2003 Aarons 499
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Channel: KingCuervo88
Views: 161,350
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Id: 88gFZUe3PsQ
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Length: 211min 12sec (12672 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2014
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Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I say it was a good no-call. Junior had a run on the bottom and was alongside Kenseth when the 17 darted towards the bottom. Dale made an evasive move to avoid what he felt like would be a big crash.
I know I felt much differently when it actually happened, as a Johnson fan.
I don't care what anyone says, he went below the line himself and wasn't forced. Please note, I do love Jr but he got away with it because its Dale Jr and Dega. The fans would've rioted.
What a terrible call. I remember Jim Hunter's explanation was one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Let's say that he did pass Kenseth before going under the line (which he didn't), are we gonna ignore the fact that he clearly passed Johnson?
Out of bounds lines belong in stick and ball sports. Not racing
He didn't get penalized because he was popular and NASCAR did not want to incite a riot at Talladega.
The yellow line rule is rediculous. It should be as simple as all 4 over the line = penalty and anything else goes. This would make it really clear when the rule is being broken and doesn't leave it to NASCAR to decide when there is "a close call". The only drawback I could see this having is still having someone being FORCED under the yellow be a complete nightmare. See Regan Smith 09
And I'm sure if Kenseth had wrecked himself against, everyone would have wanted the opposite result.
Probably the only time they haven’t enforced the rule
Yet Regan Smith got his win taken away.