What Can Google's Video AI Lumiere Do?

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Google just BOMBED the entire  competition with their new video AI. They released a research paper on their  new AI video generator called ‘Lumiere’ And it’s light years ahead of its competitors. How so? Well first of all, their text-to-video results  are getting really, really good. I mean,   it’s gotten to a point where it could be mistaken  for a normal video with maybe slightly lower fps.   Like in some of these results, you can barely spot  any weird part in it. That is pretty impressive   considering that previous AI video models only  produced what I’d say.. Memelike quality videos Now while that on its own may be impressive  (And the fact that users were found to prefer   Google’s AI video result compared to others),  that’s not the only thing that Lumiere can do With Stylized Generation, you can input  an image with a style that you like,   and Lumiere will generate videos based on  that image’s style. Like here its showing   various animals in the style of stickers,  or in this flat illustration style, or in   this black and blue style. This is definitely  something that will make graphic designers,   video editor, and other creative’s job’s easier,  since instead of spending time in AfterEffects,   you can just type whatever you want  and this AI will just create it Another thing that can be useful  to creatives is Video Stylization,   where instead of inputting images of a  style, you input your original video,   and the AI can turn it into whatever style you  want! And as you can see from the example, it can   turn the woman and dog drastically into various  styles while keeping the background intact. It can also make cinemagraph, in which only a  certain part of the image moves like a video,   and most of the image stay still. Here  you can see that only the water moves,   while the sky in the background stay still. There’s also an inpaint feature that  allows you to change some parts of a   video, like we can see how we can change the  woman’s dress to different color and styles. But Google isn’t the only one jumping on  video AI generator. ByteDance, the company   behind Tiktok,also released a research paper on  what they call MagicVideoV2. Now this researched   also explored a method to generate video from  text, and the results are surprisingly amazing. Like these videos right here, they  have a very vividlike quality to it,   and the movements is very much natural.  It very much looks like something that a   3D artist would take hours to create,  but now can be easily done using AI. Now while judging at its visuals, its aim seems  to not be a realistic video generator, but it has   an interesting semirealist style to it, and the  motion seems to be quite smooth and dramatic. This   might be a solid alternative to Google’s AI video  generator, or any other generator on the market. Both of Google and Tiktok’s AI products  are still not accessible to the public yet,   and we can only now see its results based on the  research papers. But knowing that these are 2   tech giants with an established reputation,  I think we can take their claim seriously. With all of these advancements in video AI, we may  see a huge increase of content creators on video   platforms such as Youtube, Instagram, or Tiktok in  the next few years. You may even have came across   videos that uses AI in its production, whether  its the script that might be written by AI,   images created with AI, voiceovers created  with AI, or maybe all of that in one video.   The technology is becoming better and better  every day, that now its hard to distinguish them. And good thing about it, is that  people have less and less barriers   to create online. You don’t have to own  expensive cameras, or the best microphones,   or any other gears. Advancements in AI have  made it much easier for people to start their   own business and content creation, and that  can empower so many people around the world. Hi, thank you for watching  until the end of this video,   and if you like it, please like the video  and subscribe for more videos like this . Antalpha.ai is an AI platform where you  can create digital avatars of yours,   and even create images using AI,  for FREE! Try it at antalpha.ai now.
Channel: Antalpha AI
Views: 3,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zZSEEF8yH8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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