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it's time for some more fortnight jelly says wait this guy leader today Josh I'm your new releases crowds okay oh yeah a crouch again no oh yeah that's right you're listening to me now Josh you're under bikers rule if you don't listen to me I will kill you everybody understands the rules wait what's this guy doing are you stupid are you what are you do you want to die kill him kill a I'm sorry mate hey wait sir get off the get off the wooden thing alright come on get off you're so dominant said jelly says we already lost one guy everybody jelly says jump if you use Co jelly in the item store that's right everybody's jumping what are you doing you want to die or something that's right yes I'm talking about Tosh Jenny I've got to be honest with you here I I use my own code okay everybody follow me good job I didn't allow you to jelly says come to this section and stand in front of a door do not open that door jelly says stand in front of your own unique door that's right Josh which door are you going for my friend I'm Way over this one no I should move it for this one this one that's a nice that's just all looks good I like oh alright so everybody has a door we already lost one guy so there's the door available you know what for for fun sakes I'll take this one alright open your doors see what's inside you guys are so dumb this guy is supposed to die who else is gonna die you're right but they're not listening to me I want to make sure that everybody listens to me from this point onwards okay wait you didn't listen either you didn't listen give him a chance give him a chance all right jelly sis just jump okay and now crouch good he understands the rules now Josh he understands the rules yes all right jelly says open the door that's right inside of this door you've got a chest jelly says open this chest all right now come up to the front of the door jelly says come to the front of the door and show me what you've got oh wait yes Josh you didn't say to pick it up that's true but I wanted you to show me what you have okay no worries just just be careful all right wait this guy is a garden whoa it's a beautiful rifle wait does anybody else have a gun hello no bandages bandages nobody else has a gun sir with the gun go over here please no that's right I didn't say Jolley says jelly's just stand in front of me with your gun all right we're comparing guns now you like that we're comparing gun sizes which one's bigger oh that's too much well since you're the only one with the gun you know you're quite unique today do you like being unique sir jump before you like being unique no he's not jumping he doesn't like the unique Josh what a weirdo all right jelly says stand in front of a person it doesn't matter who stand in front front of someone doesn't matter who only the guy with the gun only the guy with the gun I should have clarified Oh mister default mr. default it's it's not a lucky day is it it's not a lucky day mr. default delis just default follow me come over here all right jelly says slow go man kill him okay yeah Wow okay we weren't supposed to get rid of so many people at the start but that's how the game works guys jelly says follow me jellies just form a line shoulder to shoulder in front of me what a weird line this is the worst line I've ever seen next up we've got something interesting in front of you all we've got a one minute timer you can jump on the little trampoline and the timer starts now listen up so the aim of the game is to stop the timer at the lowest possible number from 1 to 60 of course the person with the highest number dice le says find your own timer do not start it though jelly says is everybody ready but master jelly can ask a question yes what's up does how long do we actually have to do this do we have enough time to like go through multiples or yeah well you've got one minute Josh oh oh we okay that's fine all right jelly says go all right all the timers have started they're all starting the countdown remember the lowest number you can get is the one you want the person with the highest number will die Oh death is fun wait no it's not don't say that jelly I feel like there's a bomb timer this about to cool well it depends if you got the highest number you got too good at this one okay just okay oh whoa oh my goodness Oh oh my goodness Josh yes what did you do it I did a good'n I did it you did it couldn't you've got it one second yeah Josh maybe want to come up here jelly says Josh you can look from the top with me come here Josh from here so we've got one second two seconds three seconds two seconds one one one and one jelly says the person who's got three seconds stay right there just let's go over wait jelly says just you can come with me okay all right oh this is unfortunate I'm sorry to say but you suck crouched if you agree it doesn't agree with me Josh what a weirdo you always live the highest number how could you not agree jelly jelly jelly oh yeah can I speak yeah you can speak I think we should give him a chance Joey says we search if you want a chance another one oh you want to live huh jellies to stand up if you want to live you know what you should do jelly sorry if I'm interrupting you Baba yeah you should see if he can get the time into one second if he does I think you should have submit idea jellies just get the timer - one second three two one Julie says jump if you're happy for him yay everybody's happy Josh you're not happy for him this was your idea I know I said you live another round all right Shelly says everybody follow me all right Wow a nice line we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven people remaining you know what that's a lot of people I can barely count that high so we've got a bunch of colors here Shelly says go on a color that you like yeah come on that's right I know what come on oh yeah that's a good one that's it oh wow a lot of people on red hmm that's quite funny yeah you know almost more than on green all right Shelly says maximum three per platform okay come on we need to split it up a little bit split up come on I'm not going anywhere maximum three that's right we got an orange one all right this default jelly says go on another color good good boy all right you guys are good here all right just have to split it up okay I just had to split it up so in this little Hut over here guys in the cabin I've got balloons oh you guys know it's up I'm gonna open a balloon and if this balloon is the color of your platform something will happen to you now just for my own life's sake I'm getting off this color all right Shelly says you do the countdown yes we read yes guys three two one Oh everybody on the blue platform get off hmm they're good they're smart aren't they Josh they're smaller blue jelly says blue platform people get off right now that's right that's right all right so you guys really like each other huh guys had a good time they're together on the platform obviously wondering what's gonna happen to me now oh you're not wondering that Oh Josh what what are you suggesting jelly says Josh make a suggestion what should I do I think you should do another round with only those two oh I like that jelly says everybody get off the colors slow the man I really like that idea of yours we're doing this again jelly says grab a color doesn't matter which one can be the same one again but separate alright your own one rabbit caller that's right jelly says slow go man come over here why are you picking me too slow go man jelly says pick up the balloons jelly says open a balloon in three two one go is your color that would have killed me oh yeah I guess it would have but they're gonna stay alive Wow okay rounds not gonna kill them maybe round two sure jelly says open another balloon three two one go I'm very sorry jelly says get off the blue platform blah blah blah I can't even talk anymore jealous is crouch jelly says don't look at me I don't want you to watch this buddy alright Josh I'll get rid of these balloons I can't okay only one person died here like that was supposed to happen right jelly says everybody come over here and stand on a little wooden platform what do you call this Josh stump a wooden stump I like that alright Shelly says everybody go towards the chest and open it that's right only one person can open it but inside we've got a bunch of guns jelly safe everybody grab a gun but do not shoot alright jellies just get back on the platforms if you have a gun oh right look at you guys you're all warriors now Wow well this is actually starting to get really interesting jelly says over here we've got four doors what I want you to do is I want you to stand in front of a door with your gun out jelly says go alright Slocum and which door you're gonna pick they look the same to me jelly yeah they're all quite similar you're right all right you all have chosen your doors jelly says the first person opens the door and jelly says everybody walks in go go inside it's gonna be great in there yup nice job guys jelly says get outside onto the little stumps again oh right so what exactly happened here what exactly happened guys geli says grab your gun wait where's your gun where's your gun where's your gun what yeah you have a gun wow it's a nice one - where's yeah it's nice laughter gods this is strange geli says people with the guns get off the stumps oh we got one too we have three people with guns Joey says if you have a gun aim at somebody hey hey hey okay Tilley says aim at somebody but not me okay I'm sorry I'm sorry Shelly says if you are being aimed at jump be scared be scared oh I'm so scared does everybody aiming at this guy if you're not being aimed at get off the platform I don't want you to watch turn around honey it doesn't look in the great condition one all right well we got rid of somebody so I mean there's that you guys feel like shooting Shelly says do you feel like she know you feel like shooting huh you feel yet wait is it because I'm standing there geez Josh that's rude I'm just being honest Joey says you crouch oh hello dog Shelly says aim at the sky everybody aim at the sky that's right oh all right Shelly says if you see a bird shoot it that's right there's no birds in the sky if you don't see a bird shoot okay good good good good good y'all didn't shoot y'all didn't shoot congratulations you survived and everybody else did too jelly's just follow me through the doors we go all right guys it's time for another little challenge all right jealousy's in front of us we've got a lot of beautiful colors especially the green once there's a lot of green I really like those a good touch for that Shelly says everybody stand on a green one all right only one per person one per person that's right that's right oh there's a lot of green there's a lot of green ones looks very good Josh that is green but I would prefer you know I should have specified I would prefer if you get a solid green color Shelly says so getting a solid green color okay no right I should have specified but don't worry about it right now jelly says get on a red head on a red guy's Josh you know which color that is right a red solid block please guys okay yeah all right nice job everyone now Crouch crouch everyone good job okay nobody's listening jelly says get any golden platform in one per person one per person hello guys def do you hear me who was here first jelly says jump if you were there first oh they - they're both lying huh someone flying they're both lying alright both get off the platform please get off the platform come on any that good that good jelly says if you think you're better than the other person Crouch they both think they're good Josh oh you're you're better - I'm just betting on this thing you know what slow go man you come over here please that's right you weren't allowed to jelly says slow go man stand on the green no this screen this is the screen jealous is this screen alright so slow go man we've got two defaults in front of us how about we pick someone to die sounds good to me yeah sounds good right slow go man I'm gonna give you the honor mate I'm gonna give you the honor jelly's just grab the gun well there walk slow go man jelly says pick someone to die I'm sorry guys your faith ends here wait wait wait wait I made up these two defaults oh the man Oh jelly says what I'm too deep just give me the gun back already sorry you want specifically jellies just give me the gun back yeah but come on use common sense all right next up we got some ballers jelly says stand in front of your own baller do not get in however nice guys nice good job everybody get in the baller Oh Tosh these guys are too good what do I do with them the - good try extra hard jelly alright Deli says get in the baller jelly says grapple on to me oh my goodness I almost died there I think all right and I'll let go of the grapple Oh who was that was it marshmallow it was marshmallow jelly says marshmallow get out jelly says crouch if it was you oh that's so sad how hard can it be we've trained for days and days it's like episode number 12 - all right jelly says what's the baller everybody just come with me alrighty right here baby I decide where we're going this is kind of funny I like this jelly says grapple onto this pillar all right all right nice job nice job slow go man really down at the bottom here but you know he does grapple onto it just being safe all right last person at the bottom guys go wait oh my goodness this person come over here now you let go because you wanted to come down didn't you jelly sis get out the baller Billy's his Crouch if you think he deserved to die he doesn't he doesn't think so Josh what do you think I think he deserved to die he let go I mean he wanted to come back at him I'll ask him if he let go jelly says Crouch if you let go to come back down oh my goodness what a bad boy jelly says get back in a baller use this ramp and fly out of here and never come back that's right that's right see you later everybody say goodbye to him say your goodbyes everybody we've got six people remaining so go man I'm kind of surprised you're still in here how are you still alive I'm so fair this little cool yeah you're actually pretty good everybody crouch good you're actually really good Josh tell us his jump oh nice nice all right so everybody this is a tricky question at the first level there was a tree in the middle of all the little cabins if you remember this tree jump that's right nobody remembers it is because I didn't say jelly says jelly says at the bottom of this tree there was a caller yep it was either gold silver or blue jelly says this person get on the color you think it was all right it was blue he says dele says this person get on the color you thought it was Elise is this person which color was it come on make up your mind jelly says this person make up your mind jelly says this person make up your mind Antilles is this person make up your mind alright it looks like everybody has made their decision this person says it was blue slow go man and this guy says it was silver at least three think it was gold what is that three is it two or three I can't figure it out that's two all right well it was silver all right so you're gonna die wait I'm kidding I'm kidding Oh jelly says if you're not stunning on the silver platform get off that's right the four of you are very unique y'all know that already jelly says for the four of you we're gonna do a specific challenge wait right here alright look at this guys I've got a nice car over here jellies just slobo man get in the driver's seat I've got a driver's license oh this is good yeah exactly look oh it's a nice red car but there's only three more remaining seats which means one of you is going to die fortunately that's how the game whirls all right cool they get it ready yeah that's right I want you guys to run around in a circle like this on my mark and then the moment I shoot you're supposed to take your seat all right jelly says run that's right it's time to run around the car I don't think they expected I was gonna do it that quickly but jelly says crouched if you think you deserve to die he doesn't think he deserves dying no one wants that no one died well you have to anyway oh you're lucky today lucky now just rescue me oh good oh you guys are the greatest around where you're standing oh hi Pete listen up jelly says from this moment onwards you're not allowed to sprint anymore does that make sense jelly says on my mark run towards me three two one go oh okay well you're still in the platform and you neither did you run so I'm gonna give I'm gonna cut you some slack on that one Joey says go alright nice nice top oh okay we got one mr. default Joey says follow me to the cars alright so everybody has their own vehicle good job y'all have your driver's license I don't think so yeah Josh does alright so bragging gosh sorry sir in front of us we've got four trees each tree has a coin you guys like money right what I want you guys to do is I want you to race towards your own coin use the trampoline to get it and the last person to get a coin will die does that make sense I think so three two one good job guys good job I can never trick you with that one anymore jelly says go all righty righty righty the last person will die on this one you're old and I said we got a lot of people here we have a lot of people okay oh my god oh my goodness I did I did not say that wasn't allowed oh we got one oh oh oh oh oh oh this person doesn't have his own coin yet yeah did you grab the coin you did that's awkward unseen that it was either you or you who had the luck I think it was this person Kelly says you were the last person to grab the coin didn't you want to get free money or something it was just hanging there for you come on how greedy Josh maybe you should give the loft to another go oh yeah sure why not Kelly says it's time for the rematch three two one go tell me sis go come on come on go you're good I said Kelly says why were you still a hit on that one I'm just say man oh and the other person flipped over oh my goodness what an overtake Oh who's gonna be the first person huh I'm sorry buddy but you where you were too late you were too late wait Anson I didn't allow you to dance all right there's three of you remaining you guys have done really well unsurprisingly slow go man and still here I don't know how he's doing it Josh you're really good at this game jelly says Joe bud Oh see you're actually good crouched they didn't jump I didn't ask them you didn't say it was me okay whatever all right Joey says everybody grab your own a black the farmer please that's right all right so we've got Slugger man on the left this person in its beautiful uniform in the middle and we've got this snow guy on the right side it's almost summer buddy I just want to let you know about that one all right so on my mark you're supposed to jump on the speed boost and used to bounce bad one of you will die jelly says go may he rest in pieces yeah slow go man you're good to go I can't believe it yeah all right well next up we've got something that I've literally done in every single jelly says episode all right it's time for the last two to battle it out jelly says grab this gun jelly says once you've got this gun stand back-to-back on the golden platforms tie for a little bit of a cowboy lesson here who's the best cowboy all right so both of you have a beautiful red strip in front of you all right you know what we're gonna call it the red carpet is your unique reck red carpet that you're probably gonna die on least one of you will I want both of you to walk forwards on my mark and then I want you to shoot on my mark only one shot per person jelly says go oh you're right you're right you're right I mean I messed that up charge but it's debatable it's debatable I think you would have missed anyway Josh let's be honest there believe it's my own stupidity jelly says maybe or the fair winner maybe not maybe I'm the big loser here jelly says kill me I'm the big loser I messed it up if you enjoyed this video make sure you use my supporting creator code jelly in the fortnight items store
Channel: Jelly
Views: 13,726,728
Rating: 4.7851043 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, fortnite, simon says, season 8, new, game, games, gaming, funny, fortnite simon says, jelly says, update, bow, bow and arrow, legendary, DANCE Or GET SHOT In Fortnite Simon Says!
Id: Ul591oDDTaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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