Daniel Chapter 3 Part 2

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel aarrg that's one word love Israel dot o RG now here's baroque with today's lesson when you walk in faith you are gonna make a lot of people angry don't think being faithful to the truth of scripture is going to make you popular in fact it is going to cause people to want to put you to death now that may seem forward and strange and possibly even impossible to you but as I've said many many times I could take you to places in this world where if you say I'm a follower of Jesus of Nazareth I believe in the God of Israel and I worship Him and no other gods and I live for him that is a death sentence that was true back then in the scripture that we're going to be studying today and it's true in many places today but before Messiah returns it is going to be the character of the world that we reside in and that should not be fearful to you that should be a call to faithfulness because when we act in faith which is rooted in the love of God well what does the scripture say perfect love casts out all fear we're not going to be fearful in those things if we're walking in the love of God that is if we love God with all of our heart soul mind and strength and we love our neighbor as ourselves by the way you know what that is that is the foundation of the tour remember what Paul said Paul says here's the law of God here's the tour in one sentence via hasta la rioja MOCA love your neighbor as yourself so when we're loving God and we love our neighbor you know what love of our neighbors going to do it is going to cause us to have a proper testimony our love of God and love of neighbor is going to empower us by means of the Holy Spirit that we live an obedience let me give you an example of this I know an individual and this is a woman and she struggled with with alcohol and she became pregnant now she had tried to give up alcohol many times in her life she was someone who started drinking believe it or not at the age of 9 years old and now she's 29 she had been an alcoholic for a long period of time and what happens she becomes pregnant and she wasn't even a believer but because she loved that child within her what did she do she said no to any more alcohol she doesn't drink because of her children it was the love of that child that caused her to change her life now our love for God should be even stronger than that and our love for God she caused us to live in obedience to the Word of God and that's why when we speak in that scripture from Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 4 here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength what's the next thing that says and these commandments which I command you today so what he's saying here in those things is this that the love of God is going to produce obedience and that's exactly what these men demonstrated this Shadrach Meshach and Abednego we left off last week with the king threatening them giving them one more opportunity and they said you know what you don't need to hear anything from us other than we are not going to worship your gods and we're not going to bow down to your image that you set up let's go back to where we left off last week verse 19 and then Nebuchadnezzar doesn't say the King just Nebuchadnezzar he was full of anger or wrath it's a word for hot hot anger and the expression of his face changed with anger towards Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and he answered and said that the furnace be heated seven times more than normal and the men look at verse 20 and the men who were valiant soldiers so they were loyal to Nebuchadnezzar and they were in the army they were commanded that they bind and this is an important word that's going to repeat itself over and over in this passage they were bound that was the first thing they were said you are going to be bound now what does that mean powerless unable unable to do anything that you want you had been been conformed to the the word the command the the once of someone else that's what being bound is you've lost your own authority so he commanded first and foremost that these individuals be bound that they would bind Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and that they would would do something that they would be cast into the furnace into the midst of the furnace that burns with fire then they were bound these men were bound in their coats in their trousers in their turbans and the rest that what they were dressed with and they were cast into the midst of that furnace that burns with fire verse 22 and because of that charge of the King that it was we would say barbaric that it was urgent is what most Bibles say and that the the oven or the furnace was heated more than nor it says died by the flames of the fire these men that went up that brought up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego into the furnace so it was so intense that fire than once who carried them up into and just to toss them inside they were overcome by the heat and the flames of the fire and they lost their life what's the principle it's a dangerous thing to serve those whose words are in conflict with God so you need to ask yourself when someone says you need to do this and if that's in conflict with God and you submit to it you know what's gonna do these men suffer the same consequences the Nebuchadnezzar was threatening Shadrach Meshach and Abednego correct they died in the furnace that was the threat so when we when we submit to wrong Commandments when we obey those who are contrary to the purposes of God what's it going to bring out it's going to cause our own demise they die look now at verse 23 and these three men why 3:3 is for the purpose of testing and oftentimes a test it's for the purpose of revealing something right you take a test in order to reveal how well you know the material so we're going to see a test is it good to trust God is it right to obey Him and that's going to be revealed in this passage look again at verse 23 and these three men Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they fell into the midst of the furnace that burns with fire and they did so being what being bound so the enemy bound them but notice the first thing that's we see here look at verse 24 then they were cast in then king nebuchadnezzar he was confused he wondered he was amazed however you want to translate that word it says that he got up in literally fear and he answered and said to his cabinet officials surely were there not three men cast into the furnace of fire and were they not bound I notice how that repeats over and over and they answered and said to the king correct is the matter okay so three people they were placed into that fire what's said over and over bound that's what the enemy wants to do control you bind you to keep you from what here's the idea God came and his Redemption brings about liberty it brings about freedom but what liberty and freedom to serve God to obey his word and when we don't obey his word you know what we're fine we're in bondage bondage to sin well that's what the enemy was trying to do they were trying to control enslave in bond Shadrach Meshach and Abednego but notice the outcome of this look now to verse 25 the King answered and said behold I see four men walking and here it is Oh shiii I see four men walking how having been set free free and notice the number four what is for global implications this truth it's not just for some people it's not just for if you're born in this country if you speak this language if you have this color of skin if you're a vet race all of those things are unimportant to God aren't you glad that God says when he speaks about his church that every tribe tongue language and people God knows no racism God is not a bigot God is not someone who looks at the outward but he looks to the inner man and there you can't see color you can't see race you can't see ethnicity you see either faithfulness or rebellion when God looks into you what does he see well once more look at the scripture verse 25 the King answered and said behold I see four walking free for men walking free in the midst of the fire not just imagine that here they are and they were bound up they couldn't control anything and they're put into the fire and what the Scriptures go to reveal I'm going to get ahead of myself but I'm excited because this scripture is going to say the only thing that that fire did was to set them free the only effect of that hot hot hot fire was to burn up that witch what bound them and now they're free and they're walking in that freedom how in the midst of the fire and they weren't consumed what is that a reference to what comes into your mind I'll tell you what comes into my mind Moses at Mount Sinai when there was that tree in blazed and fire but what was but what is not consumed that's what should come into our mind and if we don't see that it's because we're coming from a Western perspective rather than a biblical perspective so the King answered and said behold I see four men walking free in the midst of the fire and there is no harm and notice the last part and the appearance of the fourth one what says it is as the appearance of who the son of God now there is no other way to understand this scripture this scripture is telling us that the one who is the fourth one in that fires who it's Messiah and it's when we suffer for him who are we going to be brought into fellowship with I mean the the image here is these four men and if you look at some of the rabbinical commentaries yes it says walking but it's walking rejoicing walking as dancing in the midst of the flames lay words said I mean how would you be if you were in that fire and you go I'm not hot I'm not under discomfort and you look and there is Messiah Yahshua walking with you what is that - to describe to us well in the scripture the term walking has to do with lifestyle the term walking in in Hebrew you say that same phrase means Jewish law so walking has to do with they were walking behaving living with Yeshua why they did not submit to the world they submitted to the things of God so that fourth one he had the appearance of a son or the son of God verse 26 and then Nebuchadnezzar he approached the entrance of the furnace that burns with fire and he answered and said Shadrach Meshach and Abednego servants of the Most High God what a proclamation now he was in mattad then what do you say he says you are servants of the Most High God that's El Elyon and that term El Elyon the most high god is usually understood as the one and only the true the real god nebuchadnezzar what happens well where he left off in his understanding of God in Chapter two he had turned away from that and now we're going to see that there is a renewal there is a repentance there is a recognition that that images he set up his gods they're not gods at all and they're going to be defeated so Nebuchadnezzar he says Shadrach Meshach and Abednego servants of the Most High God come forth and they came and they went out and then Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they came out from before the midst of the fire verse 27 and the government officials the rulers the governors and the cabinet officials of the king they were gathered and it says here that their hair knows what it says all of these were gathered to before the king and they saw that the fire had no authority over their body of these men for their hair of their head was not singe their coats did not the appearance of the court there the appearance of their coats was not changed and there was no smell of fire upon them it said that thing made a difference why because God is a defender God is able to keep us away from harm so we don't need to worry about the enemy what what they're threatening what we might go through because God is able to deliver us not from the fire but what in the midst of the fire Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they experienced Messiah in the midst of that fire now look at verse 28 and Nebuchadnezzar answered and said now we're gonna see something so important this is very reminiscent of what Daniel said when God revealed that dream the interpretation of that dream those hidden things those deep things what did Daniel do he worshiped and now we find that same thing with Nebuchadnezzar verse 28 and Nebuchadnezzar he answered and said blessed is the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that sent his messenger now the word here can be angel but the word in Hebrew Moloch angel can speak about an angel a created spiritual being would we normally think of when we hear the term angel but that same word Moloch can be simply a Shelia a messenger one that has been sent so don't think that this word clearly means that it's an angel and it can't be you sure in this passage now can't we be de Matic well I think the Son of God speaks to Messiah but it says here he has sent his messenger to save his servants who and here's the key who trusted in him so if you expect God's deliverance it is presupposed upon you what trusting in him not wavering not doubting not giving attention priority to the enemy not focusing upon the threat that they might I might make against you what they can do to you what did the Messiah say don't fear the one that can kill the body but fear the one that after the body's been killed can cost that soul into hell see God this passage is speaking about how God delivers us from the consequences of sin eternally we don't need to worry about fire condemnation because with Messiah we are going to overcome that look again at verse 28 nebuchadnezzar speaks and says blessed is the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who has sent his messenger and say to his servants who trusted in him and who pass or transgress the commandment of the King I underlined that God responded and saved the one who did what the word here to transgress the commandment of the King that's so important it is to give us God's authority that we are able we are commanded to be faithful to him even if it means being disagreeable and not following the commandment of the government so that's why these individuals that looked Arobin 13 and take it out of the context and not realize what type of government that it speaks of they have a big problem with this scripture and other scriptures in the Word of God so once more he has saved his servants who has trusted in him and transgressed the charge or the commandment of the King and offered up their bodies on account that they would not worship nor serve any other God but rather only their God alone and here again their God is being emphasized in this passage so let me ask you a question does that describe you are you so committed to God that regardless of what the consequence might be what threat might be heaved upon you are you willing to stand firm and trust in him and believe that God not only can he keep you out of that that that that trial but God can see you and deliver you from the midst of that that's what's being emphasized God didn't stop and said wait you're not throwing these minute know it was only after they were thrown in that meant that Messiah manifested himself in order to bring about their deliverance look now to verse 29 Nebuchadnezzar is still speaking he says from me goes forth the command that among all people nation and language now there's a change throughout this texts whether we're talking about earlier chapters or this one when he spoke about people nations and languages it was in the plural but here there's a change it's people in the singular it's nation in the singler it's language in the singular why why this change very simply when we find something in the Seeler rather than the plural it's a show unity it should show togetherness and we're going to find unity we're gonna find togetherness we're in obedience to God so he says from me goes out the command that among all people nation and language that anyone who says a thing against and it's word here which means kind of a a unkind untrue a wrong thing about the god of shadrach meshach and abednego it says they will have their limbs cut off and their homes be made a heap and a sheep and it says on account because there is no one other who is able to save like him meaning there is no other god but the one who is able to save in this unique way so what do we find about God here what's being emphasized about him that he is a God of deliverance he's a God that saved he's a God that responds to those who trust in him regardless of what the world threatens upon such people well look if you would to verse verse 30 our last verse today and the King therefore exalted Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the country or the Providence of Babylon what happens well because of their obedience because of their willingness to suffer for the right thing let me ask a question are you willing to do that are you willing to suffer for that which is right and let me ask you something who determines what is right well the answer is we go all the way back to chapter 1 of this book and we talk about food those dietary laws why is this permissible and why is this forbidden answerĂ­s because god has said and who determines the right thing and who determines the wrong thing God does we are in no position whatsoever to question God we're called to trust in him and that word means to trust but it also means to make oneself dependent upon God here's the beauty if we go back to chapter 1 and remember when it says Daniel he purposed in his mind not to defile himself and we talked about that word is literally the hid God means to redeem himself Daniel was not under the false belief that he could control circumstances that he could make decisions that he could do things in order to work out his own deliverance we're not delivers no we're people who are absolutely in need of God's deliverance in our life and we do that by not making our own decisions based upon our limited intellect how we see things with faulty perspective no what we do is that we rely upon God we trust him and His Word and we follow his commands his words his instructions regardless of what the world says and let me close with this The Book of Daniel Daniel says that this book is to be closed up for it's not for the time of Daniel but rather this book is a book that is uncovered with the book of Revelation the revelation it uses this book the scripture so much in the same principles and the same message of Daniel is found in the book of Revelation and so we're living in the time that Daniel it should be studied some of the most important prophecies for the last days and some of the most important principles to lead us to where God wants us to be the last days are recorded in this book and one of the beauties of it is that the book of Revelation goes from principle to prophecy principle to prophecy teaching a principle of contact a thing that we need to apply to our life and only after we apply that are we going to be in a position where we understand the prophecy that this book is revealing so Daniel a man who demonstrate his clear faith in God is his judge his life reflected that truth so I asked you in close with us does your life reflect that God is your judge are you obeying trusting relying making yourself dependent upon God's instructions is this the basis of your life is this what your life is founded upon what God commands or are you a situational Christian meaning you behave depending upon the situation rather than depending upon the fact that you belong to God don't make that tragic err realize things are changing in this world what we're going to be talking about these prophetic truths in the Book of Daniel they are on the near horizon and it's the principles of the Book of Daniel that are going to prepare us for that time well speaking out of time speaking about time I'm out of it right now until next week may God richly bless you as you pray through the Book of Daniel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles and numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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