Dan Bilzerian "Ballz" completed Seal/Buds Twice - Legit Bro (Marine Reacts)

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the ultimate social media playboy dan bilzerian went to seal training twice no less huh let's go can't wait to hear this one the seal training days how is it that you could have had the opportunity to be a disabled veteran and everything that comes with that the benefits the money in you instead all right i'm going to stop already disabled veteran with all the benefits they broke you they take care of you like any other employer so you don't forgo the benefits if you stay in when you get out you still can go to the va it's right off the bat i don't know where these guys are talking about because anybody who hears this knows it's totally full dead decide to go into seal training well i started off injured in my first class and i'd gotten so banged up that i mean after finishing hell week with stress fractures going in that i was supposed to let my legs heal and because they didn't let my legs heal when i went to uh okinawa i got off the boat and i just i went into medical and i asked them to look at my legs i ran for like two miles and just destroyed them even more just because i was just so sick of the military just want to get out and they gave me what i wanted they're going to get me out i think under the ucmj that's actually a crime destruction of government property so either he's hurt or he's not hurt he's not running for two miles with broken legs if he's truly hurt it just seems like this is made for social media um because my legs were just bent you know they'd been broken for you know eight months or whatever but you hated the military that bad that you would destroy your legs i was so pissed i mean i you know i had done everything that i was supposed to do i made it through hell weak with broken legs like no you did not i felt like i just got so like railroaded and grant and not not like really in the seal training program because i went in there and i was unprepared and i was for sure not like you know i i i shouldn't have i was gonna graduate because like i just never was gonna quit and i was you know just gonna finish the program but i at the time like wasn't mature enough and i wouldn't have made a good seal and i don't blame them for getting together this is classic blame culture blame it on somebody else he didn't make it you know the guy's a trust fund baby silver spoon bravo for going in bravo for going to buds respect that more than i did i was a marine but the whining and complaining and the straight up [ __ ] in this is hard to watch there my issue is really in the you know the way the ship handled it and like taking me out to see when like my legs were clearly not healed and like i was supposed to be on limited duty kick me out but they took them so long to process it that my legs had healed and so at that point i just you know put in a request to go back and everybody thought that i was so crazy i remember so what's the problem with that his leg's healed up he's going back i don't get it i don't understand what the issue is so hey more power too you're going back good work man like i remember going in and my commanding officer was like bill's aaron he goes uh you're supposed to be medically discharged from the military here soon and you want me to approve a request for you to go into seal training and i said yes sir and he goes you know how stupid that is he goes he goes he goes because you realize that we are going to be paying you disability and we're saying that you're disabled and you want me to approve a request for you to go to the hardest military training in the world he goes are you he goes are you stupid he goes do we need to give you a psych discharge as well he goes what's the matter with you it was just funny like at the time i'm just like i'm gonna call on don shipley on this one they're not going to waste a slot on the guy who's broken they're going to kick him out right med board him but yet his commanding officer's going to say sure buddy go back to seal training after we determined you're broken that makes no sense don shipley i'm sure can address this better he's the expert in that area just like you know standing there like you know like this is you know my commanding officer i'm so brainwashed and i didn't even see the humor in it i was just like oh no sir like you know i really like the opportunity sir and you know he's just you know having it my bs meter is going pegging right so i ended up going back and yeah i was two days before graduation got rolled all the way back to the beginning did the whole thing again and then get kicked out that actually to me is one of the things that does irritate me is when people think that i like didn't serve for they hated this guy i can't imagine anybody first of all let's start with that first you don't go to two days before and they kick you out or roll you i can't imagine they're gonna waste all that training time for a guy they're gonna dump the guy they hate right that's why that happened two days before you're gonna graduate now i commend the guy a rich guy going in the military commend them going to seal training but i don't buy that two days before they dumped you for four years i was in the military for four years i served four years i did 510 days of seal training like i finished the whole program twice like i went through hell week twice like i did all that stuff and while like you know i wasn't a navy seal and i'm not expecting people to like you know call me an abco it's just like you know when people say that like i didn't serve in the military or that you know like i quit in the seal training or you know what i mean like any of that stuff like that actually does [ __ ] piss me off because i was two days before graduation like i did the whole thing and i did the whole thing two times well a little more than two times so how do you go through i have no doubt the guy served no doubt he went to buds but his cavalier arrogant attitude is what kept him from finishing in my opinion i'm sure any of you seals out there will agree you don't want a guy like this working with you i don't even care if he's a navy cook you wouldn't want him he'd get the e4 mafia beat down when he made it to the fleet for the second time and you're talking about you went through hell we twice yeah i finished two hell weeks and i was actually in three different classes so the first time i made it you know it was like three or four weeks after how week and then i got rolled back second time i went you know all the way through the entire course two days for graduation then got rolled back all the way to the beginning of dive phase which is basically you know like i did four months of the training again and then at the end then they just admin dropped me explain what hell week entailed um yeah i mean it's five and a half days and no sleep and you're running i think how weak stories 144 like telephone poles and boats and i mean it's it's pretty grueling training i got hypothermia a lot um it was tough i mean you're wet and sandy the whole time so you're chafing your you know nipples are bleeding my toenails popped off and the feet my meter's full on the hell weak bud stories i respect all those guys and i'm sure seals that are actively serving and out now don't want to hear any more bud stories it kind of dilutes the whole thing and so swollen like i mean it's it's no joke you know you just you got to really want it you know bad of those two hell weeks you went through is there a moment or two that most sticks out to you um yeah i think i think steel pier was probably one that's where it's like it's like three in the morning it's probably like 40 degrees outside and they strip you down to your underwear and or naked i forget what it was underwear a naked or something but you're on a steel pier and they spray down the water and they get hurricane fans that are blowing on you and it's just it's miserable it's really cold and what like looking back sounds terrible sounds like the guy was there and he's pissed off he didn't make it or he's pissed off they didn't like him that's probably the issue the guy probably would have made it if you didn't have this attitude would you on display right now you don't think you graduated why they hate you um well so the second time i went through i had already done it and i was kind of like going through cocky and i just figured if i don't quit and i pass all my stuff like they can't kick me out but i i didn't think they did drop you you know my oic the officer in charge of my class i didn't really have a lot of respect for him kind of like butted heads and you guys ever met somebody like this just so arrogant but yet doesn't back it up with a thousand percent hardcore effort and teamwork so i probably like wasn't like the best team player in that class and you know gaming i don't think he valves and i picked up on that and yeah so it makes sense um but when i got kicked out i was so over the whole thing that like to me in my mind it's like okay i've like checked this box like i you know i did seal training like i finished this you know if that makes you feel better tell yourself a seal you're a seal at night with your instagram girlfriends bravo so to me it was like okay i'd you know i'd climb mount everest you know like i had done what i came to do so i said i i didn't really care too much at the end one last thing that sticks out my mind he did four years but he said he was getting med boarded so was he gonna get med boarded or did he get out after his four-year hitch whole thing is very confusing how about a little bonus coverage to get the updated story about his bud's experience let's go days before graduation when i got like rolled back to the beginning did the whole thing again that was like three weeks before when they kicked me out so in my mind why would they roll you back to phase one why would they roll you back to the total beginning i just don't get it you guys that know let me know i just don't get it i had to finish seal training like those two days was like me [ __ ] like flying back to coronado and getting my [ __ ] you know graduation thing right so like in my mind i had done it so like i pretty much like i don't know you know in my mind i'm in space force right now so you better call me a space force marine from now on in my mind and after doing 510 days of what is supposed to be six months of training and finishing two winter hell weeks and all that [ __ ] you know i really didn't want to like explain myself you know and like tell somebody like oh i didn't make it and then i'm assuming i quit and then otherwise like i have to tell the whole [ __ ] story and so it's like how many times do you want to tell that [ __ ] story right so you know there's a time where well this is about the 100th time i've seen this story why it came up so i guess you got to tell it a few times so they can just google your name and hear the story like i did i just like told people that i finished seal training because of my mind i did and then most of the time i just didn't talk about it like i didn't even like mention it because it was like not really something that i like wanted to discuss um and then i pretty much just forgot about it [Music] you don't forget about 500 plus days and broken legs i think the guy went to training but sour grapes is tough to watch and just didn't even really like consider it once i started gambling and i made all my money gambling like i didn't give a [ __ ] about it anymore but it definitely bothered me for a while because it was like i mean i dedicated like a good like four or five years of my life to it and i really got railroaded so well enough of that thanks for watching
Channel: Jamesons Travels
Views: 2,029,057
Rating: 4.8414102 out of 5
Keywords: dan bilzerian, dan bilzerian seal training, dan bilzerian seal, seal training, navy seal training, reaction video, jamesons travels, marine reaction, funny video, dan bilzerian interview, dan bilzerian lifestyle, dan bilzerian instagram
Id: e4j-_mO1VSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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