Giant Defiant Faith - Part 2 | Beth Moore

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living proof with Beth Moore is sponsored by the friends and partners of living proof ministries so much of our battle will be a war of words when the enemy takes just enough of a fact and starts twisting that thing around we're in this war of words it sounds true to us [Music] [Music] the war of words there's a god defiant giant threatening to make us look like losers that was number one number two is this we built so much of our lesson on this gods after willing volunteers to stand in the valley with giant defiant faith he is looking to make some warriors out of us in this house and you are looking in those last couple of words at the title to our event in this series and in this weekend giant defiant faith I can tell you without a doubt that the primary objective that God has for us this weekend is to awaken us to a giant defiant faith he is looking to make some warriors out of us in this house and some people that have convinced themselves that they are weaklings and that they've got nothing to offer this battle for souls because it's all gonna be about who's gonna stand in the middle of this valley facing this giant right here because that's the thing he's calling out for volunteers but God is calling out for volunteers too and he's going who is the man who is the woman because that is the one I will be with that is the one I'll be with who will come and stand in the valley and would you do it all by yourself because that's when you know you're really willing to grow some giant defiant faith when you don't have to have anybody right beside you also pursuing giant defiant faith who'd be willing when nobody else is gonna be the one taking over your prayer life are you gonna get up and fight for it yourself because I keep seeing something I keep thinking about it because listen I believe in in powerful intercession I believe that there are times in all of our lives when we do not know how to pray when we are so physically sick or we are so brokenhearted in a personal catastrophe or loss that we desperately need others to pray for us but I want to say something to you if I could just be this bold with you for the masses of us it's not just about those kind of intercessory needs we just let somebody fight the whole thing out in prayer for us because we've got better things to do listen if you and I are gonna be warriors and if we're gonna have giant defiant faith we're gonna have to take up prayer for ourselves we're gonna have to get out there and we're going to scrape the thing out ourselves instead of having somebody else always be the one praying for you no one can make you a mighty warrior but you and God no one no one they can pray you toward it they can pray you to be willing but when it comes right down to it would you would you would you go down to that valley and scrape the thing out so that you would know the thrill of that kind of victory you know we have no few soldiers in the divine and holy army of Christianity no few soldiers on this globe we are millions by population but I just want to throw out to you the thought there's so many exceptions to this but I want to just throw out to you the thought that the majority fall into one of two categories when it comes to warfare the first one is that we are so drunk on the world we don't even know we're in a battle there are believers all over the place and in this city and in my city and in cities all over the United States all over Europe that would say they believe their Bibles they're people of faith and they're so drunk on the world I've been that person many of you have been that person they don't even know a war is going on so there's that and then there's the other end there are those that are aware of the battle but they're standing back dismayed and greatly afraid they were dismayed and greatly afraid many of you have been that person they don't even know a war is going on so there's that and then there's the other end there are those that are aware of the battle but they're standing back just like it says in in chapter 17 a First Samuel where the words come out in verse 11 when Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine they were dismayed and greatly afraid they were dismayed and greatly afraid anybody getting tired of being dismayed and greatly afraid no I need to hear an answer to that is it getting old to anybody to just live scared or just like shattered all the time just shattered all the time I looked up the word dismayed the Hebrew word for it and I looked up the definition and according to my Hebrew dictionary the word means to be shattered or dashed in fact it's so weird because it even talks the same basic word in Hebrew is translated in Jeremiah 14 for when it says because of the ground that is dismayed since there is no rain on the land the farmers are ashamed and they cover their heads because the land wait just a second the land is dismayed what on earth does that mean I'm reading to you out of the ESV well it's that same basic word and it needs to just be all broken up now now please go here with me because I I'm a person that has a lot of compassion for someone going through broken heartedness I have been there I've been devastated before I know what it's like to not think you can make it but I want to take us out of that that season of legitimate devastation and just speak into the the fact that that it just gets to be a long long time when we're living our entire life shattered about everything under the Sun is everything going to shatter us somebody insults us and we're not just a little hurt we're know we're shattered anybody noticed this besides me like everything's huge everything's huge just huge something happens in the family shattered we're sure we're not just bothered no we're shattered we're just shattered everything that happens everything that happens something happens at work we don't get to do the project after all we missed the we missed the promotion I'm not saying those aren't big things yes we're bothered by it yes it hurts us but need we be shattered and broken about everything am i speaking to anybody here in the house anybody just getting tired of being broken up about everything it's all broken up like we had that breakup like 10 years ago we've been broken up ever since just broken up just broken up just broken up just broken up we can't get over being broken up we're just all shattered all the time just all the time we're pieces all the time just all the time I started trying to think what movie it was that during Barrymore was in that she said something about being she's I'm just overwhelmed and somebody said to her why can't you just be whelmed are you always overwhelmed and I think that's where I'm trying to say tonight let's pull it in yes yes we go through devastating seasons but if we're not in one let's not be devastated is that is that fair you know let's say let's say this if I'm not if I'm not being SH if I'm not just like legitimately shattered right now you know what I'm just not gonna be shattered I'm gonna pull myself together because you can get addicted to being shattered oh yeah you can yeah you can just a shattering waiting to happen just a shattering wait never broken up about everything just everything whole family's scared to be around you because you're so fragile if somebody just elbows you you're gonna fall apart listen let's get over being so fragile you and I are supposed to be fierce warriors of the faith hi I'm Natalie and I'm Celina and we're on staff with living proof ministries Natalie I am absolutely loving what Beth is teaching in this series aren't you yes I love that in this series giant defiant faith Beth shares how God wants us to have a new reaction to our circumstances and God's desire is for us to be skilled in warfare so we are not circling that same giant absolutely that is just such good solid truth and you know that actually kind of reminds me of the Great Escape yes let's take a look at this powerful moment during best teaching in that series why do I continue in my pattern I asked you today will we just live the rest of our lives in our pattern will we just live in a cycle of defeat for the rest of our lives or do we believe we could come to a place where we could say that is behind me this is before me I am NOT going back I am NOT going back listen if you don't want to go back to that same cycle of defeat I have good news this month living proof is offering this wonderful resource as our special offer it is a three-part DVD message from Beth the Great Escape explains and exposes the traps that keep us from attaining a giant defiant faith friend you want to dive deeper into this resource so visit Beth Moore org or text the word gift to five seven six eight to you can also connect with us on our free living proof app 24/7 we so look forward to hearing from you now let's get back to Beth and we will see you next week let's get over being so fragile is that fair to say would that just be a relief what if we was like we're home Dan I'm when you don't want a little tired of being so fragile yes things hurt yes we fall apart yes we are broken but he said he would put us back together did he bind up our broken heartedness but her hearts are in the same shape they were fifteen years ago at what point were we thinking maybe we would let him put us back together I'm being too bold I want to teach you the most wonderful name for God I want to teach it to you tonight even though it doesn't come up in our lesson we don't get to it in the scriptures until our next session I want to teach it to you now because I don't want you to wait till then there's a portion where David is going to refer to God as the living god who would defy the armies of the Living God the Living God first word perhaps you've seen it it is the Hebrew word for God Elohim Elohim what everybody say Elohim say it again the next word you're gonna see if you just if you'll stay with me a second do you see the two H's there's an H and Elohim and then there's an H in the next word only in Hebrew they are two different letters so the first one does have the ha sound on it but the second one is gonna have a little bit of just a little bit I don't want nobody has to like off something up just just a little bit is it's good just just a little bit just enough to just kind of like a little a little clearing of the throat but not coughing up something solid is that fair so we're gonna say it like this Elohim Heying what does that mean girlfriend you got a living God you have got a living God you have got a living God you have got a living God and that sets you apart from all the other religions of the world because there are no bones in the grave where Christ was laid no bones because we have a Living God we are people of the Living God and we are the armies of the Living God 1st Samuel 17 12 through 16 say this now David was the son of an ephah thought of Bethlehem and Judah named Jesse who had eight sons in the days of solve a man was already old in advanced in years and three of the oldest sons of Jesse had followed Saul to the battle and the names of his three sons who went into the battle were Ellie AB the firstborn next to him abinadab and the third Shema verse 14 David was the youngest the youngest of how many sons do you remember how many guess ed how many and how many had gone to battle with Saul and they were the three eldest verse 14 David was the youngest the three eldest followed Saul but David went back and forth from Saul to feed his father's sheep in Bethlehem for 40 days the Philistine came forward and took his stand morning and evening 40 solid days he comes out screaming insults and intimidations morning and night David is being sent back and forth now here's what's really interesting because David has already been introduced twice on the pages of 1st Samuel right there in chapter 16 because when God is like up to here with Saul's disobedience he tells Samuel I've got a man I'm choosing that I'm gonna have you anointed king I've got a boy that I want you to go anoint you were to go to this house and it's going to be one of his sons well he goes there to that house he looks through things man the oldest one was so impressive it's got to be him only the Lord and Chris is on his heart listen you weren't looking at the outward appearance I look upon the heart it's not him goes to the next son not him either goes to the next son not him either seven sons Samuel doesn't get any word from God now listen he's there marching jesse is marching these voice before these young men before the prophet Samuel nope nope nope nope you've got any other sons well there's the one the youngest he keeps the Sheep and he says to him you're gonna need to call him in and we shall not sit down till he gets here well that's so uncomfortable for a prophet to be in the house and everybody's just standing like this so you can imagine they go running out they fetch they fetch David they bring him and David is anointed by Samuel to be king only it would be years before he would take the throne he's called for a little later in that same chapter when Saul is tormented by a demon he's needs some kind of relief and so the servants of Saul said you know what you need you need somebody to play an instrument for you so that you can kind of settle down and feel better and we know a man we know a boy that can do it play the lyre which is a harp instead of being one of these like really big ones sits like this a lyre is its various and how many strings there are in the instrument but it's something that could be handheld handheld often like um it could be rectangular it could be it could be like 3/4 of a circle that it could be handheld so they brought it in and he and he played for him and it would calm him down it says Saul came to love him the hottest thing he's not gonna recognize him now on this battlefield Souls out there with the Israelites David's going back and forth for his dad and I want you to go with me here in verse 17 Jesse said to David his son take for your brothers an ephah of this parched grain and these ten loaves and carry them quickly to the camp to your brothers and this is some miles away and also take these ten cheese's to the commander of their thousand see if your brothers are well and bring some token from them I don't know why it pleases me so much that he brought ten cheese's you know you just kind of love the scripture for the ten cheese's how random how random are ten Jesus you want to take the ten lows but now take the ten cheese's over there to the commander of the army and I thought to myself you know I could take some cheese I love cheese I can't even picture life without cheese I'm thinking to myself this David has already been anointed yet he's running errands see here's the thing you and I misunderstand the anointing if we don't think it could include running errands that you're four years I'm a year you are anointed of God and if you are in Christ anointed of God and you're thinking like what in the world I am more important than this if we're more important than errand running if we can't take any cheese's listen this was a glorified deconstructed pizza here here's your grain and your bread and here's your cheese is I mean honestly if he had tripped and fallen and it would have been on a hot day and a bit of pizza I mean he's not too good to be a delivery boy I mean this is something because if we're too good for an errand we're too proud for an anointing truly truly we are I just wrote down a list of my top ten cheeses cheese dip cheesecake cheeseburger cheese fries chili cheese dog cheese bagel bleu cheese dressing macaroni and cheese broccoli and cheese and lastly smile and say cheese this was David and Saul and they and all the men of Israel we're in the Valley of Elah fighting with the Philistines and David rose early in the morning and left with the Sheep with the keeper and took the provisions and went as Jesse had commanded him and he came to the encampment as the host was going out to battle line shouting the war cry burst 21 with this work concluding and Israel and the Philistines drew up for battle army against army David left things in charge of the keeper of the baggage and ran to the ranks and went and greeted his brothers and as you talked with him behold the champion the Philistine of Gath Goliath by name came up out of the ranks of the Philistines and spoke the same words as before and David heard him run his daddy said and he ran got up early the next day packed up his bread packed up his tent cheese's and off he went left his baggage with the keeper I like that because sometimes we never do get loosed up to go and do what God has called us to do because we just can't leave our baggage behind to do it we're gonna unzip ourselves from a suitcase and we're gonna smile and say cheese so the enemy can see we are the family in the army of God giant defiant faith has fiercely obedient follow through Jessie told David to go we said what run says hurry in the ESV and in many of the translations I believe the NIV outrightly translate said run and it's several times in the text it's gonna be about three times that we're gonna see that attributed to David in 1st Samuel Chapter seventeen that he ran he told him to run and he ran and he ran and I want to say this to you we don't have a lot of time here on this plan at this side this sign of God's kingdom agenda I say this with tremendous respect I will not talk down to you was one who has made every kind of error you can imagine most of my progress has come through literally falling or tripping forward but here's what I think may be going on for some because this is just the nature of it some of us are really thinking about giving ourselves entirely to the things of Jesus we're thinking about it we're thinking about it now perhaps we receive Jesus as our personal Savior years ago but we thought you know we're kind of going back and forth on it we're sort of playing both sides of it right now and kind of on both sides of the fence and we're thinking about you know really at some point I want to walk down into what God has called me to do I really really do I really do because God's got a calling on every single one of our lives that doesn't mean it's in the church listen God will always hang the most lights in the most darkness and he's gonna string us out like Christmas lights all over this globe that's the way it's supposed to be we're not supposed to be in one little you know how you do when you get out your Christmas lights when it's time to put them up on your tree and they're all you've wound them around like this that's not the church the church was most supposed to have been a chord that is fallen where the slack goes out of it and it is wrapped around the globe like this lights in the darkness and some of us are planning to be faithful we're planning to get out of that mess that we're in we're planning to stop sleeping around all the time listen I'm testing no stones here you cannot even fathom my background we're just we're planning it we're playing we're going to at some point and I want to put a word on you straight out the page of personname of 17 this weekend it's time to run it's time to run you've got one shot at this thing one shot at this thing your life will go like this your life will go like this for you mothers in this room what is it you want your children to be on time at in character not in profession become that what is it how do you want your life to turn out or you turn that way is the trajectory of your life turn that direction are you heading that way because here's the word for tonight run because here's the thing giant defiant faith it has fierce obedience to it listen God has more for you than your mind has ever conceived your eyes have ever seen and your ears have ever heard that is what he has planned for those who love Him that's 1st Corinthians 2:9 do not waste five more minutes wavering back and forth and dancing between them run to your calling what do we have to lose except purposelessness what if we just turned away from being shattered all the time and let him just pull us together behind up our wounds and send us out fierce or do the impossible among us here we are here's your church anything she beautiful Lord it is she beautiful Florida make warrior princesses out of these women warrior prints out of a man do it makes fierce make us warriors the days are soon in the glorious and holy name of Jesus David heard the same thing they did why did David have a new reaction because here's what it comes down to are we gonna be the one then after all the taunts of the evil one after all the taunts of that giant in our life after all the self taunting all the self condemnation all of this coming against us at what point on why we hear that same thing coming at us but we decide to have a different reaction [Music] we're gonna lift it up and let the name of Jesus go forth in this place in such power and in such presence we are so so thrilled to be with you and I think what God's gonna remind us up today is that we're in the middle of the story do you not think that he's gonna tie up every thread where you are concerned that he who started the plan knows how to end it we're going to get some confidence in him today in his ability to always bring something to a good finish can somebody say hallelujah here's you nothing no sin no transgression that exceeds the power of the cross thank you God living proof would like to send you a thank-you gift for your donation visit Beth Moore forward slash donate you
Channel: Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore
Views: 16,040
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Beth Moore, Beth Moore Bible Studies, Bible Study, Women's Bible study, God's Word, Bible, Scripture, Living Proof Ministries, Bible teacher, Woman Bible Teacher, Giant Defiant Faith, 1 Samuel 17, faith, David and Goliath
Id: LY7czDzouFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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