That's No Place to Park a Truck

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[Music] ladies gentlemen and as always thank you for watching today we've been told by the Cape Police Department they have a tractor trailer partially blocking the roadway course we've had lots of lots and lots of rain I don't know the full story nobody was injured but it does appear that the driver was attempting to turn around is now like I said porcelain blocking the roadway so they did not tell me to expedite so no lights entire but they did tell me to please hurry up their topic every chance he gets right on you all right here we go this doesn't look too bad appears as though somebody has tried to make an exit where there were no exits let's just pull in here and see what TIG I think probably just pull it straight back but it looks like to me let's go see [Music] maybe it'll be simple maybe it will [Music] hello I just make it tracks is it loaded or empty loaded okay where'd the place officer go oh okay [Music] not good I mean I don't know what the best way to get her out of here she's trying to get back to the interstate so she can head south bound right what she was trying to do is get spike castle she was coming southbound a White Castle figured she'd move around making u-turn Arkham side the road she hid a little white pickup truck we're just back wheels I saw that little pickup back there I wondered what happen at okay so I didn't know if the best way is you know Ryder get her pulled back a little bit yep and then she can cut it out make it right make right big the exact way that she came out and went in is the way she needs to come out otherwise we're going to tear their property up more I know I don't want to tear up giri's property that's and that's good of you don't we bad no sir no sir you do not so I figure if we drag her back a little bit under her own power that she take away but I direct the prick the rear tires gonna jump that herb on that side there's no way right there's no way around cry she's only been driving for about a year but she slide well tandems look like they're slid most his way forward but she could slide them up some more and get some more turning clearance right and I don't know how many cars are parked over here on this other side okay that back in Nate Bates sweep into right so right so that's another I don't know I don't know how heavy she is but I can always pick the back end up and swing it if I need to I can still pick the back end up and swing it if we need to but if she can move under her own power that's always the best the best yes sir yeah let me let me get her out of this predicament then we'll go for the next one yes [Music] took the rock there too but what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you coming in or going out okay all right [Music] just put it there to keep it out of the way or keep trying to make a turn or light the police officer said swung in to grab some White Castle actually took that rock out hit the truck the white truck with the trailer swing least that's what the officer said I tend to believe what the officer we're telling me [Music] stuff into trouble but I mean that half it happens it happens all right yesterday oh this won't be any big deal yeah people ask why I unfold the under reach before I work a lot of that is just so that I can reach my winch's easier at wrong I want preschool yeah I think since we just respawn the drag wench we shall use the drag winch [Music] shouldn't school fairly easily [Music] [Music] ah come on you brain grab hook goes right there [Music] [Music] [Music] right grab the remote control powered up let it get signal and then sync it up sankt and ready to go lock in the drag winch [Music] okay [Music] alright ma'am I just getting just getting this snug up all I want you to do is release your brakes and let me pull you okay straighten your steering wheel out so that your as when you come back once it starts rolling back straighten your wheel out okay now I'll be right here with you go ahead and release all your brakes don't do any spinning yes ma'am run it so you can have power steering alright you know your brakes released okay truck and trailer alright here we go yeah just straighten your wheels out right like that please [Music] whoa all right set your brakes let's face that out just about perfect [Music] [Music] my job isn't done yet though until she's out of this parking lot [Music] I'll move and see what she has in mind there's a little pick up see yet I think it is any help try not to block anybody in here well you can go this way edit and there's a light right up there and so if you were to back out you could hug this corner here and go swing wide there and you've got a good long track all the way around that would be a whole lot better than trying to cut a u-turn right here because there's no those cars were parked outside the trailer yeah I ain't gonna have much steering room to get that trailer over what's he going to have to do right now is to cut hard left and bring the tractor forward and then reposition the trailer bring the trailer over this way before before she starts coming out that way all right I'll try to help spot your brain right now you need to cut your wheels hard left and come backwards I'm sorry I'm sorry hard right hard right otherwise I'm watching you all right get back underneath it and go straight backs whoo hard ride and gum powers now try to get your trailer off your trailer over that way and if I need to move my truck to give you more room I can move that's not a problem [Music] let let me move and that way you can go all the way back like beside that Walmart truck and that'll give you plenty of room to come out wide here [Music] [Music] okay you're probably okay now if you come up come up and hug that right side with your tractor the left side will hug this inside and you want to go straight out that way go as far across as you can at an angle that will keep you from getting off in the well that'll keep the truck into trailer from getting off either way let me take your tandems you might want to slide them up [Music] you should get a lot with it getting a straight line we're going to slide your denims okay turn right straight now okay stop sent just the red trailer brake just the red trailer brake spice cigarette I don't smoke so I don't need it but that will allow me to work where we're at [Music] [Music] Oh why's she doubt wonder slide backwards come on mo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right try it again [Music] come on whoa [Music] both [Music] I got her tandem sled up which will shorten her wheelbase and make her allow her to turn a lot quicker she's got enough of the parts there on the other side there well she's gonna have she's gonna have more of a swing out now that she's got the wheels turns yeah no no no no we're definitely gonna have to watch her I think if she goes the way she's at she'll be okay with this yeah all right we're going to shoot for that opening right there watch your trailer swing out now because your trailers gonna have more of a swing out that tails gonna swing [Music] she okay back there all right yeah go straight across go straight across he coming out straight now cut it hard right hard right ugh this curve right here hug this term strained it out a little bit to your left to your left okay you're clear ma'am go ahead and go ahead and make this turned and pull over on side of the road please better ran over the truck got it so because we're hurricane ins were all the way back you know so well we need just need to lengthen our tandems back up or she will yeah I'll have her do that put them back where they need to be but while she's in these little city streets she needs to have them shortened up yeah yeah all right sir yeah I appreciate you guys help no product anytime anytime thanks sir are we good yeah okay all right oh I don't think it would be an issue thanks sir all right lady and gentleman she's out safe and sound on a road no further damage your injury as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 603,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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