Dan Mohler @ Blueprints Church - 4 - Saturday night

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instead about look like Jesus another time that they can copy something else you're not trying enough following somebody that much pulses you follow me only follow me as I follow Christ I have fun with this little illustration now look at this are you gonna mix up what you need to know start you gonna say you know you J you ought to think he's seen you now him not a chance i watch this the truth is we don't look anything like we can boast look like him that's what makes this one that's [Laughter] I'm caught I don't know if that's the problem I'm excited one of their songs amazing we just can't be there for a while Jesus thank you how about if we do so this is great right now father we call this time instead of the Sun that we're trusting to become we're asking you to father else we're asking to say what he would say if they handed you a mind if the pastor his wife had me to a mind could you sit you know exactly what you say this room is you know this room for easily we're asking you that those be the only words that are spoken and not he would have your way if you would honor this time with with your grace set aside to come to learn to grow to become and that you would absolutely come and meet us right here where we are and say exactly what you would say let it burn the know harness rentenmark the heart let's do change because of you Jesus preached a lot of things you can say amen really good I want to stay with you say okay all right let's do it this way who wasn't here who's just a first time here mister first time I'm getting this to you things and you have a menu here for the other two sessions okay got a handful it's not done that's good I'll just bring over to speed real quick we're going without preaching to services I can never do this for the last three sessions in a nutshell a priest would it means to be Richard my dog really center son God sent his son to restore the truth that got lost or sin in the garden we create about sending to live in his serving empowered by through gave us the body and manifests on the inside on the inside so you're not trying to clean up on the outside to the notion we reached from the God didn't just we could be forgiven again God's in heaven can come into us and we complete the kingdom of God here on the earth it's really my king he came to turn people to the power of God and get him from the power of see and get him to the power in them so that we destroy the works of the devil so the rumors in us because we've surrendered and everything on the inside just become a lovely new workplace become a lovely includes become in love in the marketplace in the gas station she just seemed and recognising the need of people around just take your princess and say he's stepping up and sincerity get involved and you're not fragrant and hissed in my heart man hey I just sorry this mean you saw let me just explain world just think of how much do you even think that way I start living that way and just thinking of you and so of IOC orders to see start releasing some seed into our town community times each other times a month times six months can you wrap your mind around when people start walking in love this pumping gas how you doing over there it's pretty cool so how you doing today hey what's holding your body you got any pains what you see that until you start talking to it now you're talking to him you believe now this is Thompson's a moment as you step down if you want you here to move you probably never move how do you know that freaking out I try to freak out in fact it's a whole I'll tell you just keep popping their return or just take my head is sort of the amazing you're gonna love this what if you still talk about like that trust on certain common prey because he loses when he loves them you stick your hand on certain you know it's not like they are [Music] next you know well you might know what nothing you don't know what's happening you know no no Bengali offended make sure you're not yeah he knows you over that's all he knows he's I cannot believe he just wore my holy presence I've never seen the sound time with you he couldn't hardly walk he needed other places they want to do surgery take some kind of tissue or a tendon and replace it he's walking down the street I sit down mrs. pray I pray he was walking he said what up he's walking fine now you never seen this did ya did it already healing before we better get on page we better stop getting offended at the things that got an offender that because it's love is greater disgraceful we were sinners he sent his son now you were cleaning up huh why you were messing up don't forget that oh so he prayed a ghost that's crazy what's happening Wow you might say you don't have to say this is Wednesday it's all warm inside what is that whatever you need student really check it you know whatever he needs to do not sudden he's gone here's why we don't do that because we're afraid that might not happen the number one reasons people don't step on proven to sink in a personal violence cuz they don't they're afraid nothing will happen they don't know what to do with nothing happens they're afraid of nothing happening so because they're afraid they don't do nothing so they always have what they feel that's not mean that's just convicting it doesn't change with my experience on the street corner with this lady be ready to cross the street and the Lord was like hey you know your friends in here you gotta turn the lips to play there's people I want to love us oh okay yeah I was trying to it was crowded I was trying to find my who people is going to go in a courthouse mad that helps about school to keep some guy out of prison and give him a work-release casinos really I believed he was changing in growin and I felt like it was just useless to sit in a Cell when he can maybe have work release or house arrest and stay productive stay in touch with his family I was just speak on his behalf so I'm inform court hearing time for him you know he that make it happen and he said you know they ain't here yet he said you know bein here and it was it was actually it was a little earlier someone that loves people okay yeah preach you know they take this place II think I think it was a subway I like I think it was a stuff with the driver since I like something you passing rain one go and press it you carry we go to subway to give up and this lady come up something like maybe this on a street corner so that works for me here we go you got a piece what do you do to backslide never reach out again [Music] you don't like to get a feel I should actually have fun I heard that we should mean you thoughts with my hurt bad news honestly I'm ready to hear the voice of God in my life and God may be something pretty pretty spirited me leave my Bible in our garage there's a word not only to the Bible and I've been asking for it and it's amazing I actually probably had diabetes - I just saw the most amazing thing on a street corner he told me later that diabetes she was crying out the mornings about to help her God just came upon her and it was amazing I've actually seen so many people healed hearing what was wrong with Kevin Ashley and praying she sounds very serious I said honey I've been absolute for if I wasn't to ask you not nothing will happen just freaks people out it's all I gotta go - is this I just thought I heard it was probably jealous I probably just thought it I said the Lord told me this a long time ago it'd be better to say that to be right they des sweet Jesus listen assisted since we made connection and communication let me ask you this how's your health out your body excellent we can pray for cause I believe God can change it right now and I'm serious she says now you know it she gave me like two things right so whether the myths was this blood was it bad damn bloody dog dear citizen Avenue in a point of contact cuz I don't love my own life funded and I'm not ashamed and I'm not going to turn tail and run and I'm not like oh I missed I missed it if I fail to love people hello Steve just pray for her you have fun with it Jeremy pullin it's awesome number one reasons I'm learnin o people on prejudice if rate enough that will happen because they don't pray for the sick they already have their friend the Bible says these signs follow those that I was when I first got say you know some folks know Norma he is you've heard a little bit many book one times letting in in Hades a little mini books to check through but when you cease in our ministry pray for somebody about their finances give them a little popcorn healthy sterling [Music] [Music] big cats one day our next do you pray do you pray for the sick question my text for these signs shall follow those that cast believe are you a believer if you are praying for the sickness the believer will lay their hands not buying will and the sick shall not recover because we haven't seen everybody in our lives because we bring the pregnancy somebody died we started interpreting Scripture and the gospel through our experience and witness the power of his life in his word of the Spirit all of a sudden we change our theology based on our lives when true theology is based on his and all the sudden we failed to grow into him in all things and we let the truth that's in our heart but that we think is the truth be dictated by the way things unfold instead of what he has written are you with me it's really important it's really important so start somewhere I'm convinced at this and there's something we haven't accomplished yeah I'm just strolling a little this is the little thing we're doing about now just get something out of this hopefully I'm convinced I'll talk about this yesterday I said you know I'm convinced that we might not be seeing everybody you jump and shout hallelujah when we pray for them in our lives but I'm convinced to this the more people we pray forward the more things will begin to see so why wouldn't you turn that possibility off yeah it's as possible we're going to do nothing because nothing is impossible for gold why would we fail to love that man that the deficit doesn't change and he says no actually then it still hurts you're not like oh sorry thanks for cutting out late for work no you're very accomplished said he will listen and so on then I got to pray with you I read this is Mark it's chapter 16 that says if I lay hands on the sick believing they shall recover then expect a great change second you notice it that you can't deny it that you get out of your car network and you get home tonight you get up in the morning you realize then this is different and you'll know right away you'll bring it right back to this point because I pray for you that's cuz he loves me he's real and he says and all of a sudden you leave him in faith and you don't get in the car and say oh I wonder what's wrong with my anointing I wouldn't know where not pray that didn't happen but Jesus prayed that right away there must be something wrong man I guess I ain't really walking into the flow father thank you for the honor and loving that man God the word about his ship was amazing and though somebody said to me what God reveals God heals but it didn't seem like it happened in the moment it kind of tried to puzzle me and thrown me but man thank you for rushing in mark 16 because I laid my hands on the sick and they shall recover for the recovery of that man I thank you for a word of knowledge and grace that came on that moment and thank you today he knows that he was loved without a string attached to him thank you God for that she's still wondering what the catch is he wonders what you're going inviting to now you're gonna try to get eat the prey which is on the Charlie getting to say almost everyone knows what season for you where's the ground sometimes for two you walk away they don't let down their guard and realize oh my goodness it's almost I've been to different minutes like they care during the punch line it's over he's leaving and that's it he just did that for baby wow you just sowed the seed you might have order to see him son one stop him increase watch his baby pictures like this manage Turks naked he gets in this car you stopping the gas itself of the bomb absolutely receive gifts in the car groups to turn the key and before you turn to Jesus and that's crazy I mean that guy it's like he really cared about know so there's certain volumes in this truck also these aware of the Lord in his fire somehow God just gives his attention and spacious learning I've always taught you HT know he's program in solid wine miscellaneous over seeped into him before are you just water of something that was just lingering there are you just playing some final in your Jesus another one of you he for days [Music] things were Jews what if he says okay what if we breaks down it gets home wonderfully conversation you give a little word knowledge of their lives why you so bitter inside most and you should listen about fifty years ago you were part of that gathering those things are real I can tell you so many stories like that they aren't just analogies they aren't wishful thinking it's how God is public school you wake up in the morning instead of drevis when I got this I can't believe I'm a geography today you yourself a master's God thank you for gracious - too much schooling I thank you by academics a blast I'm gonna do my part study you're gonna give me a wish for understanding but man I've taken which is more important right now my classmates my peers kids rather be man god I just thank you for me I thank you for giving me vision I think if you give me wisdom speaking to my heart and my life my school you start talking on that head of some complaint about your classes like promise do I'm tired of people taking on it well they just might be at you laugh because you were just in printer at home and you saw Jenny space and used to that grocery baggers down for me that's Jenny god that's Jenny questioning Jake I don't sitting in the background you see two parents fighting and screaming and domestic violence it's just a silhouette of a picture with each other and dogs and you realize when you see parents Jenny Brogan afraid family falling apart Wow now utilize any comes walking up somewhere quiet looking down just do their thing you slide right over hey Jenny this morning 15 years old [Music] no one even noticed and I mean the constant color in it I don't know how you do her Jenny I was praying God show me your parents fighting and you distressed you're afraid they're going to separate you're afraid you're gonna live in a divorced family you're afraid you're gonna get bounced back and forth you're afraid they're gonna fall apart and imagine it's okay father I thank you writing now God would that be pretty cool that should be complaining about your classes [Music] couple years ago I got invited to up Christian school that turned preppy wealthy people were sending their kids there just to keep them out of the public scenario or whatever but it's still public it's this but it was a Christian school it just was a prep school this is a lot of wealth of kids there's Christian schools so because it was dispersed in school but I got invited in to a class where they talked Bible and the guy said would you come and do the whole day I said the whole day he said yeah I'm like would you take all my classes for the day and will combine nights in tenth grade you have six periods 240 students are you up for it I'll preach the gospel in school I'm so wired that's dope I got all day in the Holy Ghost of crying because of Jesus in the word and the last part of the class we would just pray to this thing and I take words of knowledge and they saw 12 very most of the day with their eyes that are undeniable I saw a kid who just came out of surgery who had no billion even bet the surgery was a flop that he was in so much pain I heard a word of knowledge he was crying and stood up the kids were freaked out some of the girls were already shaking and crying because they knew it was the Lord and then they fear the Lord was coming on all these kids all day long so we pray for this kid and he turns and he touches his toes and he sobbing and crying he walks into the cafeteria and says everybody look blue before God did for me in class when they prayed you guys so I couldn't do that and now why can't that be classmates doing that for class thinks why does it have to be passionate and just because you invited me there I think that ways to stuff my preach that way God's coming but that he live in you don't think you have to have a ministry don't you think you have to have a title a badge this is called a believer you know what happened in school last year to the day he said to the kids he said now listen if the buzzer rings be just don't be disrespectful to dad if he's not wrapped up if you want to stay in the staff you need to get home I don't understand but just don't be rude don't be loud don't just you said the dentist gonna do his best to be done by the Buster amen I didn't know this video eleventh and twelfth grade there was around ten minutes ahead of nights in tenth grade so they could be interlocks and already out there wasn't a big jab and a whole mix of all the grades of the lockers they just did it that way work so there was a rang and I was like buzzer Devon is early teacher he said that's up for class it's not there but you got ten minutes that's the good news we need to pray as soon as that buzzer rang guess what happened the door opened in the back and kids started filing in as many as good standing the room I looked at the teacher he said guess what was happening cell phones people talking in the exchanges of class all of upperclassmen were here you got to get in the room the last two minutes that's where everything happens misses its grapes there's no room for another class understand because they knew it was the last 10 minutes the class that they for your songs why haven't they want to catch it and not just hear it on yourself they want to see Gino many people want to see it that don't really believe that they want to see it if they see it and change something say you know come on don't get religious no brother we are my world Jesus 710 whatever city or in what city what's it sit there and tell them it's just God schemes here how do we get away from that to pump in dissolve but they have the humility the inquisitiveness the audacity to open that door in the middle class that wasn't even theirs when they shooter than in their cars driving home head now school's out do whatever they do with school's out hook up with their girl hook up with their guy silly one of those notions of standing alone there's no room guess what I mean I that school room 10s four five school ended at three that's when you know it's God we prayed for so many people kids were crying I had everybody helping me I just havin a big old dude with a football shirt on his praying he's come on guys you live that way go after that we can stay that way it doesn't pray that way it's gonna keep our hearts open another thing I've preached to the last two services we will start to pursue in love love in medium to steer real you can issues in your life you'll have reasons why you get distracted you can see the people around you because you've got so many other concerns and you're just trying to get through your day no son you're so busy trying to make it that you don't even realize the opportunity all around you to love then you can sell it concern itself Otis you'll see nothing else maybe it's a trap so I'm just referring to you guys man take some fake step out how would you sell in a position for God then ask somebody how they're doing you see somebody visual paint you can tell they're hurting you can't even pinpoint where it is and why they hurt you to see there you say you okay do you need help carrying into your car no why don't I do it all the time okay just one the help with that I appreciate it off listen and then don't be a pest I'm not trying to be nosy got no reason for actually actually what's going on in your body you look like you're in a lot of pain a lot of pain I wish you know what's going on don't tell you most people tell you they'll tell you the whole story from the beginning us to do so many grocery lines and I'm like God do you just do this on purpose like Lord make stronger heart because there's an answer to me makes just wrong the anointing man I wish I could get out of hair look get off my feet now back to what you don't work on what to do now is calm I'm Sanders killing me you see this right now it's killing me something again and now you can't say no God to me and have compassion for people now that you told me that you can't you can't say no and I let me time to do something about it I want to pray for you there's please come changes it right now this isn't it right now let's believe God takes pain but I don't make mercy night a car they would shout development oh wow let's call pray I can stand it right now having this thing people just think we're talking about anyone their way know we pray father I just thank you very much I'm waiting for him to say yes don't understand he's saying yes to anyway so father right now I've done this with a borrower thank you right now you'll understand so much spirit come pain and leave its back in the authority of Jesus right every trace of will come out of him never I'm pretty glad he's dead Oh God I've seen it a lot I haven't always seen it leave but I keep praying for people I've been always secretly their sons will say no it still hurts and in your mind like no way every kid that thinks of garlic oh Jesus is king that's about three times and I still feel a little frustrated I take a deep breath so I don't get into works honey look I'm still excited then we got to pray and I'm just really truly believing in the heart cuz you want everybody healed then when you prayed you see something pain you just want them to go wow you want him to know Jesus you want to see their eyes I said hey what's wrong with you really no see Wow made you notice I said oh honey I see that stuff all the time I noticed it all the time she said why don't you notice that I stay cuz I feel like I have an answer Jesus inside of me and I want to pray for you teach me step out pray believing they'll show up the other amazing head into the car she's like and I got that lead II didn't walk fast we have our relationship with Jesus about you and he wants to reveal this love for you honey listen to this I would be an absolutely idiot and absolute fool if I didn't think what I was saying was possible when I'm asked in the pray know ain't nothin to happen why would he put myself in that position don't think I haven't seen this before you've got absolutely nothing to lose but a few minutes we keep talking it'll be all right so that's just friend you see what happens and if nothing happens haven't you had before we pray you've got nothing to lose but if they changes wow she's like you're really serious I'm serious the ladies in the car I'm waiting I'm thinking she's powering brother because she can tell she's agitated but I can't believe she didn't get away from him can't believe he's taking her down like that she has no idea laughs I took her head and we prayed in God totally healed her she's weeping in the lab and she's yelling and her friend and her friend doesn't realize it then she looks back he saw the car it's just no way don't even try to tell me don't tell me that she's just no you gotta honey this is wrong the way because you didn't understand the Bible says metal rock and stuff they don't understand come on don't be ashamed of that you didn't know but now are you gonna do with this listen to Jesus this inside me changed my life a bunch of yours gardens going in to eat and I've noticed that the reason that noticed it because I have an answer for and I believe if I don't step out on never see that's all that happened today I'm just a Christian man I hope you all get to know Jesus if you're asking in your heart you want to pray you want to give your life to Him I've talked to you about that right now this is a total surrender now or I'll just you know whatever it was they know and we're good we're just a little realm in us okay you know I don't push the gospel don't people I'm not trying to get a head nod I'm just sewing so you're supposed to leave it to the Lord stop it religious spirit might gave up the Lord I don't have to lead them to the Lord I gave them see we're so driven to make our goal their name in the book of life we don't even realize our goal is their transformation and true salvation we're driven to get their name in the book of life we think that's we talk about all the time so it sounds Christian but you're just trying to get ahead not sometimes do you know I have known of people that pray that prayer or just to get away from you they can you actually reporter baptize you toward about this and try taking the water and see it fell down because they're born again it was sincere they won't run toward the unity that actually baptized you say hey now listen we gotta get more to baptize sectionalism talk to you about it well yeah listen man Oh appreciate you got catch you linger that I gotta go I'll do this you guys will preach the gospel you're not trying to get ahead and I like you preach the gospel yeah yeah cheering you on this is the life we'll call the little cradle in the will be confident to live this life you won't be comin to pursue these things if you don't see yourself the way God sees you I talked about it a little bit and I scratched on it this weekend just a little bit but now I'm gonna pound it okay God sees you through his son doesn't see you for sin he sees you for righteousness to see she's a pure and holy and blameless let's show you stretcher so absolutely undeniable in the word if we make sure we don't Lord our human experience over his word we so evaluate a lot we so see how he lives you see let me know but nobody think is this humble spirit to talk well you know nobody's perfect brother were always it's amazing that he loves us and forgives us you know we always got said I mean how do you know you know we probably sitting right now I'm like one good morning in oh come on brother stop being self-righteous don't send what you say you never sent about any what I was saying but I promise you ain't sending my breathing oh that self-righteous brother we all we all are send it all the time that's just people think you should know it they know what you're actually saying you have no idea of the word you don't understand the word at all and you let your identity you wrapped around your ability gonna fail and deep in your heart you believe you're a failure you're wrapping your identity around lead to mrs. and deep in your heart of the sinner he didn't write to the scissors of emphasis to the scissors of kalasa to the sins of the Phillipi they do it to the saint as a holy Centrify person sent apartment with a holiday company get right to those who are about to miss at any moment and call on the but we call him say that's why cuz he wants you to start see what he seems when he looks assisting consciousness in the church that God wants to give it enough we think it's humility to boast in our ability to missus as if that exalts God when he told you to come up hither to set your mind to live where he's at people you've imagined yourself dead indeed unto sin and alive under God in Christ Jesus how can you stay conscious of sin why you reckon dead to him committed it's a possibility taking on an identity that he never wants you to serve that's what you see guys okay this is you wake up in the morning trying not to sin that sounds like character to tell us no but with stubble deception if you wake up in the morning and try not to the city to city conscious you leave all my baby negativity and you judge yourself what you're failing you won't even realize you're growing and changing yeah but if you weighed yourself and when you wake up in righteousness you wake up a son you wake up a leader wash and clean and free holy and you present yourself to him that way you'll be getting so little what you believe are you with me this is super super super super super important the reason that God made us in his son to be sin who knew no sin was so you could be right in the sight of God if we don't come out of this say no and we're right in the sight of God on a mission to the point of his son becoming sin he rules his kingdom with the scepter of righteousness you bow before the giving your don't you nice righteous in his study righteousness is the strength and power of this gospel the fact that God sees wrong things right and Nate's wrong things right it's the power behind this gospel through the blood of Jesus Christ don't miss that first Peter to says he for your student my sin in his body on the tree where should I send his father in tree why that purpose that we have died to sin nobody ever taught me this my life they just told me I'm always full of sin because I forgives you and make sure you stick in church because you don't want to be not in service when he comes that's what I was told hold on you're centered you're on the gladdy gives you no mercy you straight up in the crops that makes whether you come into your joy might you've been in charge where you been I'm coming at each other that's all but it was all church attendance just it understanding righteousness is living free transform the spirit walk [Music] what they taught me he left me forgiven sinners confused and you don't you see so if you don't see God's first luck you'll feel it dead because of the story in the movie you watch the Easter and you get reduced to serving him instead of the privilege of knowing him because you'll feel like you own and then you will feel what you feel like your family and you won't even believe you're a good son are you with me you know what happens in you'll fail over yourself and you'll live up to the level and then your confirm your fears and you'll be to see to live in torment because your heart cares the whole time did you think about this you can't go down person if they don't care condom makes you decide that your heart has life in it and the purity in it and the way you're assessing it in a way you're seeing yourself even judging yourself it's condemning you it's a perverse form it's from heaven from God but if somebody don't work for somebody they didn't care now then coughs people my life come to me I know you have they open their self up to you who said we need to talk I need to confess them you man I am so ashamed to weave in front yeah three days ago yes yeah little bit you know these numbers they still do that minute because I see how really honestly how pure they are on the inside and almost always almost is repetition when they talk to me like that and broken in their crime and their children on their tubes trying to tell me sin and now they're so ashamed understand their anaconda must have been first of all I just want to tell you I was so exciting about Jesus is working in your heart now peeling your heart should be coming here but I see and if you're still thinking what we did is that you are you'll miss what you're becoming by new you must and this thing will get worse but if you see what you're becoming and how much you care and how brilliant you're on the inside we can fix this quickly that's called a good pastor it's all walking in truth it's called truth making people free top the goodness of God made you men to repentance if you passed it like this if I something come on I remember who knows what is on tawa who knows from Anita I remember the first time town called me and confessed to me in Houston after he was baptized in water he started crying and he couldn't even already tell me yesterday says it's God why do I know what's going on did it matter you did one you've spent a useless night I was using ok Jackie's gonna be so bad ok so I just do it you know you know I disappointed you feeling i disappoint so then she's a question yeah when's the last time you cried you felt bad cuz you years yeah you were always even how you were going to use again you already had a master plan in your mind are you Munchie flying steel to get high next time before he even on the first time and now your program calling me repenting and you feel terrible inside don't you feel terrible I see that's because you're changing and it ain't long till you totally freak now let me tell you who you are what's happening that's the reason you take white you cannot be tuned them and then coming to this church fact when you say you can see loudly but tell you what they're silent thing when you bet I don't want no singing if I see you even listen to the song I don't ever want to come back mr. chickie dispatch straight and put you in search party another far off some ministries rely - I think he turned out pretty good in myself not everybody agrees they don't know it just judge a lot pretty awesome if somebody takes the initiative to calm you and tell you they missed it and they're crying on the phone before they even talk that's the centimeter has been changed they've been pursued by the gospel college serious well in work in the heart yeah okay so first beer - yo arson his body on the tree that we having died to sin magnify righteousness by scenario so we die to sin that means it's identity and stained and stinging ants memory it's impulsive desire we say man and I am out here to live in the flesh I'm not here to sit in wall as a carnal man I'm here to live by the spirit so temptations coming impulses come here's what a lot of people think they think temptation is sin they think because they're tempted by something there Jesus was tempted in all points yet without sin desire that doesn't know but he had the opportunity to do you know a woman why that little and that's where your eyes are but don't think that you can't see something like that notice like that it's tonight it's like come on it's what you do isn't it you see in this how you carry there or don't am there I tell you respond in that moment or you're gonna be afraid of lineThe temptation is not sin what you do with it decides what it is on the other side there's nothing there so I was like she had a bigger a car and she drove away pay your teachers and I got me I was pulling out I began to pray over my wife bless my marriage it's NIMS to the God thank God for what he's done in our done in my life man by the time I got home in my driveway I was so close so empowered by the spirit so clean and holy a pure and it started with the temptation comes into service from time right in front of my hand I'm supposed to teach from the gifts of the Spirit and I'm supposed to teaching a minister to school and I'll stand right now obvious the Lord was there in everybody's life in the same pose we think there's new people right when that's happening I was never addicted to pornography I've never gave myself to a lot of pornography Isis it was always around it's always around it such a workplace where I work so I'm sprawled out and laid in the desk you just walk by and grab and select your magazine you wanted to but but there was a video that for some silly reason before Jesus that I had watched him and it was so long deforms years before unless so last thing I want to see I mean what opportune time host end of the bike Jesus makes the Hajj I don't want to talk a couple of my coffee the videos let's go right through my head out of the blue in that atmosphere now that's worth it all right there as you know we'd never say he's going journalize this he's from the field if I was gonna leave his sin it and he ain't gonna have faith to minister he's going to be repentant for something that's not in his heart just because it went through his mind the last thing I want to see pastors that video my heart knows that and because my heart knows that I know he knows that he's not trust myself to him who judges righteously there ain't an ounce of sin in me at what's happening right now it's a blast for the passage the familiar spirit it's not even recollection it's not memory it's a familiar steering he's pulling it out of the files of my past and he's running that thing through I don't know how that works but it's a strange thing but it was like I was seeing it like yesterday and I'm standing there you know they never wanted me to do he wants me to get insecure he wants me to turn the order and start to cry and feel the fire and such thank God you know I'm actually here actually when you're kicked its the box of your [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] the top of my lungs I turn I'm supposed to teach forgive transition we already somewhere else some ministries always push to demonstrate a little bit I don't do it when I ministered preach to travel anyone to show what people do people that moving give things they make heroes and they make the mirror for needs and we take anointed people and put them on a platform to minister and everybody instead of reproduced Christ we go to the Prophet because we want to words not to learn how to log in the grace of prophecy this video KJ pulley your strong way you gathered to ever be condemned but it personal or think it was mean when it wasn't in the heart some seminar so left out I'm still aware of salvation and redemption I'm like nested man I see cars thank Jesus Lord are like what is happening capacitor he's freaking heaven I was like they didn't know what was going on they were doing their little confessions they were trying to follow along there and I said sir yes use me I said yeah I said I know I don't know you to visit in yourself you see them I said there's a herniated disc it's almost in the center on your back I still there's he cut me here right now in theories you know I said you have no herniated discs from this moment you're completely healed came awareness this man the inside of your angle they're superlative not short what it is you're nervous about it you can feel it step out the size of a big marble on an egg margin [Applause] I don't think if it wasn't for the video we're a freakin video I'm afraid not believe in righteousness portray the bad thoughts I'm afraid not believe in truth when Satan came with the intention to break in him he actually empowered me and make me a straight boarded meet a higher truth and the anointing responded instead I'll tell you what well just like everybody yeah if I live in this place it accelerates everything saves time and taking away my sensitivity to the student the truth put a fail back over my face now that I'm under there and he has strategist said to do that but I learned something that night his risk is big because what he's trying to break me he's learning the risk of making him because he comes if I believe I see it all but if I believe this lie its crash at one time he's willing to take the risk because he doesn't have other options so he's trusting you'll believe him the feelings the memory and the recollection instead of the truth now you be honest with me how many countless hours have you spent praying through each other because of memories flashbacks dreams impressions when it isn't it's not a parish its it's communion relationship issue now many young Christian women that have been purified by the gospel I've been driving to work laying on their bed and had a flashback of the day they knew they never would but they did and also that same old feeling tries to come upon them and that thing read places if it's happening right now and they get tempted to feel defile or distant from the Lord that is crushed so many good people because they believe the impression instead of writing the impression father other thinking you have changed my life forever I thank you I'm a pure woman of God you put a new thing inside my heart I thank you the old person is standing there's a new person alive I am NOT the woman I used to be I am a woman of God sure beats getting ready down under pressure to calling for prayer should we be sin and cycle and backslidin and repeat performance if you believe it's still you that sure beats repenting for something that's not in your heart yeah you separate tracks just popping on you out of the blue sometimes you said I've been run by a memory I'll tell you where it came from hell that's not where you live you guessed down every thought every imagination that rises above the knowledge of God said instead why is the weapon of your warfare it's mighty the breaking down of wrong belief the strong bones you kissed up every thought every imagination that rises above the knowledge of God by bringing it into obedience according to Christ holding a captive every high lofty thing you cast down vain imaginations how do you do it in Christ you see yourself in Christ your holy captive bringing into a penis you know what the enemy does he sees your CEO and he says all another one calm down another one Sallis easy target y'all ramped up you leave the service with joy that was believe about a day later anything family flashback something to get your mind and you think because you thought it is still in you and you're not free those but you believe it in designers and contradicting on it and want it and your hearts you question if it bothers you it's not you don't ever buy it and sell cheap push it's the morning say he calls a lot limits the same but the money the pesto speak disco say that I'm telling you if you really look at their service during communication of them trying to weed you out we just shouldn't be unaware of this stuff in our wherever's device say there's certain subtract children and people there's things that make you afraid in your bedroom whoever saw images in your bedroom we knew our kids were so startled shadows and silhouettes in hoodie figures in your bedroom I did all the time this is common thing raise your hands if you saw that stuff growing up my neighbors before your eyes what you doing is trying to treat me freaking you out get you afraid to be alone get you somehow known just sense the time whatever he's messing with you and then down the road the same experience that know what you are afraid and what you did now you see a flashing back and bring in your past you remind you and things that freak you out and makes you afraid and then we do it so she in psychology people say oh wow you've never been set free you still have an inkling bring in you cut me a break the thinks of come to nothing it's outside trying to get back in it says come on man we spent countless hours Minister the flashbacks impressions and dreams they're probably all spent more time Minister truth I was 42 years old I saw two people blind only in one eye in the same day get their side let's find it that's really good dick the welcomes a 12 year old little girl when everybody laughs I stayed if all the lights out cried the matter but what he was doing I swore I'm just crying Jesus the dark sanctuary I go down and I'm ready to go out the back door and Holy Spirit not my mind all my keeps with my head Holy Spirit said hey if I lock yourself out of church ain't got your keys because when you go out I can't get back in and I tell my lesson without a bit something passionate locked out in church no keep stupid standing myself on the platform and I can't drive home it's only my head I walk no big deal the Holy Spirit rescued me it wasn't one of those follow my keys I won't even think geez I wide eyes Jesus I get right through the door saying hey you don't know you won't get in the keys nothing oh my goodness I said it out loud what would I do without let's just say you pick yourself you're always talking to yourself I decided was brainwashed my brain I go to yoga keys when I was 9 my the sister was born May my brother had a bedroom that we shared when my sister was one of my dad you want to put her in this middle room right mother better if you want more privacy than that because the door is remaining they said I'll tell you well we got plenty of room in the Attic no carpet creaky doors squeaking wood floors Oh hundred euro he said I'll tell you what we'll put her in their room so we have access to the little one and the voices we get off we just put him upstairs well we weren't having about that we don't want no rooms and I sit by the window in your broom bottle my brother sleeping in our HP brass coming out now not playing suffered me falling off the box [Music] put me up with that we were mad we would be mad at our little sister forget our tile over there did she kick the side of our rooms and was he good but I would watch them make me watch Twilight Zone tails to the crib the camera tells the Crim it would be following and it going of these burrows down these steps you just watch and you gotta keep your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 42 years old I just saw two people blinded their side pretty good day worse the devil will be destroyed absolutely a routine of pastoring a common people pray God's restoring born again I got two deputies 42 years I hope no glass double doors to accentuate wood frame I would reach that the gospel taught me how not to fear a preacher but in life in everything fear is not even fear I walked in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night I try to do it off divert some honey all by myself that doesn't think I'm she telling Mississippi huntin in the middle in nowhere I found out later there was a real mess thing going on the stuff way back in the woods in the dark you know I'm just ready to go and I sit down now during the hot calm and other people talking 50 yards behind me in words they stuff just don't freak me out I'm thinking oh my gosh that I've seen you they're gonna kill me I'm God you know they're gonna think I'm the threat to their they know I played with holler and I'm honey I'm covenant god I said you said use wisdom well what I believe with your seizure meaning you say that Hughes which I think I did did you call nothing in but they didn't come in listening this don't think I have feared my life but I'll tell you what when I open that door that night guess what he did it flashed me back I fell exactly like that 9 10 11 year old and if therefore attic room and I'm 42 that's where ministers meaning well Singh see brother you've never been here to that nothing is still in you all these years we need to take you to that place we need to pray we need to you need to cut me a break I'm 42 blinded eyes are opening people again say it restore the door creaks I remember my yesterday and you're telling me I didn't bondage all that time good prank suggest what I did it seeking the Lord was very tough because everybody saying we need to do this ministry we need to bring this ministry church we need to do this I was pastor me this is not my lord I just rub them with all this I don't want to be absent emphasis on father me I need answers I started to interview all these industries I've certainly interviewed ministers and people I did a five-year personal study on a lot of the things that are out there and I did come to total inclusion but I did a big long stay I was just kind of being in trouble it's that annoying I made sure I internal the Lanka's my first instinct was as a child upon that life that's the being flipped on the light there's light at me so I just walk to the owner I start singing a song about Jesus in his play it just came out of my heart I think the best singer I think it's having you I get over there sure enough only doses right imagine that there was my keys pick them up and when I turn not trying to freak you out most life stands for a second assault two silhouettes hovering right here black little things right here hovering as soon as I saw my could see and the Lord said see Dan they're outside trying to get in don't you ever surrender the feeling's impressions flashbacks and dreams the moment you call a friend and say could you pray for me I had a thing of fear in my life tonight you set the platform to them to land and a by again you are not for sale don't you let it drove in there we baptize it try to keep these spray I'm supposed to teach this part and stand up this man probably that night I was feeling I can't even tell you just gives you a little glimmer tiny little sliver of a one of teeth of what he must it's so much more than you can jump in and I was bouncing off the walls and I was freaking up and I just did this dance before the Lord and was screaming at the top of my box and I went on out of my car hi honey I was myself nobody saw that what was that apply of you some that need not answer and the Lord said heck you have an impressionist in remembering a flashback why would you let that become feel when I live in you and I'm changing people's lives he was literally showed me that that night we've gotta call DJ CJ what's up there you okay well trying I mean yeah let me tell you the experience I went through the tour I just rode me like a kid you showed me as soon as I do that I'm partnering with the experience that let me experience be proud of the truth I was already free with me how many times you good intention have been prayed for people because of their experience and we've set their experience they don't do that to each other the compromises and identity and you won't find freedom in that Lane at best so insert this piece but if you don't change what they believe that they will come back home are you with me I don't know how I get this stuff okay yeah I can't I can't go where I was gonna go where I went I will Regis we'll see what we need to do it will be done this we probably got curtain you can't know me you cut me 15 minutes you trapped me give me 15 minutes chuckling bad oh you got me trained last night maybe you should we British last night we keep doing thank you Jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] firstly what classes one this is ripped and you and you you you man you better take responsible personal come on maybe could have taken everything else personal might as well take him personal as well taking what he said and what he did what do you accomplished personal was taking everything else personal and you talking to you he's talking to me who was Elliott a strange totally separated man on another women living in a whole nother round alienated aliens right you were a mean it Andes is it up I'm so innocent ignorant one time man you sick young people were doing that this is a new story about mr. Angel eats at this range of time so yeah actually simply told me before but I don't you know hey he's everything I believe there's angels with jump a knife or something caught up with that stuff man but I don't know why you saw it and thank you for sharing it might upset you share but no so then go ahead and you in your mind pretty brave even the biggest times we can call courses on the list but we weren't thinking it's like what if you love the world and the things in the world the love father isn't he knew that smells richer himself plenty to come and they clarifies for the bees in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life same time you should be relevant and proven to you that's what we say the wake of my self sentence all about you yeah separated you from who he called you to be yet now he has [Music] [Music] [Music] - presented whole blame the watch at first please sit on this thing next verse if you can when you get there are no stupid ants it's also about the world Changez did you ever notice how you feeling such the same then why don't we change so much because we don't keep our eyes on that thing we keep harassing other things within the moment speak loudly truth that's problem cuz the truth will set you free yeah coolness is just right now just to present you what condition condition if indeed you continue believing that continue in the faith continue believing that ground have been steadfast in that that he sees you that way through Sun wake up that way go to bed that way live that way walkers would like that might even stumble never run from being run right into it thought of thank you for the increase in my life for making me so aware of what is it isn't God there was a time in my life I did that and when they even saw it and now I see there's nothing I ever wanted me it's not who you aren't me thanks but I mean watching me God thank you so much uh señor wise your chakra smarter than you were before the stuff would why does she mad to him but mercy triumphs over judgment yeah if indeed you some prayer requests not an article it's not frequently brother if indeed you continue believing this are steadfast and grounded in this and are not moved away from this home of the gospel which you heard what ho that I've been makin cleaned insight that he sees me as if I've never said thanks make me righteous before him so that I can live as a son without you do you know how much this is not preached around the world do you how much we boast in sin and our ability to committed as if it's humility he wants you to preach totally blenders and Bubber approaches if you wake up in that way your life will start looking like that Romans six men do yourself to righteousness the fruit of righteousness is holiness promise and you're living in holiness without why you're there trying to be holy what you believe is producing the fruit this is don't you know that how'd you present your selfish slave to a man you will be that one slave whom you obey if you present yourself it's lawlessness is unrighteousness is sending the more sent what a shame wake up every day never set yourself to righteousness yeah I see right with God that's not just power phrase in a nutshell when he says watch this which was preached out here's to do nothing traditional pension to jr. himself I was talking at large funny right we're not moved away from the hope of the gospel in which you heard among us has never even heard of this hope I never heard this little growing up I heard this open I read my Bible in my bedroom only spirituality I never had no preacher telling me what I'm talking never in my life I've never had this whole preached me which was preached to every creature under heaven and which I Paul became a minister see every creature under heaven I was so glad that it's in there plus Holy Spirit I said hey I'll make sure you heard me because he's never heard at the floor I'll give him a chance to believe it and indeed hold on now you don't know my life you just see this weekend on YouTube but I know my life now striving one day years ago and the Lord said hey do you know why you live the way you do and I said actually I wasn't driving what he has to be that question that was actually a crazy situation where he wrecked me into service and I didn't know what to do and I went through a box and a half of Kleenexes and I was supposed to be rich and while I was laying there he was loving on me it was ridiculous I didn't even know I was gonna make it through the experience they said do you know why he lived the way that you and I was but you also your merciful your loving your kind I gave you the right answer it's like each other and said any games I'm looking for I'm like Lord it's the only answer your grace is sufficient for me I don't have another answer it's you I live in this way because of you he says no it's not the answer I'm looking for he said everything you're saying about me is true but it needs a place to land in a person's life if I preach dogs were support I'm always right but mercy needs to be received it's one thing of us say y'all love she got it right here on the front I was still a special attraction to your heart that God's telling me before God loves you who knows the hallways riding with us ain't got much verses difference between me saying not loves you and you being loved like temperance there's a difference between me saying how it hurts before you receiving this verse so he says you know why you live the way you do I'm sick because you're amazing you mercy the grace is sufficient you chocolates it that's not the entrance or that's the only answer is no you're answering right I'm the one that empowers you the other day but these things you're telling me worship Him need a place to land it so let me tell you why you live the way you do and I was listening and I was already here and I went through so many clean inches it was your Davis I'm not joking only add amount one of my smaller fingers I know it was a lady she wasn't more than another bumps clean inches in the one who's I was out I haven't land everywhere I was a mess during worship is start reading on the incluing on and I'm like not now so may prophesy said earlier it'll make you cry you got real and you would tell you that it's almost more it stupid to there you feel thinking about that cuz it's too good just let me tell you why he lives away detail other night you gots a watch on the night you got saved you were sitting conscious for a moment you saw your need for me but ever since that moment you have been a son that's never let that change you can't talk me out of sonship and how he sees it I think it was up there it's always true yes indeed but you tell me you want perfect is it no I've grown I've been equipment I've been empowered up with Shawn I've always run you have and I've stood in that place I've never met that place change as he ain't changed so from the goodness of God I found repentance my life now I do go into it much thicker but that's much as I'm getting in listen to me carefully it's a guy who plays that here probably the guy who plays that here at least not here that's fine if somebody didn't place that and it's not just somebody you've come instruct we'd to see click the keys you do good stuff okay I thought I had [Music] you got it in the Holy Ghost did we just see this holy produce having what did he do he took the dust into the ground what did he do before him it first says he formed it and then what are you doing he pretty film what happened to the dirt man became a living me well Jesus rose from the dead Mary realized it was him when he said Mary she thought he was the gardener she felt so much love Jesus she was freaking Allen she was like / tell me where he is I'm gay marriage imagine this happily sad story it happened to a purse that watched you die this the best thing that ever happened get beyond dispersion angle across the guy the man should have to strong and back to them just behind that rock she knows he's dead but he meant so much to her she thought you know what I can't see no better place to lay my face against that rock if he's on the other side get as close as I can ain't no matter whether they're all scared to death they ain't gonna help her get in there she took oil and anointing her spices can't get behind this don't want you to take that stuff she can move the rock but she knew he was there so she went she gets to the stone throw away and he's gone and she's freaking out she said serve you if you've taken him and placed this on please tell me where I'm getting them bringing back marriage you know she's loving for him mrs. Mary don't cling to me he's not up social the best part is yet to come he came for this moment he was slain before the foundation world right now and Mary this coming he wouldn't say they're clinging if she ain't come she's a woman that loves the Lord but I thought you died but you're freaking me out what he said her name marry me [Music] this young social doesn't he have time for all of a sudden he's got something very very important to tell he's not taking his blood to the Holy Place [Music] now client brushes you have not the blood of God but man just to my father but you go tell them to face you said you could tell my brother what's that company term family you go tell my boys I changed my mind about what the best things come he's gonna shoot up Devon walk through the priestly role of the high priest represent more men to God as he sits at the right hand and represents God among them it is very same day the show shows up in the room muscle walk through the wall kept busy days of romance two disciples break the bread and they come Lauren but he disappears she did not have bad news don't you love the gospel you get excited I can feel it that's the first thing happens now PC you see no wonder he said be surprised freaked out no he says peace does he make peace first play you now have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ being just by my faith and show the side and it says they were glad when they saw was the bar buried next to nose mouth pieced yeah oh wait a minute already said that we get that mighty reaffirming it it's a different piece why he say the second piece right then as soon as it realizes who or what happened in their conscience absolutely absolutely shame I mean Peter through a net had a bunch of fish and asked him to depart on a sinful man what do you think's going on right now when they all ran for their lives one of them two disciples whoever it was tried to get away so bad he ran out of his clothes in the orbitrim intimate way through the trees they seeking disciple but when you run out of clothes she's trying to get away you ain't laying down your life he went right out you man a minute ago they were breaking bread they Rossi will die or die for him we ain't scared Michelle be a mother will die oh yeah right they felt a sense of silence a person came on their minds guilt shame they found with the training I didn't want to look up so he said peace to you why cause he didn't come to look at them through a nurse okay so he said mostess basically that's the father 20 it's their father you find the elimination on that as little father said you say yeah their egos power wonder you know they know for God so how he said the Sun in his life just like a father sent me and then he did something so remarkable yes why why did he go why didn't they just say woo just because she intentionally then he brings me back to the beginning and it's what makes it master sin never letting us Genesis one let us make man in our image John 20 as the father sent me so I did hear it let us make man in our image as the father sent me so I send you and right there man to life in the garden why do you think Jesus complains on that man because everything that breath was washed through sin but sitting just got taken away and receive some animal gone and takes away the sin of the world so we took her back to Genesis 1 brings life into them as if sin ever if you forgive their sins of any shall be forgiven if you retain the sins of any they shall be retained when you have permission I'll see them for the farmers when you have permission the judge of many for where instead when you have any permission for unforgiveness anywhere in truth then why is he talking about if you retain sins as if it's a notion why don't you say that here's what you say if you go love them the way I've just loved it another way [Music] [Music] and not letting me know what I've seen in my life I suffer not be free from sin and not believe they're free from sin there's a worse scenario I've seen I've seen people do things in life I see people make mistakes whoever's made a mistake and after you make it and after time maybe after a little while you said well that was understand if I could go back and change it I would but it's too late now so I'll just never change so you can't change where you've been but if you are can be changed this is what I learned I learned to some people in their decisions lifestyle and things have brought stuff into their life things have come upon their life they've marked themselves for where they've been and what they've done some not in your blood some Authority and without they don't have the same memory that they used to have became concentrated they know they are not the same since that night revenge something changed all this happens to people there were alcoholic they sold like crazy the lung capacities restricted they were alcoholic and delivering working like it could who knows the folks without they did that thing that thing bidding at other Kings then those people would promise you and they got an HIV think I had for tightness so they got an STD who knows that happens to people well this is what I'm getting at right now with they're holding up stare when you ever met and you said you're sorry when your higher is since man if I knew what I knew now I wouldn't have been where I was then because what I've learned God will never judge you for anything don't judge you for what you've become so God will never judge you for every bed why this where to Nevada judging is your new creation in Christ all things that's way all things become new why is the whole thing coming into new I'm telling you I've seen at me thousands of times over STDs brain damaged by the concentration damage organ damage blood stuff disease going girls clean right now why there's new life you know where I preach it this way don't just throw it in the healing because people believe they get what they deserve and they said oh you mean what you sell well that's true without repentance but when you repent you reap what he said [Applause] it's that amazing clean sheet you know whatever people mess around when they were 18 got something in their body got married when hit with 23 now their spouses never jumping hurdles and who was trying to keep that thing from the pass or it's already all passed in and now there's both spouses carrying that thing because they're routine but now they're totally ordered again that's the house as I need you to be on tonight with him playing sweet soft like that maybe a bashing it serious and God he ain't black cause he shed blood for this this really sucks mr. settle down mother you ain't got a clue now at the right times ever was my life here's what I'm telling you I have to do it quick and it won't take much if you flipped it properly you've made mistakes you've changed since then you said man if I could go back and do it over see that little Herbie think breaks out that reminds you and takes you back there now the grand combination you'll find the feelings genital warts is there and I said you can why don't have to do that all these years then it's still with me no sudden everything reminds you again and again and again it shows his face and said I remember I'm telling you he wants to take that image called production brought back to original value your industry I don't really boss it's nobody's business what's going on nobody spaces where you've been what you've done and what you believe before God knows nobody's business there's people in here that deserve a market never got one there's people that went out of their way to be in a market never got one there's people who did someone two times got caught up in a whirlwind of emotions across the line and gamma they ain't fair out there there ain't no Percy I'm there so if you're living something from yesterday you're boarding in life is carrying with your body today's spirit soul body and you can become one need you need our help real quick we're gonna bring it comes with the chain steps one up here receive love but should be ashamed you actually see how many people disturbs and placed in such as recently needs to sing tonight because God wants a simple sleep money if you feel like you need to cry make sure your tears and positive not tempted Nixon you're crying because you believe he loves you you cry because it forgives him and crying because you support human not against you but you try to remorse don't you trying to regret don't you cry because of what you did you already tried it never took the side they pay oppressiveness that would gain new spirit soul and body holy blameless until he comes first alone inspired by rid of my body which there you don't have to look it's dead right before the Lord but I know you hear my voice answer this question in your mind if your answer is yes that's a good event if you could go back to do over whatever reason you're here before if you could change the things and rewrites and pages in your history in your yesterday on me would you go back to do them knowing when you know now how much those things a little different about less today would you conduct yourself different would you make different choices if you said yes and I got good news for him you're not the person anymore that we're even talking about that person died when he died you died but when he rose you rose again in communis of life it's for people there's no way around assuming the trail all wilderness things here just standing right now for believe it but for loving you and then you believe that thank him right now for loving you and believe that somebody need to wish whatever your heart and follow thank you for loving me thank you for never minding me never giving up on me never seen through our righteousness for always seeing through your son thank you for tonight for so mercifully coming and watching me clean and treating and touching me and handling me as if I'd never sinned I hardly receive it tonight Mart and I humbly say thank you for making me play holy scissored I thank you for coming I thank you for protection I don't have to touch anybody I promise I just feel like I want you completely clean completely as if you've never seen the love of the Father be upon you washed clean purely holy in his sight Spirit of God come in this place and watch the children clean yeah never again do something your lives never again sound in your body yeah completely free in Jesus name redemption right assistance if you've never seen goddesses we've never seen touching kids in the righteousness of Christ Jesus [Music] completely clean completely free [Music] completely clean yeah [Music] completely watch the clips yes purely man finished up just like you son since [Music] Jesus Jesus spare with me pray for mr. chair the blessing believe no still beautiful sense of their eyes [Music] thank you for your amazing unstoppable love thank you for watching us yeah God thank you for watching them clean thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you for never changing [Music] because I was a second guessing [Applause] [Music] and I believe you love me I believe this thank you you will never change your mind giving wisdom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] already [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we won't walk in your mouth only student come let the truth in this be the fruit [Music] the truth of the speaking lies [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 3,034
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2019, Blueprints Church
Id: YlqIiydwWe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 12sec (7932 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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