Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls - The Spinoff But Not Really

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and not some crybaby whiny airheaded girl why me hi baby sorry I tried to scare you but then your reaction scared me well I think that sums up their relationship pretty nicely yes to finally talk about the game that I bought an entire console for although danganronpa is known to be a hybrid visual novel series this aimed to be a sort of spin-off that brought action to the franchise where you would use a hacking megaphone to destroy the many more Akuma's and for a game you think you shouldn't pay much attention to I mean I know a lot of fans thought this was going to be a non cannon spin-off oh well they were wrong so very very wrong the game was revealed in 2013 and it looked very different to the final product in terms of UI and attacks the team wanted to break free from the other two games style and just try something different but it was still the exact same development team with kutarka writing the whole game and the same artist and composer back for more why was that it matter the game itself follows komaru now eggy know and from her design she might seem familiar because well she's the sister of the main character from the first game I'm a completely normal high school girl alright we get it you're his brother okay but hang on wasn't Makoto sister showing off in the first game where she looked a little different oh no she's a main character but that's stupid dumb antenna now before I continue I want to say this game does spoil a lot from danganronpa one I mean it takes place between the first two so by knowing about this game just from the characters it already has spoilers to that game so just a warning in that this video will contain spoilers for both danganronpa 1 and 2 then stuff in those games are key for this one story well then Camaro is trapped in a room through her dialogue she states has been trapped here for a year but it all changes in the door breaks open and I monokuma barges on through oh it's fine see such a dumb bear oh no so after running away Kamara was saved by byakuya togami who now works for the future foundation keep in mind this does take place between 1:00 and 2:00 but it came out after the second game to things like the survivors of dr1 working for the future foundation is already known to us and as you'll see the world is in utter chaos as this is what the gang from dr1 faced when they escaped hopes Peak Academy and now they work for future foundation to resist the despair so for the longest time fans were very confused as to what even was this tragedy and as to why the world was in despair like how could one girl caused all this and as I explained in my previous video bits of it were thrown into non videogame material however this was the first game that didn't have to be a killing game and could finally explain to fans in a video game format and well some of the stuff in the outside world is intense to put it lightly for now he gives kymaro the hacking gun as these monokuma are just machines that speak Japanese [Music] yeah I don't know why they didn't dub them all but the gun is able to overwrite them and destroy the Bears he then sends us down before he is seemingly captured where kymaro then runs into a cafe where everything seems normal hello police some suspicious girls oh [Music] damn so I think it was too low the rating but also add to the pink blood psycho pop aesthetic the NPCs are shown as a single color it at least lets them save on resources making generic models but even low detail these scenes depict more violence not seen in the older static games ultra despair ghosts can be actually quite horrifying at times well the room is full of mana coomer's so I guess with our super overpowered gun we can take them all out and we then see on TV a broadcast where these five small kids seemingly have killed the reporters and are parading them around I guess they are the cause of all the panic okay then tomorrow then makes a way out and finds a Future Foundation helicopter and after telling them her name and how scared and normal she is you have to understand she doesn't have any ultimate talents and really just is a citizen caught up in this mess but the nice people will fly her out right of course not and so the monochrome is capture her can you hear me you okay know him again this is the servant nice hand warmer on your left hand buddy and he gives us the hacking gun back however it was a bit too powerful I made a few modifications for game balance purposes get them and you and your fourth of all jokes I just want my okie garden back so now the megaphone has these different bullets you slowly obtain over time and not all of them are for blasting amazingly there are quite a few of them that offer a different mechanics which I'll get to later on he then tells us to go ahead and meet everyone and we see it's those kids from earlier and yeah they are the ones who caused this whole mess let's just say they have a lot a lot of trauma and as such hate the adults calling them demons and well want to kill every single one of them bakumaru they put a bracelet on her and say that they're gonna hunt her down for fun in the hit game called demon hunting I'm really shocked Capcom didn't sue you for this so the five themselves well they went to hopes Peak elementary and unaffiliated school that searched for child prodigies we have arts and crafts child actor PE social studies and our little ultimate homeroom or in other words she gets what she wants from the others and just like that they plunge komaru down to be hunted in this sick game however on the rooftop with other monokuma it seems we aren't alone so this is toh coca-cola from danganronpa one who survived that killing game and she saves us from the Bears because well she's got a split personality with a serial killer I mean I'm not questioning it because this is amazing news as we now have a better way to fight the Bears she says she can control her other self with a stun gun so the press of the triangle button we switched to her with the batteries draining the more we use her but going back to komaru I guess I should explain her weird megaphone gun so like I said you get these special truth bullets that change what type of shot the gun does the main ones are break for normal bullets and move which is used for puzzle solving as it can change electronics now apart from move every single other bullet you get is a limited with refills coming from this Shayne's randomly I did find at times it was challenging because you would run out of bullets especially if your aim is bad now as to the other ones you get knocked back which pushes the enemy's back dance which makes the Bears do the trademark dance and stand still paralyzed to shock enemies which works well in water burn as a rapid-fire gun detect for scanning secrets and length which actually lets you control the Bears and you can upgrade these by equipping these things in combinations now to actually attack you have to hold the left trigger to ready her shot then the right trigger to shoot while the d-pad changes the bullets and then this can take quite a while to get used to kymaro's turning speed with this is very slow you can however get skills to equip that increased speed but please whatever you do don't equip the order lock-on it's very very bad in big areas especially when you want to focus on one enemy like a boss so then with toko it's more of a way to have limited easier combat where you can just button mash to attack enemies it doesn't feel as fluid as other hack and slashes but it still functions and if you build up the gauge you can press the left trigger with triangle or X to do a special copyright-free you move and honestly well i'll immensely fun to watch i didn't use these after a while they take way too long for their animations and it was just quicker to attack herself now toko here actually came to save you for some unknown reason that's explained in the story later and the two of you now have to work together to make it through all the things the kids throw your way and how the levels work is that they are fairly linear streets and you run through them defeating monokuma while also solving puzzles here and there some of these puzzles are in the arcade rooms were after checking the monitor it shows what you should do and what equipment you should use to defeat the best but I often found this very finicky like here I meant to attract the best and then electrocute them in the water but being spotted means that even though I only use the move and paralyzed I didn't get the congratulations screen it just felt very restrictive and what it wanted you to do now throughout the journey you will see these kids with monokuma like helmets and no they are not trying to cosplay their favorite bear they are pretty evil but sometimes not so handing you challenges in presents it seems they also control the mechanical killing bears suggest be weary of these kids okay fully excited and as he go on the enemies also diversify with many variations of monokuma like a riot shield one bomber and an actual ball literally a ball oh my god it's so menacing and yeah this ain't creepy at all now for the most part of the early game these are the two characters you spend the most time with and the game does wonders with this Kumar who starts off as a normal girl who is incredibly selfish like I was actually surprised at how self-serving she was while toko well you know her from danganronpa 1 now the great thing about this is that in danganronpa those characters have one personality and only through the free time events you learn more about them but there is optional however with this game it was able to make toka one of my favorite characters in the entire franchise and her relationship with komaru and the growth from where they started to where it ended is absolutely amazing it's honestly one of the highlights from the franchise for me I think it shows that the people who wrote these characters offers one-dimensional in the killing games or they had to be for that genre but when given the chance they can be greatly developed oh sure there are still many silly character moments where stuff comes up conveniently to move the plot forward but after finishing the game again it's just amazing looking back at where they started and how the game ended speaking of which I guess here as well go into the spoilers for this game if you don't want any of that skip over here now one thing the game does is heavy fanservice for those who have played the other games and no I'm not talking about the manga style dreams toka hazard byakuya or that you see him getting whipped in the chapter ending screens where he talks down to you depending on your rank in the chapter nor am i talking about naruto and how they cover him in white cream Kanaka really knows he's been based well no i'm talking about the fact that well the reason that chimera was in the apartment was because in dr1 there was a motive for the students where Junko captured their loved ones and if they didn't kill each other they would lose them well chimera was that for Makoto and throughout the game you actually see a lot of the other students loved ones from hit list cards with a picture of a cousin or a cat to actual voice characters like asahina's brother a hug or a sister mother but I honestly don't know how these screens go over with people who just jumped into this game actually let me know below did anyone start with this game and if so did you actually go and play the other ones because they literally spoil the first cases death and while knowing that makoto byakuya and Tocco are alive in this game kinda ruins it a bit going blind dr one so will they meet asahina's brother and he's like dude I can totally swim out and leave the island he does so but the wristband on him beeps and kills the boy in one big explosion meaning there is no way off the island with the bracelet on and his death actually kick-starts the eventual growth of Kimura from scared timid girl into someone who is fearless in the face of this despair then the game sort of continues on with boss battles every chapter where you reach places where one of the kids will be waiting for you and they have to fight their giant mechs of course the anime game has mech battles for the most part they aren't too bad with very easy patterns to work out using some truth bullet you recently got and once done the army of kids turn on them seemingly killing them off this then leads to the hikes moments in this game because okay danganronpa as one of the more notable hybrid visual novels in the West Was more Japanese than the others and many things in its games would see more anime than most for whatever reason this game really pushed that line so if you played the game you probably know what I'm talking about about a certain character and stuff she does to komaru yes this is a full minigame but when you learn about her backstory as a child actor and the abuse and trauma she goes through I'm not saying it's bad including it but there should be a point to it and if it's to shock the audience and give reasons as to why the kids hate adults then sure it's just then odd when you have her tripping over in these compromising positions and then there's also this whole minigame you can't fail at or even when you completed the game crashes so you have to do it all again because there was no safe point it's like the game tries to be serious in its depictions of real kinds of issues but then you have bits like this dude where he openly says he likes them younger as young as possible and Chamorro goes gee that's actually kind of attractive him admitting it I mean Briella the actual fun and these moments kind of hampered the pacing of the story a bit like after this section they had such good character building scene between Camaro and cocoa butter no let's shock the audience again even deeper to the story the game filter had the constant they keep reminding you of the despair would be shocking scenes I do know a lot of people say that this is the biggest criticism of it well in addition to how wonky the controls feel I mean seriously why does the camera resent a button instantly turn you around it gives you no time to adjust say then after a few bosses and Monica here not really caring about her buddies losing the to make their way down and find full white monokuma so yeah this definitely ain't suspicious but to be fair the bear does a lot of good helping the to get items into places further on eventually leading them to a secret hideout it made where they were saving other adults on the kids now conversely there's also this monokuma painted in one color acting like a gangster with Monica and man does he never shut up I'll get back to these two but pretty much the plot devolves to we found these people hiding we need to inspire them to rise up against the kids but you know not like hurt them because they are still kids brainwashed with the helmets however old Heidi the leader ain't havin none of that and reveals his secret weapon a giant monokuma his company built game really loves mechs a now while this is going on we then have to make it to TOA headquarters and destroy the device that controls the mana coomer's so that normal bloodshed happens because these riled up adults seriously are getting a bit out of hand now the TOA grouped themselves aka Heidi's family company well they are said to have saved people on the island during the tragedy and a lot of survivors look up to them however making our way through komaru amusingly sees the ghost of the now dead CEO who talks to her look I mean danganronpa was realistic but they did like to bend the rules here and there and surprisingly the ghost also mentions that Monica is his daughter meaning that Heidi and her are related now here is where we get to the final big end stopping well I gotta say on my first playthrough it was so baffling and I can see why a lot of people did write this office just on spin off a replaying if with what I know from its other media it was actually really great at filling the plot between danganronpa 1 & 2 so we know that drinker Enoshima is the big bad wanting to create a huge tragedy that led to despair well since Monica was abused as a kid June actually came in and became her idol she then used Monica's position in the Toa company to build all these monokuma robots to cause the tragedy which is why we saw that factory just pumping them out this is how one high school girl could cause all this chaos however at the same time the TOA group also helped build weapons to fight against it meaning they were profiteering off their own work now Monica herself well she didn't want their children's paradise that the other kids wanted no she just wanted to bring forth the successor to Junko Enoshima and this whole scheme was just to do that she wants to create war between the TOA group and future foundation through one act by forcing kumara to destroy the device controlling all nanak rumors however since the kids all wear the same technology in their helmets they will to die and after our long terrifying series of choices you've finally decided to not destroy it despite many people arguing against you seriously the scene was so tense even replaying it and even when monica shows how she supposedly killed Kamara's parents toko saves her friend from despair and Chamorro then agrees that she wants to save both adults and kids and thus doesn't destroy the machines so yeah in the end nothing really happens to the disappointment of Monica and nagato who himself orchestrated things because he wanted a war so that hope could be born from it kind of opposite from Monica haiji then says what I've been saying for a long time hope despair I don't care anymore then the two saved tegami and decide to stay in the city to find some way to save everyone there leading to a potential opening for a sequel but we know that ain't the case because well I go more in depth over here but after this game they instead made the danganronpa three anime the end of hopes peak and for what happens to the gang there well there's a full episode showing these two even the kids who survived and Monica - who apparently had given up on being Junko 2.0 and Yeats herself into space yeah it's a weird cop-out ending for these casts but to me the whole anime felt like a cop-out but check the link in the description or card if you want to know more about my thoughts on it and as to those bears well turns out they're both were evil of course and the AI in them well that was the AI Junko Enoshima in danganronpa - while they were being wheeled away by a certain long head individual but yeah that's that the story taking place between dear one and two and honestly I think it did a very good job explaining the whole tragedy and the lead-up to dr2 it's also amusing that a lot of fans thought this was going to be a non canon spin-off before release meaning not many people played it at launch but then the dr3 anime came around and I still remember the discussions when Monika appeared in one episode people were freaking out oh I have to play the game now which is probably why the cutscenes of it on YouTube have so many views people really do love the law in this series huh and also when you beat the game you get another one of those light novel things which is canon this time and details a hug Ikuo meeting beyonds cousin and it's a very interesting but now to some other things so the presentation well okay there's a lot to this firstly I absolutely love the sprites in this game they are so much more detailed than before with every character getting so much variety and facial expressions and you have many scenes of the style the punishments and the other games but there was so much more work here because you know they have to draw every frame before they squash and stretch editing to show the action you then have some anime cutscenes which are mostly good mostly and some pre-rendered CGI scenes which were odd I mean come on Nagato haze and that color which leads me then to the CGI models themselves now while the sprites are very detailed the models were kind of plain I mean they seemed a bit stiff and I think the reason is the lighting which could explain Naruto's hair color it just looks very lifeless and whenever they showed the models I mean look at this scene and tell me it doesn't look like an MMD band video you find on YouTube however that being said even with the obvious limitations I love the aesthetic with very creative choices in some scenes I mean there's actually so much detail and some places I didn't even realize the backgrounds here with the magical retelling of Junko meeting the kids but yep bits here not even reference but it's just here the game is just filled with these neat little things if you look around speaking of which there are tons of collectibles most though don't give you anything apart from more dialogue like if you find books and Tocco critiques them as the ultimate writer I will say a lot of character building is here so I recommend exploring as much as you can which then leads me to the voice acting so I've mentioned in the other video but the dub Padilla is one of my favorites ever and honestly I think this game actually beats them both the amount of passion that's in this voice acting is insane the voice actors gave it their all and I say all because surprisingly the majority of this game is fully voiced yep nearly every dialogue has a voice excluding those collectible scenes I mentioned it was so amazing revisiting this and hearing all those Lions voice easily one of my favorite voice acting in any video game also to longtime fans of me this game easily has the most cheesy forms of dialogue and finally to the music I have said before how he is one of my favorite all-time composers and once again he knocks it out of the park with remixes of the older songs plus plenty of original ones some of them being my favorite in the entire franchise so then where do we stand on danganronpa alter despair girls well honestly I have a lot more appreciation of it after replaying the game asides from the likes bits for a team jumping into a new genre with the same creative mind I was amazed at what they were able to achieve I only wish they eased up on the whole hope versus despair thing and focus on the dynamic between toko and komaru because that is seriously the best and maybe the controls could have been better implemented I mean it's all so amusing looking at this concept art spike chunsoft provided it seems that chimera might have once been really Opie also beads buffman Akuma's well that being said if you want the story playing on easy mode recharges the battery when you're in chimera mode making the combat very easy to get through please if you'll want to get into the franchise do not start here just play one to vend this as it spoils so many things from both games and well what's next I mean there is the dr3 anime which I talked about over here which is kind of disappointing that they ended the whole hopeless despair drinker Enoshima saga in an anime not a video game but remember at the reveal of this game a teased a big three well that could have meant the anime but I think it's all fair to say this was teasing the third main line killing game which is my second favorite game ever and one that ended a franchise in the most unique danganronpa way possible trojan Ramses Magnum chic [Music] you
Channel: RamZaes
Views: 174,444
Rating: 4.9811878 out of 5
Keywords: ramzaes, danganronpa, dangan ronpa, dr1, dr2, dr3, drv3, danganronpa 2, danganronpa v3, monokuma, nagito komaeda, spike chunsoft, comedy, funny gameplay, danganronpa 4, retrospective, analysis, review, danganronpa ost, danganronpa spoilers, danganronpa ending, danganronpa udg, ultra despair girls cutscenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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