Why PassionPreneur Is Dumb | Dev Gadhvi

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right if you say something about dan lok or grant cardone trust me you'll be my enemy you will not hear from me that's how loyal i am and the interesting part is i've hardly met them once or twice [Music] unfortunately dev and i are getting off on the wrong foot since he's labeling me an enemy without even knowing me snake oil salesmen have been around for a century and will continue into the future snake oil is defined as a substance with no real medicinal value sold as a remedy for all diseases the snake oil salesmen on social media promote their training as a cure for your miserable life disease that exists because of that 9 to 5 job you should hate guru oil salesmen say they have the remedy for all of your financial diseases using a substance that has no real business value dev is listed as one of the dragons on dan lok's landing page for the dragon 100 and it's very clear that dev has been highly influenced by dan in this specific family tree dan pena is the grandfather who birthed a few prominent fake gurus his children are in the process of birthing more fake gurus dan lok birth dev since millions of people considered sifu as an inspiration there will be many more on the way in this family tree what are we gonna cover today today we're going to learn the secrets of how you don't have to just work as a passionate trainer coach and consultant but you become a passion premier i'm super excited to hear about passionpreneurship hey dev what exactly is it now a lot of people ask me dave what is this term called passion printer somebody who has built a successful business around their passion is passion printer dev has created a passionpreneur summit with sifu himself as a main speaker i will be the keynote speaker for the upcoming passionpreneur summit the idea of passionpreneur is one of the best examples of guru oil salesmen that i've seen on social media hey everyone watching this video quit your nine to five to go do something you're passionate about i realized i was not the only person living with the mediocre mindset and just settling in nine to five job my video released a week ago talking about the epidemic of gurus trying to get people to quit their nine to fives was created to address speeches exactly like this one the nine to five is being treated like the disease in their own tagline or slogan in this case becoming a passion-preneur is the snake oil with no actual business value that's being sold as the remedy running any real business is hard challenging full of failure full of unforeseen expenses full of risk any guru running around preaching mindset or becoming a passion preneur or demanding that you leave your soulless 9-5 so that you can buy their course is selling you snake oil my life is full of problems right now look at this parking lot you see the parking lot what's it missing cars people ben mello actually runs a real business you can hear it in his voice this is what running a real business looks and sounds like telling people about success mindsets and chasing your passion is just selling guru oil at the core of what's happening in this guru environment we're living in is you have a lot of wannabe entrepreneurs who don't know how to create something of actual value a modern day pyramid scheme i've noticed is fake entrepreneurs coaching people on how to become fake entrepreneurs who teach people how to become fake entrepreneurs i use the word fake because all these people are creating is mindset driven coaching which in my opinion is fake entrepreneurship no real product or service is being created what really happens at all of these summits and fake entrepreneur events is all of the students getting sold on the idea of being an entrepreneur but they ain't one they don't have what it actually takes so after buying the course or training they resort to the lowest hanging fruit of teaching people how to chase their passion or become a mindset preneur to show you exactly what i'm talking about dev has five mentees highlighted on his website first mentee is india's first employability mindset transformation mentor oh this hurts my head second mentee started on a journey of employability oh my gosh what is going on here third mentee is a trainer and coach but no mention of what is actually being taught fourth mentee we designed his program called wake up to wisdom which is designed to transform people's lives by just focusing on winning the morning and ultimately transforming the life by three-step process there you go people that is a word salad if i've ever seen one fifth mentee she has been so thrilled positive and upbeat she has produced so much content and is well on her way of becoming a successful coach and a consultant i hope by now it's obvious that devs just a coach teaching others how to become coaches or have a better mindset who then teach others how to become coaches and the cycle doesn't stop these guru oil salesmen manipulate you into thinking that having a nine to five is terrible and that you should go after what you're passionate about at all costs having a mediocre mindset is literally as bad as the plague i realized i was not the only person living with the mediocre mindset these gurus are spreading one of the worst messages on social media and people are eating it up and the result is unfortunately mental health issues for all of the people in attendance thinking they aren't worth anything because they're middle class these gurus think they're helping people by instilling in them a success mindset but all they're doing is destroying self-esteem middle class is a prize middle class means you have food on the table your bills covered and a car to drive you to a job that pays you to live life middle class is a pretty good life dev has a video titled why facebook ads don't work number one reason why no one clicks on your facebook ads he positions himself as an expert on social media and growing a following but a quick look into facebook ad library and there's no proof that he's ever run facebook ads hey class how do we define charlatan behavior next we have a video from dev explaining how to write a best-selling book his book 80 mindset 20 skill is apparently a best seller even though it's ranked 108 857 in the self-help category class what have i taught you about mindset books i hope by now you have figured out why mindset is the most over-hyped and under-delivered topic on the internet today in this video dev gives us a very detailed list about how to become a bestseller i am so glad he let us know that we need to have structure to our book and to review and edit the book his bonus tip of populating the book with the right quotes will surely help you reach best seller status if you aren't aware there are ways to trick the amazon bestseller algorithm because the rankings are checked every hour you can basically sell enough books in one hour block to make some kind of arbitrary bestseller list for that single hour but gurus will use that marketing tag everywhere they go we're talking sell like 32 books in a single hour on a random day to become a best seller for that hour which could mean that you were in the top 100 or top 1000 of sales i'm a best-selling author imagine if dan lok or you know grant cardone would have been coming and spending time with you indirectly they are because they're my gurus i'm teaching you what i learned from them okay i want to make every second count of what they say and what they you know tell me dev basically took dan lok's and grant cardone's sales courses and is now somehow a sales trainer when i was with the oakland a's management hired sales consultants to spend a full week with the department and any of you working in sales know what i'm talking about the difference between people with actual sales knowledge and sales trainers like dan lok and his proteges are night and day it takes about 10 seconds to realize who knows their stuff and who doesn't you're going on the field using your same skill that you had and trying to play you know the balls dev's only tangible advice during this training was to make more calls we're living in such a weird time where so many gurus are running around positioning themselves as experts when it's clear as day they have no idea what they're doing this is the power of perception gurus thrive off social proof the numbers of their followers and the perception that they're actually a guru dev claims he has many years of sales experience but looking at his linkedin he doesn't share any of that it's incredibly counter-intuitive if he actually has sales experience to not include it given that he's positioning himself as a sales expert and trainer all i see is education dan lok university and grant cardone university for sales at no point does he list any experience in sales how to build a brand on social media i watched this video and within five minutes i found a blog post written a few months before the video was made that indicates maybe dev got a script from a blog post focus on what do you stand for what do i mean by what do i stand for for example nike what do they do they sell shoes but what do they stand for the first example in the blog was nike and the author also talks about what the brand stands for what does apple stand for dev's second example is using apple which coincidentally happens to be the next example in the blog post as well the blog post lists three different steps to establish brand identity which happens to coincide exactly with what dev talks about in his video let's see if there's any other copying going on here's him being strongly influenced by dan lok and another instance of influence from sifu here's some strong influence from mel robbins and lastly he must have really liked this ted video dev's new methodology is six sundays a week where he doesn't ever really say what it means but he's implying that you should quit your nine to five to run a business where you can live this utopian life but you can live the life that i am living six days a week the reason why guru oil salesmen always preach about running a business you're passionate about is that they're running literally the easiest business in the world they speak at summits and write books about vague concepts like your mediocre mindset that's been written about before and why you should quit your nine to five let's hear dev talk about actual business strategies helping a client analyze a transition from the health industry to the steel industry okay manager administration in hospital and it's like a healthcare industry and now you're looking to see should you grab an opportunity to go into a steel industry as for the market right now because of the corona the manufacturing industries are going to be in the pain for quite some time dev is speaking about something he has no experience in and it's really obvious throughout the call they will be struggling because the manpower is compromised and the manpower is compromised the production will be low and the production is low the demand you know will be low because the construction also is becoming slow where is this steel going to be used mostly in the constructions and when the construction is low the demand is low supply is high company will be in losses will be struggling being a charlatan or a guru oil salesman means running around selling yourself as the expert who can solve all of the problems when in reality you aren't speaking from any experience the big misconception that most of these gurus have is that they're helping people dev is someone that actually has good intentions at no point does he come across as greedy or wanting to do anything other than help people and it sounds like he actually doesn't charge that much for his courses through his eyes he wants everyone to leave their nine to five and live a much better life this is a commendable philosophy to have and one i definitely understand dev never ran a real business so he doesn't know how to actually teach people how to run a business or business strategies this is how most of these mindset preneur type gurus are they have to resort to mindset and passion because there's no actual strategies that they can discuss what gurus like dev don't understand is that running a real business isn't fun so here we are rafal are you ready yeah i'm sick of being in real estate i went from loving real estate to hayton real estate all because of this you know what the only fun part about a business is when you turn a profit or make money ask any business owner if the business they love running is just as enjoyable if they were losing money the answer is unequivocally no wait wait before you watch the next video i want to show you my next product this is guru oil the ingredients are fresh and it will solve all of your money problems this is how i pay the bills baby 24.99 on sale today make sure to check the link in the description it will save you from that soulless nine to five job thank you so much for watching this is dave garvey india's first fashion printed mentor best selling author and india's highest paid influencer tedx and joe stock speaker if you're watching this and if you're more curious to learn how did you do it dave then i invite you to join my master class
Channel: Spencer Cornelia
Views: 249,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dev Gadhvi, how to monetize your passion, how to earn money, entrepreneur, business, dev gadhvi tedx, dev gadhvi passionpreneur, dev gadhvi dan lok, dev gadhvi passive income, business mentor coaching, business coaching training, online coaching business, online coaching business in india, dan lok, exposing internet marketers, internet marketing, internet marketing for beginners, internet marketing strategies, video marketing, social media marketing, marketing strategies
Id: fD8KGvQ5YCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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