Damian Lillard Responds to NBA Ring Culture, Builds Dream 3-Point Contest | From the Point, Ep. 6

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welcome everybody another LIVE edition of from the point by your favorite Point brought to you by Sprite the clear favorite we wanted to welcome our next guest he's a uh he's a eight-time NBA Allstar he's a member of the NBA 75 team and the reigning NBA Three-Point Contest Champion let's give it up for Damen Lillard Dame thank you for pulling up to to from the pointment we're so excited to have you I appreciate y'all having me bro so we uh we knit off one of our last episodes um with Bleacher Report um talking about Allstar Weekend and I know Trey had given his his alltime NBA Three-Point Contest list I think Trey you had on here you had Steph Ray Allen Reggie Chris Mullen and some others Dame all all time in history what's your uh what's your alltime Three-Point Contest roster what is it how many people is it eight I think it's up to eight yeah eight Steph clay um Reggie Miller Ray [Music] Allen uh somebody said Reggie Miller like we got basketball fans in here y'all just what we doing um I said Steph clay Ray Reggie um P sto yakovich he on my list he on my list uh I'mma go people were killing me I didn't have bird on there I my fault like um I'mma go I'mma go Larry Bird I'mma go maybe uh Mark Price Okay Oklahoma and [Music] um the last one I'mma go um D dollar I'mma go myself d i a't of course I know we could do ourselves I'm put myself in there of course um well again thank you so much for pulling to the show you guys go way back actually talk about y'all's relationship and how y'all got to know each other and oh I mean I was always a fan of his um I was a mutual relationship uh this guy named David yeah look that's crazy that's uh that was Dame's actually rookie year um somebody a mutual friend David Vanderpool who I know uh Dame knows really well was coaching him at the time and my dad knew who he was and um so we I was able to go down there I was the time I was able to meet some of my favorite players so being able to to meet Dame and talk to him for a second was was was really cool back then so that's when I got to meet him he probably didn't know who I was but that's when I met Dan for sure now that's the crazy thing is I knew I knew who he was at that time because um my back court mate when I was in college my freshman year in college is from Oklahoma Kell and he was was telling me about him Kell McCoy he was telling me about him um you know about a program and whatever and um at this game he actually told me like I think he going to be at y' game and he came to that game too so like we met and then uh short time later when he was in college I'm kind of watching college basketball and I'm like man he he killing and Kale like yeah this who I was telling you about that's him so I kind of remembered like okay this the this the same kid right and then I remember like people started asking me about uh I think Colin seon was a a freshman that that same year and they was like who the best point guard and I'm like I don't know Colin ston and I remember Trey was like dang bro like you gonna say he the best you don't even remember and I was like damn I ain't even I ain't even put too much thought into it but I mean he was the best point guard so I was like my bad bro but yeah no that's it's a funny story yeah no for sure now uh so growing up um was the game always always easy to you like um we know you can score from all levels we know you can get to the rim get people involved like was the game always always easy to you or was there a time that it ever came together for you um I think it's it's always come easy to me because I always understood the game well and um I think yo how you learn how to play the game it matters with how how it's going to come to you and my dad was always like you know you got to be a to shoot the ball that's a lot of people going to be athletic they going to be fast all these things but a lot of people don't make it cuz they can't shoot so um shooting was like a major thing for me um and then just making the right play watching the game being around the game like my dad was always on me about that so um I think when you had like the right intentions you know somebody open you pass the ball you know if you're not having a good game you still see the game the same way um and and I think when you play that way and you can shoot and you like quick and strong and you got all these different tools the game naturally comes easy because of those things so I think it it always has even when I was younger like people would be like man you just you know you be making this stuff look easy but to me I felt like I was moving fast and doing all this different stuff but um when I think about the game I always go into a game knowing like what I'm going to be able to do cuz it it does come pretty pretty easy and as two guys who Dam you've been out spoken to this about your work ethic Trey obviously I already know that so but but y'all's talk about the importance of understanding from a young age how important that work ethic is and propelling you guys to you know where you guys are at today I think it's extremely important um and you everybody going to say man I work hard my work ethic everybody going to talk to talk but I think um when this is what you do in Middle School high school college and if you fortunate enough to make it to the NBA you going to have some highs and lows like you're going to have some moments where you get criticized you get questioned you know there's going to be some stuff that come along with it and the only thing you really going to have is your work ethic because for me I'm not confident just because I think I'm the greatest thing ever I'm confident because I know what I put into the game you know even when it's not going well for me since I was a kid you know when people ain't around and before people knew I was Dame when I was going to Weber State and you know begging to get into Adidas camps when I was in college like nobody really knew me but I was doing the same work so my confidence comes from knowing that like I put a lot into this and when the the tough times come when I'm struggling you get the the criticism you get people saying this or saying that I got something real to to fall back on and I know I I know I put it in for real so I mean everybody going to say it but when you see people go away or people just fold and it just never they never bounce back I think it's because they say they got this work ethic and they put all this time in but really that ain't that ain't the case for sure Trey what you think no I mean he hit hit the nail on the head like when you you put the work in you know that's where you get the confidence from it's from the work that you put in and I mean correct me if I'm wrong Dan but I feel like that's where a lot of people get me miscon concepted like I I'm a person that likes to lead by by actions like and I may not be the loudest person in the room but I feel like that's that's just how I've always grew up like I've always been the type of guy that leads by accident because I know like that's that's what matters and but I put the work in and I knew that the that the actions would follow and so I think that's that's for me what it is and I from a distance watching Dame like nobody's going to say he's the loudest person in the room but you know what he does on the court it speaks volumes and I think it's just because of the work that we put in and what you do in in the dark will ultimately come to the light so that that's the most important thing y'all um y'all had a little bit of different College experiences but extremely important ones and the fact that before y'all came out to the to the draft you both were extremely high draft picks and had very very successful Seasons Dam what at Reber State what was your overall experience like and how do you think that experience prepared you for the league uh I think my overall experience was it was a great experience because I had to go through so many different stages of being a college player so when I got on campus um I came in and like I said earlier I was playing with Kell McCoy and he was the point guard but because he was 57 MH so I was a point guard but I could shoot and I was bigger than him so I was playing shooting guard next to him yeah but he just shot every ball like he was just he was leading the conference and scoring yeah and like I said like I was taught like I was a scorer but I would be making all the right plays so they I was coming off the bench for like five games to start my freshman year and then they they put me in a starting lineup and they switched us I was the point guard and they put him at the two and then we go 15 and one conf he was conference MVP we both was like first team and then he was a senior so he left the next year the next year I was MVP and then uh the following year I broke my foot so like I came into that year like I'm about to go crazy and I'm going try to leave um you know my family was going through a lot and I break my foot nine games into the year so when I broke my foot um you know the scho my school they trying to scramble so I can try to get this year back so we add a game to our schedule do all this stuff I have surgery um I go through that whole process in the cast in the boot rehab all of that stuff and I come back and they get my year back so I come back for um my fourth year but I was a junior still but when I came back I had already like I stayed at school all summer I did the rehab I was training like I was in shape um couple people pulled out of the uh Adidas Camp late so I got like a late invite I went to Camp that was like my first time hooping off the injury I hadn't played much I had a good camp and then the next season I I led the country and scoring and at toward the end of the year they was like you know he might be late first early second and um went to the combine participated the first day and that was their first time getting to see me and it was like the vertical I was I jumped to 40 3/4 course Sprint the catch and shoot threes I wasn't missing they really got to see it in front of them you know what I'm saying we did we played ones all the point guards played oneon-one we did all that stuff and by the end of the day they was like he going to be in the lottery like it happened like that man and the first day ended so like going to a small school I didn't know about like mock drafts and all of that stuff cuz I was never ranked I never knew about all that stuff so after the first day I I get on Twitter and all the players at the combine they searching their name so I'm like oh this is how you this how you get the information about what people saying so I search my name and I see them all saying it I'm seeing them talking about me so my agent is like all right Dame sit out the second day and I'm like um all right all right I'm I'm going sit sure but me and my agent don't know each other like that at this point like I'm just entering the draft so I'm calling my dad like he talking about sit out like I'm I'mma play again tomorrow like I might be able to go up again so the next day come I played again on the second day and I had another good day and I ended up that's how I ended up jumping into like top 10 for real and I ended up going six so dang um for me it was like a a crazy process you know what I mean like I didn't know I was going to be that high I didn't believe it even when I was in The Green Room I'm like man ain't no way I'm about to ain't no way I'm about to get picked this high like I'm I'm going be the dude sitting here to the end like right no but it happen so well that's that's a blessing I mean you played a lot of years in Portland you're a Portland Legend um what is is there a year that you you think back and you're like damn we would have maybe been a little bit more healthy maybe would have been maybe a higher seed here or there like we would have been Champions like is there a team you had that I mean because you you play with some really good player LaMarcus aldris and certain guys like yeah is there is there ever a year that you think think about like that it's a couple moments I remember um the team that we had with Lamarcus um my second year we won 54 games but that was like the first time winning the playoff series in like 15 years and then I remember after that year I was like all right we got something it was me West was our shooting guard 65 3 and D strong competitive we had Nick Batum at the three he was a playmaker shooter Defender slasher la at the four Robin Lopez at the five he was the best offensive rebounder in the league at the time mhm um Rand left-and jump hook he was a good free throw shooter we had Chris Cayman coming off the bench we had Mo Williams coming off the bench we had derell right CJ was on our bench dang Allan crab Will Barton like we had Squad yeah and we came out to start the year we was number one in the west and this is when like OKC had KD Russ all of them dudes the Spurs had was coming off the championship dun in them yeah like Indiana had Paul George David West Roy hiber like it was a bunch of good teams and I remember that year we came out uh Bron was in Miami and we was smoking everybody like we was beating everybody number one in the west and then uh West TS Achilles La tours thumb and I just remember our season just just fell apart toward the end so that year I was like I thought we was about to win it um so that year kind of fell apart and then the next time was 2019 we got to the Conference Finals and Golden State swept us but we got there like nerk was nerk broke his leg that year um and his caner was fasting like he couldn't barely breathe he was eat I remember that that was crazy we had dudes hurt Rodney Hood was hurt um and people don't and sorry to cut you off but people don't understand like how much it takes to just even get to the Conference Finals like how much got to go your way like you need some luck to it's tough every Champion has had a little bit of luck in it like I don't care who it is like whether it's on their team or who they going against like it's they've had some luck yeah you need some help you're always going to need some help but but I just remember us getting there and that was our first time playing that far into the playoffs and I just remember like we was having let down after let down we was winning every game give up a lead in the fourth quarter and lose and I just remember after every game just being tired like man it's hard to play this deep into the playoffs and be and stay sharp and stay engaged but those are the the two times where I was like man those was the opportunities right there and then like even Golden State beating us like KD was hurt for like for most of the series it was like a golden opportunity but it just didn't happen y you kind of touched on it a little bit but little bit of luck how important I think as a fan at least I'm not in y'all shoes but as a fan sometimes I think it's overlooked how important staying healthy is and I think that again it's it is often Overlook and so from for y'all's perspective what do you do to make sure that you're not only ready for the 82 games but potentially the postseason after and then if an injury does happen how do you guys As Leaders of y'all's teams stay locked in make sure everybody's still ready to play all that well I mean I mean for me he's played more years than me but for me like um knock on wood I haven't had any major injuries yet I just had a little rolling ankles here and there that's why have you seen me with thick ankle braces when I play that's that's why why they're there um I mean you just us being smaller guards you got to take care of your body even that much more like I mean I don't know about about him but I value rest a lot like I value standing off my feet I value like um making sure like after games like I I really get off my feet or if I I need a massage get my my flush and just get recovered quick like being a smaller guard or being a guard in general we're playing in a big man's League a big man's game so we got to take care of our bodies even extra if we want to be on the court and and play at a high level for our team for sure yeah I agree I think I'm a I'm huge on rest recovery um doing all those things but I think it's you know how you're prepared you know you got to put a lot into this being a a smaller guard you're going to take some bumps it's a fast-paced game um you know for us specifically you know we at the we at the top of scouting reports like that's one one thing people don't understand is you going to have a lot of people have big nights and big games but like we got to do it every night and they coming to take us out they ain't giving us no free space or free opportunity so and that's hard on your body so you got to be prepared um and for me I'm like a I believe in just living the right way too you know that's taking care of yourself you know because when you know you not living right and you doing little sneaky stuff you like I feel like that weighs on you cuz you know better than everybody else knows so like that's that's a part of your health but I think it it goes back to that uh topic about having some luck like being able to stay healthy is some luck because how fast this game is the crazy things that could happen just off getting a rebound or you just trying to blow by somebody anything can happen so you need some luck with that but it's also important as the leader of a team is you got to stay connected to your teammates CU it might be somebody at the end of the bench that's talented enough but it's somebody that's making 52 million playing ahead of them that they going to play and you might be on the rookie contract even though you could help us right um You got to stay connected to to guys like that cuz you never know when there going to be the next man up and the team is going to need him so I think stuff like that is is extremely important when you talk about like Health it it matters the kind of relationships that you have to keep you know dudes at the end of the bench and courage because they might get caught on at some point yeah absolutely I think um uh a good transition to that not only staying stand ready for the game but most importantly is that like you said you guys are called upon to average a lot of points get a lot of shots up a lot of people and we've talked about this before say that our game the the NBA that we know today is nobody plays defense or it's easier to score we've seen a bunch of guys get 60 and 70 this year what's your opinion on that of the people that comment and say that there's no defense and uh yeah what's your what's your thoughts I mean maybe it is easier to score because the pace is faster like when you if you having more possessions and you shooting more threes and the defense is you know limited more so you having more fouls you're going to score more points obviously like you're going to score more points and I think something that people don't look at a lot like if it's the talent in the game today is out of this world you know like go go watch uh a allstar game from you know 30 years ago you're going to see some of our greatest players and then you fast forward to now and you see like the size the athleticism the skill like you got dudes seven feet like look at Kevin Durant this dude 7even feet he's as fast as I am he can handle the ball he's shooting over the top of people he can shoot a three he can post up like it's the game is just different so I mean of course you're going to see that but I don't agree with um man this era don't play defense like we can't put our hands on each other the way you used to be able to um guys can shoot from further out now everybody can shoot you know like it's you ain't just walking out there stopping somebody you know what I mean if if the league average of scoring points is as high as it is who's who's who's actually stopping anybody it's and it's more so because of the ability in the league than anything like right you can have a great defensive possession 10 times in a game and get scored on 10 times if it's the right guy I've done it to people like facts like man that's good d but I just feel good tonight and they going in like there's nothing you could do yeah you're one of the first people that really started the spin the three-point line out like you know what I'm saying like you and Steph are really the first two guys to do that like so who did you model your game after growing up or who did you look up to or did you just say [ __ ] it I'm just going to change be my be myself and started my own way and like I mean I I was always a fan of like cuz I like I said earlier I always been like a underdog so I never looked the only like like Star like that that I used to be like man it was Allan Iverson and I liked him because he reminded me of somebody from my neighborhood like he had tattoos he had braids he had big ass earrings in he was tall te's and dags like he just had neighborhood swag about him so I felt like I could relate to him um but the players that I really would watch was like you know Gilbert arenus Baron Davis uh Nick Van XEL um mmud Abdul R like them dudes like that I felt like I can do what they can do like them quick pullup jumpers and that quick twitch and burst by somebody stop pull up and get to the rim um like those the kind of dude Steve Francis the ones that everybody else knew was nice but they wasn't getting the same yeah recognition or the same level of stardom you know Steph Marberry them type dudes um those are the kind of dudes that I really appreciated like my whole life for sure man y'all make it y'all both make it look so effortless shooting from the logo though like I don't understand it's like I I would consider myself to be like a fairly strong dude like nah I can't shoot like I can't even like try and consistently make a shot like that no way but like how do you guys prepare to be able to shoot shots like that because the average person is not aware of like how how hard of a shot that is and some of y'all are making it at Clips like that would be considered great three-point percentage just in general so well I I'll just say one thing I'll give it the d i I was talking to Shaq last week and he was asking me the same question and I'm like I'm like it's touch like you can't you it don't matter how strong you are like you got to be able to it's not strength it's not it's not a strength thing like and you do got to be strong enough to be able to shoot that far but it's not all strength it's a little bit of touch with it so it's not it's not my strength like I I was always small so I just shoot from further out like so I've always been able to shoot from far before I was physically strong I just was I just developed the ability to do it but I think it's more of like your shooting motion it's like you know your motion is more legs and uh more than anything it's just confidence you got to you got to believe in that like that's what it come down to like it's it's a lot of dudes in the that could shoot the shot you know what I mean but they probably not going to believe like it's going in for real and they wouldn't take it at any time of the game if they you know having a cold shooting night like it's certain people like some people got irrational confidence they always think I'm about to get hot that's I I always think I'm about to get hot right you know that's a fact that me I think the that mentality is is super important too because similarly to this year situ situation Trey obviously was named as an injury replacement but in 2017 you averaged 27 and didn't make the All-Star game um and I correct me if I'm wrong but I think you were kind of just like man I'm not going to be like anybody's pity pity vote like if I'm if I'm not in I'm not in the game man what what is that like and like I said earlier especially as a leader of a team but a leader of your family like always be confident especially when you know at times you you get snubbed you're not always going to be on top yeah I mean it's it's frustrating especially I think I experienced I experienced that three times one time I ended up being a a replacement um the other two times it was just like I just didn't make it and I I think one year I averaged 27 the other year might average 26 or 28 or something um and my team was good in the in the race you know we was a good team so when you had that happen it's like man they playing me that's your first thought is man they hate you know what I mean like that's your first thought is like they got something against me especially when you younger like when I was younger I used be like man hey you know cuz that was my whole career but I think um what I've learned is just like when you look around it's people who have like a body of work and have experienced the same the same things you know over the the course of their career and it's like you get rewarded for being consistent um I don't think it's ever a real reason for it you know what I mean like production is production and it's you look at it like this allstar game like the people who produce the most and the people who are killing that's what the All-Star game is for like the people who are winning they get to go to the playoffs and they get to you know contend yeah that's what I've always saw it as and everybody's trying to win but you shouldn't be you know eliminated for a guy that's getting 15 because he's on the the best team in the league I just don't think that's what the allstar game has always been it's turned into that now um but I think as a leader when you experience stuff like that I just think you got to remember what you represent you know and um the people watching you like I got three kids and my son I want him to know like if it's good if it's bad you got to always be solid you can't ever let um something not going your way or something going your way change how your real behavior is and that's how that's what I take pride in it's like you got to be able to show people that you can you can be solid when when [ __ ] don't go your way sometimes because when it does go your way you're going to be all happy and you're going to be acting a certain way and they going to remember how you acted when it didn't so you want them to know it's my time right now stuff is going well but when they look at how I acted when I didn't have it they going to respect it more you know what I'm saying so like you look at what Trey doing it's like every night he 30 in 10 yeah you know so you got the right to be like how am I not allar you know what I mean like because of the voting he could have been starting and I could have been in his in his position you know what I mean but like that's just the way that's just the way it goes so I mean you got to respect the game but ultimately you got to make sure that your character is strong whether it's your way or not your way and yeah it's going to go how it go absolutely that's a fact I mean that's how I've been thinking about it man that's that's the best way to think about being a leader you got to take the highs with the with the lows like we've been we we blessed to be where we at so it's like you're not it's not always going to be your way so throughout the season there's always going to be adversity recently there's there's been a coaching Change in Milwaukee Trey you've had a couple mid-season coaching changes um how has that experience been like for you in terms of like you said just saying solid I know like there's a lot of people in your ear I'm sure of that Trey's experience his fair share of this but how you how you remain solid during that time I think you just got to it's it's easier for me cuz this my 12th year in the league like I it's my first time being in a a midseason coaching change but I think because of my experience in the league and a lot of the stuff that I have seen I'm not moved too much by anything at this point you know I I have anything that happened I'd be like okay this what happening and I'll be able to roll with it at this point but um I think it was a you know it was already a transition for me being on a new team um playing next to a a superstar um playing with somebody who has the ball in their hands a lot that was already like my transition that was already my you know challenge that I was in front that was in front of me and then it was a first time first time head coach and that didn't work out now we get another coach and I think the the fortunate thing is that it's an experienced coach um who's one he's he's coach Stars he's been around a long time he played in this league and he's a a strong personality you know what I mean he's going to he's going to demand a lot from us and he's going to hold us accountable and I think um when you have a change like this it's important that you bring in the right type of Personality that can be a leader of men so that things can can come together after that and I think that's the situation that we're in what what is uh some pros and cons about playing with with someone like Giannis playing with another Superstar with you I think uh the pros are you know you you go out on the floor and it's easy to get lost in knowing he can dominate the game like if we get a rebound the right play every time can be throw it ahead to him because he's that Unstoppable in transition throw it to him on the Block he's that dominant in an isolation situation so like I think that's the pros of it is like it's hard night in and night out in this league to like produce produce produce when teams coming after you and to know that you got a luxury like that and you going to have a great chance to win is is a major Pro um I think another one is like he's he's somebody that's like he can't help how competitive he is like he really wants to he wants to dominate all the time um and that's that's not that's not common you know a lot of people want to do it sometimes and they don't feel good tonight they might sit like he don't sit he want to play every night he going to be aggressive every night he not going to back out you know he going to go out there and attack attack attack attack attack over and over before he backs out right um and he's you know he's just a normal dude you know um that's cool you know he would you see his kids every day you know him and his brother super tight you know he family dude you know so I think those are the pros I think um what I would say is a is one of the cons is having to adjust to that um I don't I wouldn't say there's uh cons to just being his teammate I think but the fact that you have to I come from a situation where I was having the ball all the time and now I have the ball in my hands but it's a adjustment having to do it around he has to change to doing it around me and I got a change to doing it around that's where the and I wouldn't even say that's a as much as I would say that's where the challenge is but I think anytime you can come to a team that's um that's built to win it all um is worth the it's worth the challenge because that's the that's the the puzzle that you got to kind of piece together to be able to accomplish what we what we come to this league to accomplish the reason yeah so I mean that's that's the only thing is just figuring that part of it out but I mean mean it's nothing when you've done a lot as an individual and you've won a lot of games but you haven't won it all you come into these types of situations and you're just open to figuring it out even if it come with some struggle you know what I'm saying like I haven't had my best year but I've been productive and we've won a lot so it's like how do we find that that space of like all right now let's take off so we do it at the right time and have a chance to win it all yeah absolutely what are your what are your opinions about Ring culture because I think that often times the media pushes unfairly at times too about oh you got to be a ring to you got to have a ring to be a great yeah you know you're a member of the NBA 75 team you're you they say you want of the best 75 ever and you still you're still in that Pursuit I mean I kind of It kind of It kind of bothers me because not just cuz I don't have a ring but I don't like how they how you see people um try to diminish or take away from some of the greatest players ever his career because they didn't win you know some dudes played in the ERA with Michael Jordan that's why they didn't win wasn't anything else but that it was nothing else they played against Jordan yeah they didn't win like you got um people that had to play in the era when golden state was Golden State like that's why people didn't win I just talked I had to play them in the Conference Finals and the year before that I played them in the first round the year before that I played them in the second round it's like who knows maybe I would have had a chance for real at one of those points but I mean sometimes that's how it go but that doesn't take away from your body of work and what you put into it but because I know that it's not going to go away like when when I win a ring I'm a join him I'm going be like he ain't that good he don't have a ring like I'm going go to the other side cuz that's that's what it is if I had to deal with it without having one the day that I do get one God willing I'm I'm going to the other side cuz it's crazy man I don't believe that though I think it's a lot of great players that just you know they just didn't have that that luck they didn't have that same opportunity you know or situation done sure I what you think no I mean he he he said it right like I mean they don't want to see me win [Laughter] they ain't going to hear the last from me I mean they that's that's the thing you just you have so much built up emotion that you know when you in that ring like you know people going to hear about it so that's that's how I feel I just Barkley man was cold I don't think people realize it because of how often they talk about how he didn't win like yeah it's crazy yeah for sure the uh I think one thing that you guys along Ong with your play style and all that Sharon comment is your your passion for giving back spe specifically in the communities that you're based in and also where you're from Trey congratulations on the the wfac opening on Monday that's going to be awesome for background um Trey and Trey the the Trey young Family Foundation they are in the process of opening a how many cours is it in Norman eight nine n it's a big facility but it's going to be first of its kind in Norman Oklahoma so that's an incred incredible accomplishment for him and his family but Dame what has your philanthropic efforts been like in Portland and also moving to a new city I know that's super important for you so that's I guess that's kind of a new challenge for you talk about you know that challenge of making sure your your philanthropic footprint is is set in Milwaukee um I will be sitting here all day um if I just kind of went over everything sure I mean because a lot of stuff that I've done I've just done some stuff has been you know a real initiative where like it's been planned and it's documented and then it's been a lot of stuff that I just did because I care you know what I mean um but a lot of the stuff that I I dive into man I like to support people that that really need it you know absolutely single parent homes um you know I've worked with a lot of things like that a lot of the underserved communities um struggling schools I got I started anti-bullying campaign um I still have a respect campaign just encouraging kids to to show up work hard and be kind in school you know schools with low graduation rates low attendance rates um I mean it a lot goes on that um doesn't get the attention that it deserves so I try to do stuff to just bring awareness to it and also be a helping hand to things that don't get the attention that it needs you know for people to survive and for people to have a better chance at life uh so that's that's kind of what I do I've done it in every every city that I've been in I started doing the Special Olympics when I was in college in Utah and then I became a global Ambassador for the Special Olympics when I got drafted and I'm still um I mean it's a lot bro it's a lot I've done that um a lot of stuff in Oakland uh just where I'm from cuz I know that you know they need the the resources and I I'm able to to provide that even if it's not coming out of my pocket I can get a hold of people that could make a difference and uh those are the things that I try to do man and I don't I like to do it in a way where I'm not I'm not getting credit because I feel like if I come from any environment or if I'm living in any type of type of space um and I'm in position to do something for people uh that I should do it you know cuz a lot of people don't get the opportunities that we've you know been blessed to have and um you know it's kind of our duty to to look out for people like that I think that's how you get favor I think that's how um you know things continue to come your way when you continue to just pay forward and you continue to give back absolutely that's amazing well I Got U I mean one last question just kind of off that topic like as you in I mean finish your career out five 10 more years however long you want to play um I ain't playing 10 that right now uh no sir whenever you whenever you done playing uh as your kid gets older what is one thing that you want um as your kids obviously all of them but your son as he gets older what do you want him to look back and as he sees videos and things you talked about as you you played in your career what is one thing you wanted to remember you about uh I want my son and all my kids I want them to look back and I want them to see um how I carried My Success um you know I don't don't really care if they I'm definitely going to brag about like how many Allstar games I played in how many points I scored you know I'm going brag about all that stuff to my kids regardless but I want them to be able to look back at you know everything that was documented who I was through through my success you know making a lot of money being famous you know having access to all of these things it's very easy to get carried away and um to lose your character to lose your morals to lose who you are and I think um one of my greatest accomplishments in my career is I haven't lost myself in My Success at all uh obviously you you know your life change you you start to like different things more expensive taste in certain things and you like to travel and you like nice things but um I want them to be able to look back and see how I carried it and see how um how I was able to stay true and stay solid through through all the opportunities to not be that way you know so they know regardless of what they accomplish in Life or who they think they are or how people treat them or if they put on a pedestal because they my kids or whatever that they need to they need to be humble and they need to be solid people and what you have or who people think you are not important you know so I hope that they look back and they see it you know um and they recognize that so that they can you you know that's a characteristic that they they feel like they need to fall under because I did absolutely last thing I've got for you is um man what you up to all-star weekend I know I know you're in the three-point Three-Point Contest tomorrow obviously the All-Star games on Sunday but man you're running around Indianapolis what you got this weekend um this being my eighth one man I've each allar schedule lighter and lighter cuz I know how hectic that it gets uh so just this time around I'm doing three-point I'm playing in the game G on Sunday and um just you know doing some stuff with my partners um today we launching as a lot of you guys know the signature Dame time is like in the game stuff so I finally found a a partner that got on board so watch Dam time watch is coming out you know go get you one y fire uh Oakley you know I you know I got my shads coming out um you know stopped by Adidas so I mean I just got a lot of partner stuff going on awesome and I'm just chilling until until Sunday man that's that's dope man Dame thanks so much for stopping by the show thank you for our uh presenting sponsor Sprite for that crisp lemon lime taste it's a clear favorite uh guys that's a wrap on from the point live thank you guys so much for being here in [Applause] [Music] Indianapolis oh
Channel: Bleacher Report
Views: 70,730
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Keywords: bleacher report, br, nba, from the point sprite, from the point, trae young, atlanta hawks, trae young podcast, trae young show, nba podcast, sports podcast, sports show, trae young nba show, nba podcasts, hawks, nba show, podcast, sports, damian lillard, dame, dame time, damian lillard interview, milwaukee bucks
Id: jO1o1ig7uGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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