*NEW* COMBAT SHOTGUN ONLY Challenge! (Fortnite)

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there's a new gun in fortnight called the combat shotgun my friends and I set up a private 100 player battle really obby where there is one simple rule you are only allowed to kill people with the combat shotgun and well if you don't have one your luck will run out quickly quick note you will see a lot of people without a combat shotgun and they're easy targets because they're not allowed to kill us if they don't have a combat shotgun ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed this video make sure you use Creator code jelly in the iTunes Store that's very important also like pick up all the tab it's much ammos you can get heels exactly I already have full shield man come to me if you want a minute come over there's over there there's no one error okay take him out take him out take him out there's someone over here in front of me over here oh my goodness looted shotgun shells alright oh boy guys he went in here client the restaurant so I got him I got him guys have any comments on guns so that's why they can't kill us thing to attack early cuz that's when people don't have them later exactly what everyone's gonna have them it's about the riskier of that the superball wait guys I got a mini of over here for you guys there we go right moving around oh no I just dropped it for you now keep in mind guys there are legendary combat shotguns so are going kind of us to find those because those are the most damage weapon for us so combat shotguns that would be oh my good it alright there we go look at that that's low were to switch shotguns in it to reload that's there oh okay really so you can double pumping you know what I mean they don't actually cool down a little circle pops up he doesn't have a shotgun that he doesn't ever stock easy easy kill easy kill when they don't have a shotgun they literally can't do anything it's kind of funny all right where should we go on the map zone so all right start chopping things down Jordy Jack wait take the lead where are we going that's the lead pick a spot let's head to dusty I can't stay okay let's go to dusty all right [Laughter] keep an eye on the zone doh be careful use the choose alright no we're gonna do a tree just drop trees and enemies over here they're building oh my god these Oh chilly take him out take him out I I'm gonna get some materials I need to get some altitude wait they they dipped anyway there they go okay can I make it in oh my god someone's flying around I'm coming for you Josh shotgun waitwhat over here hit him I hit him but oh my god Josh and the tube with the tube he's coming for you there we go nice job don't run out of ammo guys I have 18 more bullets we're okay for now we are a second shotgun Oh them yeah it's do when I saw here's a gunshot from this far this is a shotgun 35 bullets he's already gone okay I shot a guy with the gun on me oh you like it oh my god alright oh don't worry about it Jilly it's going for don't worry about it I got this I got this in the pocket oh my god Ellie oh my god Oh boat now oh where is he where did he go I know I lost him he's on me he's on me did he fall down oh my oh boy he's thanking me out oh boy each up he jumped he jumped each other oh he's got minis he's got many sturdy here my god it's bananas really pulled out for nothing I should probably take these liners need some heels over really yeah Josh that can fire down for both me and Geordie police build us out that's a great idea all right nice Geordie how many kills you have four four kills Jordi's got four kills you do so well alright so I had a trap but I wasn't allowed to use that because traps are killing no yeah only combat shotguns over years on me oh oh wait a Mehran no she lives low right here yeah behind the tree no it's behind the house I didn't know what you were where did he go low oh my godness all he's low oh he's got minis and he's got a big pot wait Josh Jordi you need some of that you need some of that you can take it home you can take it all Jordy wait what is it a person is it a person whoa I'm meeting up my job back but don't know what came from hmm okay guys let's get to the zone get to the zone yeah the zone is so bad for ya we need that job let's play this has been so intense so far but we're doing super well I have three of these guns alright guys there are 44 more people alive yeah and that's a lot of people friendzone feel like we killed a lot but get the tube guys we've got to be killing poked at it stay down we have someone there's someone in the tube guys there's literally some height you engage this is the greatest air Jordy by I do though there's a ball oh oh oh oh he's building like crazy oh what a troll all right I'm gonna count boy oh yeah sure come over here nothing there's still another fool of flying there's a guy oh there's a balla right there yeah all new behind you jelly wet behind what where my god there he is oh my god there he is he's on the boards oh boy oh he's out here jelly he's out of here seven damage really pointless I almost died wait Jordy where did he go what did the enemy go above me he's right above me guys oh my god there's so many people around here there are so a lot of many people too many people here this is bad this is bad they all got the shotguns everyone's using a tube around here this swimming around us we got this oh wow I see someone Oh Oh got it wait what Hey what does snapping nice you got you got all of them Josh or is it just one just the one Skye I need you need chargon ammo yeah I got you covered my man oh nice is there still people here oh oh wait wait on me yeah he's flying and he's flying he's flying I'm in pursuit oh wait Josh bring him over here bring him over here Josh we're like ready with our guns ain't coming chilly oh wait what just happened Oh Josh being shot at like crazy Oh someone on me how do you get people when they're in here he's million I got him I got him no chilly Oh purple upgrade let's go I'll do oh yeah I don't have a problem how are there so many people and how are they so many shotguns oh they were still feel chilly we're still good I'm back I'm back this is harder this thing here it may be so precise nobody around here killing us someone on top of the thing over there yeah but we can't hit that how about we do this guys how about we do this wait that's out of the zone I'm coming back guys zone get it right now it's still a low fever should we I mean I mean guys want me well I'd better wait oh that's a lot of people hobo shadow you find anyway oh my god I'm fine people he's almost dead yeah someone's in the shed break it break it break it got him oh my god go go go get to the zone that was so intense I mean me guys I mean I'm me I'm me wait come come to me wait right now wait I built houses oh oh boy I waited away from a better yep a little bit fine it's fine Oh people here hope you bought the boy pool in the bushes yeah I'm unified I mean right you know have ammo I have 11 bullets mate oh oh this guy didn't find a shotgun yet yeah big shot that one I'm being shot at oh boy how are you at the m2 oh wait how much Oh being shot at again I'll leave as many shotguns as you can yeah but they don't have any foolish everybody has a shot oh oh oh come on come over here come on be dumb baller oh yes go on with you I'm with you I'm with you hope you have ammo for me buddy no way oh wait oh yes wait how much ammo because I got I had four bullets twelve eleven sorry with two shotguns pick up two shotguns if you find the shotguns pick him up guys yeah that's a good idea okay I have three more gliders and four more bullets a lot of people people alive you suck yeah I'll help you out break the board alright thanks guys yeah we really need more ammo oh oh just died here guys every year right on me this is jumped but there's a lot of ammo oh look at this look at that that looks good oh wait a minute legendary I've got a legendary man legendary oh yeah it's Mamo take some I'm on me I don't have any oh oh oh where is he god is so hard to shoot yeah it's hard to aim with it sorry it's so small this thing is one over that just waiting for them to come down they start waving under the big sign Oh see the good thing about a combat shotgun only challenge is that people can't really long range you you know I mean the combat shotgun we're just hiding up here someone I'm hunting people now guys Oh Josh look at that I don't have the ammo for these long shots oh he's so down Josh he's so low I did like a hundred ambushed on that guy on the long-range anyone there guys oh nice good ammo good ammo for Josh guys there's a lot there's not a legendary another legendary loot crate coming over here hello hello what we got oh just just a shield potion that's okay can I use this around here oh I need to be super careful fool a person fed out it's Lizzie wait this is a jelly oh boy is there a fake jelly no josh is Jodie Josh is down so my guy oh okay just got one get Josh up wait oh wait we wasn't him okay well the boiler guys gonna run away I got you Josh I got you covered listen we're really far in right now we're not gonna end this this way all right here we go go get him Josh get him um I'm on my way to you Josh I'm on my way to you Jenny put down the thing please oh wait I've got one I have four campfires mate yeah put them down two of them here we go no nope oh my goodness that was too close for comfort watch out Geordie there is so many people around us come on come on come on luckily I don't have to couple my hiding everybody is a mess over your okay close to each other oh oh I got one there we go too easy too easy bore my way to you guys another one taken care of I landed outside of the zone though which means we don't get the shotgun bullets lots of people are playing wait do they even have guns yeah a lot of people don't actually have God judged on the floor all right boys a team over here there's a team we careful team right in front of us team right in front of it once oh wait they've once jungle oh yeah it's trying to find them these jumps they're out I need their ammo really Josh you wasting these bullets on that yeah why'd attending a hit it's not too bad where are they at guys guys sodas so small okay I need some ammo Josh you need some ammo guys I'm going in for the kill chop chop guys I got this I got this don't know get to the zone get to the zone uh-uh uh-uh yeah that's true okay guys I'm in a really serious battle over here oh wait I'm going to the zone Jenny's like I had a crazy damage to one guy I think one of us are gonna start dying here yeah I think so too no not me we get you to brush jelly are you madly what I can just come back matter this is great this is great [Applause] another one oh okay yeah that's that's something you baller down here one guys over there oh wow did he just drop something through did you or that guy doing he fell down he fell down he fell down he's down he's got these done won one of the Middle East work on all right don't have the bullets for this I'm going after the clothes counter got him I love my little friend [Music] please out building me Josh I need some help okay he's out he's out he's out Josh I needed ammo but I think wait you just outsmarted me Oh guys don't all right all right somebody no jelly run my god chief me leave me leave me I gotta leave you Jordy here come on oh boy okay guys I have two more bullets Josh how many bullets do you have Oh Josh josh is going all up Jilly's on fire Josh more than more than five or something else seven is six five it's time to pick axe it's time to pick axe Josh right now my right now can we win I think everybody Isis you I literally don't have any more bullet he's out of ammo are you kidding me come go Josh oh my god I'm gonna die I'm dead no oh my guys Josh you have to do this don't pick me up don't pick me up I wasn't crazy Oh Josh Oh Josh what wasn't that just fantastic we literally one to match can you believe it me neither thanks for watching a thirty thousand likes I will upload a new video and make sure you use Co jelly in the items store Thanks I'm gonna sleep now because I'm tired if you enjoyed this video make sure you use my supporting creator code jelly in the fortnight items store
Channel: Jelly
Views: 3,626,567
Rating: 4.8962975 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, jelly, game, fortnite, battle royale, new, funny, wins, combat shotgun, new shotgun, fortnite season 9, info, jelly fortnite, minigame, creative mode, *NEW* COMBAT SHOTGUN ONLY Challenge, challenge
Id: 5zYsNoMDtG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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