Danny Carey | "Pneuma" by Tool

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hi friends it's Maddie here back at it again with another reaction video and today we're going to be listening to Danny Cary Numa by Tool this is a special request from Steve Taylor Steve clicked on the link in the description below and sent his request through and you can too and also if you guys happen to hear random snoring it's my puppy seven sleeping on my lap so just just in case all right let's get into it [Music] oh [Music] wo what is [Applause] that electronic drums [Music] [Applause] [Music] signature jum [Music] space [Applause] [Music] cool [Music] clean [Music] clean [Music] we are spirit let you this flesh go around one for nail down about you reach out beond this flesh become [Music] no we are well and [Music] wonder about you we remember we are one breath one word One SP Sun be [Music] coming [Music] wow oh my [Music] gosh he is so skilled what the heck he's his own metronome and just the amount the amount of control and Rhythm and memory capabilities that you need to have in order to perform such a clean drum I don't I guess he's playing the whole song so it's like a full song I would call it a drum solo but he's he's got a backing track right it's just it's so impressive his his like I believe that it's they're called snares right snares or high hats the symbols like his his capability to just hit and clasp hit and clasp it's it's so clean it's so good just just Talent okay let's keep going I've never heard of D Danny Cary I'm assuming that he's probably a drummer for a popular band or something or maybe he just solo drums everywhere but it's really impressive okay let's keep [Music] [Applause] [Music] going and also like the beat of this drama is kind of hard to [Music] like maintain like it's like this song it's a little bit off child wake up child really the light Wake Up Now child wake up childing wake up now [Music] child spirit [Music] Spirit [Music] spirit Spirit B you this flesh this God in this man this dream wait just remember we are of one breath one word what for Sun [Music] beinging [Music] n [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] you [Music] reach down beond wake come remember we are one one word one small I full of [Music] wonder [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] wow key super talented I mean like can I even I'm trying to like rub my rub my belly and like like Pat your head and rub your belly at the same time because I feel like you multiply that by like 2,000 and that's that's the kind of Rhythm and and just capability that someone has to have to be able to keep a rhythm change the Rhythm and continue on for what was that 11 minutes and 47 seconds without any sort of fault or issue I mean you guys let me know maybe he messed up somewhere I did I don't think that he did also I don't know the song so maybe he did but it sounded perfect to me and that was extremely cool to watch I love an amazing drummer drum drums and bass are my favorite favorite favorite than to watch because like I've said many times before they create the ground they create the Earth for the rest of the band to stand on the Rhythm that drives the song and that can enter people's hearts the rest of the rest of the landscape is beautiful it's like the painting they are the back of the the picture they're they are like the base they are the canvas that the other artists can lay their work on top of and in my personal opinion yes we need great guitar we need great vocals as well but if we don't have we don't have a foundation of an awesome bass and drum like set and drummer then the song can kind of feel flat you guys let me know in the comments what you think also I really like this guy so if you have any recommendations of more Danny Cary stuff that I canist to let me know and just so you guys know I didn't dislike this Tool song maybe because it was accompanied by a really cool drummer and it wasn't like creepy like The Sober video that we watched um yeah I didn't like I didn't just like this Tool song it was cool it was a little bit the beat is interesting because it's kind of like it's structured but it's off it's like slightly off account so it's like when you're when you're kind of like jamming to it I mean like it it feels a little bit different but it wasn't bad I didn't dislike it I liked it and I liked watching the drummer so you guys let me know in the comments if there's any other D Danny stuff that I can listen to if you haven't already make sure you like this video And subscribe if you like me make sure you do it if you don't make sure you do it anyways and until next time we'll see you bye
Channel: MaddyReactions
Views: 15,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, streamer, reaction videos, girl reactions, girl reacts, funny content, entertainment, reaction content, maddyreactions, MaddyReactions, Itsmattymay, reaction, american reacts, musicvideoreaction, reacting, react, cute girl, cute girl reacting, cute reactions, music, american music, uk music, korean music, universal music, German music, yallternative, alternativegirl, mixed girl, curly hair, americangirl, cutegirl, cuteamerican, black girl, beautiful woman, model, curve model
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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