Dale Jr. Download: Elvis, Earnhardt and Jesus

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[Music] you have an Elvis mural in your office and and you left tickets to Elvis at a race or do you still do that I was I grew up I was all about I was country music but I was a California boy but my family are from the Indian Reservation and this ain't like that Warren lady they said she was an Indian sighing making at it and I don't do I don't do politics okay but what I'm saying is my mom was born and Broken Arrow Oklahoma she's off Indian Reservation and my sister do you just make this up and no Cindy I don't but it's what I believe and going down the road what was the question Elvis Presley yeah but I grew up on because I'm an Okie you know what I mean and and I grew up a little town in Bell Gardens everybody in that town was from Arkansas and Oklahoma you know what I'm saying and and so you know I under but the Beach Boys were big the Beatles came along in the 60s you know what I mean I mean I I didn't shake Kennedy's wife but I was with a group I mean Kennedy's wife Kennedy not John F cos he he you know we lost him when I was in ninth grade but in 10th grade in high school I went up to East LA junior college and and Bobby did a parade down through the town and all we parked on a street illegally we all ran in our Chevrolet and they all ran up there and and the girls all shook his hand and and and and then he went downtown and he ended up was assassinated but how do I get on that I don't know you know I I did songs when I was in fifth grade I'd go on the stage I had long hair I didn't have sideburns yeah I'm in and I've got no hair on my body so anyway but I did Elvis impersonations really and I come in second in a show one time but yeah I just was a big fan of Elvis so when I got to put my car in Graceland with Rusty Wallace it was a Lulla steel and again to go to Graceland and I just followed him but then the Beatles and course then it just all evolved but I'm still of this day I'm still saying else you left tickets to hit two for Elvis at a race yep wanted him to come and and I bought one of the last tickets a fan actually got if I bought wanted auction but a fan was going up to Maine or somewhere a big Elvis steel up there in the north and and he had a ticket because Elvis was killed or passed and and and he gave me the ticket and I got it my museum and it's just stuff that matters to me I got Marilyn Monroe you know on my wall and John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King I'm just a collector of stuff like that and and I have had I've got an Elvis room in my house yeah whole room so I'm a big Elvis fan to my when I was little I was a little boy and dad was off racing he's still a little boy okay like my dad would race sometimes I go stay with my his mom I'm Emma and Martha huge Elvis fan and she played Elvis all the time so I became and she had figurines you know the little wine bottles headlights off and all that she had a house full of Elvis stuff and so I became an Elvis fan and I've always had a room in my house that's dedicated to Elvis and so I wanted to know more about your fandom for Elvis and leaving tickets was he had he been had he passed away or you leaving the tickets after he passed away thinking that he's still alive I saw Elvis at a thousand-foot at Memphis when I was on fire I crawled out on my hands and knees I thought I was dead yeah and I remember I was praying to God like let me stand let me get up out of this thing I'll go back to church I'll quit I'll finish the Bible that was 40 years ago and I crawled out of there and and and I stood up my TV guy said what did you see but my brain snapped right out of that fear mode just like you guys do and I when I saw Elvis in a thousand-foot and they made a book out of it and I never got a penny from that somebody wrote a book I saw Elvis at a thousand feet but you just grow up with people that you love yeah I was never a Beatles fan even though you know I love some of their songs you know Gideon's Bible everything religious I read my hotel room and I'd fill up yeah did you ever see Elvis plague no never did yeah of all the two people I three people I want to meet one day seriously okay I want to meet your daddy again I want to meet Elvis and Jesus yeah okay that list what was your favorite what was your favorite I guess version of Elvis was it I I loved his gospel meeting the music that he's saying and and and you know I'll still go into a crowd of people and I'm trying to get them up and and and and you got this big crowd you you've done it and some days you go I got to find myself you know you know you you know you talked about a lot of things in the book that you're very truthful in the book when you talked about you know I'd go places sometimes and I was just overloaded you know the masses of people with your fanbase I can't even imagine it but but but you said and then at the end but now I realize how much it really meant to me you know what I'm saying that you were stepping out of the seat and and what those people meant at that time in the press room and with the drivers and stuff and you're still here so you're still doing in the fans still gotcha yeah who's got a I ain't got no complaints he's still here so in the in the middle of it you know I'd walk into a crowd I did a show once in I can't remember where but it was snowing and I went into this deal and there was a giant line and your dad was standing on the stage okay and I thought oh my god and I looked over and there was two drunken Canadians standing in mind and I thought I gotta go over there with two people and my sponsor all they're looking and I got over there our guy started and and and somebody applauded I said thank you thank you very much you know trying to give the Oh Elvis trying to get a little attention because everybody wanted your dad just like you when you're out there and so I'm standing there and then all of a sudden your dad goes force and I never even knew him he's said get over here and and so what already goes okay everybody John Force is here and everybody start applauding and my sponsors Wow they all know yeah they didn't have a clue who I was but your dad saw that moment that he really cared that's why I knew he had a big heart he was gonna take this little guy that nobody cared about but he knew I needed that sponsor and he was bringing me over there and put me in his line and we signed autographs and that is a picture I have in my museum today Haley that I got on down on the stage and I kissed his ring and it was the most awesome deal and I've got the photograph of me down on my knees kissing your dad's ring and he's laugh and like get up stupid you're amazing but but when I was inducted into the Hall of Fame for driver of the year I was the first drag racer ever get it your dad come through with his entourage everybody was dressed in black is this walked in like oh man even security would not question him you know what I mean and you don't real realize that now you're the same way junior that with what you're you know we look but that's the era and and what you accomplished like your dad that's so amazing and even Don Birnam said to me that day still my hero Don foreknown was out there nhr he's got rules can't be on a start line throwing sponsor love work no don't throw the sponsor off and and and and in the middle of it somebody'd question Don for don't be a pass to be up here oh god ah oh man oh my god Ford um you know is like talking to Jesus you don't question or like an earner you don't question the situation and I would organize and that's done for no man for Dom said hold it for us stand here he wanted to hear this guy cuz he was gonna have this security guy thrown off to start kids you don't talk to Don from he's still my hero I'm still chasing him I'm still trying to walk like him these guys are my heroes guard 'let's there they don't understand where I came from that it was all about them I lived it you know my wife says I think you love them all more than me but you do you know what I'm saying because they were away alive just to want to be like them and here the chair of the crowd and I'm still trying I'll get there someday you know that and the Richard Petty once when they he was going into the track have you heard the story in in one of the gay Guard said they needed a credential in his recently it was a few years ago and he said this is my credential I get TV cameras that will say to me John what would you would you take off your glasses and I said first of all would you ask Richard Petty to take off his glasses I you know why are you asking me what am i dog made here [Music]
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 213,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dale Jr. Download, Dale Jr., Dale Earnhardt Jr., John Force, NHRA, NASCAR, Dirty Mo Media
Id: ItJyJIuU7vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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