Taking Happy Back - Part 4 | Beth Moore

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living proof with Beth Moore is sponsored by the friends and partners of living proof ministries when you're in the middle of having your heart broken and you've been betrayed or you been forsaken or somebody's walked out on you you feel like you'll never be happy again yes you will because you know you will on the other side of the slide and this life is gonna go like this you know you will but leaning into that having hope hope is the hand that reaches forward [Music] so we needed to talk about before we get into obstructions and these obstructions are gonna go like this moo moo moo-moo-moo-moo moon these are gonna be obstructions you're gonna need to study on your own because there are enough um that we can't just land on there's someplace else I want to land I in our lesson today so some of the obstructions we'll look at some we'll just mention we're you can land in the scriptures to study them but you're gonna go like this with it and so we had to talk first about that some obstructions don't need moving they need tell me again they need ministry they need ministry it begins to be hope then that moves them the reminder that I am completely loved that I am completely loved somebody asked me not very long ago it was a living truth live in a QA and I just loved the the question she said what is the not in your rope and I thought that's one of best questions I have ever heard what keeps you from like just dropping off just sliding off the end of it when life is hard and if and I thought I know what it is I know what it is because it's in John chapter 15 I believe it's verse 9 but I'm not positive person I think where he says as the father has loved me so I love you now you abide in my love now after I had to tell him this morning again you know what Jesus you love me the way the father loves you I mean that's something y'all that's no small thing that's the not in my robe now I know I am loved I am loved okay so here we go obstructions to happiness we are all addicted to painkillers certainly pill form legal and illegal on liquid form grass form but also just insulating ourselves with I'm constant self comforts I mean we we don't even give the Lord time to bring us true divine comfort because we're gonna comfort ourselves we know how to do that for me it's gonna be usually food well listen I love the fact that we are given food to enjoy the taste to enjoy I love all of that we're blessed of God it's sanctified by our Thanksgiving I love that but I am just saying that sometimes when we're all up in something I mean we're gonna immediately go get some kind of comfort from something be it sets or or we're gonna put ourselves immediately we're gonna lose ourselves in front of a screen whatever ibly we're so quick to self comfort we don't even know what divine comfort is we're doing it ourselves it's not working but we're doing ourselves and here's the thing about all of our addictions to all of our painkillers is that I don't know if you've ever experienced this phenomenon but the same painkiller that kills pain kills um ecstatic joys it's just right here that's just right here so it's the oddest thing because in all that pain killing what we ended up doing was we also kill that feeling of elation when something wonderful happens many of us perhaps can't remember the last time when was the last time you like jumped up and down for joy over something and if it's like Beth I mean I'm 80 years old when you I will then jump with the upper half you know jump with the upper half but just to find that elation again that excitement that exhilaration again some of what dulls the pain also dulls the joy because it dulls the feelings all right another one is this we've appointed ourselves spiritual sheriff's anybody we're self-appointed sheriff's so we're constantly pulling people over we love to run our Christian siren don't we I mean I pull over we love arresting people a citizen's arrest citizens of heaven making citizen's arrest you sinned you said it wrong you did it wrong we just can't wait listen if you're just staring at something I'm telling you I'm telling you we can do this we can just watch for someone to do something wrong just watch for them to listen you will especially be tempted to do this with your rivals whoever your rivals are oh you cannot wait for them to get it wrong you cannot wait and you cannot wait to tell someone how they got it wrong because that's how you keep your rival down is because I've got to find something wrong with them I got to find a wrong way that they do it and so we're dislike it's so miserable to be the one that feels the need to pull everybody over it is just really is miserable and we but we are so so completely fixated on the speck in someone's eye that we cannot see the log in our own I'm gonna remind you turn with me your own limitations go with me to John this enormous start flipping fast go with me to John chapter 8 and I want to remind you of this passage these are gotcha Christians they just love to go gotcha I gotcha I mean this men are they out there men are they all over social media i I don't bless bless the hearts of of young writers and young speakers and young teachers because your age is getting raised up in a culture of tomato throwers now you know thank God I get you know I get in enough trouble with things that were you know in the last 10 years but thank God nobody was recording my first couple of years of teaching Sunday school there's no telling there is no telling because you know what I was just learning I was just learning but the least little mistake the least little way of saying it wrong and it's never forgiven never it doesn't matter how much someone improves I know I know somebody who really used to teach a prosperity gospel she completely turned I mean the kind that says that God wants us all to be wealthy and that it will always I mean this is like it's like a Sheen you put money and you'll always get what you're asking I'm what you're asking for and what you've ordered I'm talking about that kind and she turned from it she was like I'm you know upon deeper study that that's not sound the way she was raised to believe came to the point where she believed it was not sound she stopped teaching it she is still charged with that same thing continually continually because you know what actually nobody's even reading her work they're just saying what they already believe to be true is any money you know I just hope some if what what would be fabulous and you'd be so not only with the rest of us be happier but you'd be happier I'd be happier if we were not the ones picking on everybody now listen there has to be people watching doctrine and discerning have to be but you know what happened in John acts chapter eighteen priscilla and aquila got to hear the very very gifted Apollo's preach and he preached so well and he was very very impressive very very great out with speech and it says that he did not know the full way and so they took him aside and taught it to him they didn't get on social media and go he is such a heretic you see money stepping in this with me and so it's making our young teachers and speakers you aren't too old to quit but it's making our young teachers and speakers and writers afraid and I want to speak this over you you can't be you got just hang in there and you gotta also if you made a mistake then disabled man I made a mistake I thought that's I thought that was the way I was supposed to say it just own it just own it then in John chapter eight oh you already know this scene um you'll know it well they went each to his own house but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives early in the morning he came again to the temple all the people came to him and he sat down and taught them the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and placed her in their midst teacher this woman has been calling the act of adultery see caught caught caught I mean there does people out we are miserable people when we just can't wait to catch people in their sins I've caught him it's miserable and I mean Jesus gets down starts rotting in the sin none of us have any idea what he's rotting I love that part of the mystery and he says okay you who have known sin cast the first stone near that woman stands no telling what she's wearing or not wearing because she's been caught and dragged out where everybody can see her and then there's just this glorious sound of stones dropping with a thud to the ground and it says you'll so relate if you're older like I am it was the older ones that went first because they'd live long enough to know they had certainly not been without sin happiness is getting Tulane over to somebody who has been in the worst of it getting to her by the hands and going do you realize that there is a savior that completely cleanses and forgets and throws those sins into the deepest sea and never ever fishes for them again do you know that there is a savior that does not condemn you but has come to save you and give your dignity back that is good news I'm another one we're talking about obstructions to happiness we're imprisoned by her own unforgiveness imprisoned by her own unforgiveness I want you to use the word in prison I started to use the word jailed because it would go better with the context I want you to jot down Matthew chapter 18 beside it so that you can read it many of you may be familiar with the text that tells us about the servant who I was a huge debt to his master I mean an enormous debt to his master on his bed for his mercy to be let out of his debt and and so the master gives him mercy but then the servant goes out and he grabs hold literally grabs hold of someone who owes him something much less and he demands it out of him so the master comes back to him and says you wicked servant I'll let you out of your debt but you're gonna hold that debt against them and it says that they jailed him and I thought sometimes we don't know why we're in a jail we just know we're caught did we feel backed into a corner that we just feel like we're stuck and sometimes what's got us in that prison is because we just can't bring ourselves to the point of going you know what I just forgive you I'm just forgiving the debt even if they don't want it forgiven even they never asked for even if I could never talk to him about it you know what it's too much it's too much it's too much of a burden on me to carry this unforgiveness what if we left that here today what if you just left it what if you just let God deal with them you know I come from the you know background of childhood abuse and it was devastating to me it was devastating it it marked so many of my decisions so many disastrous relationships and you know I just you just want somebody to pay and this seems I know you've heard this a million times but it still has weight with me you know you just go but it's not okay I don't want to forgive because it's not worth it's not okay it's okay I'm not gonna ever say it's okay it's okay it's not okay I live with with repercussions of it's not okay but when we understand the grace of Jesus we understand to get through our heads that forgiveness makes us okay not it not it he can deal let Jesus have it he can deal with it but we need to let it go because it's a huge obstruction to our happiness hi friends I'm Selena and this is Natalie we work with living through ministries and we're so glad that you're joining us today to dive into that's teaching friends I know what it's like to have to fight for a happy heart in Christ at the start of every year I feel like the Lord places a word on my heart something to have as a banner over my life to motivate me and this year my word is enduring because we know it takes endurance to fight for our happiness what about you Selena my word for this year is believing because I really need to not just believe in God but I need to press into believing his promises and what his word has to say about the fullness of my happiness in Christ and we know that happiness is not always going to be easy to come by there will be hardship in our lives but we have hope in Christ to start a new chapter let's see what Beth has to say on this and her teaching a master storyteller I was either gonna be full-on in it with him or I was going to circle back into defeat over and over again I literally the word note was not in my vocabulary it was not in my vocabulary but this I know Jesus did not leave me there he did not leave me there and this I know I am not the same woman I used to be anybody can I hear that from anybody about the same woman I used today God has such a plan for your life do you have a story to tell through you and it's going to require you to be fierce enduring and believing no matter what you are facing and as our thank you for your donation we want to bless you with the full teaching of the master storyteller and as a bonus you will receive a t-shirt to remind you of those three powerful words as well as the story book Beth reads during the series if you feel like the Lord has given you a word for this upcoming year share it with us tag us on social media we would love to hear from you and we will see you next week it doesn't matter where you are from if you will give the time and space to this event this weekend if you will lend your heart to it and you'll really pay attention then it's gonna come right back around because some of the things we're talking about this weekend simply could not be more practical we're gonna be talking about divine power the DAAD exerts on the behalf of people just like you in need and we're gonna see God do something that we could not afford to cast him Lord we want all that you have for us to sweep every little deal come join us in a city near you we understand the grace of Jesus we understand to get through our heads the forgiveness makes us okay not it not it he can deal let Jesus have it he can deal with it but we need to let it go because it's a huge obstruction to our happiness put it as the most expensive offering you've ever placed on the altar put it there put it there I can't think of a more depressing saying then a mother is only as happy as her saddest child I mean I know that in the natural realm that has a lot of credence but I'm just gonna say to you we got some women that have five kids and at what point is not one of them sad I'm gonna challenge you on something and I think it's one of the hardest things we'll talk about today I'm just gonna ask you pray it through just pray it through and we'll leave it with you in Jesus but remember the verse that says in proverbs 31:28 her children will rise up and call her blessed that's a beautiful beautiful thing but that original word is a very very wonderful word is a word that correlates to the name Asher Asher a SH er and it is the biblical word a Bible word rather a Hebrew word that means happy happy you can write this down because this is not just me giving you a contemporary translation this is a very very solid scholarly translation this is out of Word biblical commentary that does their own translations of whatever they they're the commentary is on and they translate proverbs 31:28 her children will rise up and call her happy can you stay with me a second here as hard as it is and of course we have deep compassion and deep empathy there are times we even weep with our children how many times do we weep for our children but one of the most important things that can ever happen to us is that you and I still default to a happy heart because the best thing we can do for them is to let them see someone who really does have some joy at the biggest favor we could do them that when all is said and done what a blessed child it is that could rise up and say you know what my mom I think she honestly she was so flawed she did not do everything right and she admitted it but I had a happy mother I had a happy mother scent resonating with anybody in the house works out with Jesus orchid I was what does that look like what does that look like I'm just gonna say we're so tempted to hand over our arm are really unhappy kids all of our happiness when what they also needed to see is that we would enter in with them and that we would hold him in our arms I even rocked my big kids when they were bigger than me I would still say sit right here sit right here and I'll hold a mite hold them and I'd rub their little heads and rub their little shoulders but pretty soon I'd have to say something silly I'd have to like you're breaking my legs or like I'd have to whisper it you've got three more minutes to get in a better mood because that's all that's all I'm giving you this has got to be some of that okay I want you to go to number five and then there's a place we're gonna land this lesson that I just can't wait to go with you oh I I just pray I prayed this morning that you'd so get it and I'd so get it and it he would just be unforgettable to us and we when you really get something it's unforgettable so I'm praying that's gonna happen today and number five is this no happiness on earth is like the happiness of God and man when the feeling's mutual when he rejoices over you and you rejoice over him and there's this mutual joy in one another nothing on earth nothing in the human experience nothing can touch that nothing can touch it I want you to turn with me to Zephaniah Zephaniah three you're gonna land on 14 and I'm gonna start reading it in just a second now let's sit set some context first so that we understand what does apply to us and what does not because it probably even says in a caption over this portion of the scriptures that this is about Israel's future restoration it's prophetic but what I want to say to you is this and I'm gonna prove this I hope in just a moment but what I'm gonna say to you is this same God is our God he is immutable that is a word that means he never changes Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever our God is completely unchanging there's no shifting of shadows where he is concerned so same exact God and we've got verses in the New Testament that show us I'm thinking of one and Luke chapter 10 where Jesus just rejoices in the holy spirit it's a very very strong word it's a Dahlia Oh in the in the Greek and it's a word that may that he's like it then if it was to take a physical form it would be leaping and and and spinning with joy over the disciples that returned him and said it happened just like you said we were able to do just what you told us we could do so same God we have same desire to rejoice over his people calling his people to rejoice over him so this is verses 14 through 20 sing aloud o daughter of Zion shout o Israel rejoice and exult with all of your heart o daughter of Jerusalem the Lord has taken away the judgments against you he has cleared away your enemies the king of Israel the Lord is in your midst and you shall never again fear evil on that day it will be said to Jerusalem fear not o Zion let not your hands for a week the Lord your God is in your midst a mighty one your hero who will say he will rejoice over you with gladness and evil quiet you by his love he will exalt over you with loud singing I will gather those of you who mourn for the festivals so that you will no longer suffer reproach 19 and 20 behold at that time I will deal with all your oppressors I cannot tell you I really had not landed on this verse solidly before this week but because I was looking at these other passages it led me here and this just killed me this just killed me just look at it and I will save the lame and I will gather the outcasts and I will change their shame into praise he has removed our shame from us and give us a double portion of joy for all that shame and he will turn that's shame into praise and renown and all the earth and at that time I will bring you in at the time when I gather you together for I will make you renowned and praised among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your eyes says the Lord I want you to look at verses 14 and 17 side by side if if they're on the same age in your Bible if you like to write in your Bible this is a great time to do it because I want you to look at the mutual joy going on here look at 14 right next to 17 sing aloud o daughter of Zion shout o Israel rejoice and exult with all your heart o daughter of Jerusalem now watch God respond the Lord your God is in your midst a mighty one who will save he will rejoice over you with gladness he will quiet you by his love he will exalt over you with loud singing do you see what's going on here look at that sing aloud and that loud singing look at that rejoice and that rejoice look at that exalt and that exalt you are looking in the face of the most ecstatic glorious experience in all of humankind when we exult and we rejoice and we sing at the top of our lungs in praise and gratitude and a pure outbreak of happiness over our God and our God does the same over us [Music] living proof would like to send you a thank-you gift for your donation visit Beth Morgan today thank you so much for watching today it is our joy to serve you at living proof ministries we do not take a single one of you for granted click subscribe so that you don't miss a moment of our time together in Scripture you
Channel: Living Proof Ministries with Beth Moore
Views: 18,935
Rating: 4.8088737 out of 5
Keywords: Beth Moore, Beth Moore Bible Studies, Bible Study, Women's Bible study, God's Word, Bible, Scripture, Living Proof Ministries, Bible teacher, Woman Bible Teacher, Beth Moore teaching, Master Story Teller, Once Upon A Story, Storybook, Beth Moore t-shirt, Taking Happy Back, Happy, Taking Happy, Being Happy, happiness definition
Id: hVs8KSa-3IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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