Every Danganronpa Trial Ranked

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[Music] ever since top ten dog and robber characters people have been asking me to do another dog in Rafah countdown some of us for worst characters but I don't have that many characters in the series I dislike besides after the last video you already know what the top picks would be so that just leaves the trials now I could have done a 10 best or 5 best and worst but that would be too easy instead I'm going to rank all 18 of them with each of these cases I'm taking into account the mystery itself the way it affects the rest of the story and how enjoyable the trial is and of course I'm ranking them from worst to best so let's give it everything we got its countdown time I know between now and last video it seems like I'm just out to get v3 but this trial is the perfect encapsulation of why this is my least favorite game in the trilogy last time I mentioned that one of the big reasons is the cast well the other big reason is the overarching story not only is it not interesting for the most part but it seems to actively avoid doing new and interesting ideas and nowhere is that more apparent then chapter 3 [Applause] let's run down all the interesting plot points that get shot down before they can go anywhere to start with the chapters motive is a Necronomicon that can bring a previously killed classmate back from the dead curious how this would work and change the dynamic don't be it gets taken away before it can be used next mononym stages a coup and overthrows monokuma this should have a major impact on the story right raw monokuma takes a spot back with no resistance before the trial even starts then there's the student council ng indoctrinates roughly half the remaining students into a cult and they go around imposing her will on everyone else how will the others break the student council from her spell they don't she just gets killed and the motive has absolutely nothing to do with the student council finally and worst of all there's the double murder twist for some reason every danganronpa game has a double murder as the third case and this one's no different the difference here is that this is the first time they entertain the possibility of there being two killers and monokuma confirms that if there were only one would be executed now that's got to set up some serious tension with everyone having to get along with someone who's killed one of their friends will never get to see that scenario though because it turns out both victims were just killed by the same guy the emotional core of the trial is pretty weak - I hated tanco and Angie so I wasn't exactly sad to see them gone and like I said last time I found it hard to care about hee Miko because half the time it doesn't even feel like she cares although I will admit I was pretty sad to see what happened to mana Dom the one part of the trial I liked was corrective for committing the murders in a series that usually tries to give its character sympathetic and relatable motives for killing it's pretty funny to have a killer with such an insane depraved reason for what he did I dare not spoil it here aside from that though this trial pretty much confirmed my fears that this game wasn't going to be as interesting as the first two you knew this one had to show up toward the bottom now before I tear into this one I will say there were a few elements I liked monokuma 's movie was freaking hilarious as was Nagato casting suspicion on Hajime despite being the only one who knows he's innocent also the idea of the person doing the autopsies lying to protect themselves is pretty interesting but that's where the good stuff runs out this case has three major problems the victims the killer and the logistics and they all interact with each other to bring this case down let's start with the killer it's me Khan the most passive timid and servile character in the entire series now seeing what would cause a character like that to snap and kill someone would be pretty interesting unfortunately we don't see that instead of it being bitterness makan killed people because she caught a disease that changes the way you act right because it's not like I wasn't a culprit to have an actual motive or anything this also ties into the victims kyoko seemed to be going through an arc that got cut short by her death but it would have meant a lot more of me Khan decided to kill her and only her simply put Kyoko was horrible to everyone on the island especially me Khan so it would have been pretty interesting to see me Khan snapped and it would have made Kyoko's death even more tragic because she started trying to be a better person earlier in the chapter and then of there's Ibuki nearly every character death in the series feels like it has a purpose in this story not Ibuki it honestly felt like they just killed her so they could have a double murderer because the first game did it and that really sucks because not only would meet Khan's motive be better if they only killed Hyo ko but if buki was also a really entertaining character and it felt like she died way too soon the worst part of this case though is the logistics this case is freakin impossible I get that most danganronpa cases wouldn't be possible in real life but this one isn't even possible within the game's own world here's what happens Hajime sees a video recorded live by me Khan while they were both in the hospital in response he goes and checks the music venue where find zaboo keys dead-body he runs to goes to the others and me kahn joins him at the motel after just a couple minutes for me Kahn to have pulled this off she would have had to get to the music venue slightly after Hajj of me far enough fact that he wouldn't see her and then once he was gone tears of wallpaper off a pillar smash a security camera snap a drumstick in front of the door blew the freaking door shut and do all of this so quickly that she would arrive at the motel only a couple of minutes after Hodja made this level of speed planning and timing would already be a bit of a stretch if the killer were a particularly smart and athletic character like Peck oh but this is freaking me Kahn we're talking about a character so clumsy that not only is it one of her key character traits but it was the key to solving the first case I still hate VIII's third case more due to missed opportunities but there really is something to be said about a case that's literally impossible okay we're done with the outright bad cases now in a more neutral territory the final case of danganronpa v3 is a trial I have really mixed feelings on actually that doesn't do it justice I don't think I've ever had more mixed feelings about a segment of a video game it feels like for every awesome thing in this case there's a terrible one to balance it out so let's just get in to start with there's the lank you see the final trial is always the longest one in the game and the trials in general keep getting longer with each new game this is where it felt like they hit critical mass this thing feels like it goes on forever clocking in at nearly four hours some of that time spent in clever ways though like a series of super easy minigames you have to lose on purpose in order to progress the other minigames though are awful you'll have 10 minutes or so of nothing but dialogue and all of a sudden you've got a borderline impossible minigame how about the villains though it is nice to have monokuma throughout the entire trial instead of him disappearing halfway through like in the first two games this was especially needed because tsumugi doesn't hold a candle to juco or Monica as a villain at the same time tho seeing her puppets here all the characters from the past two games is pretty unsettling and it is nice to see a villain who isn't tied to JUCO for once but being separate from the hope versus despair conflict has its own drawbacks particularly the police the characters make at the end of the trial I know this wasn't the intention because it would be insane if it was but it honestly feels like the developers trying to shame the player for enjoying the game series they made and then we get to the big twist of the trial I'll start by saying that the fact they hid a clue to the twist in the game's title is freaking brilliant the only other game I know that did this is BioShock Infinite as for the twist itself I was legit angry when I first heard as you know from last time I really hate none of this is real twists unless it's for a joke I don't like being reminded that the work of fiction I'm experiencing isn't actually real kind of defeats the purpose at the same time though looking back on it I'll admit the twist is pretty funny this takes place in a world where danganronpa is an anime that got so popular they started using real people in the killing games and that just sounds funny although it really ruins the rest of the game when you find out that not only where everyone's personalities preloaded by Sam McGee but she planned out every move in advance really ruins things like coqui cheese master plan in chapter 5 however there is one element that pushes this trial into the green for me deception every claim Saluki makes is unprovable at best and a blatant lie at worst she shows a flashback from earlier that straight-up didn't happen like that one episode of It's Always Sunny plus the whole evidence for this not being in the same universe as the other games is a skin rash Simoni was able to fake an entire apocalypse you think she couldn't fake a skin rash that no one who's still alive even saw this opened so much up to interpretation and makes you want to see what they do in a sequel that sadly probably won't happen okay those last three entries were really long so I'll try to make this one quick which is funny because this trial is also pretty quick case five in the original danganronpa feels rushed and I think that's intentional it's a hastily cobble together not very compelling mystery but it's kind of supposed to be this whole case is monokuma fabricating a bunch of evidence to pin a murder on Kyoko it's to the point where the victim is a character we never met and didn't even know existed for a while just how convenient everything feels really communicates monokuma x' desperation as does that awesome dilemma at the end all of it really helps the overall story but doesn't make for a very compelling mystery which is why it's solo another final trial already yeah finales aren't really this series strong suit these trials have to encompass everything that's happened in the game instead of just focusing on solving a case and as a result these cases can feel a lot more like Laura dumps than they feel like actual mysteries and danganronpa twos finale is by far the biggest offender of this that isn't the only issue I have with this trial though there's also the matter of this game's big twist the twist itself is fine the fact that everyone on the island were juncos minions is a pretty interesting idea and they really run with the dramatic implications of it my problem is the details for starters the names juncos minions are called the ultimate despairs despite the fact that her title was the ultimate despair I'm sorry it's just an incredibly dumb name for them my bigger issue though is that they try so hard to be disturbing it actually creates plot holes seriously this game says that after Junko died the ultimate despairs cut off parts of her body sewed them to themselves and even tried to impregnate her corpse guys you do remember how Junko died right she was smashed flatter than a pancake none of this crap would have been possible and even if it's exaggerated we know some of it happened just look at Nagato despite all that though this trial is still in my good graces for one big reason Junko Enoshima this is easily her best appearance in the series in the first game she was funny but it seemed utterly ridiculous even by this series standards that one person can plunge the world into chaos especially someone as scatterbrained as Jukka here though I completely buy it she's still pretty funny but there's also an element of casual sadism and extreme intelligence she's able to pick apart every motivation the heroes might have almost instantly sets up a bunch of impossibly awful dilemmas and always seems to have one more trick up her sleeve the end of the first game was a battle between hope and despair here I'm convinced the only reason Joko lost is because Chiaki showed up the Future Foundation had basically nothing they could use against her so what do you do for the first case in a series about solving murder mysteries I know how about the character closest to you is the first victim and you're the main suspect now why does that sound familiar not only does that first death serve as a pretty big shock but everyone's suspecting Makoto is a pretty intense way of starting off Sayaka being the one who actually instigated the killing was a pretty good twist as well and this case served as a nice introduction to Kyoko's character as she blended into the background up until now there's not much to say about the case itself it's pretty basic which makes sense for a first case but does it make it that interesting well here we are already my favorite of the final cases the final case of the first game so why is this my favorite finale of the bunch well let's start with the setup you're coming back from Mikoto almost getting killed you've caught monokuma an ally and instead of just ignoring you which he can easily do he decides to indulge you and says he'll let you leave if you manage to solve all the mysteries of the school this leads to my favorite investigation segment in the whole series there were so many areas that you knew existed but couldn't go to and now you're free to investigate them all the trial is also the best final trial in the series and there's one major reason for that unlike the other two where it feels like the villain is just lecturing a plot twist at you this one feels like you're actually solving a mystery it feels like you found all the clues you need to solve this thing instead of the clues being either meaningless or spoon-fed to you by monokuma also I still maintain that this game's major plot twist is the best one in this series given just how well it ties in to the rest of the game and changes so much all of that more than makes up for the fact that this trial is less flashy than the others and that Junko isn't as good of a villain as she would go on to be [Applause] when it comes to the first case in v3 there's really only one thing people think about the culprit and there's a pretty good reason for that it's an excellent twist who is the killer in the game's first case you are yeah the person you thought was the main character doesn't even survive past the first chapter it showed you the setup of the entire murder but left out the key moments I'll admit I was a little disappointed by this twist as I honestly would have preferred having qaida as a protagonist over Shuichi especially given how similar he is to the past two protagonists at the same time though I can't let that cloud my judgment with how brilliant this twist is despite how early in the game it is they made damn sure you wouldn't figure this out everything from the trailer to the official artwork to the frigging tags indicate Kai ADA is the main character think about how much dedication that must have taken for a twist that happened so early it's still kind of low in the list though because that's all this case has going for it aside for the fun of narrowing down potential suspects when the pools this large and creating a backdoor way for someone else to be the killer there isn't anything else that's really notable about this case [Applause] here we are at the last first case on the list I mean I'm the best opening case yes that's a lot less confusing way to work it so why is this case above the other openers simply put it's not just one element I like about this case the whole mystery in general is pretty engaged there's the setup where byakuya organizes a party to prevent anyone from dying ironically resulting in his own death the method terror terror used to commit the murder was pretty creative as was the piece of evidence that ultimately incriminated him it was also pretty surprising to see such a creep like him have a sympathetic backstory but of course you know the real highlight of this case nah Vito up until this point in the game Nagato was an incredibly boring character he just seemed like a nice guy who was a bit shy but nope turns out he's completely insane there's everything from how he tries to derail the conversation once people start suspecting him to how he purposely got teru teru to commit the murder to the fact that he confessed despite not actually being the killer all of it adds up to an explosive first trial that really starts the game off right there's not a whole lot to say about VIII's second case it's just really solid overall narrowing down the suspects and having to consider when the crime took place was interesting the crime itself was complex enough to be satisfying this case probably is the best body discovery scene in the entire series and I love the fact that monoski accidentally gives away a major clue my only gripe with this case was Coronas motive it's not a bad motive or anything but it was kind of tradition that case two he usually has a pretty emotional ending and it seems like that's what they were going for here but it left me feeling nothing although that execution more than made up for it anyone here familiar with the term third case syndrome it's usually used referring to ASA Turney but it could just as easily be applied here basically it states that the third case in these types of games is usually the worst one and in Duncan drop this case it's always a double murder for some reason as we've seen this rule the one about them being bad is held true for the most part but not with the first game the original Duncan rumpus third case might not be the best one in the game but it has one major thing going for it complexity the main reason I think a lot of people have the original as their least favorite is because of the cases they're way simpler here than they are in danganronpa 2 and especially V 3 this is the only case in the original that reaches the complexity of those two when you break it down celeste splen was brilliant manipulate the most gullible person left into helping you kill the most vulnerable one then kill him before he can squeal when the murders happen everything so confusing and happened so fast everything from their being to culprits walking around to the incredibly misleading justice hammers to that weird Robo justice character being used to frame Yasuhiro all of it adds a bunch of layers that make the case really satisfying to solve I kind of wish the others were this ambitious even the nitpick of him Fumi somehow knowing Celeste surreal last name and using that instead of the name people would recognize I can chalk up to him being a creep and an idiot you know one thing we haven't talked that much about on this list is motives yes every killer has their own reasons for committing the murder but monokuma usually provides a motive himself just to keep things moving they take a lot of forms throughout the series but none have played a bigger role in the trial itself than Twilight syndrome murder case [Music] in chapter 2 of danganronpa - monokuma introduces a simple arcade cabinet as the motive for the next murder on the cabinet we get a low quality murder mystery visual novel the important part though is that this game depicts past events that the main characters don't remember because the future foundation stole their memories this leads to an interesting trial because half the case isn't even about solving the actual murder but rather figuring out the specifics of the game as it is pretty vague yet clearly directed at one person in particular it's also pretty funny that monokuma won't let you progress until you've solved everything about the game even though some of the details are completely irrelevant the actual case is pretty good too pretty simple by this game standards but considering it's only half the trial it doesn't need to be that complicated plus it's always awesome to have the body discovery announcement be a clue of course I can't talk about this trial without talking about the aftermath as it's one of the most emotional moments in the whole series the arcade game was specifically created to get fuyuhiko to kill mahi room but things went a bit wrong for hiko didn't actually want to kill her he just wanted to talk but since pecco works for free.you he co and has been since they were little she killed mahiru assuming that's what he wanted it wasn't the two of them play a weird game of cat-and-mouse trying to protect each other throughout the trial for you he Co butts in repeatedly once people start getting closer to the truth and Peko confesses but disguises her mode it's interesting because they both have different reasons for doing this Peck oh just sees herself as a tool to be used by her master well fuyuhiko just wanted Petco to be his friend and saw her as is equal of course Petco seeing herself as a tool leads to flea yahiko have ting to make a choice after the votes are cast either peko made her own decision and things proceed as normal or she was just as tool and fuyuhiko gets to leave the island sacrificing everyone else you can probably guess what choice he makes but the whole scene is utterly heart-wrenching and their execution while far from the most brutal is easily the most cruel the mechanism that kills her is specifically built around free yahiko trying to save her if you've been paying attention you'd have noticed that so far there haven't been many case fours and fives yet it was a good reason for that it's a series tradition that's starting with chapter 4 things get really creative and push the boundaries of how these murders can be committed take chapter 4 of the original dog and Robin [Music] the victim is Sakura Ogami and the killer is also Sakura Ogami no there's no parallel universe [ __ ] it's just a simple suicide but to monokuma any death not caused by him counts as a murder now if the remaining casts were more United they'd be able to figure this out pretty quickly but since they're all at each other's throats a series of misunderstandings aren't enough to turn this into a full-blown murder case you see earlier in the chapter monokuma reveals that Sakura was actually a trainer working for him even though there was a hostage situation involved that was enough to turn byakuya Yasuhiro and Tocco against her in an attempt to mend the situation Sakura schedules meetings with the people doubting her in order to talk things out it doesn't go well both hero and Tocco think they killed her because they swung glass bottles at her fearing she was going to attack them and Tocco was slightly better at hiding it then the suspicion shifts Athena who tries to paint yourself as the killer in an attempt to kill everyone as revenge for driving her best friend to suicide definitely irrational but makes sense the only problem is she's basing this off a fake suicide note that monokuma wrote for once the case of simplicity is kind of what made it great it would be easily solvable if everyone was willing to talk things out but all the infighting made things way more complicated than they needed to be I know it's crazy to say this about a case this high up on the list but I'm some mixed feelings about this one [Applause] let's start with the bad stuff this case is way too similar to case five of the previous game both involves the game's most unpredictable character going completely off the rails and everyone agreeing they need to be stopped then once they're able to confront them they're greeted with the death this death is specifically designed by said character to be an impossible mystery that the characters assume is just despite them but it's actually meant to weaponize the trial system to the characters own ends I get that Nagi chose trial was awesome but you think they could have changed things up a little more that being said though the things that are different are really awesome for starters this trial has a gimmick that didn't even seem possible before not only do you not know the killer but you don't even know who the victim is it makes for a really interesting trial seeing the figure in the XS all constantly trying to keep people guessing as to who they really are the other difference and the biggest highlight is who the ruse is meant to fool this case is so impossible monokuma doesn't even know who the killer is seeing a character as powerful as monokuma in a position of genuine weakness is pretty damn interesting given how rare it is and having to team up with the series main villain in order to beat this other threat feels nothing short of badass seeing that the whole point of this was to invalidate the killing game and that Kokichi wasn't actually such a bad guy was also pretty neat just saying this trial is the biggest reason they should have even entertained the idea of samui planning us all out in advance even if it was just one of her lies it really takes away from the feel of this trial it's a shame too because if it weren't for that and just how similar this trial is to the previous games equivalent this one could have easily been in the top three but as is number five out of eighteen ain't exactly a bad place to be [Music] the second case in the original danganronpa isn't this high up for the reasons you'd expect the mystery itself is well structured and entertaining but it's nothing when compared to the other cases this high up I was actually able to predict most of the plot twists in this one the reason this one ranks so high is because of the character it brings to the table it feels like every great twist and turn in this mystery leads to a great character moment that often impacts the rest of the game first off there's the twist that's so obvious they reveal it almost immediately the fact that toko has a split personality and the other side of her is the serial killer genocide jail this reveal is great not because it's unexpected but because of just how entertaining genocide jail is she's hilarious and the duality she adds to Tokyo's character makes them so much more interesting then there's byakuya up until this point he's come off as a smug elitist but that's about it this trial shows just how slimy and manipulative he can get he reveals toko secret for no reason other than his own ego and tampers with the crime scene to frame her despite the fact he's not even the killer he's just testing everyone to see who he'll need to watch out for later down the line and then there's the cases big twist they're revealed that Chihiro was actually a dude I saw this one coming due to just how many hints there were but that didn't make it any less well executed it's a unique idea and the backstory behind it is pretty interesting even though it is weird that everyone's able to start calling to here or here immediately with no slip-ups whatsoever probably the craziest thing in this whole series Mondo's and interesting cases Wow not only are his backstory and motive pretty damn tragic but if you think about it he's the only killer in the series to show remorse for what he did sure there have been characters who had understandable reasons or were tricked in some way but mondo is the only one who legit wishes he could take it back and that's pretty sad especially when taka refuses to believe it also might as well clarify this since some people will be asking no chihiro's not trans his backstory specifically states that he started pretending to be a girl to avoid being bullied for being so weak the reason he went to the gym with mondo was specifically so he could become comfortable enough with his masculinity to tell everyone else how do they say it like that it sounds a lot like a trans storyline but in Reverse I guess it's actually pretty damn clever so we just had my favorite trial in the irrational now for my favorite in v3 case 4 has so much going for it let's start with the general concept this case is murder took place inside a virtual reality simulation in this simulation things operate a lot differently from the real world as a result a lot of this trial is just trying to figure out how the virtual world works you can argue this trial has a similar problem with the one that came after it being too similar to the previous games equivalent but I'd have to disagree the only thing this case and danganronpa twos case four have in common is the focus on the environment the characters were in that one was about layout and architecture while this one is about world altering video game logic another thing that makes this case unique is that it's a murder gone wrong which is surprisingly rare for this series you see Muse the one who lays out the rules of the virtual world but she lied about summon n and programmed rules for herself that would allow her to commit the perfect crime well it seems perfect until you find her dead in her chair this really works because since she's the victim you'd have no reason not to trust her but once you figured out what she was planning the question becomes how the tables got turned on her and the only person who could explain the rules to you is dead however while the video game logic unique art styles and failed murder all make this a great case none of them are the best part the best part is Kokichi he was a joy in the other trials but he completely steals the show here he's the one who masterminded news death but he's not the one who carried it out and he holds that fact above your head entire time halfway through the case he literally confesses to the crime and tells you the culprit just so you don't get the satisfaction of figuring it out on your own that creates a ton of complications too because the killer here is goat someone who's not that smart and easily manipulated but is also one of the sweetest guys out there so once Kokichi drops that bomb no one can believe it not even going to because he has no memory of actually committing it coupled with how Kokichi acts like a complete supervillain the whole time makes this a really dramatic trial also the murder weapons a roll of toilet paper try figuring that one out let's go from one case focusing on your environment to another focusing on your environment so how is this case better than the last one when the last one had so much going for it well for starters there's the amount of time you spend in these locations you don't actually spend that much time in the virtual world but you spend almost the entirety of chapter 4 in the funhouse as soon as you arrive not only is there a sense of suspense because there's no food in it but there's also a huge sense of mystery you see the funhouse is split in between two areas strawberry house and grape house each with their own tab the two towers seem to be connected but the exact way is unknown and as you would expect from a funhouse it's meant to disorient no one really knows how the two houses connect aside from the elevator there's no windows so everyone's perception of time gets completely distorted and then there's the Octagon which adds a whole new layer to it the investigation for this one is also one of my favorites yes playing as Nagato is pretty sweet and that Russian Roulette scene is hilarious but it's also because of the clues themselves by the time you find mecha Mario's body everyone seems to think they have a grasp on how the funhouse works but nearly every clue you find seems to contradict the original ideas you can't really see the full picture until you lay all the clues out and every conclusion the characters jump to makes sense it's just a brilliantly constructed mystery I also got a comment on just how brilliant Gundams plan was he was able to manipulate every rule of the funhouse as well as Neku Mauro status as a robot long story to pull off the ultimate kill and block everyone from figuring out what happened even though everyone figured out how Nick Amaro died I doubt anyone would have figured out who did it if fuyuhiko hadn't had trouble sleeping I also loved the motive they gave Gundam the game implies he sacrificed himself to save everyone else but he never outright says that instead he ties it in with his own life philosophy and supervillain persona he comments on how disgusted he was that everyone else was so willing to give up and die I never thought I'd say this about a justification for murder but Gundams last words were surprisingly inspiring by process of elimination you probably figured out what my number one is the one trial that to me and I'm missing a lot of other people is the only one that could have been number one [Music] everything about this case from the setup to the emotional and character moments to every twist the trial takes made it a no-brainer to explain why though I should probably start from the beginning of chapter 5 Nagato was crazy and unpredictable throughout the entire game but everyone's starting to worry that he snapped completely after chapter 4 mainly because he used to be a total fanboy of the other students and now he seems to have lost all respect for them when the others confront him about this he threatens to blow up the entire island unless the trader reveals themselves oh yeah ever since the beginning Monaco has been saying there's a traitor among them but no one's been able to figure out who it is anyway after trying to find the bomb and defuse it it turns out that Nagato was just bluffing and he says he's actually figured out who the traitor is when everyone goes to meet him in the warehouse you find him dead in the most brutal body discovery scene in the series and the first question you're left with is who the hell did this because everyone was either running around the island or all together for the most part why would they have had the time well the first theory that gets floated is that someone tortured Nagato to get him to either stop the bombs or reveal the trainer but that quickly gets debunked by the duct tape on his mouth as it turns out Nagato did this all to himself everyone assumes Nagato hated them so much that he killed himself to try and get them to die in the trial process but then they realized that that's not crazy enough for Nagato earlier a fire broke out and everyone threw fire grenades at it to try and put it out but what of those grenades was filled with a deadly poison that wound up dealing the final blow so Nagato tricked someone else into killing him and created an impossible murderer that not even the culprit would know the answer to so the assumption is that he created this impossible murder to give one last insult before getting everyone killed but that's not true either it was actually designed to expose the traitor you see Nagato is insanely lucky so he knew that the traitor would be the one to throw the poison grenade the whole plan was to weaponize the trial system to get the traitor kill right when you think that means you're screwed the traitor reveals themselves it turns out to be Chiaki and the reveal is soul-crushing for so many reasons for starters she's probably the sweetest character in the game and is so willing to sacrifice herself so everyone else can live but since chiaki's not allowed to actually say it she just makes it abundantly clear without outright telling you and you have to present all the evidence it's her because everyone is understandably unwilling to believe you even if deep down they know you're right the final rebuttal showdown which happens after the trial would normally be over doesn't even have the normal energetic music but sounds dour and depressing as Sonia tries to defend her friend and despite not having a leg to stand on even monami does everything she can to keep everyone from finding out despite clearly being desperate everyone's scrambling to find an excuse not to condemn Chiaki to death and you're forced to shoot them all down the aftermath of the trial also hits you with some pretty heavy reveals such as the fact that the Future Foundation might not actually be the bad guys and the fact that Nagi tows plan had one more layer as it turns out he wasn't weaponizing the trial system to get the trader killed he was using it to expose the trainer and kill everyone else and the next trial makes it pretty clear why also after all this time monokuma finally kills monami even though he could have done it anytime he wanted to overall this trial had everything it was a great mystery that challenged all the rules of the game it focused so much on trying to figure out the motives of an unpredictable character who's unable to give any answers now it had such a heart-wrenching finale that they change up the trial structure to accommodate it and it has one of the flashiest executions in the whole series really what else could have been number one I am to fossilize er and I'm not sure what my next video will be but hopefully it'll be shorter and less dying in rabaa related bye [Music]
Channel: Dafawfulizer
Views: 258,506
Rating: 4.7859883 out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa Trials, Danganronpa, Danganronpa 2, Danagnronpa V3
Id: JkbJ9LcCZjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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