Dale Jr and Dale Sr.

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three years of NASCAR experience under his belt but the man who would claim Richard Petty thrown at an air of his own burdened with similar expectations at a name to live up to one day if I was gonna start a race team tomorrow I would go get Jeff or whatever it takes you know and he's just shut that tape recorder off on to you something I got a son coming along it's gonna kick his butt what I get him when Dale jr. came on the circuit he warned about Busch race at that time Dale jr. lived across from the shop across the road from the shop in the tree yeah Dale senior since about 25 some tonight Teresa woke me up and there was all this music and he says I got up and got in the car and drove over there and says I don't know how many people were over there said all they were just rocking and rolling Iran everyone I'm off and I told that boy if he was going to be a race driver he was gonna act like a race driver or he was not getting any more help at all from me Dale Earnhardt senior was always sensitive about his lack of education he had sent his son to military school but he also wanted him to adopt the work ethic that Ralph Earnhardt had imparted back in that old garage and kannapolis he called is it and typical Dale's we're doing things hey can you put Dale jr. to work I can't do anything with him and okay yes if it sent him up he will get my job typical kid needed a little direction I think they really taught me everything you know as far as the basics from the ground and I was able to take that back to my father and prudent that I had what it took he was super hero to me i was at all every time I was around him how about it you put her life in your kids and they winning you you're proud of them be proud of him just growing up and being good kids inside Earnhardt was a gentle person we would get in his pickup and ride over the farm and talk about his mother and father and his Kenny's children and great big tears rolling daily down his cheeks strangely enough he was somewhat of a religious person he'd only that he prayed before every race never that he would win but that nobody would get hurt Dale Earnhardt had reached a period of contentment in his life in the early days he bounced checks and could barely scrape together the money for a cup of coffee by the end of his career he owned yachts Learjets and his own company he was a millionaire many times over and the most popular athlete in his sport Dale Earnhardt was beloved because so many common people who lived paycheck to paycheck had this burning thought in mind old day or made it up from nothing and maybe I can too someday there was little more to prove on the track though maybe another championship to pass Richard Petty and all the dysfunction of two failed marriages was a distant memory he could now bask in the glow of his children's successes and then there would be time to spend with his grandchildren before the start of the 2001 Daytona 500 Stevie waltrip has had become the custom taped a card to Earnhardt steering wheel with a proverb from the Bible the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and are safe oh darling got into Earnhardt seven laps to go there he was with his son running for first place and his car car that he owned driven by Michael Walter and they were running in front of where Earnhardt was with his buddy he's back there with schriever and Sterling Marlin and they're banging around having a good time and he can sit back and look at the accomplishments of his life while going 200 miles an hour and say I'm there for that moment I've always believed he had to be happy khalid el estado got on the phone right away when they didn't go back to show the tar that's when I knew something happened I just for some reason never expected of a dying race car it was unreal just unreal it's hard to save what you want to say without being so emotional and it's embarrassing to be emotional because they'll daddy all though there weren't emotional people the I'm a firm believer in fate and destiny in his fate was that they always going to not be 50 years old because he knew we dragged him to death when he turned 50 he didn't make it he would have been 50 in April and but evil wicked a lad on fig he'll never be old that's the one thing about my daddy and elbows they'll always be healthy successful
Channel: Heartsmusic
Views: 220,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dale Jr, Little E, nascar, Amp Energy, Earnhardt, National Guard, Big E, Dale Sr
Id: CdRUr15-tH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2010
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