Daniel Session12 Individual

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recently as we ended a Bible study series at my own church I told my staff I was never anxious to see one end one of the younger ones said even as much work as the last one was absolutely while on this earth serving people just like you and encouraging women to come to love my Christ more and more through the thrill of his word is what I live to do I have never had a Wilder and venturing God's words in this one thank you for letting me share this ride with you let's savor our final hour together on this journey through the pages of the Book of Daniel [Music] we are gonna have the ride of our lives ahead of us we're becoming aware of the time of Babylon that surrounds us [Music] [Music] so many parts of our journey have been unique this time around in the study of Daniel one of my very favorite parts has been that every single week on this platform we have had a different denomination and this week I thought it was fitting as we close it down to have a mix of many denominations and I could not think of a better group to represent that particular kind of unity than the staff of living proof ministries would you welcome my girls I'm telling you these are my darlings would you all turn with me to Daniel chapter 12 Daniel 12 can you believe it I've told you in your homework but just in case one or two of you has not quite completed your homework let me say it to you together I have never been prouder of a group of people in all of my time of teaching you have worked so incredibly hard and your teacher gives you an A plus plus plus plus plus as far as you could think of all those pluses you are a workman that needeth not be ashamed you you have endured through a very very difficult study I pray that it gripped you I wish I could tell you what state I was in by the time we got to that day five point our last day of homework when he says I am the Alpha and the Omega and he says it is finished and the question comes what is finished the plan complete the kingdom of God will come and Christ will present it to his father a job well done and we will embark upon eternity and so shall we ever be with the Lord what a mind bender and it has been a ride to get to share it with you and God is proud of you and I want you to sense that in your heart I want you to receive that in your soul here's I'm gonna do I'm gonna read all the way through the chapter and then we'll start to take it apart it says in verse one at that time Michael the Great Prince who protects your people will arise there will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then but at that time your people everyone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered some I say Amen verse 2 multitudes who sleep and the dust of the earth will awake some to everlasting life I want you to see as I say those two words that are so familiar to us from a New Testament perspective that that's the first time that particular phrase as such it's inferred it's said different ways but everlasting life appears right there coined for the first time it says some to everlasting life others to shame and everlasting contempt verse 3 those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever but you Daniel close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end many will go here and there to increase knowledge then I Daniel looked and there before me stood two others one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank one of them said to the men clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river how long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled verse 7 the men clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and I heard him swear by him who lives forever saying it will be for a time times and half a time when the power of the holy people has been finally broken all these things will be completed verse 8 I heard but I did not understand in case you have thought that a thousand times over 12 sessions 11 weeks of study that's exactly how Daniel felt so it's fitting for us I heard but I did not understand so I asked so when we ask my lord what will the outcome of all of this be do you hear the urge of the city of Daniel I think this this is so much like us in our humanity and it's it's it's something that God could expect out of us I think he wired us this way for Daniel to say there's so many things I don't understand but how does it pan out wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to know how does it all shake down when it's all said and done and he replied go your way Daniel because the words are closed up and sealed into the time of the end many will be purified made spotless and refined but the wicked will continue to be wicked none of the wicked will understand but those who are wise will understand from the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished that ought to be ringing huge bells to you these are very familiar concepts to us at this point and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1290 days keep that figure in your mind blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days asks for you go your way till the end you will rest and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance look back at the very beginning of the chapter for just a moment and I want to remind you of Michael he is an angel and arc angel one of the chief angels and we're told in that very first verse at that time Michael the Great Prince who protects your people will arise we've already studied that together in having my staff with me today I've had manda so on my mind coming in when if you're a young mom and there are things that your kids say that are so funny you'll still be saying them 20 years later so something about it it just sticks with you and I did what any other mom would do when my children were little I so much wanted to teach them the meaning of responsibility but with that big long it means and so I would try to tell her when I would instruct her to pick up her things or or whatever I might be asking her to do I would try to explain to her since these are your toys you see this is your what it's your responsibility so she could not say that long word so she would always say to me is that my pots Amami is that my pond so and so every now and then I'd ask her to help me pick up Melissa's things as you go that's not my pond so that's Alyssa sponsor that's not my pond sir I said well I know but I'm asking would you take some of Lissa sponsor and so to this day it's it's either your poncho or it's not your pots I say it to my staff members he'll try to help me out on something I go you know what I'm gonna really have to do this it's not your pond sir it's my puns angelically speaking Israel was Michael's sponsor his sponsibility what's-his-name who is like our god who is like our god and that was significant to me because the chief angel that we know anything about in Scripture and he has a name that every time someone said it they were reminded there ain't nobody like our God so that chapter opens with him and the speaking angel describes a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then but at that time so one of the most important concepts we will ever learn in Scripture look at this again but at that time your people everyone whose name is found written in the book will be delivered that brings us to the first point such an important point we have the assurance of Israel's deliverance and as you write that down I pray that you and I have gotten over that thing that we've talked about so many times since we've started this journey that not all Bible study has to be about us we can delight in studying God himself and studying about the chosen people of the Covenant Israel and seeing how important they are we haven't been able to be very heady about ourselves in this particular journey because we've had a hard time finding ourselves in this particular agenda this this is about Israel and the prophetic events are about Israel but you and I can know this that when all is said and done the Covenant people of God and we are those who are grafted in but Israel will be delivered and in the strange paradox of God I want you to understand this with me in God's drama unparalleled distress can set the perfect stage for unparalleled deliverance unparalleled distress can set the perfect stage I wonder who today is going through an unparalleled time of difficulty and if it's not now it will come it just we live on the planet Earth and it is just it's riddled with trouble I want you to notice some words that he says over here and starting at about verse five and we'll read through seven listen again he said then I Daniel looked in there before me stood two others now I want you to see this remember when we studied chapter 10 together and I've presented to you a case in your homework for the man in linen very possibly being Christ himself here it says that he Daniel looked and before him stood two others one on one make of the river one on the opposite bank and one of them said to them men clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river so he's got an angel here he's got an angel here and then hears them the man dressed in linen up hovering above the center of the river much like we saw way back when I believe it was in Daniel 8 verse 6 one of them said to the man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river how long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled the men clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river lifted his right hand in his left I'm going to come back to that toward heaven and I heard him swear by him who lives forever saying it will be for a time times and a half a time when the power of the holy people has been finally broken all these things will be completed when the power of the Covenant people he's talking about Israel there when that power and is talking about human power when they come want one rendering of the Hebrews when they come to the end of human strength well when when the back of rebellion is finally broken and yet we don't cast a stone there because we know that sometimes if not virtually every time that we are stopped from going on with God and from going into the place of promise that he has for us and fulfilling what he destined for us before the foundation of the world I'm talking about I'm talking about serving in full throttle effectiveness that the biggest thing that holds us back from that is the wall of our own stubbornness our own bowed backbone that's some of what's being shown there and he's talking about that power that that self will that desire to turn from it to rebell from it when it's finally broken and what blows my mind about that is that God's kindest intentions toward us can unfold it in the worst of circumstances that if if you can just work with me here a second that some of the kindest works God will ever unfold to us will be in the very worst of times where he says man I hate that this is going to hurt as bad as it's going to but I am jealous for you because I have something for you and somehow in God's economy girlfriends it is brokenness that ushers us to the breakthrough it is brokenness that brings the breakthrough it is hitting that breaking point that finally breaks that wall into and we can step on the other side of it it just is the economy of God I want you to see something here I promise you we go back to it look at the man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river lifting his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and it says I heard him swear by him who lives forever saying it will be for a time times and a half a time we're already very familiar with that terminology but do you notice that he lifts up both hands what what on earth is that about I want you to see something in the Book of Ezekiel turn with me to Ezekiel chapter 20 I want you to see the consistency of God's Word now in Ezekiel chapter 20 this is going to be God quoting himself it says in verse 5 and say to them this is what the sovereign Lord says on the day I chose Israel I swore with uplifted Hanne to the descendants of the house of jacob and revealed myself to them in egypt with uplifted hand I said to them I am the Lord your God on that day I swore to them that I would bring them out of Egypt into a land I had searched out for them a land flowing with milk and honey the most beautiful of all lands is that familiar to you the land beautiful the most beautiful of all lands and I said to them each of you get rid of the vile images you have set your eyes on and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt I am the Lord your God now I want you to press down to verse 39 and I want you to see what happens because in the verses that follow he begins to describe how they did exactly what he told them not to do and we've discussed this over and over that his big thing is do not have other gods before me that will lead to captivity every single time and so I want you to see as he brings it to verse 39 ask for you a house of Israel this is what the sovereign Lord says go and serve your idols every one of you but afterward you will surely listen to me and no longer profane my Holy Name with your gifts and idols for on my holy mountain the high mountain of Israel declares the sovereign Lord there in the land the entire house of Israel will serve me and there I will accept them and then it begins to talk about their restoration now listen to this picture God as if he would have to raise his hand and swear by his own name now I want you to look back at the Book of Daniel and understand the significance now if this is not a theophany if the man in linen here is a mighty angel then he is demonstrating the affirmation of this promise in God's behalf but think if it really is a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ I want you to imagine this with me because he tells Daniel at the end of this vision what is Daniel second half about the kingdom finally coming the distress that would occur before the kingdom comes then the kingdom coming so everything he has described if you have seen anything at all beloved sister you have seen that God is a planner he's a planner and what he's saying to Daniel here when when the angel asks in Daniels behalf how long till this all takes place and Daniel's gonna ask I just want to know how does it end this is over my head how does it end and the man in linen it says picks up his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and he heard him swear by him who lives forever so that's by the name of God saying it will be for a time times and half a time and then when the power of the holy people has been broken I will bring it to pass I will bring it to pass so he who had sworn you see in the word that they swear was one uplifted hand yet here we see the man in linen a two-hander I want you to understand something about everything that is yet to occur on the kingdom calendar it's a two-hander doesn't make it any more certain he's giving it a double affirmation I'll not just raise one hand on it I will raise two hands on it because as surely as I have brought everything to pass that I said I would up to this point it will surely come the affirmation of the promise I want you to see something with me turn with me to Revelation chapter 7 number 1 is we have the assurance of Israel's deliverance we've seen the bullet point in God's drama unparalleled distress can set the perfect stage for unparalleled deliverance and then I also want you to see some words in Revelation 7 I'll just look at 9 and 10 with you and then 13 and 14 after this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count from every nation tribe people in language standing before the throne and in front of the lamb and they were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands and they cried out in a loud voice salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb drop down to verse 13 then one the elders asked me these in white robes who are they and where did they come from and I answered sir you know and he said these are they who have come out of the Great Tribulation they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb I want you to understand something here this kind of distress that's going to lead to Israel's deliverance a distress like no other time like no other age will not just lead to Israel's deliverance but you see in Revelation chapter 7 every people every tribe every single nation will be represented before the throne of God every single one I'll not have you turn there but I want you to hear some words that I love so so much out of Isaiah 49 five and six you sit tight but I want you to listen to this for a moment I've thought about these words a thousand times and then it came to me so strongly with this lesson in mind it says this and now the Lord says he who formed me in the womb to be a servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself where I am honored in the eyes of the Lord and my God has been my strength he says it is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept I will also make you a light for the Gentiles that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth you see the cross was too big a thing to save just one people the greatest revival that will ever take place in all of human history will take place in the worst time of distress that history will ever know no greater distress no greater deliverance what a strange strange economy is that I want you to look back at Daniel chapter 12 and note this with me not only do we have the assurance of Israel's deliverance we have the assurance of bodily resurrection we're going to have resurrection bodies and I want you to celebrate that it may be something you know it may be something you've thought about a thousand times but I want you to see it in terms of this lesson because this was a profound revelation for Daniel to receive look back as it says in verse two multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake some to everlasting life others to shame and everlasting intent now don't get all messed up over that sleep because it's not talking about a soul sleep I said Corinthians chapter five when the Apostle Paul is talking about these earthly tents we have on he says to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord as if there there's no flash of time in between those two things at all in fact these bodies that we wear if you just picture me in coveralls that zip-up death is simply unzipping that fleshly coverall and taking it off and we're up and out there there is no cessation of life there is no sleep the body itself that's what's going to be raised up and changed in an instant because it's going to wake up and it's going to change up and I just want to give you an idea of what that's going to be like I want you to think about some words I want to read to you're welcome to turn with me if you'd like but I'm gonna read to you out of Philippians 3:20 and 21 and as a matter of fact I'm already there so just sit tight listen it says but our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a savior from there the Lord Jesus Christ who by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body I love the picture of that because it says the one that can bring everything under control can even bring these bodies under control that is good to know I don't know if anybody else is blessed by that but that somehow to me is a good thing to know and it says and this is not the only place we're told this because we're also told and one of the letters of John that when we see him we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is it doesn't mean we'll be Christ like Christ in His Christ Ness it means that we will have an immortal body like his immortal body now what are a couple things we know about his immortal body that when he returned when he came back when he rose from the dead and he walked around on the earth with and he was seen by so many people what was his body like because that's that's how we're going to be able to some degree relate what our bodies might be like the one thing we would know he was able to just appear in a room with locked doors so we know that his body was not subject to natural laws he could just I mean just like walk through it it it was nothing to him but lest we think that that must mean that his body was something ghost-like something they pressed something that you could put your hands and go I guess that's the kind of picture that I think we get I think we picture heaven like a ghost town and like we're gonna be see-through and we can see one another through one another but that's not what the Word of God says listen carefully because when he came back and he showed himself to his disciples he said touch me and he said to them look at my hands and my feet it is I myself touch me and see a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see I have so somehow this state we're going to have that kind of substance to it yet in the very same place and I'm reading out of Luke 24 that was verse 39 in verses 41 and 42 listen to this he asked them if they had anything to eat because he wanted to show them I am real to you do you have anything to eat and he ate broiled fish right in front of their very eyes now I don't know if it blesses you that we're gonna be able to eat it bless this man I'm in be damned I mean we're really gonna have real live food at the marriage supper of the Lamb I mean it's gonna be like good food I want a lot of butter I want a lot of gravy you know what I'm saying to you and don't you give me a diet coke no and I hope when we watch the real live video Bible cuz I know it's all gonna be on heavenly videotape I know that it is I want buttered popcorn amen and I want I want chocolate almonds that's what I want I mean we're I love the thought of what our immortal bodies may be like I got to taste something a couple of weeks ago in class I wore some new frosty orange lipstick I've got it right here with me as a matter of fact and all evening I thought to myself and the next day when I put it back on cuz I thought I imagined it I thought I think I'm allergic to this I think I'm allergic it stings so bad on my lips and I looked carefully at it and did not realize that I had gotten a lipstick that plumps and shines I know I know and I just wondered if by any chance y'all thought I looked particularly good that day what was there a day when you said look at her lips plus there was there that day because if that day came this is why it came and I pictured that while I was teaching my mouth was just kidding just and I thought what in heaven's name are we coming to what in heaven's name I do not know but I will tell you I will have more colors than this when I get time I don't know what the world is coming to but I'm getting more of this I'll tell you that because the Word of God says it's inwardly we're ways to know what or outwardly we're wasting away but inwardly we're being renewed day by day in other words we are more and more youthful inside in our inner man in our souls and will receive bodies that are fit for eternity I praise God for that you know the thing I'm looking forward to the most is no more death I prayed you were able to do that part of your homework and if not you've got to go back and do the last week of your homework because it's so important when we got to learn that the last enemy the last enemy that Christ Jesus will defeat his last enemy his last foe he will save the best war for last and it will be the war and the defeat of death in my memory some years ago when I believed Melissa was like a junior in high school either a junior or senior in high school think of junior and she had had a surgery and had to be an intensive care at the hospital for the first 24 hours and then she could move on into a regular room and you know being a mom of course Keith had been up there with me through the surgery but being a mom of course I brought my pillow and blanket there was no way under heaven I was leaving that hospital and he can come in every little while for just five minutes and I was going to be there and there was no one else in the intensive care waiting room and so they just told me and even though I didn't sleep at all but they had told me they said mrs. Warren just flipped the lot off and rest and so I had my little blanket little pill and I they would come in and tell me this is her time you've got your five minutes and I'd go running in there and it was almost 3:00 in the morning I was still awake but I had my eyes closed when I heard someone come in the room and I wanted to jump up and turn on the light and go oh by all means I mean this is a public waiting room by all means I come on in only he just he had such a reaction that it it just beat me to it and and this man sat down putting his head in his hands and sobbed and I mean sobbed and if you're like me there's just nothing that turns me inside out like a very manly man just crying his head off and I did not know what to do I was sewing he did not know I was there and I was just trying not to make us I didn't know whether to say sir can I help you is there anything that I could what I thought more than anything else is just give the man his dignity just make me invisible and what had happened is that his son had come in a young adult son had come in for a very I mean just what should have been a very routine kind of surgery and instead it put him in an irreversible coma and he died within the next couple of days we were there together in the hospital and so I visited with him many many times over those next several days and it was very obvious from the beginning I mean the doctors had told him that they did not think there was any coming out of it and I sat there and I just I heard the SOB of death that's the only way I know how to describe it to you I I don't know how often you've heard that I've heard it more times then I'd like to describe but I don't know how often I've been on it in on it at the beginning and it was sobs of death and it just broke my heart and yeah we had an intense couple of days and when I heard where the funeral was I attended the funeral and I went to him there was a long receiving line at the end of it and I went to him and and greeted him and told him shook his hand and told him that I was there and I would continue to pray for him and he had no recollection of who I was whatsoever none no I don't talk about name was I'm talking about he didn't even recognize my face that's the sting of death that's the all-consuming power of death to us at times this unparalleled suffering and I look forward to a day when Oh death where is your sting death where is your victory when we will receive resurrection bodies and it will be said and it will be done and you need to know something beloved one you will recognize your loved ones you will new bodies and all will know we will know those we have known in verse number three Daniel 12 verse three those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens and those who lead many to righteousness like stars for ever and ever now what's he been talking about a time of distress like no other time and yet he will bring his nation to full deliverance so he's giving us the picture of stars shining in the blackness of the universe so that will make the parallel of those who led many to righteousness those who were faithful to God during times of greatest darkness and and what came to me because we we may not see these days of distress but we see days of distress when Ephesians six talks about when the day of evil comes well there may be a day of evil coming over the whole earth but you and I know what it's like to just have a season when we feel like evil has just come knocking at our door we know what this is like well we just feel like we are surrounded by blackness and he says when you are faithful to me when you continue to shine in the darkest times of distress and he said you can know this and I want you to jot this down as point number three we have the assurance that light's willing to shine in the darkness will shine forever you got to understand something and I got to get this through my head too what we do here matters forever our faithfulness on this earth has eternal consequences let me tell you something in the blackest of times when you're willing to be faithful when you're willing to still shine that light you're making an investment and an eternal radiance I want to read something to you out of Philippians two 14 through 16 so that we have a New Testament parallel it says do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which you shine like stars in the universe verse 16 says this as you hold out the word of life in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing do you see that the Word of God says if we want to be different just stop complaining if we want to stick out as lights in the darkness he said one way you're gonna do it is stop your grumbling and complaining and he said people are going to notice in your workplace people are going to notice in your home people are going to notice in your in your neighborhoods if you're just a person that doesn't complain that freaks people out they know right there something's wrong with you that's how prevalent it is and but I want you to look at the New Testament application of this shining like stars in the universe because this is a here and now words for us he was talking to them and Dan chapter 12 about forever and ever shining life stars in the universe but this says shine like it now shine like it now and he said you do that when you hold out the word of life and I thought of a sign I just meditated on that verse and I thought about the words out of psalm 119 that says that God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path now when we talk about leading many to righteousness let me tell you something you don't have to feel like a leader to lead I love first Corinthians 11:1 and how I remember it is all those ones in a row 1st Corinthians 11:1 when Paul basically says this you follow me while I follow Christ and as we walk faithfully he says others will follow you and if we're following Christ if we've really taught them to follow Jesus and not us then when we scoot out of the way they just keep going we just keep bidding them go because all leadership is about it's following Jesus so somebody else can follow you straight to him we can all do that we can all do that that's what it takes to lead shining like stars in the universe point number four is this I want you to see it out of verse 10 it says many will be purified made spotless and refined that's not a new thought to us we have the assurance that the Willing will be purified and the wicked are probably going to continue to be wicked there are going to be those who are going to turn they're going to be those who are going to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit but I want you to understand something I don't know that anything is more frustrating to you and me then when people don't get it when God is coming down hard in a situation I mean have you ever just thought you really want to turn now you really I mean trust me on this I know him I've been around the bend with him before and I just want you to trust me on this one now would be a good time to turn you know W it would be now oh don't you want to say that I mean how many times have you said it this is where you really want to repent but trust me I've done that and you're gonna need to run for your life run flee flee and I don't mean on a dog a man and they don't and no matter how it comes down and your knowing but because you know him you're thinking whoa I mean this is God brother this is God sister and I'm gonna tell you you don't want to fool with him on this but what the Word of God tells us and somehow you and I need to know that there we need to know that God's work to be trusted even when it says something we wish it didn't and sometimes we just wish that it would just tell us everybody's going to repent everybody's not going to repent it'll be taken that old lie from the very beginning when Satan first suggested why should you worship God when you could be your own God there'll be many that will cling to that and they'll choose wickedness and they'll choose perversity it would be a time of unparalleled judgment and wrath on the earth with the righteous going i would really turn if I'm begging you I'm begging you I'm begging you I have one family member and my original my family fortune that's lost and every now and then we'll go get so frustrated at the rest of just leave me alone about it and most of the time we do but then there'll be times it'll just come up for whatever reason and I said to him don't you understand that if we are right and we stand on the truth of God's Word but I just want to play with you here for a minute and say to you if I am right and you are wrong then can't you imagine that I want you to be saved then don't you understand according to my belief system this doesn't turn out well for you does anybody understand what I'm saying pull your hair out frustration so we need to know we don't need to be surprised when Tom's come we're disappointed and we may wait but the Word of God says they're girls they're just gonna be some people that aren't going to repent they're just gonna choose no I choose me I will be my own god and the wicked will continue to be wicked also frustrating it's an assurance we can do it we don't have to be surprised it brings us to point number five I want you to see this in verses 11 and 12 I tried to emphasize it you can always know when I of course of course I'm so loud well how would you know I was emphasizing anything I said so many times what I lack in knowledge I make up for in volume I just yell it I just so when I'm wrong I'm loud and wrong but but I try to really emphasize these numbers when we got to him look at where it says in verse 11 and 12 from the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up there will be 1290 days a minute says in verse 12 blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of 1335 days what in the world is up with that what is that you might go in that bathroom remember that was that three of you oh that was revelation 11 verse 3 and you might recall that was a different period of time it was 1260 days remember when we study this the time times and half a time it's believed by many scholars to be that three and a half year period of Great Tribulation and both of those terms are used as well as the 42 months both of those terms that are used here are used in the book of Revelation so when we see that that 1260 that's that time of Great Tribulation that begins of course it starts with the covenant made the time of tribulation the seven years that that lasts at seventy at seven starts with the contract being signed and then midway through it is when the Antichrist comes out for who he is and that is when the abomination of desolation is set up that is when the ultimate sacrilege takes place and Satan seeks to set himself up through this son of Satan so to speak the counterfeit son of Satan to be worshipped by the entire world and those who will take on the mark of the beast these are things you've seen in the book of Revelation this is a different segment of days this is 1290 days as opposed to 1260 days what the world's the extra 30 days well I'm just gonna pitch out to you what I was taught and I still have not found I looked in book after book commentary after commentary and still nothing satisfies me more than this explanation they're very possibly that extra 30 days is the time for the resurrections and the judgments because a whole lot of things have to take place because after the return of Christ and let's get back to our kingdom calendar we've got our seven years we got the contract made right here at the three and a half year point right in the middle of that seven years that's when it begins the time of unparalleled distress the time of unparalleled wrath that is the time of great tribulation that brings us then to the end of it it concludes with the return of Christ and we we call it the Battle of Armageddon but actually it's more than one battle it is it's it's really a chain of it it's really a war of sorts that comes when Christ returns visibly every eye will see him and those who see him will look upon him who who they have pierced and they will mourn because of him all of this refers to the second the visible second coming of Christ and then at that time there will be the I mean the judgment of God will fall on the wicket on those that did not repent and you got to understand revival will be going on all over the world so it's not like they don't know every people group every nation the the name of Christ will have been heard the the nation of Israel will say that is our Messiah they will come to a place where their own strength is broken the rebellion is broken and they will proclaim him as king and so at this point there's the all the resurrections or the resurrections that take place at this point as you noticed in your study it happens at various times and then of course the judgments so it could be that that's what takes place now what takes place then between one thousand two hundred ninety days and 1335 days what takes place in that 45 days again I'm just going to share with you the explanation that I heard early on and and again I don't find anything more satisfying than this very possibly this could be the time when the new administration is being set up now remember according to revelation 20 and you studied this in your homework there those who were martyred that came to know Christ or died during the tribulation period will be raised from the dead they will receive then their their rewards that will receive the judgment they'll stand before the judgment seat of Christ they'll be before the throne and then of course we're told in Revelation 20 as well as a number of other places remember they're told from the very beginning of time in the Word of God you will be a kingdom of priests in other words you're a reign with me in the kingdom it is consistent from Genesis all the way to Revelation that God was calling us to be a kingdom of priests and it says in Revelation 20 and they shall reign with him they should be raised from the dead and they're gonna reign with him well he's gonna set up this government we've seen this over and over we saw it in Babylon we saw it when the medo-persians came into the picture in Daniel chapter 6 when the kingdom comes it will be set up we've come to the belief system for those of us who agree with this interpretation and there are many scholars on many sides of this but what we asked one another was this if all the rest of the empires were literal kingdoms why would it make sense to us that this one would not be particularly since that's what it's been working up to all this time is God's will done on what earth as it is that's the point that is the point of our existence is it finally and ultimately God's will will be done on this earth as it is in heaven I want to read something to you out of Revelation 21 at verse 22 because it has so much to do with with what we've studied it as we've gone through the empires as we study people like Cyrus Darius Alexander the Great the four generals that were like the four winds all the symbolism we've seen of all the coming empires all the kings and I want you to hear some words in Revelation chapter 21 verse 22 I did not see a temple in the city because the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are its temple now this is in the eternal state the city does not need the Sun or the moon to shine in it for the glory of God gives it light and the lamb is its lamp verse 24 is what I want you to see the nations will walk by its light and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it what in the world does that mean it means that all of those who have been that the heads of state the princes the kings of the earth in all the important places all of those who have at some point in their life acknowledge that there is only one true king and that is the Lord Jesus Christ then literally when they come into that temple proper when they come into that place and when they see the true king of kings and Lord of lords that they will bring everything that has ever been their splendor and it will be cast before him I think they will bring it and confess he is king he is cramped and he alone and the kings of the earth shall bring their splendor into it would you conclude with me in the last send-off of God through the revelation in Daniel 10 11 and 12 to his faithful servant Daniel I want you to see his words it says then he's been told if you'll look back at verse 4 but you Daniel you close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end you seal it in other words the word seal means to protect it it means you guard it with a vengeance because it will speak a time will come when people are travelling to and fro everywhere they can with a famine for knowledge looking for answers and you guard it you make sure it is guarded so it is available at that time that's some of the meaning behind it seal it close it up and seal it there been a couple of things that I see in the send-off of God to Daniel that I believe are ascend off to us and this is the first one may the words and concepts he has taught us be sealed in us that is my prayer for you and it is my prayer for me I'm gonna tell you something girls I don't ever want to get over this we set out from the very beginning we said you know this is the first time we have ever taken 11 weeks and 12 sessions to study 12 chapters and from the very beginning it became our plea to know this material like the back of our hands it was the first time we would have that little material as full as it's been those few chapters and we aport ourselves into those things every single session we've been in a different chapter than all week long in your daily assignments you've spent time there and I want to keep it I want it to live in me I want it to abide in me I don't want it to live in you and I want it to abide in you I want you to recall something away we started this journey so many many weeks ago in the first session in session 1 I told you something that Melissa says that if she ever realizes that she's watch something or listen to something there was a total waste of time I told you what she said we've referred to it many times I'm dumber now and we set out from the very beginning that by the time this thing was over we would not be dumber this has taken work from you I mean this one has pushed all of us beyond where we thought we really could go or even thought we wanted to go but I'll tell you this sister we are not done we are not done we did not waste our time we committed to learn and we have learned I got to tell you something that's glancing over here right left at my staff and looking at this precious sister that we have that has this darling little one on the way we had a baby shower for her just recently and somebody gave her a tiny little duck that goes in the bathtub to tell what the temperature of the water is only some I'll not point to anyone on the staff but members of the staff thought that it was it took the temperature of the baby and they wondered do you put the beak in the air am i telling the truth sherry and I looked at him and went okay all right it is clear to me that we have totally focused our brain cells on Daniel and where everything else we're just dumber than dirt so it may be time for us to refocus on a lot of things and I've been kind of spread out the knowledge spread it out because if you've been focused right here you may not know what to do with that thermometer praise You Lord well I've done something for you this time in hopes that this would continue to be an abiding word I've never done this in all this is the tenth in-depth study that I've had the privilege of working with God through number ten and I've never done this before I have prepared you you will not be altogether surprised I have prepared you a final exam and it's 60 questions and every single one of them are multiple-choice and here's what I want you to do you'll be able to do your multiple-choice question and answer and it takes you through every single chapter we don't become anywhere close to really tackling everything we've learned together we can't in 60 questions but I wanted it to be something that's doable for you and here's what I want to tell you when you first start doing it if you want cuz it's gonna tell you which chapters which sessions it's off of in your homework and in in the Book of Daniel so okay use your Bible and use your homework or use your session material you can do that to start with but then I want you to put that aside and I want you to see what you can do from memory and here's what we're gonna do listen sister I want you to take it until you make a hundred and not just once I want you to take it and take it and take it and take it and in four months I want you to take it again and in four more months I want you to take it again and your it will be something you will go back to it has you putting all those empires in a row again you have to you have to see who the names of the generals were as they as they panned out in in prophetic history as it was fulfilled it will bring back to your mind so many of the things we learned keep taking it the purpose of it is not to tell you what you do not know it is to get you in there until you make a hundred on it and you keep doing it and keep doing it in a year you go back and take it again six months later go back and see and I remembering what I learned in the Book of Daniel keep it girls Daniel sealant this is what I pray over you may it be sealed they the enemy do nothing to be able to pick it away like seed that did not take deep root let this thing get in under there and take root you know this material don't forget it don't forget it we've learned something here seal it Deuteronomy 29:29 says the secret things belong to the Lord but the things revealed belong to you and your descendants forever this has been revealed to you God has revealed himself to you Thursday no he's done the same with me let's not lose one iota of it may the words and concepts he's taught us be sealed and us protected guarded and lastly you saw it in verse nine and you saw it again in verse 13 after Daniel asked in verse eight my lord what will be the outcome of all of this how did the man and linen reply to him go your way or how did the speaking angel reply to him Daniel go your way verse 13 asks for you go your way till the end you will rest and then at the end of days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance you beloved having allotted inheritance and it is real and it is real and this life ain't nothing compared to what we've got coming the vivid reality we cannot even imagine what colors will look like these will have been shadows these will have been the vapours not what we've got to come it's real he says until then go your way you know what came back to me that wonderful verse out of Proverbs the inspired writer of Proverbs who wrote train up a child in the way you should go and when he is old he will not depart from it your God trains you up in the way you should go not just the person sitting next to you go your way go your way go your way Daniel and go your way like a Daniel that's our last point that's our send-off may we go our ways go your way like a Daniel we have learned something we have learned that the last thing this world needs from us is to blend in they do not need that from us they need us to stick out they need the wisdom of the word they need to see that their lives it really does flesh-and-blood lives girls they were supposed to see it really did work it really does work our theology has got to have a head-on collision with our reality it must we got to show often tissa t we got to live this thing go your way go your way and you know what I mean by that I'm going to use Amanda's words take your poncy where he sets your feet in your place as he trains you up in the way you should go not blueprint and offer anybody else except the Lord Jesus Christ himself go your way Daniel and do mighty exploits I'm gonna ask you to stand because I think this is an appropriate way to end I'm going to ask you to stand as well I think it's a very appropriate ending for us to say our chapter rhymes call it childish if you will but we're going to take this one to the death you say it in the car you teach it to your kids you've got a four-year-old nothing will thrill you more than seeing if that child I assure you that child is perfectly capable of memorizing some of these wrongs go your way Daniel take your responsibility God hasn't just promised life to come that is beyond anything we could have imagined he has raised two hands over it I swear by my own great name distress will come but deliverance will follow I'm gonna ask you to finish the sentences that I will start Daniels book just a Daniel one carried off to Daniel to nebs Daniel three from Daniel for all humble Daniel 5 says the handwriting daniel 6 the lions Daniel seven bears ax Daniel 8 Antiochus Daniel 970 Daniel ten where's the Daniel 11 of by all kings Daniel 12 Daniel 12 shine bright too lawless well well Daniels die crazy would we praise you our Father we worship You worthy argue Lord where they are and you have taught us Lord for many many weeks not to just love you with our whole hearts but we have also we've been striving to love you with our minds Lord and we know things we did not know 12 weeks ago and we praise you for that and father we ask you seal them in our minds Lord that these things will abide in us and we pray O God with all of our hearts that you will send us forth from here go your way Daniel live faithfully and you've sworn with uplifted hand your kingdom will come your will will be done on earth as it is in heaven you have been faithful to us we love you and we bless you in the mighty name of Jesus I love My dear dear one thank you so so much for doing the hard work this journey demanded I don't doubt many of you were tempted to drop out of this one but you didn't did you Here I am looking straight at you in my heart at least I'd squeeze your neck if I were with you I've something better to offer you though let yourself feel the satisfaction of God's speaking it's a pleasure overview he is so proud of you sit there and feel it I don't meet with you again on this earth I'll see you before the throne of the Ancient of Days where the Son of Man will reign supreme I love you dearly now you stay in God's Word you hear [Music]
Channel: Joyce Ir
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Keywords: beth moore dvd daniel session 12
Id: ag8GVPQ_WAo
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Length: 62min 21sec (3741 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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