and um how to pluck them out of the ground so let's get right into it guys okay so this video actually isn't going to have any gameplay in it I'm just mostly going to be explaining um stuff about the ores where to get them and what to do with the pickaxes and all that and the only reason I'm doing this is because um of the new maps I don't know them very well um the goblin caves especially um looks a whole lot different than it did before um so we're just going to go ahead and talk about them and I'll tell you guys how to um how to go ahead and get them and what to do with them once you have them okay so I'm just going to show you a little bit about the ingots so there's um six different kinds of ingots there's Cobalt Ruby silver gold iron copper and silver silver can be used to craft weapons when once you have um completed all three Quests for the weapon Smith gold can mostly be used for um stuff like necklaces um in different jewelry like Parts you can put on these different slots um it can all it can also be used for weapons like really really strong weapons like the the legendary gold weapons um such as like the lightbringer and then there's iron iron can be used for stuff like traps Franchesca axes um and like throwing knives so it's pretty worthless in my opinion because you don't really need to make all that stuff even if it does make them a little bit better it's just kind of pointless in my opinion and then you'll see um cob balts Ruby silver and copper those can be used to craft different armors um depending on what level you are with the armor so you'll see I've completed this um first quest with the armor and so therefore and I'm level like 20 so just make sure you're leveled up um um and the the Cobalts is what I got from that so I can now craft a bunch of Cobalts armor and what's weird actually is I can actually wear this Cobalt Templar Armor as a warlock so that's really good if you have an extra uh Templar armor that you got through um a dungeon or a friend or something or you could just buy it um you can combine 10 ingots with that and get some really good armor um because I know warlocks are lacking for armor a lot of the time and then the copper stuff just comes like kind of Base um but this copper stuff is kind of mediocre I wouldn't recommend going for it unless you just have ton of copper for no reason um yeah so um Ruby silver is going to be once you've done all the quests um and Ruby silver is the best like it's the best of the best it's really good stuff um but another use for Ruby silver is you can sell it and it sells for a good amount too recently I've been able to sell Ruby silver in the MK trading hall for about 50 gold po per ore and that's actually a lot um and you'll actually see here a lot of people selling their gold um their gold ore for a lot so gold ore is going to be found specifically in um the ruins and um yeah you can't find it anywhere else it's only in the ruins and this gold ore is going to be in the different caves and stuff that you find around in the hidden places it's going to be a little bit harder like you're not going to just see it around it's going to be a little bit harder to find um unlike the rest of the ores um like Ruby silver copper um Iron uh Cobalt um all those good stuff that's all going to be in the goblin caves mostly um I wouldn't really go to the howling Crips to mine like ever there's no point the goblin caves is where you want to get most of your um ores um a lot of what I seen is Cobalt um Cobalt is seems to be one of the more um frequent ores that I find there and the different ores are going to be different colors you'll see um they're just the same colors they in like the Cobalt Ore will be blue the Ruby silver will be red and so on and so forth um so yeah and so how are you going to go ahead and get these ores you just go to The Woodsman you get a pickaxe so you can buy a pickaxe for 20 gold and you can put it in your slots over here and what you'll do is you'll grab that out just press the number key um and you will press um whatever button you use to interact and it will take a certain amount a time um there'll be a bar that fills up and once that's completed it'll give you one ore it will never give you more than one ore but it will give you one ore um and then you can keep doing that until the ore breaks and sometimes I've actually seen multiple ores clustered in the same spot and so you can keep mining for a longer period of time so another use for the ores is actually powders and so you'll see all these different kinds of powders can be used for um stuff like this you'll see um how the armor required the ingots to make the armor um the tailor just requires the powder so I'm actually not like I haven't done enough quests to get the Cobalts and all that but um if you wanted to get the C Bal and Ruby silver um like levels of armor you'd just have to do the quests and eventually um he'll let you buy that stuff from him and craft it so um all you need is just the base set of armor or clothes or whatever and then the powder um for the tailor and then ingots for the armor if you'll see in the weapon Smith you can also get ores or sorry not ores ingots from the weapon Smith but honestly the armor is closer to where my cursor normally is so that's what I go for um so yeah that's that's mostly it guys it's really simple um you can actually find um going back to before with the pickaxes you can actually find better pickax than this base one I I think I've seen a blue I I've had a blue one um I don't think I'm not sure if there's any ones better than a blue one um there's really no point in a better pickaxe anyways like I I've had a there's a one Quest that you can do actually that'll get you um five green pickaxes yeah so it's actually the armor Quest you can get five green pickaxes from this um quest You'll see that I actually uh lost all of mine because I died cuz duh I'm stupid um yeah so those Green pack pickaxes are going to allow you to interact with the ore in mine a little bit faster and the blue ones are going to be a little bit better all that so um when you go in to get these ores I'd recommend only going on to the normal Maps because there's really no point like it's not going to give you any better stuff going into um the high rollers so when you're going into these Maps if you're just going into mine make sure you're going into the normal Maps um so don't go go to hland Crips just if you're going for gold go to ruins try to find the hidden spots and it'll be in kind of Corners caves all that good stuff um the goblin caves there's going to be this one big room on one of the maps um that has two I believe uh giant centipedes in it and a bunch of goblins and there's some ores in there on um on each wall um I saw one it had uh one wall had just Cobalts like all along it it was full of it but um be careful around those centipedes in the goblin caves cuz they take a ton of hits to take down so I would just recommend kind of working around them um and making sure you don't aggro them but if you know how to deal with them um then it's completely fine to just do that obviously so yeah um don't go to High Roller just go to normal and you'll um bring in your pickaxe all that good stuff make sure you bring in a ton of heals I recommend uh six of each instead of three of each um because realistically um these or spots are going to be like kind of on the outskirts of the map so it's going to be harder for you to um live without that extra um health because the ring is going to be going in and you will be outside of the ring for probably a lot of that time that you're Mining and you just want to make sure you have enough Health to get um to a portal and if you have to fight anyone on your way out and when you're mining people actually well people who aren't a lot of people especially in high roller um or not especially when you're not in high roller won't with you when you're mining because it's kind of a dick move it's kind of a taboo if you ask me um a lot of people like as me especially I won't attack people if they're mining cuz it's just it's not cool cuz a lot of people go in when they're going into mine they're not bringing in the stuff to fight they're not bringing in that crazy stuff um a bunch of crossbows and um like their best gear to fight they're just going in with that pickaxe to get the ore and get out so um so yeah you don't have to worry about people as much but I'd say make sure to turn all the lights off around you all the lanterns and stuff off around you when you mine so that people can't see you and crossbow you in the head when you're not looking um now the other ores you can sell Cobalt I believe sells for about 30 um 30 gold uh in ore um but I don't really recommend selling your Cobalt I'd recommend putting it into your armor and then selling your Ruby silver and until like you're a lot higher level um so yeah Cobalt I recommend getting your armor or putting that towards your armor at first and then Ruby silver kind of wait and then eventually put it into your armor um but first off I just recommend getting the armor with it or not the armor sorry uh selling it sell sell your Ruby silver turn your cart into cart colart yes turn your colart into armor um yeah and like before um if you need like Francesca axes or some you just buy them from The Woodsman I really don't understand why you'd mine iron for that and it doesn't sell for much either so just honestly don't go for iron unless you need it for a quest um and copper as well unless you really want the copper armor the copper light armor I don't understand why you would though it's just not as good as uh like the cob bals and Ruby silver counterparts so I just don't recommend that either um like if you want to get a ton of gold though in the ruins then be my guess that stuff sells for an absurd amount you can sell it for the different kinds of keys like you'll see a lot of people are selling it uh their gold ingots um for keys and more than just gold like you'll see look at this guy he's selling it for 900g and that's just three gold ingots that's ridiculous that's ridiculous um and I've seen a lot of people sell their gold stuff for Keys as well I mean these different keys can be used to get better loot for you um and so that's why they're so uh valuable anyways guys that's mostly it if you have any more questions regarding the or just ask in the comments there's um you can also look it up yourself I'm not like 100% knowledgeable on all this stuff but I do know a good amount about the ores and all that right now you can see I'm actually saving up my Cobalt and I have a template armor ready so I can buy or craft some armor um from the armor I'm going to go ahead oops sorry I'm going to go ahead and craft this Cobalt template armor when I have enough um but yeah make sure you're very careful make sure you're familiar with the maps before you start going to mine though honestly because if you're just walking around aimlessly trying to find some ores you're not going to get much of anywhere um like it's going to take you a while to find any if you're just going aimlessly make sure you know exactly where they are make sure you clear everything out first so you're not going to be shot in the back um and just be careful when you're going around your ores and um honestly that's it for this guys honestly um there's not much else to say um ores are pretty simple but I feel like I explained them in in depth and enough for you guys to understand if you want to know exactly where they are um I'm not sure honestly with these new maps I'm not sure I know there's a few rooms especially on the goblin caves where you'll see a ton of the ores um except gold gold is only on the ruins like I said before um so yeah if you want to know where they are exactly then you're going to have to ask someone else um I apologize for that I just don't know I'm not uh I'm not too knowledgeable with this game but I know a lot about the certain certain aspects of it I've been watching content on this game for a long time and I've been playing for a while so um that's going to uh be it for this time guys um if you have any questions make sure to ask in the comments all that good stuff and I'll see you next time
Channel: Gehnz
Views: 640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Commentary, Tutorial, Dark and Darker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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