I headbang for the first time! Rage Against The Machine Vocal ANALYSIS of "Know Your Enemy"!

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welcome back to the charismatic voice I like to think of myself as a rather happy peaceful kind of person but Rage Against the Machine makes my bubbly blood boil 30 years after they initially hit the scene they seem to have only gained relevance this is the kind of music that I totally missed as a kid but it is freaking thrilling as an adult to get to discover so let's get to it but first a quick word about today's sponsor who protects me from some of my enemies I just Googled myself and it disgusts me how much of my personal information that I thought I had kept private was actually available online the online world is anything but safe and no matter how careful you are data Brokers can still get a hold of and sell your information to scammers and spammers and anyone else with nefarious intentions your full name your email your home address health records your relatives it's all out there that's why I been using AA the sponsor for today's video Ora shows me which data Brokers are selling my information and then automatically submits opt out requests on my behalf AA has literally removed hundreds of instances of my data being sold check out all of these automatic opt outs that aura found and submitted since I've started using them I have received less junk email thank goodness I've also added to Aura additional email addresses and other information so that I can get even more protection Aura protects me from things like hackers who could use this information to get access to my social media accounts bank accounts and much more plus it has other features like antivirus VPN password management identity theft Insurance and even parental controls all in one app having all these features in just one place makes Aura affordable and convenient which makes me more likely to continue protecting myself Aura is is always on always Vigilant I'll get texts and emails when something has gone ay and Aura will automatically lock anything sensitive down this gives me peace of mind so that I can focus on more awesome things like music and being a mom I highly recommend Aura to any of you who value your privacy for those of you in the US I'm going to be linking to a free twoe trial in the description below you can sign up and immediately see who is selling your Deets and put a stop to it go to https color.com charismatic voice to get your free trial now let's enjoy some peace of mind and music at the same [Applause] [Music] time oh go come on L it was all y'all that made this happen you want a weapon let's see some fist up in the sky Hey thought it couldn't be done and it was done check it [Music] out [Music] that looks like a very very rowdy crowd and I don't blame them because the groove that this whole band finds together is amazing and then the switch into another gear it's like it it feels like I'm in a race car whenever I listen to a Rage Against the Machine song it like there are moments when you sort of will shift down and then shift back up and then just blaze and take a corner way too fast but somehow make it through still uh what a rush just in some of the initial initial music let's go back to the beginning I'm going to talk about a few more more of those things I really like in [Applause] detail first the way that that riff is so straight and feels almost um like mechanical they present so much contrast in the future or futur RI with that right this like swung beat underneath it's super swung too really strange contrast it was all yall that made this happen you were a weapon let's see some fist up in the sky and Zach deoa has so much power even in his speaking voice he he has conviction in the way that he speaks in the way he presents himself uh this singing the rapping everything about it is just it feels like it's some sort of force of nature that's coming out in a human voice Jack [Music] Jack come on it was all y'all to make this happen you want a weapon let's see some fist up in the sky hey D it couldn't be done and it was done check it [Music] out that's a great smile too yeah we're about to go everybody get the [ __ ] up when he says something I shouldn't even say say it's like it's so much more than say when he uh howls something because when somebody howls right you're going to pay attention that's what I'm going for when he howls something you cannot help but pay attention it's like ears up like what what's he telling me to do oh I should bounce we're going to bounce it's command he is commanding wow AR ah sorry to pause again but there's a um a thing written on Tom morel's guitar Tom Morell not Tim Morell y'all I can't I still can't believe I accidentally called him Tim the first time that I saw sorry sorry Tom Morello um he has this thing on his guitar arm the homeless I was there was a like little YouTube thing about that you guys can watch it maybe we'll put it in the the description so that you can go check that out there's a full story behind that it's kind of [Music] cool [Music] got they are such a good Ensemble everybody get the [ __ ] up okay W with inside and a raised fist a witness through the snit fist that's with Mo in the 92 still in the room without without a few you got to know you got to know then what I for def I'm with a furious mind that your mustle take we don't need we'll break it something must be gone Ben a bad and a RI the ri the stage R the system I was warn to R against fist in your face in the face and a try to stop clearly no your wow I I have got Shivers for reasons other than I normally get Shivers I often will feel um totally struck by this beautiful gorgeous vocal moment or you know a High notor um often it's just a ton of uh like showing incredible seeing technique that is a way to imbue emotion onto a crowd this I'm getting shivers just from the rage the it is pure emotion that I feel through this and maybe it has something to do with the guitar underneath there's a really cool cool guitar R that's happening in there oh my gosh guys I'm turning into such a metal head I I love guitars um okay we're going to go back some I'm going to talk about that awesome guitar bit underneath and also talk about some of what brings so much power into the vocal with this side and a raised fist a witness to the slit F that's with Bo in the 92 still in the room with out a you got to know you got to know I Furious so when he's rapping it has it has a lot of Melody to it not the same kind of Melody as you would think about with singing um but it has melodic centers as he's going along like high low low low medium high low this kind of thing where there's emphasis and a lot of times he will go up at the end so it feels like an exclamation that's happening at the end of each phrase and then at the end not only is it up and Pitch but it also is often drawn out so it feels like there's not only an exclamation but he's like strangling more sound out of it the voice sounds very open I don't think is actually strangling his voice but this just adds more emphasis to the already incredible lyrics he's written and I heard my favorite guitar Li that I found so far in this song just a moment ago so we're g to go back one more time with a ra fist a witness to the S that's with SP in the room without you got to know you got to know what I o I think that was maybe a combination of both guitar and bass actually there but it's like and then it goes back down that part so I think we have both oh my gosh both Tim and Tom oh as if it could be more confusing so I think we have both Tim and Tom Tom Tim hitting that up with this last part I love that raising line it's a it's spine tingling de signed a rais fist a witness to the SL2 got to know I I'm with a furious mind must be take we don't need we'll break it something must be gone a b and a r the r the stage RI the system I was BN to against in your face and the face trying to stop cleaning me wow I love the way that after know you're enemy man that that is shouted out almost like a really really rapid pz dispenser uh but I love the way that the moment after that there's a drop in the sound and then you have this cool riff from uh Mr Tom [Music] MLL w w oh that was cool I like that sound so much jumping hopefully you have good good knes come on Lord is Bor fight that was cool he's like playing with just just a one hand come on [Music] L is that's awesome fight the wall now I got no patience don't stick up the after I at and eful revolutionary a clear Lane the fre in the land of the strange what the land of the freak whoever told you that it's your enemy now something must be and a wow gosh it it really it rils me up wow I think this is this is just incredible this is what awesome awesome music and great lyrics can do and uh I I do like the way obviously these lyrics are very targeted at specific proms that I think uh America has gone through for a while and I think many other countries have had similar problems but you could take these and expand them a little bit and to apply to so many different kinds of problems I heard one person that was saying that I that they took this and applied it essentially to beating cancer that's amazing those kinds of lyrics to rile a person up and help them conquer something incred incredible that feels unconquerable in life yeah yeah that's that's the kind of music we need lots of in life having it something to Rally behind help us through the most trying of times brilliant [Music] back I'm gonna pause it again sorry I just I noticed myself having this battle it's a little bit ridiculous um as an opera singer you would think of course I want people to sing along right I love singing I really love singing y'all I don't know if you got that from the channel but there is something so appealing about tons of people rapping together in the audience I'm thinking to myself if they're just if they're just speaking the words well hollering them howling them then they're not as worried about getting exact pitches or maybe their vocal technique a lot of times is it possible that it feels even more empowering to the audience when they're uh rapping along rather than singing along sometimes you just need to burst out and let it sing and I know that there's all kinds of studies about housing can help people with depression can essentially give people a a better sense of community there's so many benefits to singing I wonder how many of those extend to group rapping I don't think we've really had any studies done on that and is it is it more infectious to be wrapping along with a crowd versus singing with a crowd I don't know I haven't been in that situation of rapping along with a crowd if y'all are in live chat with me I would love to know your experiences right now we're just going to go back and I'm going to keep thinking about that I'm sure come on oh I like that R is B fight the wall now I got no patience don't stick up the plac after I at it and the SE find for revolutionary a clear L the fre to the land of the change what the land of the freak whoever told you that it's your enemy now something must be done about V A B rip the rip the stage rip the system I was to against wow wowow so get the point here there we go looking back yeah so Brad wil right wil it reminds me of like milk and wine combined which someone says is delicious but uh will Ramos I don't believe you still um the this drummer Mr W is this combination of two things that I didn't really know was possible in drumming I think it has aggression which I've seen plenty of times but it's also laidback like the kind of laidback that I see in a lot of jazz bands or combos like like a good swing dancing kind of laidback those two things together I just I didn't know it could happen and he combines them so well I think that it's part of this combination that is so appealing to people cuz there is it feels like the aggression is almost more real and more grounded it's fascinating to me whoever told you that it's your enemy now something must a r the r the stage rip the system there's that so ooh I got [Music] no [Music] got I think this is the part that mayor James Kenan sings on the track I think I think so let me know if I'm wrong when I was looking at the lyrics uh I saw that it said he was a guest and that I think he does the bridge and I think this is the bridge so I believe that's the case here it's kind of fun because we get to hear Zach sing but I feel like it feels almost uh like he's turned his burner to low because he's so used to just blazing out the sound and this instead feels like a quiet kind of intensity that would also that makes me think of maned very well loved the the jump stop that we had from uh Tom Morell there in the middle that was cool uh I'm going to come back a little bit and listen to it more thoroughly now though because I was just like is that the spot is that the spot I've been wondering where mayard was in there in the the studio album not now obviously Sy that's actually such a great example of that Hi l Hi l Hi l um and each time it's like going up he is essentially creating a Melody within rap which is just so cool r i was to against now action must be taken it sounds so [Music] dangerous I like how adds a whispery [Music] wow the time has come through wow what a great way to bring your audience in he did such a fantastic job of using his breath and the proximity of the mic to add intensity there that was super cool and I like the way he did that while kneeling down Ah that's just that's fascinating I feel like singers could learn so much from that [Music] [Music] moment H it feels really pined out ch [Music] ch the time has come [Music] to who circles in the [Music] [Applause] audience oh [ __ ] [Music] oh [Music] okay I think I'm allowed to pause now wow wow like I feel like my hair just left my my head it's still there I it's still there it just feels like it's not there anymore that was so incredible like l lasers were flying out of his guitar like my hair was leaving its head um but it was all heard oh my gosh okay we're going to go back the time has come to that's like a mail storm and a The [Music] [Applause] Crow oh [Music] [ __ ] he took the words out of my mouth the ones that I wouldn't say on camera um the it the initial attack with all of that bending it reminds me of a cat but like a cat that is totally headbanging and somehow has a microphone that's been attached inside of its larynx and it probably doesn't like it very much [Music] o o it's a cat with angry bees in its stomach okay that's what it really [Music] is oh [Music] [ __ ] and the bees are coming loose I love the tambers oh and I so he's coming back to that sort of like really mechanical thing there was echoed at the beginning here but throughout there's been this uh very electronic edge obviously electric guitar but like it feels even more tinny and it reminds me of some retro video games uh space ones that have lots of lasers of course and be's and cats love this syncopation there too oo it'sing and that goes super retro he has so many pedals nice oh it's Shifting the key heck [Music] yeah that sounded like a police siren the way that they shift tempos in here is just so good it's one of the things I like the most about them as a van is the way they're really fluid and their Tempo adjustments but still in sync ooh it's good stuff [Music] [Music] windy more jumping why am I breathing hard your my enemy we got the teacher who Tau me to fight me yeah [Music] compromise [Music] assimilation wait did they did they have they decided that that moment of him spitting near the camera was like the sexiest moment they possibly had to take from who who chose that one yeah compromise formity who assimilation commission hypocracy brutality world of w American Dream wow world of w American Dreams all of which American Dreams all of which American Dreams all the americ whoa whoa that so like this feels like almost cartoon like we're going to go back and listen to the section one more time but the way that it revved us up and we were just like wow yeah we're just totally totally bounc and headbanging getting revved up for something and then it feels like I had an anvil drop in my bounce in my stomach as the audience was singing all of which are American Dreams what a gut Anvil it's not a gut punch it's a gut Conformity assimilation Dom Miss hypocracy brutality roll of American Dream R of which your American Dreams Lord of which your American Dreams all the W American Dreams all the W American [Applause] Dreams the weight in my stomach it feels like it's hard to even sit underneath after all of that bouncing after all of the energy the incredible guitar solo um the message just hit home incredible if you want to see some more songs that I feel like hit home some more Rage Against the Machine some more stuff uh besides that I'll put up a playlist over here and may you fall more in love with music every [Music] day
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 233,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kKsaCese9ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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