My First Sebastian Bach Experience! Skid Row Vocal ANALYSIS of "I Remember You"

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[Music] welcome back to the charismatic voice where I have a short list of bands that I want to listen to for the first time that is really not that short on that list is skid row and I've been wanting to listen to them for three years now frankly I'm a little bit embarrassed that I haven't heard Sebastian Bach yet maybe I was just waiting for the right moment but the moment does not need to be perfect to listen to awesome music music can strike us anywhere at any time so so now is the moment let's get to [Music] it the sound of [Music] pouring wind whis and I think of you and all the tears you cry that call my name [Music] this H is so much softer than I thought I was getting myself into for some reason I've had this idea of skidrow being just edgy uh being yeah I I I hear skid row and I think about Los Angeles and skro which is just o Bleak Place sometimes there's some corners of it that have really really cool things going on but mostly you go there and you're confronted by this horrible situation of so many people that are homeless and why can't we help them more so skidrow has all kinds of undertones in that meaning and I thought that this was going to be like really really edgy and angry it's like very soft and lovely yes it did get into a little heavier rock at one point but acoustic guitar for beginners was just like what what where did I go wrong here okay back to the beginning it's [Music] like [Music] lovely the sound of pouring the wind whisper and I think of you and all the tears you cry they call my me I came [Music] through okay let's talk a little bit about Sebastian box vocals there is beautiful through line with his his breath it sounds like everything I'm hearing is being carried by the breath which is what should be happening with any vocal his though it it's almost like you can hear this start of the ocean surf from far away which is like the breath gearing up and then you just hear it all pass by and it's like has little bubbles underneath it and you hear how that carries an entire Melody it's just it's beautiful some of the most audible carrying of breath and music that I've heard in a single here I'm going to go back one more time and point out some of the areas that I'm specifically hearing that [Music] in it's just it's so [Music] lovely so I still hear after the Inn of rain rain it's like it's almost like there's a crusting of the wave of breath over that constant there's uh even when he starts it sounds like he's jumping onto the [Music] surf and you can definitely hear after you there's it's like he's getting rid of the last bit of breath was in the system you don't want to have stagnant air in your system okay like lots of singers do the opposite thing where they get too much air that then become stagnant and they can't really use it very well for singing so it sounds like he's getting rid of stagnant air or sort of leftover Air at the end of that phrase and you hear him take a breath in and go straight back into the song it's important for breath in singing that you don't take a breath and then hold it before coming back in on a note you need to take that breath and the moment you take that breath you are already committed to singing you need to plan that breath at the right time take that breath and then jump in on that wave and just go you can hear it sounds like he doesn't even have a break in this process whatsoever because he's letting the stagnant air go and immediately bringing a breath in right afterwards to jump into the next phrase it's all cyclical and it started the moment that the song [Music] Started wind whisper and I think you and all the tears you cry they call my name get up for [Music] extension When Love went you would make me see I Spar last time into your eyes and I knew that you there for me m [Music] you that sounds like that sounds like a course to me that we just got into I want to point out a couple more things I'll go back and then let us get into this chor one of them is that this is very rangy you guys probably knew this already cuz you've been recommending Sebastian moach for a long time but it it is imp impressive to me how it's super rangy and when it goes up into the top The Voice actually gets even more concentrated it gets like a little extra heft because he's not flipping over um not going into an upper register he's really narrowing and focusing his sound really really well I like the way he's it feels like he's sort of threading a needle with his sound up there to keep it super gathered a lot more air is flowing in this part and a lot more energy in the [Music] top right there there's like a needle thread in the concentration of the [Music] voice is that such a cool little [Applause] [Music] break that I feel S I Remember You The True sleep night through a foress day I want to see [Music] I ooh okay there were a couple oh gosh there were several things in here I'm going to have to go back and and try and like whack-a-mole them as they're coming up one of the big things happen here just at the very end I'll just come back and point it out right away because there's this rundown and a lot of times when people are doing a descending extended run like this they let the sound sort of drop back and lose energy it's already going down in Pitch it's already going to be losing energy if you keep that feeling of it coming forward continually presenting the sound out this way it can help prevent it from feeling like it chunks back and you lose your audience's attention when that happens I'll go back one more time see if I can catch that moment and then I'll go way back and whack them [Music] all it's actually a very long phrase to do that in two okay way back [Music] now me y so on remember there's this little sort of call off that I've heard a bunch of times but I hear it right there especially remember he's accenting this with a a play in the pitch essentially and things like this are things that sometimes we lose in contemporary music production because he is playing with the pitch there to EMP ize it if you were to use some sort of pitch correction software you would lose that emphasis if people use pitch correction today I think really successfully they have to do it so lightly you definitely can't tell it's there and and be careful to not sacrifice expression for this weird idea that something is is perfect in Pitch is so much more important to bring heart than it is to bring Perfection so back one more time check that out again so it happens right on B there's a little like a tiny slide down off of [Music] [Applause] [Music] it other thing in here that's really fun is even though it's going up and down a lot it's all one phrase he does a lot with just one [Music] breath here we go there's that phrase there was no breath there it was a little Glide between so that went up and down three times essentially there was a tiny break that had no breath it was what sometimes we'll call that scanning where maybe you have a slight lift but you're not actually taking a breath your first breath was the one that went all the way through so after remember yesterday right after that is where this entire phrase [Music] [Applause] [Music] starts that was a [Music] scam through a foress day I want to see I remember [Music] you let it keep going for now the top Ro down wish never would be like this you said I love you babe without a sound I my so many fascinating interjections there from I think electric guitar was a one that was like doing a little talkative thing back and forth at one point that was cool uh overall his tone quality actually has a lot of nasality in it gives it cut can give it some clarity too but a lot of people will Veer away from nasality and say oh no no no that's bad I don't want to sound nasal as if it's something that's just I think that's a very subjective thing honestly I think people can have an extremely nasal voice and be extremely successful in music I don't know why there's a sort of idea that nasality is bad in general when there's so many successful artists that have it in their sound it actually sounds like a similar balance of soft pallet drop when you when your soft pallette is down your sound can exit more through your nose and if it's just partially down we get this combination right of exiting through the nose or exiting through the mouth and that percentage will be part of what determines nasality in the sound so klouse from the Scorpions has I think a similar mix in his sound of nasality where it actually goes quite nasal at times yet many people consider it very very beautiful uh and definitely has a wonderful Clarity to so just food for thought like what what how much nality is good in a sound what do you think I'd love to hear your comments if you're there with me in the Live premiere in the chat that's so much fun I love chatting with you guys there or just write them on the video below and look at other people's comments thumbs up comment have this big discussion how much nality do you like in music and be respectful because some people will have other preferences and that is totally fine it is actually really really wonderful I think to have that kind of of diversity back and play once [Music] more we SP with there's some at the [Music] end ow that's actually very Amal right there for smile for [Applause] [Music] yesterday I remember you s night foress I want to see I remember [Music] gosh that was that was such an adventure in in vowel formation right there and you his U Val up high has consistently been more closed than I expected him to be able to maintain it while maintaining a really nice sound nice tone up there and he's able to have a very closed oo vowel on top without dropping as much that uh that is not the common Trend most people need to drop that jaw more for the top uh additionally I just I keep thinking okay for me when does it become to nasal because this is definitely not to Nal I think he's actually using it very effectively and as a way to gain some more cut as a way to keep the sound really forward so it doesn't ever feel like too chunky to get up over the top uh I think that nasality bothers me when somebody doesn't have a a sort of like graduation a gradual approach between tones if suddenly their soft palette is dropping or suddenly it's going up so I get like a jarring sense between nasality and lack of nasality that that bothers me uh I think that there needs to be the sense of the same person singing the whole time and that there can be changes right it just not sudden Mass changes I don't want to feel like I'm in one room and then in another room essentially uh but gosh beyond that is is is there ever a time when there's too much nasality I don't know if I could find an example of that you guys can recommend some to me below though that'll be fun let's go back and then keep [Music] going SLE night to foress day [Music] that's that exciting vowel uh Journey you is the vowel it's definely not staying on it's going through at least three other vowels on the way there to the [Music] end I remember you [Music] and it all Weise we okay I was GNA say that handoff to the guitar was really good and I feel guilty for pausing it but there were like two things we got to go back and check out so one of them is this crazy awesome super clear death thong for the wind right the idea that like two vowels put into one but actually instead he made him like more than that it's fun we'll catch it and then uh very impressive breath support there he's got incredible efficiency at the true vocal Fold level not only can he take a good breath and use it but if you don't have efficiency here there's no way you can make it through some of these long phrases that he's doing that means that the connection of when those vocal folds come together and go whacka whacka whacka that it is very clean full connection uh yet not too heavy not too light at the same time it's just really really good efficiency see if I can catch that I want to I [Music] that's my favorite Babble Journey still that's the and it all [Music] we may that is that is your wonderful dip thong let's do that one more [Music] time brilliant [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh so so this solo to me does not feel like Bach just saying I when you guys first started recommending Sebastian Bach I was like wait is is he related I don't think so maybe some warer in his past maybe possibly but this this solo sounds like Mozart I think it sounds like Mozart to me there's a descending pattern in there that feels like something I've done and in some Mozart pieces before on the piano and the big leaps make me think of Mozart 2 he was very fond of of that especially when he put it in there to screw up singers um but it was really fun how you have some of those slides and the extra Distortion and definitely the tone quality I feel like if Mozart was living today I think he might have a ton of fun writing for electric guitar I don't know what it would sound like but it might sound like [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] w oh hand back [Music] nice so now as I'm seeing some of the visuals we definitely have lots of moment with uh lots of moments with homelessness as well but then there's lots of things that feel very romantic right we've got a very ballad kind of piece going on and I'm honestly a little confused about what the storyline is here I'm trying to piece it together it sounds like I it might be a homeless person that is longing for a loved one and so maybe that's our our wrap in um but I like the way that I was expecting something that felt so much more edgy gritty overall and with the idea of skidrow in it and this feels like it's soft and warm big big emotions for sure um and it's just painting a different picture it's uh it's really [Music] beautiful dream of you but nothing else could ever take you wow I love that as he's singing this here in the music video you actually hear a lot of that same uh same use of the enunciators in the recording you can hear him singing through his teeth you can see as he's uh singing it in the music video you can see that extra anunciation with the lips surrounding the teeth that's [Music] cool but nothing else could ever take you away I love that that is really really nice such a fantastic little dollop there of extra Furious expression else take you my [Applause] [Music] dreamday hand that I feel sa I remember you through the sleepless nights through every day I want to be I you remember yester I have to add the token hair hair comment wow there is some amazing hair going on in the band it's like we have like some Pantene Pro Pro profume what was that brand called again anyhow got some serious hair conditioner commercials that could be going on [Music] here night so ironic that we're saying I remember you I remember you I remember you but I'm dropping and walking all over your photographs I guess sometimes the memories need to to settle in rest that made me sad [Music] okay I remember you through the sleepless nights through every day I want to be I remember you remember [Music] yesterday love [Music] interesting he's definitely adding a little bit of fry into that sound I want to I you remember [Applause] [Music] yesterday I like that as as just a very early use of that expression right the idea that it's getting just totally beyond what clean singing can express anymore with The [Music] Angst remember [Applause] [Music] yesterday I you throughout the fless night through every I want to I remember [Music] once again with the ridiculously long phrases and great breath control oh my God back one more time wow love that I I you throughout the FL night through every I want oo there was an extra Harmony in there I missed the first [Music] [Music] time he has so much fun with the expression on the way down it's it's like you get a little glimmer of Robert planton there and the way he's playing with these notes it's not just picking out pitches but it's picking out all of the fun mouth shapes to go with it and really taste each [Music] [Music] moment that's [Music] F back to [Music] soft I love how this song is combining this narrow targeted powerful sound from Sebastian Bach with a much broader yet still very powerful strong underlying instrumental and then of course you have the balance of this soft beginning soft end there's even a little soft reprieve moment in there it feels massive yet warm oh while having a voice that has this cut and nasality in it so many different pleasing balances within the entirety if you have any other recommendations for Sebastian Bach and skidrow please write them in the comments below or you can rattle them off in the YouTube Premiere but we count the comments below we look for your suggestions there let me know what else you would like to hear and I'm going to link you to some other songs that y'all have suggested in this playlist here may you fall more in love with music every [Music] day
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 366,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OwIx6GXKxxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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