Dan Mohler @ Faith Outreach Center - 1 - Saturday - May 2018

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thanks so much hey guys wow hey Oh y'all do it good to see everybody that was really good huh Wow I'd like to stay real spiritual right now but honestly those guys would just flat-out good work they just flat-out good it's an honor to be here I have been traveling pretty much every weekend I I got andis invite I put it right on a special power cause it's local there's some weekend's that work out really good for me to stay local and this was the weekend so it worked out okay with him and he said you guys normally don't do a Saturday night but y'all came out so good to see you all huh how are you doing good so where's my new life girls right there good to see you glad you're here new life for girls yeah from Lancaster yay this with the gospel is all about listen we ended on an amazing song I'm just going to start opening my heart I just going to teach you a little bit tonight and probably stay pretty basic but don't don't let that throw you it might the gospel is the only thing that be so simple and so profound it's so simple a child should be able to understand it but it's so profound it ought to change your life so if it doesn't transform your life you've probably been indoctrinated you probably embraced a doctrine or a truth that you say you believe but the gospel is designed to transform your life give you a new life so in order to get new life you have to put off the old life you have to understand that the thing you were living wasn't what you were created for yeah so you put off the old man and his deeds you have to understand that there's a motive behind every man's heart every woman's heart everything you do is motivated by something there's a why behind people's lives what makes you tick the why behind your life that gets transformed yeah it's really really important so I could talk about this stuff a little bit tonight because it's what changed me 23 years ago changed me I grew up in church that never changed me I grew up in church that didn't grow up in this church probably why you're supposed to you guys were supposed to jump on that but anyway I never had a I never had a message preach to me growing up that is in line with what I travel over the country and preach I never heard it from a preacher I heard it in my bedroom in my heart through Scripture and it made sense and it changed me forever and everything I ever heard was there was a was one line that last song we sang thanks guys that's amazing it's amazing love but when it says how can it be I don't think the songs implying that it just means it's overwhelming love but who would agree that that we grow up with a mystery behind God's love like why would he do what he did on that cross I don't know why he would love me who's ever felt that thought that when they heard the gospel there's a reason because when we preach the gospel we always make it about heaven or hell forgiven or not forgiven we always make it about your destiny instead of your present state so which we're cool to get forgiven so we pray a prayer to get forgiven once you get forgiven now you're qualified to go to a destination someday called heaven when the trumpet blows in the meantime we try to survive get by and pray hard and hope God makes our life work out it tends to be basic Christianity I'm just talking plain I'm not saying that's you I'm just saying at large the mentality is that Christianity the awareness from God it's really a survival kit a lot of times it's a way to make it hopes to make it hey I got to get close to God we're going through a hard struggle think I want to get back to church and we kind of connect that God is in place to make our lives go better to help us make it to the end whatever that means right and it has nothing to do with Christianity Christianity is not a survival kit it's it's not hoping for your day to go better it's not something you do so your circumstances line up you certainly don't come to God so your marriage gets restored because if you don't get changed your marriage is probably gonna stay the same they might stay but you might stay the same this is all about change I've I pastored for years people come to God to get out of trouble the reason you come to God is to become the person he created and intended for you to be you get filled with his spirit and his Spirit empowers you to become that person because you died to everything you were so you can live to everything he is inside you and it is amazing love what's amazing about his love is that his love never failed and he never changed his mind about anybody in this room that on your darkest day he didn't lose sight of what he created you to be your purpose your potential in everything stayed intact and the wisdom and love of God so you couldn't change his mind you couldn't make anything different about you know people thought different about us we thought that of ourselves there's times we knew better and did it anyway and it's amazing his love is still bigger than that and then we say well yeah but I knew better I shouldn't and then we get in the line in the language and yet God is saying look would you just come out from under that thing you're so much more let me show you what you can be if you just repent come to me and let me live inside of you so let's just make it straight everything I'm preaching tonight is all about a transformed life it's not about making it till the end it's not about just blessings provision breakthrough it's about being changed I see a lot of a good meaning good people they're not hypocrite people I'm not talking to hypocrites tonight are you kidding me you're not hearing on Saturday I guess you're hypocrites I'm not correcting you either I'm here to cheer you on tell you who you are tell you what he paid for we're destroyed for the lack of knowledge and we grow up here and what you don't know won't hurt you now that's on purpose faith is the substance of things hoped for and you grow up don't get your hopes up there's a language we were trained by that's not the Lord he said don't call any man or anyone your teacher you have one teacher he's the Christ so if we didn't learn it from him where did we learn it and if it's not produced in life it can't be from the Lord so if what you believe what you think how you process what motivate you if it's not produced in life it can't be the truth he came to give you life and life more abundantly you know how you tend to muse on something in an attitude and a mindset you take a little personal internalize it you dwell on it for about an hour and next thing you know you're grayed out you're not encouraged or you're not sure you like folks come on it's not the Lord things that make your heart hard things that tone you down things that dull your senses you've got all the facts wrapped around it but the facts aren't produced in life see that's when you can draw back and look and say wait a minute uh throw back in a bad sense just pull back and look a little and say whoa wait a minute if the Lord had the mindset I'm working in towards humanity we're in trouble yeah so so so so if he saw your life the way you're seeing other people's lives you're probably not in she's not hurt he's not offended he's not disappointed he's not disgruntled he's loved and that doesn't empower sin that crushed his sin he doesn't enable you he makes you new he's amazing a lot of us grew up with a wrong view of even in the Lord that's why that's why a lot of us have a hard time approaching him real quick you don't feel good about yourself so it veils you and you can't get into with them so you serve him from a distance you can go to church and let that take the place of knowing him let your relationship kind of blend into doing things for him instead of being with him and knowing him and the big deal is that knowing him is what transforms you that's why it's so easy to get pushed away from that's why it's so easy to feel self-conscious and draw back and not have intimacy with him you could do your daily devotion and never even talk to him you can actually read about him and never even talk to him you can drive in your car and listen to worship singing about him for 50 miles and never communicate with him you probably don't get to know someone that way Andy and I would never drive together in the car and not communicate mainly because I'm in the car but he'd probably talked to if if I'd let him know I'm just kidding would we communicate simple stuff guys you get in the car we do with the Lord all the time we have a bumper sticker that talks about him we play music that's singing about him and we listen to a teaching that's talking about and might not ever even commune with him from our heart and let the things we do in his name take the place of knowing him and then all of a sudden all you do is know all about him well that raises your conviction level and then your life doesn't line up to what you know and now you feel condemned you're grayed out and you don't have intimacy and even though he's not judging you you seem to feel judged am I making sense to anybody this stuff's just in my heart right now and what it does is it takes good people that actually mean well that our misunderstanding and it draws them back from the only one that's good that saves like you can come boldly not arrogantly not presumptuously boldly to the throne room of grace through what jesus did that song we sang we're forgiven he was forsaken he's the king and he died for me there's a reason he wants to restore me back to what it was he intended me to be before sin ever came on the scene the words Redemption it means brought back brought back to original value the price was paid to restore us back to the beginning back to what it was before separation from God trouble is you and I were born into separation from God so we were very self-conscious self-centered self focused self-defending self protecting self justified well I think well I feel well don't tell me well this is what I yeah hello none of that from the beginning God didn't teach us that we were made to be that we became that through Adam we were born into Adam read your Bible Romans 5 says every man was born into Adam you were born into separation from God you were born into Adam and you must be born again and we turned that into a prayer that secures me to heaven instead of something that transforms my life and makes me brand-new come on our goal is not making heaven the goal the blood is getting heaven back into you and transforming your nature so it agrees with him so we represent him because were the embodiment the body of Christ and we're gonna walk in the light as he's in the light now he is so are we in this world and the things I do you do if you believe in as the father sent me I send you there all scriptures by the way sounds like he's making us one sounds like he's making us one sounds like he's putting who he is inside of us man if we get these things we'll just run well all life will have its trials things will pop up don't say that it will many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers them out of them all well I've seen a lot of people made righteous not get delivered out of their thing because their souls fall apart because they melt down because they get self-centered because they question in love that's already settled through the cross but yet scripture says he delivers them out of them all what's he saying there's a wisdom there's a perspectives there's a truth available for every believer to embrace to walk through everything and come out shining and leave an impression and mark the hearts of men I think we get the idea that every fire is supposed to go out instead of you not being afraid of fire I think we're living for perfect circumstances and if they're not coming would question our spirituality in our faith wondering what we're doing wrong why we're going through so much and if God loved me why is he letting me go through all this well God's loves not questioned by your crisis's God's love is settled through Christ on the cross his glove is settled he loves you through Christ crucified yay love you done deal well so start there it's good place to start wow he loves me how do you know because Jesus died on the cross amazing love how can it be you my King has died for me she walk in your bedroom and nobody's there but you and him and everybody else wants to sneak in and that's their business but don't be worried about that I really don't care the devil be in your room not at all see what's the standard listen to me talk to Jesus let him it doesn't bother me a bit I don't even think about that you screw in your bedroom thank you for loving me man I appreciate your heart towards me that you saw me in an eye that would never change that on my darkest day you would never change your mind about me I so appreciate your love any nobody in the room but you so you're either out of your mind and you ought to get a hobby or you're growing in the truth and he's real and he'll meet you there all of a sudden you'll build these knowings in your heart where you won't have theology you'll have him and there's a big difference a big difference all of a sudden you won't be able to preach he loves me you know he loves you why because you've been loved this one thing for me to stand here and theologically say Jesus loves you I'll always be right it's another thing for you to be loved by God that's where you position yourself to be loved by him not just through the theology of the cross through the intimacy of a spirit and believe you're worthy or he didn't ever shed his blood believe your worth or he did never came there's something about you he knows from the beginning and that your purpose your potential your destiny and love and time has never allowed that to change and that also so we probably should be okay in the midst of stuff we probably ought to start here where I'm talking so we run well because if all you're doing is trying to get him to make things better you're in a quandary the whole time it's not better but wonder if you're better wonder if you see different wonder if you're not taking life personal because you took this truth person to wonder if you respond different wonderfully anointings they're wonderful the power of gods there wonder if there's authority when you don't fear and wonder if there's no authority in what you fear do you think you have authority over what you fear nope you just have scriptures you're quoting I'm not demeaning the word there's no authority in what you fear that's why he says over and over fear not don't be afraid his father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom the kingdom isn't just the power of God it's how he works and how he flows and who he is and how he functions it's the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom yeah sounds like you want you to have it sudden you don't feel forsaken of a sudden you don't feel jealous all of a sudden you're not discouraged disregarded taking back all the things that have stumbled everybody in this room plus me alright I'm just talking I understand this I lived in my flesh for 33 years and I was a very selfish man it's a lonely empty place and in that place you realize that at that point when I changed I didn't even like myself I didn't even like me I needed you to like me to think I was likable so then you work for that you work for a compliment you work for accolade you work for a laugh and also in your whole life is being driven just to feel like somebody because you have no idea who you are the whole time it's just amazing why because that's what we were born into that lie when Adam ate the tree Adam died but he didn't fall over dead the day you eat the tree is the day you surely well who read in their Bible that he fell over and physically dead but if God said the day you eat the tree is the day you surely die something had to die what died who he was who he was created to be he was lost separated from God what was created in the image of God became the mirror image and expression of flesh what was created to live by the Spirit and by the wisdom of God and through the love of God and by the power of God was reduced to mere flesh the wisdom changed watch the motive changed this is what we haven't understood this is the system at large I'm not saying you guys in the room at large when I say we haven't understood I'm saying the body of Christ especially across this country if you listen to a lot of messages the message that pertain to blessing us instead of changing us and we're always trying to encourage people with answered promises instead of encouraging people with truth it gets me to see different and believe different so I can be different so I can wake up and you don't owe me anything where I'm not only as good as you're treating me I'm finding my identity through you or the church I attend instead of finding my identity through him so I can be an asset to the church I attend instead of needy sorry pastor didn't say that I said it put that on me [Applause] come on you get gatherings galata insecurities roll in the door you get a lot of people coming to get something from somebody and then they get let down and hurt and then they have an idea of that setting and well that's not a real loving place and well they really let me down and well I served there for a while and it didn't seem like I was appreciated and all of a sudden we got to say has anything changed about me except my theology am I still being driven by this needy thing or have I found myself through him so you walk in an atmosphere to see if it's loving you leave and say it wasn't loving always joke and laugh but it's not a joke so we don't even have to let say it should have been loving you were there but she were always thinking about what we can get out of something instead of what we'd been become in something that's why we're hurt that's why we're offended that's why we're angry you can't be hurt offended angry or discouraged if you're not thinking for yourself no way you have unspoken expectations you have self-centered things you have needs you have things that are just unspoken that are given that you expect to be fulfilled and it's not and you're ticked people say well that gets on my nerves I'm talking about getting new nerves it comes with new life new life it comes with new life he says old things pass away come on that's not just the bad horrendous things we've done swept under a rug somewhere old things best way that means my ideals my logic my reasoning my motivation my wisdom old things pass away behold all all all things all things become new come on let's not turn that into a prayer that gets my name in a book called life so when this thing wraps up I'm on the list hello I don't know where we got that and why that's the emphasis that's not even the gospel the gospel is you becoming a new creation the gospel is you becoming transformed he didn't say if any man come after me let him make sure his name's in a book called life he said no no if you come after me Matthew 16 it's there you can check it out it says deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me now you be honest with me the biggest stumbling block on a plan the biggest lie is men living for themselves when they're in fact creating for God's image let us make man in our and God is love love is and selfish selfishness isn't love I love you isn't that impressive I love you it usually wins the moment because we need to feel loved love you it works did you ever see two folks in a relationship is just bad knock-down drag-out and maybe even Valentine comes the whole way around a whole year goes by hey love you yeah right love me whole year are hell and living with you and that I know really baby love you I love you so much look things are going to change I love you really yeah you ever see that scenario they're messy yucky most of the time when we say I love you it means I need you that's why there's so many feelings behind relationships it's why there's so much hurt and let down in pain we actually believe that people closest to us can hurt us the most but they're the ones we say we love and love doesn't seek its own and takes no account of a suffered wrong so we're probably talking about two different emotions here probably talking about two different motivations probably talking about the kingdom of God in the kingdom of the earth probably talking about the wisdom of God in the wisdom of men I'll past it long enough to know that a high percent of counseling appointments are people troubles people having trouble with people it's a dead giveaway that we don't understand him and who he is in us and who were called to be tons of marriage issues and stuff so then we have to teach the needs of men in the needs of women and marriages fifty-fifty and it's give-and-take and you got it you pardon it's a lot of work and when I read my Bible it says I love you marriages I love you because if it's just 50/50 and a man needs this and a woman needs this then the spouse has an excuse for not being like Jesus because of their spouse not fulfilling what they need so that makes your spouse Lord instead of Jesus because your spouse is the one governing and deciding your life ooh I can feel that one stick and you might you might have that program here I can feel the heaviness in the air on that one it's alright bear with me listen if I say I'd be in a better place if it wasn't for this this and this you're just making this this in this Lord and none of those things have anything to do with you Christ is in you it becomes a lame excuse a factual excuse for not being what he paid for and not living by faith and walking in love and following Jesus so instead of picking up your cross you let sin against you have the right to produce it in you and that's not Jesus you say well I wouldn't feel this way if they didn't well wonder if God said I wouldn't feel this way if they did seeing if you can't put it in his mouth and make it work then it should never be in your mouth because it was never his wisdom from the beginning and if it doesn't produce life or bring forth life or promote life it cannot be the wisdom of God the last thing you need is human rights the last thing you need is a right to be less than him when he created you to be like him and he put himself in you through the person of Holy Spirit he said as he is so are we in this world he's talking about nature love motivation compassion tender mercies peacemaking come on don't think that we can't live those things if we're willing through the person of Holy Spirit don't think the life we lived apart from him Trump's that and does not follow human experience I thought were following him come on if he lived this thing and said follow me it has to be possible he didn't invite you into some whirlwind of impossibility if Jesus said lomi see we didn't sing to him tonight we worshipped him it was amazing and I liked you a lot in the middle there the man was you you blessed my heart I liked you a lot I liked everybody but you just made my nightmare so he didn't just sing to the Lord tonight but who knows you can get caught just singing to him and praying to him when you're in trouble and not following him and all of a sudden our relationship is singing to him and prayin to him and he said follow me he never even said sing to me he said follow me follow me I bet he wouldn't say that if he couldn't what do you think he's sitting there watching look they're actually trying hello come on you know I wanna make some of those things sounds so goofy and look so goofy see see how selfless I am I look goofy for you to imprint you so you never believe that again just shoot your sign of being dead huh just get up here and look goofy man and mark their hearts and them silly things will be silly for the rest of their lives so I don't want you to believe that anymore yeah you with me so Adam was made for God's image it's Genesis 1:26 he talked about it in 27 he did it ladies you're in the list man it's amazing he made them both male and female in his likeness and in His image so a woman's number one priority in life isn't serving the man it's being found in His image and when you're truly found in his image you'll serve one another you're not less than the man you have the same creative value his image is your value ain't that awesome ladies and all the ladies you like oh that's awesome you're not less than you're not insignificant you have the same created value his image GA that means you can love like God loves that's not heresy that's not blasphemy he said if he loved the first job - if he loved us this way aren't we not loved it says he who loves his brother has no reason to stumble because of him why because he loves him it doesn't say the brother does everything perfect towards him he says he loves him and love doesn't seek its own and takes no account I said it loud so I know you heard me but did you hear me love takes no account of the wrong done to it then why are we so busted up with issues and memories why do we have track records kept in our mind why do we tell the story like it was yesterday because we don't understand love and we haven't been perfected in it you know the Bible says to avoid the appearance of evil do you know the Bible says to avoid the appearance of evil why avoid the appearance if it's only the appearance and not evil because men will think evil and it will cause men to stumble and gods so humble he'll write a scripture like that rather than say well I don't care what they think let them think that me deceived they want anything why would the Lord tell you to avoid the appearance of evil if it's not evil and only the appearance because men think evil why do they think evil because they're not perfected in love because love thinks no evil so guess what the whole goal of the cross is the whole goal of the broad cross isn't prophecy it isn't physical healing and it isn't even to take you to heaven on that amazing day because I'm glad that we're going to live forever with him I'm not upset about that but that's not the goal of Christianity goal Christianity isn't going to heaven someday the goal of Christianity is being transformed I can do his image in nature and becoming loved and if we miss become in love we've actually missed the point of why shed his blood and came because first Timothy 1:5 says the whole goal of our instruction is love the whole purpose of the commandment is love why because God made man in His image and God is so when man sinned the image died and was lost through separation with God so Adam got cut off from being loved he got cut off from the source of love and became in need of love and we were all born into that state and you must be born again and somehow we turned that into a beneficial prayer that takes me to heaven instead it restores me back to the beginning where I become love instead of need love so it's not a mystery anymore because you can't be transformed by a mystery mysteries create quandary and questions no one loves God first unless they see God's first love his love to me growing up was a mystery it was a weird message why's he want me in heaven why is he care why would he hang on the cross and get beat like that to forgive me of my sins when I feel like I got willfulness all over my heart why is he so intent on having me in heaven someday I'm what's it going to be like and I don't even know him now and why is he paying a price for me to be forgiven and go there did anybody else think that stuff it was I all love cuz that message never changed me it didn't even have the power to at best it would make me feel indebted to him like I owed him something for doing something so crazy because in my young heart I believed he was real and in my young heart I believed he died on the cross and I'd watch it - fiction movie and feel bad about my life and feel bad for him and then wonder why would you do that for me anybody ever do that but me and then when I was 33 I got saved and I got in my room and I started reading my Bible to know him I didn't read my Bible to qualify I read my Bible to know him to know him all sudden I realized oh my goodness he died on the cross because of my value I was always told he had to die on the cross because of my sin well he had to die because of my sin but he didn't die on the cross because I'm a sinner he died on the cross because I was a lost son II wanted to save that which was lost not who something was lost through Adam he wanted to restore and that's his life back inside of me and His image on me so that I could walk in the light as he's in the light so that I could love like he loves so that could not just be positionally forgiven but I could actually become forgiveness and be the body of Christ it's starting to make sense the expression of him Christ in me the hope of glory that sure beats going to church to be a Christian and hope in life works out better now that I'm in because that leaves people discouraged and full of questions and I see a lot of good people with broken hearts hurting hearts failed hearts discouraged starts good people that love God the best they understand God but life's eating them up because their eyes not in this place so their trouble driven and every time they pray it's because they're afraid or overwhelmed and frustrated and every time it doesn't happen they wonder where God is and why he's letting him what's he and now we're spiritually analogy it and trying to come up with answers to make our troubled hearts rest and most of our analogies are at the cost of truth which is a problem because troops where you find freedom you okay it's why I came that song is amazing you think about that song here's what he's Clark saying on the cross here's what he's not saying on the cross first he's not saying this I hope you take a good look I hope you're happy what your sins done to me don't you think it's time to repent and get forgiven don't you think it's time to believe all men receive me look what I've had to do because of you come on aren't you ready for change let me tell you what the cross is saying I know who you are I've known you from the beginning the Father's love has sent me here and I'm one with the father and he's one with me I love you I know you from the beginning and on your darkest day I haven't lost sight of you and I'm dying to become what you were so you become what I am a son from the beginning and I want to put my life in you and my spirit in you I want to wash you clean I want to robe you in righteousness I want to rule this kingdom with my scepter it's a righteous scepter and I want you to become my people and I will be your God love you that's the cross that's what it's saying so there's no wonder Matthew 16 says the pre-wet requisite for Christianity the prerequisite for Christianity is denying yourself why because nobody on the earth has been made for themselves they've been made for His image that's why you deny yourself what is that it's not some legalistic rigid hate yourself you know nothing about me no no you deny selfish motives that didn't I love ya self-centeredness well I want well how come why don't I ever get to why just well that really hurt see I'm not so caught up in what they did I'm sure I want to know why you're so hurt if I was pastoring you I wouldn't be like they did what oh my goodness honey you must be sir you must be crushed I would never say that to you I would wonder why you're crushed no matter what they did because you're following him not them why are you letting them decide who you are when he lives in you and he's the light of the world why are you letting what one man did but one woman did one person why would you let what one person did decide who you are if their name's not Jesus see through him you become something so you handle everything through that truth are you with me good morning I've sat in a lot of counseling appointments and people got all their reasons for being what they are and man they got the story remembered and I'm saying if he lived by that language he ain't hanging on the cross he's frustrated could you picture Jesus going on the cross to Golgotha and he's heading up the hill and finally it hits him wait a minute I've done nothing wrong these people should love me why are they doing this well I know it was written from the beginning and I know scriptures need to be filled and I'm the lamb slain before the foundation of the world but when's enough enough could you picture Jesus just dropping the cross mid-stride beaten beyond description and he just his father this is insane I'm not doing this if they hit me with one more Club I'm telling you I've done nothing but good I've done I've healed their sick by the countless numbers on the streets I've multiplied food the only reason they came back is because I fed their belly I preach discipleship they all run away look they're not forced and now he's quoting scripture against himself they're not for us if they not before us they're gonna be against this I mean if they don't gather to me they scatter yeah but that isn't Jesus he's love and he wants to manifest love and he wants to show us what it looks like he's going to show us love he's the light of the world and if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me he's amazing so so he wants you to picture him dropping the cross and just throwing a fit analytical all the facts court case guilty victim villain we've lived that way guys our whole life because it's all we knew it's the only way we knew until the way came so that's not make the way away to heaven we say it's the way to heaven he said he's the way back to the Father we say he's the answer for eternal life and he said no in the father's eternal life he said this is eternal life it's John 17:3 it's there this is eternal life that you might know him the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ whom he sent he said father when there one like were one when there one like were one then the world will know that you sent your son and we think that if we can get the message of going to heaven to every creature it'll be ended I know people have heard go to heaven their whole life so when you preach that that's not the point it takes people back a little bit but you show me one place where the motivation is going to heaven instead of new life and transform life water baptism is all about death burial and resurrection water baptism has slipped out of the average church nationwide it's an annual event at best in the book of Acts they didn't even preach salvation without water baptism right in the heart of the message because it was all about transformation and conversion they understood that they were coming to die so they could live you can't show me one place in the book of Acts when they got born-again that water baptism wasn't in the message and wasn't the immediate response of the believer water baptism instead we fight theologically over water baptism name of Jesus father son Holy Spirit immersion sprinkling and then we divide and split and make camps it's what we do and yet Jesus said believe and be baptized and you shall be saved you know what first Peter 3 says it says you have this anti-type which now saves you well I thought it's the blood it is we'll watch the revelation Peter head you have this anti-type which now saves you water baptism not the answer of the cleansing of your flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God how many people don't have a good conscience towards God how many people pray a prayer to go to heaven and then wonder for years if they're even forgiven how many people prayed a prayer to go to heaven they're still mad at their boss they still violate their conscience they still go to bed ticked off but they prayed a prayer to go to heaven and they're faithful in their church listen you can fill every church seat across this nation tomorrow on Sunday and it's not going to change the world but if people become loved it has to start somewhere you guys were good tonight let's make sure this isn't a slam it's not a correction you were good tonight yeah they were and there was corporate worship it was good but watch this this isn't a slam it's not a negative let's make sure we don't get so good at doing Church that we fail to become her because doing good church doesn't change anybody becoming her has to because everybody I'm looking at has a sphere of influence everybody and you think of the message we've sent to that sphere of influence our whole lives some of us a really bad message fire fuel and fire dog-eat-dog he said she said tit for tat well you deserve it why should it gave you more come on in today's Christian society it is easy to go to church and sing holy is the lamb and get comfortable doing this or maybe even just go a little farther and then go to work Monday and be genuinely ticked off and judgmental towards your boss instead of weep for him and cry for him because if he's acting that way there's something he doesn't see and forgive him Father he doesn't know what he's doing and if he knew who he was he wouldn't be living that way wow it makes my heart want to cry for him it doesn't make me angry doesn't frustrate me because nobody owes me a thing and love owes no man anything but to laugh so I'm done being ticked off and judgmental and presumptuous dun dun wonder if you let the gospel teach you this one thing but you wake up every morning and nobody owes you a thing you've been given the gift of life you've been forgiven of everything you've ever done wrong everything you've ever done you've been forgiven through the blood if you're sincerely sorry if you're just godly sorrowful just say man if I knew what I was doing then I wouldn't do it if I knew what now if that would be your answer you're in forgiving of everything you've ever done and then you wake up from that place human forgiveness you're not judging men you're walking in righteousness he rules his kingdom with that scepter and that's how I live nobody owes me a thing watch so my days of disappointment offense discouragement and anger have ended when I get that revelation so now I'm gonna run well worthy of a prize and I'm gonna make it to the end and we're gonna apprehend this thing as many of us are mature gonna have this mind Philippians 3 and those who don't understand or grieve and God will show you otherwise but you follow those through well no matter where you've arrived that's go after this and you follow those who you have as an example in funny it sounded pretty important to Paul ain't that something so Jesus came as a man you understand he came as a man he came as a man don't get mad at that that doesn't belittle Jesus that just that makes me love him more more that God would come as a man and make himself of no reputation he must think a lot of your potential see I was always taught he died for my sin why wasn't I ever taught he died to redeem my value that nobody pays a high price for nothing that his life in you is worth paying for to him I was always come after from the angle of depravity people trying to make me feel how bad I was to come to God but then you're always condemned nobody ever told me he paid a price to redeem value nobody ever told me the cross points to my value to get rid of my sin to expose my value the cross was always preached to expose my sin but when I read the Bible it removes my sin he's the Lamb of God who not broadcasts it he takes it away so he took it away so now what I guess I ought to be his the son accepted yeah redeemed woohoo so I guess my days of guilt and condemnation have ended if I'm a believer and I guess this truce is going to empower me to actually live what he created me for because his spirits found a home in the yay come on guys this simple gospel man I told you I was going to say simple but it's life-changing it's simple but it's profound I'm not a philosopher and I'm not a real bright bright fella I believe God's taught me some things over the years but I do believe this I don't believe that the world's biggest problem is politics I don't believe it's racism I don't believe it's terrorism I believe the biggest problem on this planet is everyday good people people that mean well but everybody every day wake up living for themselves when instead they're made for God's image I think the biggest problem leader with his men living for themself when they're made for His image we sang the most amazing song amazing love it and then and then all do everything I do is for your honor it's for you in all that I do that's your motives that's your will that's that's what makes you tick and all that I do they did what honor you ain't get something well then that ought to challenge every heart in this room and say man my days of frustration judgment excuses my days of flesh excuses over how I feel are you kidding me what about what I believe what if you camp in what you believe long enough to redeem even how you feel can I share stark truth with you it's a little sobering your feelings people say well God gave us emotions brother nap don't give him credit for what you grew up with he didn't give you that crazy thing you grew up with called your emotional makeup God didn't give you emotions at gave you the ones you grew up with now watch the happy beautiful hello there yeah I feel that way too what Adam gave you the motions you grew up with because they were all your emotions and all my emotions from the time you can remember some people can remember back my wife and remember back way far when she's really little like I'm more like six five six she's back farther than that but however far back you can remember you have to understand that you were living from a self-centered motive self-conscious you didn't know who you were at a very young age life was already deciding you your value somebody laughed at you when you were eight years old and made fun of you and right there you either became broken insecure or a fighter by a very young age you were decided by how life went down and how you responded why because nobody in this room had a clue who they were you were born into identity crisis you had no idea you were finding yourself along the way but here's what I've learned that no matter what you became it wasn't really you it's not the real you that's why every man has to be born again you just become the personality you respond in whatever's around you your support system if you have no support system break down for hard and whatever people weren't made to be broken and were made to be hardened you're not called to just muscled up and tough it through because you will always find a hard heart at the bottom of that you'll always find something dull you always find pride you'll find something self-made are you with me it's all deception you were born into Adam must be born again so all your emotions flowed out of a self-centered wellspring and you had no idea what was happening that's why it was so easy to be angry that's why it was so easy to be hurt self-conscious focused on do you think Jesus was that way because he's loved people make the mistake and they say well that was Jesus and they make a mistake and they just make him a special man that we can't - but he said follow me in the Christ and use the hope of glory Jesus was loved that's what made him different yeah so it's the goal of our instruction people it's why he came it's actually why you're on the planet you're on the planet to be found in His image and he did everything necessary to make it possible for you to live there if you're willing and the just shall live by so you're not conformed to the world you're transform how are you transformed guess what that means look it up guess what it means by thinking like you've never thought before so where are you going to get rid of them old motivations and old thoughts and get the new ones probably from the living epistle of love probably following the life that's amazing his name is Jesus and instead of making him some spiritual figure that we can attain to maybe we ought to see him as a man empowered by God who said follow me and maybe the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead will quicken your mortal body and maybe the things he did you can do if you believe and my talk in Scripture this isn't heresy it's not blasphemy it's why he came came to redeem safe that which was lost what was lost man's creative value his destiny his identity his purpose why Jesus got beat beyond description so one of my favorite parts of the cross not that I have to have one because I'm not really a favorite guy but that's probably my favorite part of the cross he he was beat so you live unbeatable he died so you'll live forever he was separated from God so you forever joined there's parallels to the cross he paid a price on that cross right you could teach that out it's pretty amazing like God didn't curse his son on the cross he made his son to be sin and curse sin in the flesh and sin shall have no dominion over us why cuz the law of the spirit of life through Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death so I don't wake up and try not to sin I wake up and enjoy being his yeah I'm not trying to live the Christian life I'm just enjoying being is I'm accepted I'm not trying to live acceptable I'm accepted and knowing I'm accepted empowers me to live acceptable if you make the tree good the fruits good I'm not trying harder I'm believing right are you with me I know I'm covering a lot there but he cursed us he didn't curse his son a lot of people think he cursed his son cuz Galatians and thinks but he cursed sin and then he made us him who knew no sin to be sin so he became what we were on that cross sin so that we could become righteous in the sight of God that's powerful don't miss that he was beat beyond description if you read Isaiah 52 it says he was marred his visages marred more than any of the sons of men now I want you to slow down and think with me for a second because we know he got beat 40 times minus 1 right but if you saw the movie The Passion who saw the movie The Passion I've heard Christian say it's too gory they won't watch it I think every Christian should make themself watch it and then know that it was worse because it's sobering don't say it's too gory it's real it happened to a man his name was Jesus it's every Christian should watch it make yourself watch it because it's sobriety check he paid that price to redeem your life and it's not a ticket to heaven and an answer for blessings are you guys good Martin more than any of the sons of men so what that literally means when you look it up his description his this egde was marred more than any man ever was at the hands of men you know how they should tie people to a stake and burn them if they thought they were into witchcraft or something you know just an example just one example there's a lot of sadistic things men have done to men you think of the brutality of what men have done to men it says he was marred more don't miss that he was marred more you like the wood under a stake and you got a man tied to that stake and you let that wood burning up around that stake and up over that man and then when that fire goes out do you think you can even tell if that's a man marred more than any of the sons of man why am i camping here so long it's for a purpose there's a parallel to everything he did on the cross watch God made man in his the day you eat the trees of the day you surely when sin got done with Adam in the garden he didn't look anything like it was created to be his appearance was lost and marred so Jesus came and gave up his appearance to pay the price for us to get the image back I'm going to quote Colossians 3:10 for you don't lie to one another since you've put off the and put on the whose renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created you beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord and being transformed into that same image from glory to glory even by the Spirit of the Lord the whole goal of the Cross is a restoration back to his image not an answer for blessing it is not a genie in a bottle he is not your busboy and this is how I know that a lot of us haven't understood the gospel because there's a to discourage people that go to church because they're letting life speak louder than truth in truth what makes you free I'll look up because I'm not marking you there's a lot of complaining in the church and the gospel says clearly several places Christians don't complain why because they don't live for themselves it says when you complain you'll be destroyed by the destroyer devoured by the one that devours why you're a dead giveaway you see your need for a savior but you haven't allowed him to transform your life so you complain so you give yourself away that you're self-centered you're an easy target so Satan roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour so when he hears complaining BAM easy target and then you say God why are you letting all these things happen to me he's not doing anything you're positioned for it you guys all right come on a straight talk this is just straight-up living room this is like family chat this is why we're here we're here for new life new life for girls new life for guys new life for kids did you ever see a little one there so sweet little she's so little she decides to see hey she's like this big I'm not saying anything better out there she is look at her how precious but there's a time coming time coming where she might go where'd that come from do you think God made that nope that came from Adam don't think you're failing as a parent I think my child's demon-possessed they're making terrible faces at me no they think life is all about them and they have to learn someday it's all about Jesus there your little baby's gonna need born again so cheap model and Jesus keep looking like Jesus so one day they see Jesus and say hey mommy how can I be more like you that sure beats being frustrated and condemned in a failed parent in your mind isn't it amazing how we let where people aren't decide where we are and we let what people don't see decide what we do see when he in fact is the light of the world that's just good preaching in your church buddy no I'm glad we're here you guys could you tell me what I've preached that you can't live if you wrap faith around it apart from any other Factory no if you say yeah but brother you don't know what I'm going through how does that nullify the power of what I'm preaching the power what I'm preaching I'll help you go through it you know is you don't know who I'm dealing with you know know what - man you don't know what living with my spouse is like obviously brother letting you sit on that there might be a couple of those comments in the room see and if you elbowed your spouse you dead giveaway cuz I was talking to you and spouse if you elbowed him back you're caught - isn't it amazing how we always think somebody else has to change for our day to be better I think the easier answer is when we change and when nobody owes us anything but we owe no man anything but to love so if we owe no man anything but to love then no man owes us anything yeah so let me backtrack way back wonder if the gospel wonder if just tonight the one thing you come away with is this one thought then I'm gonna work on pray about and keeping the front of my mind and trust the Holy Spirit I'll burn it in my heart that every day I wake up I've settled on this that nobody owes me a thing that's how you learn to live and not be disappointed that's how you learn to live in true love where you're already settled in him and nobody can change who you are in him and who he is in you so why are you gonna let matter more what doesn't matter most why are you going to have issues when you have answers come on you know this makes sense to your heart when I'm talking it it's super challenging and convicting especially the people that have been very moody stuck in rightness and have been making people their reason for where their life is this message is super convicting so don't let that add it to a rule gur on me and just get mad at me and leave the same just say the dude is right look at his hair color he's got to know and then you just walk out of here repentant and let the gospel change you yeah and then get water baptized yes ma'am BAM and if you're a good pastor I can't speak for Andy I just met Andy but if your good pastor like me you hold them under till every bubble stop Spirit of God will be with you you don't even have to get big man you know the Holy Ghost will hold them you if you're willing if you're in faith you're holding under 40 seconds after the last bubble you got you just wait 40 seconds and then you better be in faith new life and if there's no new life at least they got right you know what the honest truth is he had to hang him down the cross and I believe strip naked I believe he was naked hanging naked is the highest form of shame and disgrace and the most brutal way to die strip naked hanging on the cross in front of humanity for only ever doing right and he didn't say a word come on you think about today's mentality I can't believe you punch it you're doing this to me where's open your eyes where's your sense I'm the one that you're the help I'm trying to heal it out Barabbas are you kidding me you release Barabbas he killed a man I'm raising the dead and trying to give you life you're confused the reason he didn't say any of that isn't cuz he was Jesus because he was loved and he said follow me and have the same mind in you that was in him even though he didn't count it Robert he be called equal with God he made himself of no reputation and he laid down everything considered glory and became a man obedient even to the point of death death on a cross therefore God exalted him and gave him the name above every name that at the mention of his name every knee is going to bow and every tongue is gonna confess that Jesus Christ is Lord you therefore you therefore see what he does he exalts Jesus to the highest place and goes right to us making us one you therefore work out your own salvation with reverence with trembling before God for it's God who wills to both do will and do for for your good pleasure or for his good pleasure both will and do for his good pleasure therefore do all things how many things so it's God who works in you both to will and do for his good pleasure therefore do all things without grumbling without complaining why would I do that so you shine as a light in the midst of a perverse world who is thinking for themselves how do you put away complaining you are not thinking for yourselves you denied yourself you picked up your cross and you're following him so you you you you shine as a light and it says holding for the word of life second Peter 1 now quote it and we'll be about done here you have exceedingly that means more than enough exceedingly great and precious promises he's not talking about full vats and barns you have exceedingly great and precious promises by which you partake of His divine nature having escaped the corruption that's in the world through lust the world lusts has nothing to do with sexuality there has nothing to do with pornography the word lust there means self-centered unsatisfiable desire watch he gave you ample promise to give you ample grace since you were predestined Romans 8 to be conformed to his image there's another image scripture right predestined to be conformed to his image so in 2nd Peter 1 you are exceedingly great and precious promises by which you partake of His divine nature out of darkness into light remember having escaped the corruption that's in the world through men living for themselves and then we if we're not careful teach the gospel that benefits us instead of transforms us so then you have frustrated Christians discouraged Christians hurting Christians sometimes they even get mad at God and they say stuff like whoa I got a few questions for him and when I get there I'm gonna ask him if you have no clue what you're even saying in your delusion and arrogance you're gonna walk into the glorious presence of light and truth without an ounce of darkness and deception and you're gonna go oops you think you're gonna say oh I believed you if it wasn't for my spouse like why didn't you change them I don't think you're even gonna be able to think that so if it's not gonna work then why would you let it work now don't buy time that you don't have redeem the time and don't tell cheap because you're not for sale you're not your own you've been bought with a price deny yourself pick up your cross I guess then we're following him the whole goal of the Cross is for you to become loved not get your name written in a book called life this is how we know love has been perfected first John 4:17 we have boldness in the Day of Judgment you read your Bible that's not a great day for folks cause the day of darkness a day of gloom the Bible says that day is a day when men will cry for the rocks and trees to fall on them and consume that at least they face the glory of his presence but this is how we know we've been perfect that we have boldness in that day why because as he is so are we in this world that means we've lived a life of love we've been born again water baptized dying in the likeness of his death dead to sin once for all alive under God in Christ Jesus supported them unless the seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone but if it dies it springs up bears much fruit and in this the father is well pleased that's you bear much bread and I quote enough scripture for you tying it all together you see the pretty picture that it paints it's called the gospel it's good news watch good tidings of so when you understand the good tidings there ought to be joy not quandary and circumstance of life you look at the average countenance of the average believer and you have to question if we understand the good tidings or if we're trying to use God to get through the day [Laughter] good tidings as he never changes never fails and he loved me when I was unlovely good tidings is he's willing to see me as if I've never sinned and put his life back inside of me I'll do it quick because I'm been I've been a while for you I can tell I need to wrap up here soon I've said plenty but I've noticed this in John 20 that in John 20 Jesus raised from the dead do you have the ability to put a scripture up there or not you can't okay no don't even try don't even try then John 20 if you want to look there you can look there in John 20 I want you to see this real quick I preached this all the time I think it's my favorite and then 20 more scriptures bombard me but it's at least in my top hundred it's made the list man top hundred countdown John twenties right there in John 15 or John 20 verse 15 Mary you got to admire her she's at the tomb she knows Jesus is dead she watched him die I believe they had to drag her out when they put the stone on the tomb as she was there from beginning to end right everybody else was gone and running there was a bunch of women you know John showed up and hung out at the cross could you imagine seeing him and not being there from the beginning and all the sudden they tried to tell you that's him and you look on the cross there's no way you could ever tell that's him and he would think that isn't him that can't be him he would quote scripture on the cross remember how he said John behold your mother mother behold your son who's a medical person anybody have medical background nursing anything like that okay you guys could you beat somebody beyond description to where you can't make out who they are and even expect them to be conscious and maybe not coded medical shock whatever are you with me to beat somebody and just keep beating them till they're unrecognizable and yet have the coherency to quote scripture and even the point mom son son mom the Pharisee said even now he quotes the scripture why are they saying that because he should be dead and you can't even tell it's him and he's still quoting scripture now there's a law that's working there that I don't preach much from the pulpit because I'm not trying to get controversial with people but I want you to consider something Romans 5 says man sinned and death entered the earth and because all men sinned all men you say how can he as a man take a beating like that and not die it's cuz he never sinned death had no power over him that's why he kept saying no man takes my life I freely lay it down why because he had to be made to be sin and it wasn't until he was put on the cross and took our place because anything hanging on a pole has been cursed by God it wasn't even till then or he gave up his spirit they beat him over and over and over and death had no dominion over him the death had no power over him because he never sinned it was the law of righteousness it's did you ever think about how you could beat someone like that and they still talk and comprehend because all men sinned all men died Jesus never sinned death had no dominion or power over him it wasn't until he was put on the cross and made to be sin he said it's finished it's finished I just took their place and I took enough beating necessary to redeem their lives heal their bodies restore them and put my life and spirit back into them I'm bringing them back to day one through the redemption of my blood my Bloods gonna speak better things man their sin used to condemn them but now my righteousness is gonna mark them give him a new name yeah man their past used to rule them but I'm gonna give him a new day a new life porn again it's finished the boopie dies according to the spirit of holiness he's raised from the dead according to the spirit of holiness why he never sinned Satan shed innocent blood holy blood spotless blood that's the blood of a spotless lamb but not the blood of a lamb or a boar or goat but the blood of a man Jesus the righteous he takes it into heaven and he puts it on the mercy seat not made with hands the heavenly tabernacle and that's where it is the blood of Jesus in heaven on the mercy seat and he sits down on the blood at the right hand to forever promise and vow through his body through his life no man mediating which we got a man that this blood and my life given will accomplish everything promised and you have one mediator between God and man the man Jesus Christ it's phenomenal so I just want you to see what's happening here what's happening here so so Mary she goes to the tomb she's amazing because she can't move the rock she knows he's dead and she can't even get to him but she's going nobody's too excited about going the guys are all afraid they're not in a prayer meeting they're afraid and we would have been - I'm not dishing on them they thought that what happened to Jesus was going to happen to them today we're afraid Mary could care less if he's dead I'm as good as dead I'm just going to the gym she gets there and the stones rolled away you guys are familiar with this story she sees this guy he thinks he's the gardener she thinks he's the gardener he says to her woman why are you weeping John 15 and whom are you seeking she supposed him to be the gardener she said sir if you carried him away tell me where you've laid him I will take him away in other words just get me the body man that's the closest I can be if you know where he is take me to where he is so I can be with him and have him I'll take him out deal with him Jesus what he looked like don't even ask me because I don't know why he she didn't recognize him I don't know but I know this my Bible says that he see he's personal he says Mary and when she he said Mary what happened to Mary she realized you ain't no gardener you're my king you're my Savior you're the one I love you're the one I'm willing to die for he said Mary she went how pony now don't think she was like a pony Wow how did you do that this isn't a movie it's not a story it really happened to a woman can you imagine the emotions that were embroiled can you imagine she watched the process of him losing his appearance she watched it from beginning to end and she watched him now him to the tree she watched him go to break his legs and say aye he's already dead in oh boo right blood and water he's already dead take him down she cried crying the whole way there she's probably laying over his wrap body that Prag dragging her out I know it's supposing but speculation but my thought is they probably had to drag her from the - to close it and all of a sudden he's standing there looking her in the eyes and she realizes Jesus he says Mary can you imagine the moment I mean you know he's the first thing I was methods don't cling to me what's she doing why is the first thing I was mouth don't cling to me who do you think she's booty she's probably setting some human world record diving crossing don't cling to me don't cling to me is the unsocial doesn't he want to be associated with married no no no what he's saying is don't detain me I haven't yet ascended to my father now some people teach that he didn't want her to cling to him because he didn't want her to defile him because he had to go in and be the priest and go into the Holy but I just assure you this that nobody's going to touch Jesus and defile him so just think about what you preach on the day you touch him and to follow him we are in trouble he touches you and you become clean okay so here's what he was saying here's all he was saying is please don't detain me he's excited the best is yet to come this is why he came this moment is why he was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world it wasn't to just get beat and die on a cross it was to raise from the dead and go into the heavenly holy Tabernacle not made with hands with his own blood and apply it to the mercy seat and be a high priest between God and man this is the moment that scripture spoke of and it's here right now and he said Mary loved the chat and hang out but man I gotta go to the Father so do not cling to me right you think she wanted to if it was the first thing out of his mouth she was charging him don't cling to me Mary watch watch it's right here in your Bible don't cling to me verse 17 I have not yet ascended to my father but go tell my low life 2-faced back-stabbing God issues with them pastor would be great if it wasn't for the people disciples was he a hurting Savior was he angry was he numb forgiveness was he let down did he invest in two men for three years in a crunch time they left him down prove themselves unfaithful so I can't even trust anybody anymore I don't even know why I even want to bother cuz every man's all about himself I just assure you right there you find a lot of hurting pastors but then I would tell me I'm not following Jesus listen I'm sorry people make mistakes and do wrong and say one thing and do another but if you ever find me a hurting pastor I wish somebody be bold enough to say son you mustn't be following Jesus let's stop expecting to be heard by people and let's start teaching why we don't have to be broken let's stop thinking we're so fragile when truth is so powerful you without truth very fragile you with truth following Jesus he makes the weak strong it makes the impossible possible it's giddiness to where our lives are concerned and it stopped following one another and make sure we're following him as I promise you at the last supper on the night he was betrayed that's where people are betrayed and they feel betrayed and they cry and they pray and they call a friend but on the night he's betrayed he breaks bread and passes the cup and gives his life that sounds stronger I'm gonna follow that to make sure you don't owe me anything so if I am ever betrayed I won't know it and I can just pass the bread and cup what good would it do to come here for the next 30 years pay your tithe serve in the ministry and keep the boat on the water no pun intended just make it a statement and then get thrown into crisis and respond like the man that never went to church get done wrong and react like the man that doesn't even believe in God surely we've missed something and we've done Church without becoming her it's not let anything take the place of knowing him knowing him changes you don't cling to me for I have not yet ascended to my father the word father there means to come forth from I haven't yet ascended to the one I came forth from but go to my brother and these guys have done nothing right would you agree we wouldn't have either not ditional but he didn't mark him as that he said go tell my brother and what's he saying I haven't changed my mind about you go tell my brother and watch and say to them I am ascending to my father and he's making this one he said I'm going to the one I came forth from and I'm going to the one you came forth from we're in this together brother and he's not like I can't believe I can't even depend on you guys at all he didn't say Peter told you hey Philip don't look at Peter where were you pal do you know the Bible says that at the Last Supper they all sat there at the table and whispered among one another they did all die for him and when given the chance they all ran and he told him they would one man ran naked through the trees he tried to get away so bad they pulled his clothes off in the process now I'm not the brightest man but if you run out of your clothes you're probably trying to get away come on man if you run out of your drawers you get it and then once you run out of your George you really get it but it doesn't sound like laying down your life to me that's all that's all I'm saying he didn't call that disciple out say brother streakin are you kidding me I'm being crucified turned over to man and you're running away naked see you said you'd die for me that's what people do but that isn't what love does you're not made to be people you're made to be loved I've heard these phrases in church they do the temporary the human experienced spiritual back and forth and make us human beings with I don't believe it has to be that way I believe you can be led by the Spirit believe you can live by the Spirit the Bible says if you live by the Spirit you won't fulfill the lusts or desires of the flesh now you can say heresy blasphemy perfection all you want jump the gun there but that's in your Bible that's not in my sermon notes that's the Bible Romans 8 if you live by the spirit you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh why doesn't somebody just go for that instead of say we can't and get tricked following one another one we're saying we're following him I'm ascending to my father and your father to my god and your God the word God there means source of life so you came forth from the source of life that's what Jesus to say so Mary Magdalene came and she told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken these things to her if you read the other Gospels that didn't go over very well the same day in the evening same day evening first day of the week so if he came back in same day in the evening and told Mary I'm going to the Father and go tell them I'm going where was he in the meantime well we know he was on the road to a mass and we know around suppertime they broke bread and their eyes were open and boom he was going he had a pretty busy schedule but is it safe to say that sometime between when he talked to Mary and walked in the room that he had been with the Father why because he said so that's enough are you with me so here's how you know he went to see the Father because when he walked in the room what's the first thing out of his mouth peace be with you what did he go do he made peace through his blood between God and man and the first thing he announced to humanity boys peace to you why you now have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ being justified by faith for almost 5 1 you with me so he showed him his hands you showed him his side and the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord so as soon as they saw that and they were like because they're like could you imagine what we'd have been like you're in there huddled for fear and all sudden there's Jesus standing there and you're like wait a minute you were dead you're peace to you guys hey it is me yes you you're glad but you're also what very aware of what that you ran that you didn't die that's you coward it that you were afraid the moment he walked in he was still afraid that you haven't done anything you said you were gone and you didn't have anything that he said to do wouldn't you be very aware of that I could show you Peter he says throw your dead over there he throws the net pulls up all these fish after not get you no fish he he falls in the boat says depart from me I'm a sinful man he's got a net full of fish and he's like let me alone I'm a bum what do you think happened when Jesus said hey it's really me and they went it is you the first thing that hit him was how bad they failed that's why he did what he just did right here he says peace to you and he showed him his hands aside and the very next thing out of his mouth was what peace to you he's not repeating the same piece it's a different piece the first piece is peace to you I just made peace between my blood with you and the father you now have peace with God my blood speaking better things hey you need to see it's really me oh my goodness it is you hey peace to you it's okay Peter already told you you beating on me three times it's all right I'm back and I love you guys peace I haven't changed my mind it's a different piece it's to rest their soul to get them off a sin consciousness of feeling unqualified and guilty anybody ever filled those things in their life he wants to take those things away there never God because they never produce life peace to you is the father look at this here's this whole room it just tickles me this whole room of guys that have done nothing right he says peace to you he shows him aside in his hands they go who it is you it needs to say peace chill I know what you're going through right now I know your souls but it's okay love you listen as the father sent me so I send ya he didn't say you guys are gonna need some serious training you guys need a couple more months of boot camp no he said look it's me everything I told you was true now you see I'm the light walking the light that's the father sent me so high I'm sending you so we always think power and miracles when we talk about this stuff what about who he is as the father sent me so I send you for God so so what he's saying is the way I came and loved you is the way I want you to go and love them and if you love them and forgive them of their sins they'll be forgiven but if you don't forgive them and their sins their sins will be retained why because you're the body of Christ you're the expression of me and if you go out and let your heart guitar get into legalism get into works get into all this stuff that we've all experienced how are they going to know their way to the forgiveness of sins if you guys can't see past their sins that's the father sent me I sent you is that humbling or what and then look what he says when he said this what did he do he breathed on them and said what receive the Holy Spirit if you visit the sins of any if you forgive their sin so our forgiving if you retain their sins they're retained well you never have permission to retain sins you want permission to mark men for where they've been you never read a book by a cover you always judge with righteous judgment you never judge according to the flesh so why is he's saying retain sin what he's saying is if you love like I've loved you men will know my life and they'll know the way to me and forgiveness if you walk forgiven you live forgiven and you forgive you'll represent me yay if you don't they won't know me because you represent me he's handing them the baton of the body of Christ new covenant church but look what he does when he said this he breathed on them and said what received the Holy Spirit well he holds all things together by the word of his power he could have said received the Holy Spirit you figure he could have just said receive got real spiritual receiver Phillip help me seal villain did charismatic little otter call and everybody's just laying out wide he briefed on them and say receive the Holy Spirit he's the redemption of man he's the last Adam he brings man back to the beginning that's what Redemption means brought back to original value how did God make man in the beginning why do you think Jesus fresh from the Holy Place with his blood speaking better things the first thing he does is breathe into them watch watch let us make man in our image in our own likeness and let them have dominion as the father sent me so I send do you see it's Genesis 1 it's a restoration back to the beginning watch because of his blood watch as if sin never happened so you reckon yourself dead to sin live unto God I need more evidence than that brother he bore your sin force Peter - and my sin and his body on a tree that we having died to sin it's actions it's stained it's desire it's mark it's memory we died a sin might live for righteousness by His stripes we are healed you do it don't miss this stuff because you don't love him first you got a see he first loved you and if you don't see his first love you get reduced to serving him and you'll live and feel indebted to him instead of his son or his daughter it's a big deal so he breathed on them and said receive Holy Spirit so they got born again and what was lost through sin got restored through his blood are you with me good deal ten after eight so I was trying to wrap up a half hour ago I'm a half hour later and I'm not done I'll just stop I rarely am done I always just stop it's why we pray for the sick it's why we believe for healing by stripes were healed why he bore your sin my sin and his body on a tree that we having died to sin might live for watch what that means that means every day you live to wake up and know you're right with him and that's where you start he rules his kingdom with a scepter of righteousness means to make you stand right before God as if you've never sinned the work of righteousness is any expression of the nature of God any expression of who God is so your trees of righteousness the planning of the Lord whose idea was this that he might be glorified you see the goal of the Cross the goal of the Cross is to make you righteous through his blood so you can become love and follow him till the whole earth is filled with his glory we pray for revival and an outpouring he's saying you're the outpouring yeah thank God for all the revivals and stuff that were recorded and major outpourings of God's Spirit the way it came wasn't sustained and when you look at some things things went back to the way they were not say anything negative but wonder if we learn from all that and say maybe the revival we're believing for is something different maybe it's in you maybe it's in me may be worthy outpouring til the whole earth be filled with his glory he made Adam and now the fullness of God in man he brought forth the woman he didn't make Adam Eve because Adam was lonely he made Eve because Adam was fulfilled full of God that's why she complimented him because he had somewhere to go and flow and grow and multiply without her there's nowhere to go with who he is that's why God made him he says it's not good that man be alone it's not because he's lonely because there's nowhere to multiply so he makes the woman out of the man so he reaches into to God in man and brings the woman out of man and takes what was 1 and makes it two so two can be one and then he says be fruitful and multiply and we think sex intercourse pregnant the whole context is his image be fruitful to multiply reproduce after your own kind it's the first law that was written just a few verses back be fruitful and multiply what's he saying multiply thee he's not just sayin have ten kids he said multiply the image till the whole earth be filled with his glory that's why when Israel was failing terribly and Moses is crying out God said Moses let me tell you something as surely as I live the whole earth shall be filled with my glory what was he prophesy what I intended this thing to be from the beginning I have a master plan and it shall be fulfilled and I am looking past they're cycling and spinning and failing because I see a people for a new covenant blood fill with my spirit the same as from the beginning you did it so if you've never been water baptized get water baptized you can go home getting a tub tonight be better ever than if we do it we mean in business you have this anti-type which now saves you to order baptism how would you benefit from a good conscience before God a lot huh he says in the days of Noah eight righteous souls were safe through water you have the santé type which now saves you water baptism we think flood he's talking about the flood Noah when the Earth's got wiped out so what's what's Peter got a revelation of what did God do God baptized the earth in water and when the earth came out of the water there was no more unrighteousness except eight righteous souls that came through water and then he he said almost the same thing to Noah as he said to Adam but he looked and said you know what it'll never be done this way again I'll never destroy the earth this way again and he put a rainbow in the sky right sign of a promise what was he saying he's saying no there's a baptism coming but it won't be like this one this one costs every man is life the baptism coming is going to give every man life it's going to remove the sin through the water but they're coming out and they'll be changed and he put a rainbow in the sky and said it will never be like this again one is reaping what you sow under the law just understand in death he prophesized his son that's what he's doing Peter had a revelation an anti-type which now saves us so get water baptized if you've never been and see what you're doing everything I've ever done everywhere I've ever been dead so everything he's prepared and desired alive you good so if we pray for the sick and it takes like 20 minutes total what were you okay or you guys want to like roll out cuz it's late you don't want to pray for the sick it's up to you guys when I say 20 minutes it probably translates into 45 I mean well but no I'll do my best to save time because we don't have to be here all day what would you guys be open to taking another extra 20 minutes half hour maybe and pray before the sick I'm just seeing if maybe like God really does anything like in the room I have a strong idea that he might there's a reason that I think he would just cuz it's who he is and he loves and he paid a price by His stripes we are he's marked us righteous it's why we pray for the sick guys well I know you might think we pray for the sick because they're sick that's usually why we pray for the sick but if we switch spiritual the reason you pray for the sick is because you see the goodness of God and the forgiveness of sins and it gives you the hope of healing and faith is the substance of things and all the sudden you say wow I hope he would heal because he's good and then you look at the cross and say wait a minute the forgiveness of sins he sees him and through the blood and the blood speaks better things Wow sickness and things and degeneration depravity came upon man through the fall of man and separation from God but he joined us back Wow trees of righteousness planning the Lord he's gonna be glorified reckon ourselves dead to sin alive under God by His stripes were healed and all the sudden you start getting it and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word and faith working through love and all the sudden you actually believe he's a healer you do it so the forgiveness of shin should inspire the church to pray for the sick the forgiveness of sins so who believes that he forgives sin and he's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world yeah so then he's the God that healeth a would you believe it here's what we do with sickness a lot of times there's a lot of people discouraged in the realm of healing because they've been prayed for a lot and we don't realize we do this we turn faith into a point in time so we say well that's pray and see if God heals well I don't know why God didn't hear Wow maybe oh he oh maybe he won't that's never faith faith is a position in your heart to believe what he accomplished faith in your life and faith faith works through love then you better be relational and not just hoping for a magic moment are you with me because if you've been prayed for and haven't seen something change you better understand what I'm talking about or you'll let something not change in your life decide how you're doing how you respond and what you believe but his life is deciding what we believe and we find the Father through him now watch countless people healed that hadn't seen their life being healed and then they shift a gear and say you know what I was just just last this past weekend I was just in a church it was a pretty big setting 30 or 40 years because I said man you're a Bible story I said wait wait how long have you been this way she said 40 years she's just sobbing I said you're a Bible story 40 years by the gate 38 years by the pool 18 years about 12 years right I said you're a Bible story 40 years there she was whole crying another lady Year 2005 bad car wreck left her in a bad way completely changed now that's still 15 years or 13 years it was 2005 that's still 13 years thirteen years of pain 13 years of questioning maybe 13 years but I tell you what on that night we just kept it so simple we just taught what faith was and his love and his goodness we taught people not to try so hard when they pray come on who's ever prayed for the sick in the biggest temptation is to focus on what you say and how you pray to try to pray right to pray powerful well that would make it all about you and probably make it works and then you ought to probably teach a prayer college isn't it amazing how quick we get self-conscious wonder if the gospel helps us and teaches us that it's not like that and the only reason he heals is because he's a healer because he's good and he loves the person I wonder if be healed in Jesus name is enough when there's a revelation behind him I wonder if you don't have to pray the right thing just believe the right thing I would make it a little more wasn't it who's ever went to pray for the sick and you became self conscious immediately and thought more about what you were going to pray and how you're gonna pray and how you sounded praying then God actually doing what you were asking so we're going to take that out of the room tonight okay so let's move on I already probably lost ten of my 20 minutes we're gonna do two things real quick the first one's gonna be super quick I promise it won't be ineffective but I'm just separating in categories for a reason I want to teach you something it's all faith it's all the same faith there's people you'll run into you'll hear at work you'll be talking to in a grocery line you'll hear somebody right in front of you in a grocery line talking about how these migraines how they're so thankful if there's somebody will say hey how you doing today sure I'm just thankful you know how they'll talk they're trouble it's the first thing they talk about most time when you hear people talking out in public or anywhere maybe even in a church foyer but anyway they'll say Chu I'm just glad I don't have a migraine what do you mean oh I've been getting a man like I feel like I'm due any day I thought today would be the day because they've been coming on a pretty regular basis I've been get about every seven eight days and I'm right about at seven days you ever hear a conversation like that and listen I'm just thankful I ain't got one man because I'm thinks they power lies me I'm not going bad all day and I'm dreading it and I'm thinking it's gonna hit me any day now but they don't have one they're just sure it's comin because they've been getting them regular for the last three months fair enough so when you pray for them there's no evidence of their healing other than we prayed we believed and untrusting God that he's good towards you and even if I never see your face again I'm believing that migraine is never coming back and because I believe that I took the initiative to tap you and ask you to pray are you with me you say in the grocery line absolutely well there's a time and place for everything brother yeah that's the time and the place just top them you're not making a scene you're not praying in tongues you're not praying out 10 minutes you just tap him hey man I couldn't help but to overhear what you said and the migraines been really just happened to me in an airport I heard a young guy he was getting on the plane and he said to a guy the same kind of story right there that I just used and as soon as he went over around his seat I just slid around the other side nobody was even around I said hey bud man I heard you talk about the headaches sounds pretty intense oh he said it's just kill her man I said listen I know you don't know me I wanna do something okay please don't say no it's just what I said please don't say now he said what do you want to do I said just one pray with you man just believe that God would touch you through Sun Jesus you'd never have another migraine okay you got nothing to lose and if that happens that'd be pretty amazing huh you should have the incredible please pray for me nobody even knew what we did father I thank you for your amazing love for him migraines you never ever come back ever in Jesus name now who knows that I didn't even giving my name I didn't give him a card I didn't pass a basket I just slipped away so there has to be only one reason I did that because I believe and I did it for him because he loves him and if he was in me he would have done that too if he was in me he'd have done that too do you get it so I just walked away there was no nothing to check nothing to test it's the same faith you just believe they are never coming back and when you walk away you're humbled and you're honored for the privilege of releasing the kingdom and the thought that this guy never gets another one and that three days from now he knows he should have had one four days from now he can't stop thinking about it and he's thinking about that guy that prayed for him and he doesn't even know his name but he does remember a name it's pretty fun you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 3,877
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2018, Faith Outreach Center
Id: kp8tDYdobS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 30sec (6870 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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