DanTDM Learns to Ski!

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hey guys down here another random one for you today when ski lifts go wrong I wanted to play this because it looks a lot like happy wheels and let me tell you you guys want me to play happy wheels every single day but it's it's not a good game anymore it's just not the levels of trash little bottle runs and flip Billy or whatever it's called so hopefully this is a saving grace you play as the player and you also play as the builder of the levels so it's kind of like a puzzle game mixed with happy wheels at the same time I'm pretty sure anyway well let's find out campaign it should let us go through levels solve the puzzle and also control the guy as well there's loads of different levels in these sub levels let's let's do open you in I have no idea how to play but that's play it should be cool welcome to the Rocky Mountains you look like you should be in another game hey I'm Jimmy and I'll teach you the basics please take a look around hold the left mouse button to move around great you can also zoom in and out oh yeah all chairlifts require a cable between the start and the end stations drag the handle along the dashed line to connect it to the target done time to test the chairlift press play to enter simulation mode here we go guys it's working so do we need to get the character to that Oh you've killed your first passenger No oh no they're all dying wait hold on hold on a second this isn't just my first they're all dying oh no this guy almost made it though come on come on at least have one survived you once made it you made it yes get out of here there garden into the midst of death ok let's not this let's reset the chairlift cable and make some changes wheels are used to guide the chairlift around the terrain the cable can go under or over the wheels ok wheels spot but I see so now we can go under here and over the top and make it safe no need to kill a person well done time to test get one person to the finish line to complete the level but here he goes that all Jimmy is going quick or we can ride a follower I wanted to go into first person mode that'd be amazing we can actually throw these guys as well but there's no on words on would Betsy like controlling it no come back next this is kind of cool I like this so we have to get them to it and then send them through a portal build planks from existing nodes oh this is getting a little bit complex plank draw a plank from node 1 to node 2 okay you can build two planks at once to create triangles oh okay that's quite cool now when he wheel on the top and then we can drag this over the top and we can get our passengers to safety oh no maybe not that one broke this should be fine though I hope no no not cool did he land in the trash can poor friend what happened there that's how it collapsed cuz it wasn't built with triangles you set me up didn't you didn't you how dare he we're learning lots about construction today guys is that it it should be made of strong triangles that's not let's forget about him let's go back to the other one there we go Jimmy number two come on Jimmy get over that little bit yes and through the magic portal to there oh wait can we control him now yes oh this is kind of cool is this like it's like a loop I hope we can have one where we get them to the end of the stair lift but then can create the course as well oh dude there's a big mess here delete the planks we no longer need delete delete ah we can move these as well okay that looks better other than look to you bad wheel and now we can fix this amazing oh this guy is looking pretty snazzy stress indicator you can view the stress on your structures oh I thought that would be the stress on the individuals riding the ride but it's not it's fine we're good well that's bad not again whoops we've killed someone else the first plank to break in the simulation is red add some planks to strengthen the tower okay that should work right play come on buddy make it this time hey what why why just keep breaking oh wait wait I think I know why we can do this we can do this-this-this that is a full-on rocket ship if this breaks there's no there's there's no helping so near 6570 we've made it deliver that rider we did it yes here we go ski school hey Kari I'll be your instructor for today ignore my advice and you can have a bad time character controls crouch and jump a and D it's a lean so this is the part where you go past the construction and in so playing as a skier clay or cheese oh geez no no no oh I made it I did not make it it's right again oh I forgot to jump okay let's do this so I can crouch underneath and then jump let's go give me this back flip double backflip whoops I like this but when does this come in is it after the construction I gotta do a front flip fine yeah oh boy next level you need to build a bridge to get the skier to the finish line you can build jumps from any point on the floor okay nice nodes turn green when they're securely connected the support building material is cheaper and lighter than jumps Bob up there you go done can we do this now go and get across buddy yes but we're done I'm so pleased I am a constructor a king constructor and also an a-grade skier who knew auger cello start with solid foundations select the building foundation material wall place foundations will save you time and money finish building the chairlift see ya thanks buddy end of tutorial okay we've got this so we just need to get them from A to B let's build triangles I think this is the best way to do it do we have money as well money's just kind of going up undo let's try this we need to put a wheel at the top though there we go we all boom now let's see if this will work this is my first solo chairlift Jimmy make it this is it we've done it yes hey good job Jimmy nail the dismount and get out of here through that portal we did it guys you can now view the objectives and the objectives panel get one rider past the line spend uh oh okay okay collect one medal as well I get it I've got it got the foundations for this one how I meant to get it over there triangles always think triangles so I think I think that'll do right we've put a wheel on each one we spent under 2000 and maybe like this we can go under that one let's see what happens it's klaris oh no it's not on the wheel but I think we made it I think we're good easy mode this stuff is easy I'm quitting YouTube and becoming a ski instructor no wait a ski mechanic no a ski architect that's what I'm gonna become stars and the main objectives I must be collected to pass the level collect the star and cross the finish line to pass the level all we can make a jump here ok this is cool whereas the jump been made already let's just press play and see what happens here we go ah ok no this is bad so I need to make this bigger can I add points ah yeah there we go and then we just need to connect these to the ground and here we go Jimmy problems away yes you got the medal as well what an absolute boss you got all three you got a piggy bank as well in the specified budget this game is kind of fun I like it welcome to oh there's a snowmobile as well the snowmobile training ground the safe is placed in the brookie mountains accelerate lean and change directions okay that's the wrong way change direction yes give me that oh oh oh stay on stay on she hasn't stayed on I thought you said this place was safe this is far from safe man I missed the medal you know what I might not have a shiny medal but at least I have my life am i right am i right you better hit the backflip all she hits the backflip yes this is a drag lift passengers must keep their skis on the snow passengers will let go if they are lifted into the air okay so we need to make this stay on the snow can we literally just do this will that work I think this might work let's drag this underneath BAM play go on buddy get dragged all the way up make sure you click that medal on the way okay can I move that I can still move the characters so I can help them out as well yes three percent strain we've made it we're out of here let's go do realize you can put their arms up man this architect's stuff is easy logs the stronger longer and heavier than planks follow the design okay log pop are they more expensive rope is good a holding tension but useless in compression this is getting a little bit deep right now I feel like a maybe a school an architect school finished constructing the chairlift okay I need to attach this attach this and I think I think that's good right like this that's not gonna get us the medal though that's why I'm worried about I don't know how you get the medal on that I was so close as well maybe I just had to make them shorter Steve the snowboarder has made it to make an insane progress you know oh man this three of them this time and we have to make our own foundations - this is definitely going to go wrong isn't it let's use logs but then we need rope as well there we go see I'm learning and always use triangles I don't think this is gonna go well I think our guy is going to die but hey you know what they came to our Park they read and signed the safety waiver I've spent 4,200 does that seem right I'm not sure let's see what happens this might actually be okay 20% tension we're not gonna get the meadow because it's not high enough oh the tree I forgot about the tree no whoops okay this thing is through this is better need to remember my triangles I also need to remember to put rope on this I spent a lot of money I don't even care as long as I complete it I'm good Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam plate this should have it the tension is pretty high okay this might fall when a second person gets on oh no it was a 20 but it was a it was a 90% we missed the middle just gets the ends get to the end was 100 no it's falling go go no it was so close what went wrong I need them to get over the tree uh it's just add more rope maybe play I spent like 2100 more than I was supposed to but it's looking pretty stable this time what made it go up to a hundred was an extremely heavy person on the ski lift I think so but I think we're good yes we made it good job Sally let's go whoo turbo jumps can be used to give your passengers some extra momentum you can change the direction and power of the turbo speed that's 200 set it to around 60 I've got it at 100 that's press play let's go you ready yes that was not as good as I thought it was gonna be to be honest but we made it and we're alive okay so another cool thing about this game is they have a workshop which means other players have made they've made levels jump over whole subscribe so do we have to build this and then make it so that our character gets all the way to the end with one halfway I'm pretty sure that's what's going on here look at this insane skill I'm showing of being an architect it's not even out to get our to doctor the architect is it engineer maybe Oren if this will work I doubt that will work well see what happens so first up we want two of these little guys only one of them we can control and that that's awkward that didn't work did it did it lads now don't you stroke his head what's going on we need to make a ramp a turbo ramp what happens if we just make a ramp that's like insane all the way up all the way up like this this is gonna be the most unstable thing in the world but it should be fun and it should work okay I have created a stupid thing I don't think it's going to work but there's only one way to find out we're in play God little man's are they on the same skis oh no oh no oh no the whole thing's gone down man why can you guys not just use the ramp properly huh it should be easier oh my goodness that looks so fast lean back no fine I'll be more sensible surely this will work like just one right this will work go how did that Oh what yes we made it stay up stay up stay up go backwards and just get picked up by the lift you've got this buddy I have no idea what's going on with you two one of them is dead sort yourself out Sall yourself out guys what they're doing is just jumping you're going the wrong way didn't work now this time guys you're gonna make it okay if you have to hug then hug oh geez it can't be this hard to make a jump right and for some reason yes yes pick him up pick him up pick him up pick him up not what are you doing what is happening why are these guys attached huh okay that works stop get on the chair go on the chair yes haha it worked wish your Birds game all the way to the top now 40 percent tension oh no oh no oh no a bit low bit low yes I think that worked oh no no where you going why why is there a portal there it sends you to the back somehow that was not supposed to happen how they get tangled how are they tangled I failed before I even got there yes yes he's alive can I pick him up from here yes I can no is the poison stay on this sea oh yes he's up he's up he's gone I don't know what happened to these portals I'm so confused I only need to get one through the through the thing but he goes through this portal and then just hangs out the other side I give up I give up there's no way he's destined to just land in the death mist hey that was when the ski lifts go wrong it wasn't exactly the happy ones that I was expecting but it was still pretty fun we had a love architect knowledge put into our brains today which I greatly appreciate so guys hope you enjoy this if you did please leave a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new and I'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 1,232,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dantdm game
Id: pY8EOWkwecA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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