Daniel Chapter 2 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel Oh our G that's one word love Israel dot o RG now here's baroque with today's lesson God wants to provide things for your life God wants to give you abilities that that the regular man the natural woman does not have because God wants you to live in a way that you demonstrate that you belong to him and that you are a new creation in Messiah Yeshua so let me ask you a question when people see you do they see that as a reality are you utilizing God's gifts now what do I say God's gifts because when we look in the New Covenant when we listen to the teaching of the Apostle Paul he speaks oftentimes an emphasis of his teaching is on the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit we become his his a recipient of him and when he comes into our life he wants to equip us he wants to give us gifts that can be utilized in service service unto God service unto that Kingdom that is going to be established so are you walking in giftedness are you a recipient of God's provision in your life that he might position you in a place where it can use you and in the end people will know the power the truth and the glory of God well Daniel was one such man that that was a reality for and why was that well we could go back a couple weeks ago when we learned where that name mean Daniel it means God is my judge Daniel live continuously with a recognition that God was watching him and that he was accountable to God for everything and when you live with that recognition your life will indeed be very different well take out your Bible and look with me to the Book of Daniel in Chapter 2 now we saw in the previous two weeks of study in Daniel chapter 1 we saw a principle being set forth that those who honor God those who take biblical truth and apply it to their life that is like an invitation for God to move in your life and to equip us supernaturally with the things that will cause us to be useful to the purposes of God and now we're going to see an example of God's provision being utilized in a mighty way so look again as I said to the Book of Daniel chapter 2 and verse 1 we read here and in the second year of the Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar so chapter 1 began differently it says in the third year of the kingdom of the whole king that was the king of Judah wasn't a good King wasn't a righteous man and it took place in his third year but now we're dealing with another man a pagan king and his name was Nebuchadnezzar and we find that in the second year now what does 2nd at number 2 have to do with well as I've said numerous times numbers are important numbers more often than not our messages the number 2 speaks of two different opinions and right now what two opinions are we talking about well we're talking about Nebuchadnezzar his opinion how he looked at things what he believed and then reality and that is how God sees things and the purpose of this chapter is to bring Nebuchadnezzar to agreement with God and by the way that is always God's purpose in your life if you are wise you are going to always want to agree with God don't be foolish and pray God would you agree with me why cheat yourself do you think your plan your desire your goal your your attitude for something is right it is not unless it's God so if you feel a need to pray for something pray for God's will pray for his attitude pray for his perspective that you might see it the way that he does because only then are you going to be able to submit to what you should submit to do the things that you should do and in the end be positioned where God wants you to be so verse verse chapter verse 1 chapter 2 in the second year of the king of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar he dreamed dreams and it wasn't a typical dream because if keep reading says fate it what's that that word means it's the same when we look at this word as a noun we get the word pas Mon which is a bell and if a bell just keeps raining back and forth it's troubling it can be annoying and so it's kind of like pounding this dream pounded his heart it agitated it made him uncomfortable and it says here that his sleep basically departed from him so he wasn't at ease he wasn't at peace he had that dream he was agitated and he could not sleep look now to verse 2 and the King said and called the heart to me these are these sorcerers you might say these men of sages that use kind of like black things meaning black magic wrong things in order to try to have power and discern things also the astrologers and the magicians and the Chaldeans this was for groups of P we could call them the wise men but they used different means different sorcery different deceit in order to try to present themselves of men of knowledge and it says that he called them and the King basically wanted them it says legate lamella column o Tov to declare to the king his dreams and they came and they stood before the king so he called them they came and what was that purpose that they might tell him his dream now what we need to remember is this he had this dream it made a great impression upon him and was disturbing to him he couldn't sleep at nights and he didn't remember what his dream was he just remember he did have a dream so the purpose is that they might tell him his dreams verse 3 and the King said unto them I have dreamed a dream and it is pounding my spirit it's agitating me that I might know the dream so he wants them to as I said tell them what he dreamed verse 4 and the Chaldeans they spoke to the King in Aramaic and what happens is there's a change here because up until this time the Book of Daniel has been written in Hebrew and now we're switching to a different language Aramaic the language of this this people and it was a an official language kind of the kingdom language so these Chaldeans they spoke to the king in Aramaic and they said O king live forever tell us or say to to us the dream and he says here tell to your servants the dream and we will make known to you its interpretation now they were not paying attention because Nebuchadnezzar did not initially save you pay attention to the language he did not say let me tell you the dream so that you can interpret it that's not what he asked for he doesn't remember the dream and he is going to make a discerning revelation are these men these sorcerers these these magicians these astronomers all these those who are based in astrology are these individuals really as powerful do they really have this wisdom that they claim so they didn't hear what he was saying he didn't ask for interpretation he asked for the dream what he dreamed verse five and the King answered and said to the Chaldeans this thing has gone out from before me he says I don't remember in other words if you do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation so both things he says your bodies will be cut into pieces and your homes will be made a heap verse six but if the dream and its interpretation you make known to me you shall receive gifts and presence and honor in abundance from me so he's making them a good deal they said that these are are these wise men that they know the secret things and this is important because that's how they presented themselves they knew what no one else could know they knew that hidden things so now he's saying here there's something hidden I don't remember my dream tell me my dream and if you get my dream right if you're if you caused me to remember it then I'm gonna believe your interpretations therefore he says make known to me the dream its interpretation verse seven and they answered a second time and they said let the King say the dream to a servants and we will tell you the interpretation how they just don't get it and what they're doing is just repeating this is the third time they've behaved in this way and the king is making a conclusion that they are stalling for time they want to know the dream it's much easier if you know the dream to come up with some interpretation but to come up with the dream and be right well that's something that they simply could not do verse eight and the King answered and said in truth I know that you are trying to buy time because you have and it's seen that the word has gone up from me so what he says here is as I know that you're trying to buy time because I don't remember it and you're stalling in order that maybe I will remember it maybe something will change and that you don't have to do what I'm really calling you to do and that is to tell me the dream verse nine for if you do not make known to me the dream one is your judgment so he's saying if you don't tell me the dream there's one thing that's going to be the outcome there's one judgment for you he says now you have been speaking among yourself saying before me words that are deceptive or lying and words a corruption and order that the time might change meaning it's an idiom you've been stalling you've been saying lies to me that you can interpret this dream but really what you're doing is just hoping that the situation changes in the meantime still in verse nine second half therefore he says tell to me the dream and that I will know indeed the interpretation that you make known to me he's saying this if you don't reveal to me the dream if you can't discern that then I'm not going to believe its interpretation but if you tell me what I dream then I am going to believe your interpret seems reasonable nebuchadnezzar didn't become king because he was a foolish man but let's think for a moment these dreams and it's an unusual dream not a normal dream and in the scripture when we're dealing with one of these types of Dreams I'm answering a question where do they come from well we're gonna find out that God put this dream and Nebuchadnezzar and Nebuchadnezzar not being a man of God not being someone who is submissive to the Word of God not believing in the God of Israel not following the purposes of gods his plans he is in no spiritual condition to understand this dream in fact because he is so far removed from the truth of God he can't even remember the dream see this has not happened before what we are to glean from this is this other times he has had dreams other times he had asked these men the heart to meme the Chaldeans to come and to make known to him the interpretation he would speak the dream but now this is different this is not just some dream this is a divine dream that's what we're gonna learn later on and therefore everything has changed and Nebuchadnezzar knows the uniqueness of this situation look now to verse 10 and the Chaldeans they answered before the King and they said there is no man upon the face of the earth who is able to tell the thing that the King requires now this is being set up for the uniqueness of Daniel there right in the flesh according to their perspective how they lived there is no man upon the face of the earth who is able to fulfill the demand of the king that's what they're saying and all of this is being put into order for Daniel's revelation that he is unique and why is he unique he's unique because he trusts God not just in what we would call the big but also in the little things that he would and let me tell you things are still going on he is still just eating vegetables fruit and drinking water day after day mill after MU he hasn't changed because God is unchanging and Daniel's going to distinguish himself before these so-called wise men these enchanters these individuals who are supposed to know all the hidden things Daniel's going to point out that he's different and he's above all of them because of why his relationship with the Living God therefore look again at verse verse 11 or verse 10 therefore it says do not require the King says here the king should not require something so great and rare as this from the cartoon from the sages and he says or for the enchanters or from the Chaldeans verse 11 this thing is hard that the King asked meaning difficult or impossible and there is no one who is able to tell it before the King now they said there's no one that can do this for it says this is only God who's able to do that whose dwelling place is not with flesh and blood so they set up the stage rather well they're saying only God could do something like this and it is all to give us the understanding that God is going to be manifested in this situation and how is he going to be manifested here's the answer by the man of God it was only because Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself not to simply because he was living in a different country in a different culture they said I'm not changing I mean faithful to what God taught me what is his truth because God's truth is truth regardless of where we are so once more these been said you know this is a matter for God and God does not dwell with flesh and blood verse 12 now that tells us a false theology and that false theology and base basically it was very common in Judaism for a period and that is God created things he gave this world into the hands of man gods in the heaven and there's a separation that's not true we need to remember as believers in Messiah Jesus we call him Immanuel as well and that name Immanuel means God is with us see God is not distance that's what they're saying God's dwelling place isn't with us we can't know him we can't do anything that that is of God no God wants to be active in our life we need to be participating in the things of God and manifesting God look now two to verse verse 12 he says on account of this their response the king became hot and very wrathful very anger and it says he burnt greatly meaning with great anger and he said to kill all the wise men of Babylon now the king he knew how important this was he knew it wasn't a typical dream and he was so angry at these false men who said that they could reveal hidden things secret things that they had this power and now he's shown he's exploited or manifested they're their lies and he's going to put them to death verse 13 and the edict went out to kill the wise men and they stood also meaning this edict stood also to Daniel and his friends to be killed so now Daniel he hasn't done anything been faithful to God and now there is an edict that Daniel and these three men floor together who have been faithful what's happening well God is with them but nevertheless from an earthly standpoint there are going to be killed now think for a moment how would you respond to this situation you've been someone who is faithful you've been someone that's just drinking water day after day after day just water 80 day after day just vegetables and why are you doing that because of your faith in God and now after a short time a few years past and what happens now you're going to be killed killed because of this Kings anger but notice the response of of these individuals look if you would to verse 15 or verse 14 then Daniel verse 14 then Daniel turn with counsel and with knowledge to a man by the name of our yoke and he was robbed if a Himalayan now this word tif hey well it's from the same word that we get the phrased myth Bach were pitching from and what do you do with pitch in the kitchen you prepare food and knives are part of it so this is the same word in fact it can be in a shortened form it can be chef or one who kills the same word for massacre comes from this so a chef uses a knife and so does one who massacres he uses a weapon so what happens is that Daniel goes and he speaks to this men are you who is the captain of the Kings slaughter meaning he's in charge of killing people and it says that it went out to kill all the wise men of Babylon so he went to speak to him because of this verse 15 and he answered and said to our young this is Daniel speaking is a high ranking military official of the king he says for what reason has this edik and he uses term barbaric this barbaric edik or cruel or violent edik went forth from before the king then our yak made known to Daniel this thing so Daniel wasn't consulted at first why was that because when the edict went forth to bring all of the Weizmann before the king and the King summoned them because he wanted to know this dream notice that the leadership of the Weizmann they didn't consult Daniel they didn't speak to him and his three friends why well Daniel and his three friends were different he didn't run with them he was a wise one but not in the wisdom of these men so there was a distinction that they made between themselves and Daniel that was wise because Daniel is distinguished and his three friends from them verse 16 and Daniel he entered in before the king and he sought from him that he would be given time in order to reveal to the king the interpretation of the dream and that would also imply and we'll see this later on it would also imply that he would reveal the dream in and of itself verse 17 and then Daniel went to his house and also he went to his friends Anaya Michelle and Azaria to inform them of what was going on and to look at verse 18 and to seek mercy from the god of the heavens now why is this so the language is so important to seek mercy see God working in our life it's not something that we can demand it's not something we deserve anything that God does in our life it is due to his mercy that a holy righteous perfect God would part anticipate in the things of man and Daniel understood his unworthiness but also the great mercy of God so in this passage we see here that Daniel sought mercy from the god of the heavens concerning this secret thing on account that they would not be put to death Daniel and his friends with the rest of the wise men of Babylon says verse 19 then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision and notice what he did he didn't run right away to the king and tell him what it was the first thing it says and Daniel bless the god of heavens what did he do he worshiped now here's the principle when God moves in your life first and foremost it should produce worship every time God there's a touch from him there's a movement from God there's a revelation from God the natural response is to utilize that in regard to our need at the time usually when God moves in her life it's because of some need were praying were requesting something a foolish person let me give an example this remember the the parable that Yeshua taught about the ten lepers remember how when they were healed they just went on with their objective in order to be cleansed officially by the priest and rejoin life but there was one and he went back what did he do he went back to worship so we need to realize that first and foremost when God moves when he reveals when he blesses when he provides whatever he does it should lead to worship so Daniel here blesses the God of heaven verse twenty and Daniel answered and said blessed is the name of the God who is for ever and ever who to him is wisdom and power so he's worshiping publicly he makes this declaration about the character of God when he says blessed be the name of God blessed is his character verse 21 and it says and he changes times what does that mean God is not limited God the first thing he says here in verse 21 is that God is able to change times meaning what God can change situations just like this remember the context a moment ago the edict went out for Daniel to be killed and God went to work why well first of all David Daniel said give me some time and Nebuchadnezzar agreed to it Daniel went to pray and he also went to worship and now if you look here he's still praising God by saying God is one who changes times and seasons he causes Kings to pass on and he raises up new kings and he gives wisdom to the wise men and knowledge to those who no understanding for he reveals the deep and hidden things he knows what is in the dark places and light dwells or resides with him so all of this speaks about God's - well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles and numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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