Dan Lok: How to Become a Millionaire From Selling on Stage

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having the ability to sell is a dangerous weapon put in the right hands selling can lead to a great product finding new customers or a new beautiful relationship beginning put in the wrong hands and you can manipulate people into buying something they don't need or even worse something that hurts them in November 2000 19 the Federal Trade Commission and the Utah Division of consumer protection suit nudge LLC and affiliated companies alleging that they make empty promises about earning money by flipping houses to convince consumers to buy real estate training packages that cost thousands of dollars in a filing today the FTC in the Utah Division of Consumer Protection requested that a court prohibit nudge and its affiliates from selling the packages according to the complaint Utah based nudge markets its training through real estate celebrities who promised to reveal strategies for making amazing profits at seminars included in the packages one celebrity endorser quoted in the complaint for example promises he will share his formula for success that has proven to get results this seminar company will be shut down but does this type of seminar and promises sound familiar to you enter dan lock he was a speaker at Jason capitals high status summit in 2018 I want to make this video to bring awareness of how very strong sales tactics can be used to influence or manipulate an impressionable audience into buying a product they don't need or even worse one that will hurt them financially and emotionally impressionable audience this is the most important aspect of this sales funnel audience members attending these kinds of seminars are typically looking to make more money or eager to learn and I've already shown a willingness to pay for education by buying a ticket to the event throughout this video I'll be sharing my opinion on sales tactics dan used to manipulate people into becoming customers for his digital product I'll of course be criticizing throughout the video when appropriate so make sure to stay until the end but I want this video to be more of an educational experience on how these internet marketers sell their products and even more important is how dangerous these seminars can be on the attendees my first point is that these speakers are brought on stage under the pretense that they will be giving value to the audience but there never is any value given I want you to notice how Dan Locke's speech is just one long sales pitch with absolutely zero value given when you attend a seminar you're doing it because you like the host of the event because you like the host of the event the guest speakers feel like they're on your side and want to provide value to your life the psychology behind this a feeling of trust in the speaker because they have been pre-selected by the host of the event sidenote pre selection is also one of the most important factors in attracting women because of how powerful it is on human psychology and let's play this video here Jason builds up the anticipation by playing a super cringe video full of social proof and gets the audience excited to hear Dan speak stand up and put your hands together and give up big [Applause] well Jason told me you guys need to work on your energy a bit some caffeine so want to start off by asking you a question the question is why are you here this is a great way to begin a speech by getting the audience engaged early he knows he'll have their attention in order to sell his products at the end he needs the audience's full attention throughout the whole seminar every segment of the speech is carefully designed to get the audience one step closer to buying his product so any disengagement by audience members will have a direct impact on how many sales he can close so what I'm gonna do in the next hour or so is to take what you've learned in the last three days the high status mindset I'm gonna show you how to turn that into a high income they can earn you an extra 100 thousand to a quarter million dollars a year without a college degree absolutely he's not teaching anything the next 60 minutes is one long sales pitch today I'm gonna walk you through four secrets how many more secrets to show you how I'm gonna make your a few money as a high ticket closer I'm not talking about a little bit of money I'm talking about making enough money to say [ __ ] you to your boss to your enemies to the [ __ ] who dumped you for powerful secrets there are no secrets in veiled in this speech I also hope you're starting to see how manipulative this style of selling really is and this book it's a collector's item because I've bought a few hundred copies with me that is it it's a hot cover of my book you can go on Amazon you can see by a softcover but I'm no longer publishing the hardcover this is it like whatever I have this is it you won't be able to find in fact you go to Amazon the hardcover sells as much as $120 right now creating scarcity first products which leads you to believe that it is a very valuable product this is all fake do you really think his crappy mindset ebook is worth 120 dollars of course not he seriously gives it away for free here in exchange for your email so I'm going to show a quick video here just before I flew here with my team I brought a team of 10 with me and see the video work [Music] [Music] alright guys we'll see you later massive social proof he's embedding it into the audience members minds that he is high status with access to a Bentley in a private jet my life wasn't always like this my life wasn't always oh you know I'm on a cover magazine he's on the iconic concierge magazine one of the most prestige magazine in Canada and the comedy king of heists high ticket sales but really that was just a set up for one of the most impactful segments of any sales speech sales copy or sales pitch relatability customers want to feel like they can relate to you why because they want to believe that if you can do it then they can do it too so was born in Hong Kong emigrated to Canada when I was 14 years old with no money no connections and not a word of English language on my lips by Monday I got divorced when I was 16 years old so you can imagine going to a country where you don't speak the language so growing up I didn't have a lot of confidence I wasn't one of those people that said oh you know I'm gonna do these great things I'm gonna accomplish this I'm gonna accomplish that no and I wasn't one of those people who could know all the right people in all the right places because when I first got the North America I didn't know anybody I know friends and I wasn't one of those people that was born to do some great or wonderful things no and I wasn't one of those students that had a good education and in fact I dropped out of college I never graduated from college I smelled the beginning of a rags to riches story the most powerful story told in American history he's also subtly removing objections from the audience one very popular objection is you can do it but I'm not like you therefore I can't do it he's removing that objection now he spends these couple of minutes sharing stories about how he was broke could only afford a $2,500 car and struggle to find food to eat a truly heartbreaking story Dan so I know I know what he's like to struggle and know what's like to be in debt at a time because of all my crazy business ideas I was so hungry it was so desperate that I wanted to succeed I gave him the nickname desperate Dan in my part 2 video critique of him and didn't even realize that he gave himself the nickname first he spends this segment relating to the audience really well he really knows his audience he knows what books they've read he knows what making money online strategies they've tried he knows their pains and he tells them there must be an easy way my financial goals there must be an easier way to make money here's what is hitting your subconscious what you're doing is too difficult there is an easier way to get rich and I'm about to share it with you your conscious mind probably doesn't pick up on this but this is exactly what's going on remember what I said earlier every segment of this presentation is targeted at your subconscious to get you into a buying frame until I discover the power of wealth triangle take notes there are three parts the wall triangle how many here's where he cons the audience into thinking he's teaching them something his wealth triangle is about as basic as half the thoughts on Instagram the first line contains a terrible grammar mistake you make you money thanks Dan this is freaking genius work here provides you a stability comfort peace of mind yes Dan the job description of all sales positions begins with stability comfort and peace of mind sales is literally the opposite of these three but Dan doesn't know because he's never had a sales position in his life I also want you to notice how often $10,000 a month gets brought up in internet marketing circles nearly everyone entering into internet marketers sales funnels has aspirations of attaining this goal this is why Dan says he made 10k a month during his copywriting days and why he uses that specific number here trust me watch enough content from these internet marketers and 10k a month gets brought up all the time the worst time to start a business is when you're desperate when you need more money like you need blood in your vein when you're desperate in a business you cannot make smart decisions Dan literally proves this 30 minutes later when all of the desperate people in the crowd make a terrible decision to join Dan's high-ticket closer program more than 10k a month now you can scalable business now your your business making so much [ __ ] cash you don't know what to do with it don't you put into your is that simple does that give you more clarity like duh no but I just gave you what I've learned in the last 10 years in basically five minutes Danis clearly learned so much about business that he can share it all with you in about 45 seconds Dan the business expert is now the efficiency expert as he can literally condense a decade of business acumen into 45 seconds people watching can you please see how insane this is and how silly it is that he actually gets people to follow what he says I was making 10k Monday's young guy 21 years old making 10k a month I'm telling you now that you've been warned of the 10k a month obsession in the internet marketing community you will not be able to avoid it high ticket closing high ticket closing my high-income skills bought me this our egg divan it was 26 years old there was more than 11 years ago he does a really good job of instilling classical conditioning and Association onto the audience members notice that every time he mentions high ticket sales our high ticket closer he shares something that the audience desires they are being conditioned to desire the result of having a high ticket sales or closer skillset and my high income skews would have made me tens of millions of dollars over the years tens of millions and will continue to make me tens of millions of dollars until I die another instance of condition in an association not yearly earning not monthly earning not weekly earning daily earning now that's this off that's of course it's a very good day not my best day consider me skeptical of these numbers remember that guys like Dan have huge ad spend in order to build up the following he has he may have those numbers in revenue but without seeing the expenses those numbers mean nothing if I told you he was spending ninety five thousand dollars a day in advertising in making ninety six thousand would you be as impressed of course not Dan showing off his two residences more flash that the audience desires and I'm not telling you this to impress you Dan isn't exactly known for his honesty it's possible a [ __ ] poor immigrant boy could do this if you're born in America what [ __ ] excuse do you have you have none so don't give me that [ __ ] Oh my family is [ __ ] dysfunctional you will always have to battle objections when trying to sell anything what speakers can do well on stages remove objections before the potential customer can even use them the relationship between speaker and audience member is one-sided there's only one person speaking so it gives the speaker the chance to address all objections before the audience member can which leads to an easier sale from that $2,500 Ford that's called [ __ ] piece-of-crap lemon to a $250,000 car what changed what transformed my life I can tell you write this down what transformed my life it's all because I'll dedicate my whole [ __ ] life to one thing and one thing only and that is being a high ticket closer how do you turn your high status mindset into high income the number one way to do that is high ticket closing and I'll prove to you in just a moment he's conditioning you into believing that in order for you to bridge the gap between your terrible car and a $250,000 Bentley as being a high ticket closer I love how he makes the students write down the words as if it's some profound statement I want you to listen to this next segment really closely this is where the absolute manipulation begins I set down the audience exactly this spot front row and center and I was just taking notes I was learning and the second speaker was up on stage and he was speaking and all that and I'm a half way into his presentation I stood up and I walked out the door now all the people around me was thinking or maybe Dan is just tired he wants to get at their hotel room and all that no I was going out there to sign up for the second speakers education and I did the same thing for the third speaker at the same thing for the four speaker you see I didn't have to wait for somebody to tell me what I need to do to better my life so I did that four speakers on daddy I must have spent $7,000 in my own education and the staff outside he was asking me but you don't know the price yet I said he doesn't matter I said he's my credit card I want to buy it yeah but Dan you don't know what is this it's it a DVD is it like a seminar is there like a course you know what the [ __ ] it is I said it doesn't matter I want what he has to offer he's my credit card just just participate doesn't matter this is a fascinating lie that he tells he is planting in the audience mind that he went out and bought all of the courses sold by the educators on stage are you noticing how subdued this is it took me two times through the segment to really capture what he was doing this is manipulation through lies and deceit and in hopes that the audience now believes that in order to get what Dan Locke has you need to buy educational products from the speakers on stage regardless of the price are you seeing how obvious this is that's 7,000 all the investment that I invested Mamie over $100,000 in 30 days I got all my money back the first day I used the materials because money yes Wow Dan 100k in 30 days all from a course I really hope his line is as obvious to you as it is to me he's manipulating the audience into believing that they're just a course away from making a hundred K in 30 days he's not explicitly saying it but you can see how him applying this reality is what influences the audience to wanna buy how many of you want me to sell you something for seven thousand dollars that would make you a hundred thousand dollars nice and high this is illegal if he was a financial adviser or real estate investor promising returns the way he is Dan would last about three days as a financial advisor the SEC would be tearing his doors down ready to take him to jail with this kind of investment selling he said numerous times throughout the first segment that he never focused on getting rich quick on norcia the audience but he's now basically selling under the guise that the audience members will get rich in 30 days if they buy an educational product Kiyosaki said it very well when the minute you say I can't afford it I can't afford it your mind shuts down it stops working you stop being resourceful I can't afford it okay that's it you're out of the game I'm like no what can I do what can I do how can I make this work a high standard which mine said write this down say with me how can I make it make me money he knows that a lot of his potential customers will present the objection that they can't afford whatever it is he is selling he's attempting to tear down that objection now by persuading you into thinking that you should be asking yourself how you can profit from your purchase keep in mind that Dan still hasn't presented what he's selling he's building up this idea that he's going to give the audience a chance to buy something that will guarantee a return of a hundred grand all these business leaders they spent a fortune a what every month generating the leads converting those leads running webinars doing email follow-ups making videos publishing content but they don't make their real money on to a high-ticket closer like you and me get on the phone and close these high ticket sales this is [ __ ] profound they don't make the real money until you're not on the phone and they're happy to pay you're ten fifteen percent commission if you can do that for them he makes it sound so easy for you to make money he wants you to believe that there are so many companies out there spending a fortune on lead generation and all they're missing is a high ticket closer to step in and rake in the big money and look you can make an incredible income without ever creating a single product running a single ad or cold calling a single person dan I'm sold I can be in sales and never have to cold call anyone this almost sounds too good to be true no but you might be saying how many of you don't like selling let's be honest it's okay yep I want to see Thank You honesty that's okay wait knowing as audience members I don't want to be in sales it's going to be a popular objection why not crush it before they can speak now that we're reaching the end of the sales pitch he is removing all remaining objections that he knows the audience members may have testimonial time how great is Dan's product he has one solid testimonial the distance me to where you are to where you want to go is your words no Dan the distance is actually running a real business creating a real product and selling to an audience without using manipulation tactics high-tech closing is the easiest money that you will ever make as I said your average into entrepreneurs marketers they are busy what's the word how the government doesn't step in and stop this is besides me so making these videos is the best we can do what I found fascinating about this picture is that if you zoom in on the blacked out part you can actually see that the Facebook group is called the art of high ticket selling this sounds eerily familiar with what Dan Locke is selling maybe they're connected somehow if you read the sales copy for the group it sounds almost identical to what something Dan Locke would have written let's check out LinkedIn for this clients on-demand branding interesting this guy Russell Ruffino started clients on demand in 2010 this is not connected with Dan Locke at all which means Dan literally copied this guy's playbook is branding and even his terminology as if we needed any more proof that Dan was a fraud this is just my opinion though I'm sure it's wrong because you know there's no way Sifu the expert in all areas of business full of transparency could possibly have copyrighted this guy's material or gotten an idea from this guy's business today's to say [ __ ] you know what I'm gonna get this taken care of and from now on you'll have a high income skill for the rest of your life be able to close anywhere anyone anywhere anytime in XTC we show you how to do that I will show you how did you that for those of you who want such stand-up follow me outside to get your free book but also to get started people buy off emotion this entire speech was carefully crafted to influence the audience into buying the product off emotions these sales tactics work which is what makes them so dangerous and why the government steps in when needed I really hope you enjoyed this video if you stayed until the end thank you very much
Channel: Spencer Cornelia
Views: 310,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Lok, dan lok fu money, dan lok sales, lok, how to be a millionaire, dan lok, fu money, is dan lok legit, is dan lok a scam, is dan lok a con artist, is dan lok program legit, high ticket closer, dan lok high ticket closer, dan lok interview, internet marketers, exposing internet marketers, dan lok inner circle, charlatan, inner circle, htc, dan lok exposed, authentic or charlatan, dan lok scammer, copywriting, copywriting for beginners, high ticket sales, dan lok course
Id: dLpyp1D3gRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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