Darcy putting Caroline Bingley in her place : a collection

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I believe I can guess your thoughts at this moment I should imagine not you are thinking up in the support will it be to spend many evenings in such tedious complain no indeed my mind was more agreeably engaged I've been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman canister and may one tarrasque lose of the eyes that inspired these reflections Miss Elizabeth Bennet I am all astonishment [Music] I'm afraid mr. Parr see that this escapade may have affected your admiration for her fine eyes not at all they were brightened by the exercise and what do you do so secretly sir there's no secret I'm writing to my sister oh did you Jonah how are we long to see her is she much grown since the spring is she as tall as me she's now about Miss Elizabeth Bennet's height or little taller miss Eliza Bennet let me persuade you to follow my example and take a turn about the room it's so refreshing would you not join us mr. Darcy that would defeat the object no what do you mean sir can you mean I think we would do better not to inquire may we insist on knowing your meaning sir why that your figures appear to best advantage when walking and that I might best admire them from my present position nothing so easy tease him laughing he is a man without fault is he indeed a man without fault that is not possible for anyone but it has been my study to avoid those weaknesses which expose a strong understanding to ridicule such as a vanity perhaps pride noce vanity is a weakness indeed but pride whether it's a real superiority of mind pride will always be under good regulation I have faults enough Miss Bennet but I hope they're not of understanding my temper I cannot vouch for it might be called resentful my good opinion once lost is lost forever that is a failing indeed but I cannot laugh at it I believe every disposition has a tendency to some particular evil your defect is a propensity to hate everyone well yours is willfully to misunderstand them shall we have some music I've never in my life seen anyone so much older this year since the winter quite so much Brown Louisa and I were agreeing that we should hardly know her what do you say mr. Darcy I noticed no great difference yes I suppose a little tan hardly surprising in one travel to the Sun for my part I must confess I never saw any beauty in her face her features most tall handsome her complexion has no brilliancy Oh her teeth are tolerable I suppose but nothing out of the common way and as for her eyes which I have sometimes heard called fine I could never perceive anything extraordinary in them and altogether there's a self-sufficiency without fashion which I find intolerable I think find a reputed beauty I particularly call you mr. Darcy one night after they've been dining at Netherfield saying she a beauty I should have soon call her mother a wit but afterward she seemed to improve on you I even believe you thought her rather ppreciate one time yes I do that was only when I first knew her it has been many months now since I have considered her one of the handsomest women of my acquaintance
Channel: Celine
Views: 156,162
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Id: xO2CEVvnJr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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