Daily Swole #1202 Part 1 - John David Glaude

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[Music] whoa normal a shining the birds are chirping the bacon is fizzling welcome to the daily stroll [Music] chessy testing testing testing test after testing testing testing testing testing testing testing goals until to Google reciprocals welcome everyone to episode 1200 and dose of the daily mother suol the most muscular swole cast beer cast broadcast gang cast main cast pimp cast sleaze cast and slay cast in the realm because I'm a flexi flex we out flex our biceps I'm here with a boy John from obese to B's say without further ado we're just gonna jump right into cuz everyone knows you're here I don't have to intro you and talking be like well we're good we're good we got a very special guest in the back room right now brave who do we got fam so yes say what's up to everyone and let's just jump right in yo what's up everybody I am very happy to be here yeah alright so we were we were kind of in trowing everyone kind of knows just in case someone doesn't know who you are just in case someone has no idea who you are for whatever reason for whatever reason I mean if they're brand new just give them a little kind of like a I don't know maybe like a back of the DVD cover of your story and then we'll jump into some of the new stuff that I'm actually curious about that I want to cool ask you more about so go ahead yeah so uh my my channel name is obesity so I make youtube videos the main gist of my channel is I used to be 360 pounds at one point very very very overweight to a point where it was starting to affect my life I lost weight I started a channel to help other people that want to lose weight and now our whole group of people kind of make very similar content so that's kind of how we all got connected I guess is the easiest way that's it I know the school the swole vengers yeah are going after so considering that all right let's just let's get right into the into the into the the meat and the tits of this because because we make a lot of the same content in terms of similar topics we been discussing fat acceptance we've been discussing body positivity and all those things but lately the trend has been around this new documentary fat topia and Alan which was it I think Michelle was a you you were there no is me Alan and his wife I forget we're doing so many podcasts we were we were all talking cuz we're all talking like the private chats too about the new documentary talking with the director you know kind of like kicking around the idea of getting a debate going because yesterday we were talking about this on the podcast and someone's asking well how come you don't have anyone with you know the opposing position from the fat acceptance moon on your podcast it's not like it's not gonna happen I don't think well don't want to come on I mean what are your because we were talking about that with on your end so I've actually I have done an interview with somebody that she she says she was part of health at every size it was interesting because one she is she she's wasn't super overweight she was probably maybe 40 pounds of weight 30 pounds overweight still looked pretty healthy to me right and the more I spoke to her them her kind of message that she talked about was it's not about this is what was right it's like most of the people have talked to you that I've actually have conversations with when I say it's not like being morbidly obese isn't healthy they're like of course that's not healthy and I'm like you just said what I have been saying but I'm getting attacked for being fat phobic because I don't identify as health at every size so we had this conversation she was a very nice girl and it was fine right it was it was totally like for me I am I'm not somebody that likes to debate I'm not gonna I would never bring someone on my channel like I think you and Alan would do a lot better job at that right actually debating somebody for me like if I'm gonna have someone that believes in the health at every size movement I would love to have them come on my channel and literally like I would just interview them and hear their point of view right that would be my goal gonna be me there's nothing wrong with that though I mean that that's the whole point right you want to get there you want to get there full-fledged you know where it's where is it like the source of where it's coming from that's where I'm can that's where I'm curious about but that's your perspective because you've been there and you're like I mean from all my perspectives like you're adamantly against it you don't believe that's the case and it comes down from like the health standpoint it's not the beauty it's not the self-love its you are extremely overweight and like how is that how is that healthy I did there's no facts there as far as I'm aware and so like yeah we we had this conversation it was fine and I've actually recently I've been trying to get other people to do it because it was receptive was really well receptive right like people really enjoyed it so was like okay this is fun I really like doing this and I actually there's a couple of people that I message that said yes and it's like they say yes and then all of a sudden it's they just disappear so I had one it was actually someone that you've I think you might have mentioned in a video is the intuitive Rd she is a registered dietitian and she she's the that lady that posted the picture on Instagram that said weight loss is unhealthy for everybody involved like anybody weight loss isn't just unhealthy for people who have eating disorders it's unhealthy for everyone and so I had a conversation with her I was like do you see why maybe someone like me that has lost weight or people that are trying to lose weight do you see how this could be offensive to them and then she went on this whole thing is like well I'm not talking like I'm not talking about losing weight I'm talking about pursuing weight loss which is this whole thing right like you shouldn't pursue weight loss you just pursue a healthy habit so I'm like yeah that's gonna result in weight loss like it's yeah goes together so we were talking and she said she would love to do an interview and then all of a sudden she she no longer is talking to me she's kind of ghosted me and then there's this other girl that she was super down to to do it and then she like the day of I thought we were still doing it and then hasn't like she hasn't responded in a few days so it's it's it's hard like it's hard to get people that and again it's like I'm not even trying to have you come on my channel and me trying to destroy you with facts and logic like like a binge appear oh it's like I just want it I just want to hear your opinion that's literally all I want to do I want to interview hear your opinion find out because I think it's really interesting trying to find out how someone got to be part of whatever movement it might be for these people its health at every size how did you get to that point and I think that's really important is to understand how someone got to where they were like I think that the experience that I've had in my life you know being morbidly obese that the issue is I was having with that that and then losing the way and I've kept it off for what's six years now and I enjoy fitness like you know I've done a bunch of different things you know did the bodybuilding show I ran the marathon has done CrossFit competitions all like all of these things have led to me having my point of view so it's like I just want to understand what someone might have theirs well considering you were morbidly obese and you've been there was there ever a point or what was that like switch because okay let's say you're going down a path and I think we have this every day in multiple ways where you can go it's kind of like when those adventure books were like go to page 45 if you want to go where you want to go down that dark corridor go here and you're like oh [ __ ] that I'm gonna what was that point where you because if you were since you were obese you had the choice entually I mean you still do but you're not taking it but you had the choice to go down that path did you ever feel like you were on it or did you see or looking back on it did you see that you were kind of on the brink like how how did that how did you not go down that path because you know you had that choice to like anyone else yeah it's the path it gets like for me I grew up overweight so I wasn't one of the people that like all of a sudden is like holy crap I gained 200 pounds in a year or whatever it was a very gradual thing like from five years old I have I was overweight and then I just got bigger and bigger and you know when I was in like middle school everyone says like I was pretty active like I skateboarded everywhere I played football flag football I you know I was active for a bigger dude right and then it was still kind of like that in high school but the older I got the less active I was getting it was like every year I got older the less active I would get you know and so then once I got once I graduated high school I graduated well 17 I was I was pretty big but then once I was out of high school and like going I went to college for a year I like to started really putting on weight and that's when it was really starting to like affect my like day-to-day life like it was it was hard for me to stand up for a long period of time like I worked at the van shoe store and I just mentioned this in my video that I put up today which is a whole another thing that I want to get into but like it was i my shifts were four hours long not that long and you'd stand for two hours you get a break stand for two more hours but it felt like I was standing for like you would think days because of how bad my feet hurt and so we also this was not fun but like when you work at the when you work at a shoe store at least a shoe store I worked at there's a huge racks in the back that slide right and then like that's how you get the shoes yet they give a ladder climb up the ladder the ladders weight limit was 250 pounds of way over that but I I would have to like climb these ladders to get the shoes and it was like for most people it's kind of like an active job but for me it was like you would think I worked construction with how much I was sweating like I would I would come and bring people's shoes out literally dripping in sweat because I was like climbing up and down these ladders and then I would have to lace their shoes which for some reason whenever the car I still sweat a lot like I sweat more now than I did then but when I have to concentrate on something I start sweating even more so I'm like lacing the shoes dripping sweat off on their shoes so I started caring yeah who's bad so I started carrying a like a sweat rag with me at a job in the mall like I wasn't it was an intense job but for me it was it was a really really tough job so you know but then it was I'd continue to gain weight continue to gain weight and then I actually so for the I started losing weight when I was 20 but from probably like nine 19 and 20 I started like really thinking about what my life was gonna look like in the future because you know I graduated high school what's next right yeah I didn't really know and but I did know that every year I'm gaining weight and I would see like you know the people that had to get airlifted out of their house because they were so big and they had a health health concern and it wasn't in my head truly it wasn't I hope that doesn't happen to me it was like I wonder when I'm gonna be that person like I wonder when my life is going to look like that because it was just like in my head I had tried to lose weight so many times and I failed so many times and I can't lose weight I would joke around saying I don't have a metabolism because I'm so overweight right like I would I truly like I thought I was I now looking back on how I know I was just in the victim mentality like that's what it was but I I had tried to lose weight so many times and so I just kind of accepted it that was gonna be in my life and so you know 20 years old I was literally like afraid of being home alone because like if have a heart attack no one's gonna be here like I thought like I thought about death a lot that sounds like dramatic but it was just truly that's I thought about it all the time so like I it's that's why I like the healthy liver size thing I'm just like it's it's so like I didn't know anything about this stuff right that wasn't even going on back then but I knew who being that size was not healthy right and so that's a whole nother topic but I I ended up so I like to say that it was actually I talked I had this a conversation with Jordan SIA on my podcast about this and he talks about how fear is really important when it comes to like serious change for a lot of people for like losing weight and that was 100% true for me so I ended up I got invited to a wedding and it was in Utah so I live in California we ended up driving it's about a 13 hour drive so before the wedding though I had to find clothes and so at this time I was wearing a size 5 XL shirt and 56 inch waist right it's not easy to find clothes that size so that was really annoying like luckily my best friend was a flower super-supportive so he drove to a bunch of different stores with me and I couldn't find anything then I finally found some stuff I was super happy with it and I was like cool I look fresh dope right and then so we we take the drive up there and the whole Drive I'm drinking soda you can candy you know all of this normal stuff that you would do when you don't care about your health at all and then when we got up to Utah I I went to get out of the car and I literally almost fell back into my car into my friend's car and that scared me man like it was a whole rest of the trip we were there for a few days I could not stop thinking about that and I I really don't think I don't think it was actually anything serious but again like I said death was always on my mind and I thought that this like my body is it's done like it was scary it was really really scary and so the whole trip like I remember a lot of the guys they went out to like the bachelor went out to go play basketball and I was like I'm not going and I went shopping with the ladies like I was the only guy like it was supposed to be guy is good there girls go here but so the wedding happened whatever we come back I see the pictures from from the wedding and obviously I was like holy crap like I just I I again took forever to find these clothes I thought that they looked great I see the photos and I'm like oh my gosh like pictures always expose that like it gives you that perspective that you do not see in the mirror I used I use the the photo as like my it's Maya I might it's on my phone and I use it as my background screen but yo you guys know what's going off the size of that picture man yeah no it's it's crazy so that shirt like I said five XL shirt Wow and when I would sit down it would unbutton because my belly would push it out right so like I saw those pictures but again this whole story that didn't even motivate me to change so what ended up happening was I was a few me I I don't know the exact time it was a few weeks after this I was binge watching Miami Ink and I saw these two tattoos that I have on my forearms I got when I was overweight the reason I got them there was because I was like this is like an even a short sleeve shirt like came halfway down my forearm because of how big the shirts had to be to fit over my body and so like that was the only part of my body that really showed because even shorts like went down to like my mid calf because again they had to be so big right so I was like well if I'm gonna get tattoos I want people to see him so I got them there but I was what I had been binge watching the show for a few weeks and I just kept thinking on you you missed so much in life when you're morbidly obese like you miss out on so much and so it could be something small like this that could be the actual trigger point so for me it was like I want to get more tattoos but I don't know where to put them and I don't think that they look good anyways right and so like I want to get more on my upper arm like now I have this one right I was like oh it'd be cool to get a chest piece or maybe like even one on my legs but I just like I wasn't gonna do it and so like I hope that was the mindset that I was in and then this episode came on that had this guy actually had lost a lot of weight who's he gonna tattoo to commemorate the weight loss and this kind of ties back to what you were saying it's I don't exactly remember what he said but it was at that moment I call it my click moment where I realized it was the choices that I was making that was making me my size because like you can you can rationalize your size for a while by saying it's my mom's fault like it was definitely something I thought about like man if it's not fair because my brother's not overweight it's not fair because my my other siblings aren't overweight I'm eating the same food as them looking back I was eating three times as much as they wear right but at the same time that didn't click it was like I'm eating the same types of food I should be the same way sure and so I was watching the show and then they clicked for me I was actually eating a double entrée plate of orange chicken and fried rice from pan Express with a like a super large soda their soda is a huge there I was addicted to soda it's so much soda every day over a two liter a day um so I but I finished that and I was like alright tomorrow we wake up and this is it and like when I hear that if someone were to tell me that like yeah I'm gonna finish all my food at the house and I'm gonna start my weight loss today it's not gonna work but for some reason like that it was like I was ready the next day I woke up I I wouldn't got a haircut I bought water and then I bought some sandwiches because I was like I don't know what healthy food is so and that was a kind of a start for me but I I really do think that the reason I tell the whole story about the wedding is because it I think it was that fear that was able to one drive me to actually do something but then it drove me when maybe you know I'm a month three four months into my weight loss and it's getting hard and I'm feeling like what's the point that fear of like I really felt like something was going on with my body that was kind of what has pushed me to continue you know continue this journey I guess I mean does this fuel your because obviously you still make youtube videos you still making content that's why you're here and that's why we you know we connected and just because we're all in this circle kind of like the four or five six people that are actually the most vocal with you know an audience that we're building essentially I wouldn't say necessarily back so these movements but because we take a stand that is less than popular and usually an outcast in this in the current like you know state of the union so to speak is it kind of like in the back of your head that every video that you make and like every sentence or something that you say in every video like that is every single thing you say on social could potentially be the trigger for someone else that gets them to be like you know what I need to change yeah it's dude it's crazy man I actually had someone on Instagram asked me today they're like do you ever like do you get people messaging you saying like you were that you were my clique mom or whatever and honestly it happens everyday almost now and that is like that is the coolest thing and now recently since we've been talking about to help that every stuff I stuff like I get a lot of messages of people saying they're basically have been they've been kicked out of the help at every size movement because they've they started maybe to lose weight like I get messages not every day but a good amount of times like I I was 300 400 pounds I was huge into the health at every size they list off like the four books that seem to be really popular in the movement I read them all I really liked them but then I had XYZ happened to me realize my health was declining started losing weight and then I got basically kicked out of my facebook groups or whatever it was that they were in because they're no longer accepted so it's it's definitely it's crazy man like the messages that you receive and that's kind of like the reason like cuz I don't I truly don't like making people upset like I don't make videos because I'm like autumn it rile them up this time I just want people to understand the implications of what healthy at every size means because like I had a back-and-forth with someone on I could I couldn't believe this I thought I I literally thought I was in like the matrix or something like that like I felt like because I was having this conversation with someone in the comments of my Instagram which ends up the comments of my Instagram end up our about half of my videos now because of like that's where the arguments are some reason but a lot of people love the comments man it's it's crazy and they they they want to argue with me which is fine like I mean I don't need to I don't want to like necessarily always be arguing but I do again like if I hate when people put words in my mouth and that's what happens a lot on Instagram people like oh well this that and like I did not say that I never said that so I was having this conversation with someone and they were basically saying that there were again it was like they said they were a supporter of health at every size but then when I was like okay well that's fine but like I don't have an issue with you calling it health yet most sizes or healthy at other than petite like but the issue is calling it health in every size and then they went on to say well of course you can't be healthy when you're morbidly obese and I was just like there's a reason why that word morbidly is in the like that B is before that word I mean it's more believing that means you're on the brink of death there is yeah there's all right when it comes to social groups for anyone that doesn't know or doesn't experience this kind of thing when you are backed into a corner like what happens you know you you get more and more entrenched you dig yourself in deeper so then when you come at them well of course you can't be healthy well now you could be you could be healthy any size it's possible and they'll change their argument because it's not based in any kind of reality and just like you said it wasn't about blood work it wasn't about high cholesterol or heart disease is about you could feel your body just giving up you could you couldn't move and this is something I try to push in a lot of my content forget about like I don't know what people are don't know how people are defining healthy at every size I think they're just using the traditional blood work which is pretty much BS you can't use that and be able you're out of high cholesterol right now so what I'll have diabetes right now that doesn't mean you're healthy if you can't stand up you're not a healthy individual because that's gonna affect your psychological health it's you can't live in this virtual reality world the reality is your body is like saying we can't handle normal function you're supposed to move as a human being and unless you have some like natural from birth genetic deformity where you literally can stand and you're but that's a that's a unique situation and then those people that is the body-positive movement that should exist people that absolutely have body you know disfigurements or missing limbs or you know they're handicapped like that's the real origination of body positivity there's there are a lot of people in the comments and I made of when I posted a video a clip from are you probably saw it I tagged you in it the clip on IG TV yesterday last night about why fat acceptance is female and I have some people in the comments now that are saying you know how come it's not female we should get some more female voices I mean we already just mentioned that when you come to a debate people don't want to come to a debate because it really is no debate and it's not that we know everything no one else knows everything we have all the answers but there's really what are you gonna debate aside from feelings and you can't debate feelings that's why the movement doesn't disappear because when you have a feeling like oh you're insulting me well if you have a feeling and that's your fact and then I go against it then I'm hurting your feelings and I'm a bad person then you come after me for being a bad person it's like well [ __ ] I'm not a misogynist I don't hate women I don't hate fat people I I go after I try to I try to bring attention I try to grab attention because there are a billion people posting online you have to say things that shock people to be like what the hell and stop scrolling then they read the caption oh he's actually making a good point and as aggressive as I am of my content I get overwhelmingly positive feedback my most aggressive be my most aggressive videos people that are obese are in the comments saying thank you so much for speaking the truth I'm trying to and that's what I'm trying to do not trying to be rude and you're not trying you're you have any of any of us are not trying to be rude or offensive we're trying to get a point across in a climate that is really really soft so what are your thumbs about the fact that you know people are saying okay you should get some more females opinions on it well they're the same ones that we're trying to get on for these debates because they're the ones that make up the movement why do you think it's more female why do you think we have Tess Holliday we have Madeline George Etta we have all these people that are virtue signaling but there's no where the dadbod proponents yeah our guy is just like well I don't I mean what why where is that like what's that psychological difference between men and women where you don't at least hear I don't see a single dude that's like FedEx opens moon I I think that again this is my own opinion sure from what I've seen but it's I think it's because women have been more policed for their bodies for a longer period of time like I without a doubt women have had to deal with you're too skinny or too buff you're too fat you're to this or to that I think for a longer period of time and it's the ideal for women has been a lot more I guess harder to attain for guys it's like just don't be really this or really that right don't be really really skinny don't be really really heavy and then you're good like you don't have to worry about it but for women it's like for a while it was like be pencil-thin like the sixties and seventies right like you want to be like emaciated basically and then it was okay we're gonna switch it to this I think that it's gotten I don't know I guess because I like muscles but it's gotten a little bit more like okay you want to have a little bit of muscle on you don't want to be tiny but it's like there's always been these ideals for women to strive for and so I think again it's like I like to use the pinch of a pendulum analogy a lot like the pendulum for women was very very much over here and now it's just swinging so far to the to the left or whatever you want to call it to the to the body positive health at every size so I think that's why there's more women in the movement that's the only thing I can think of because there's tons of guys that are really really over overweight again you you almost always when you talk to them they know it's not healthy like there's no there's not even a debate like I I think if I were to talk to most guys they wouldn't they be like what are you talking about like of course it's not healthy now I'm gonna take I'm gonna take the the less popular opinion on this I think it's even I think that's a huge misconception by most people and I know you're I mean and you'll see you'll see what I mean I think the reason why women are taking the stance you know it's always been about us with looks since it's always it's been both sides it's just society's change because you have guys that are like those old cartoons you know Muscle Beach we're like you get kicks and you [ __ ] you're such a little skinny fit you know get you know build some muscle then you feel ashame you get bullied guys get bullied as much as girls guys have been had have had this and you have to have abs you have to have biceps you have to have big muscles that's why you talk to a lot of women and then you know guys think that they want to get big because girls like and a lot of girls like I don't like that big muscled look but then you have this so I think we don't talk about it as much because guys have classically had to be like well you know you have to be strong and tough and just kind of like stuff it down like don't be a [ __ ] kind of dig it down in there but I think it goes both ways I think that's a I think that's a I think that's the climate that women have always been oh there's such a high standard for beauty there's a high standard for guys guys have to either what make a lot of money be really successful make a lot of money for you know so they could support and be the and be the man and have muscles and have all these like alpha type of thing so I think it's a I think it's both I think it's a kind of thing with the whole I just think it's the climate I think people are making it out to be that it's all about women and women have had to deal with beauty I think guys have had to deal with just as much [ __ ] it's just the trend of the times and anytime there's like this and it always seems to be no matter if it's male or female that it's this it's always this like hard to obtain ideal and I think that's what that that attracts or that attracts people to want those things okay guys are maybe by by society standards need to have ABS big muscle this cuz it's hard to get those things women you have to be that look like this you have to be like this and act like this and put me because it's hard to maintain that or to be a certain way and people always want to get into the clubs that have a big line around the block people want to get to the movies that are sold out people just want things that are hard to achieve I think it's because human nature is we evolved when we thrive off challenge we thrive off adversity and anytime there's a big major tragedy like September 11th or anything everyone binds together for a short period of time and everyone we're all one we're all one nation and then things go back the way they are so we are very I guess overcoming type species where we survive and we adapt which is why we're still here on this earth and I think there's just some kind of like underlying we all like it just shifts wherever people go once people are all in shape or not all in shape but like moat that's super popular there's so many people in shape well now it's the attractive thing to be you know positive about being obesity because that's the rare thing that stands out that grabs attention because now Jim shark everyone's in the gym there's a gym on every [ __ ] corner there's protein bars everywhere not that everyone's in shape but there's this idea with social media that everyone is doing this everyone's going that way who you're an outlier you're unique and then everyone wants to be like that so you have people just running towards the place that is more hard to attain and you know but in this situation it's getting crossed up with this idea that it can be healthy and that's where it gets dangerous which is what rubs you myself Michele and other people the wrong way and I know who's talking about there's no females like we have Michele on here all the time talking yeah making so many videos it's just for some reason it's I think it may be just the the history of society that guys just have to kind of deal with it I don't know not show emotion it's just kind of like been programmed it hasn't been that long like the 1940s or 50s where it's like be a man suck it up we're like your grandparents no one got to very few people got divorces back then like you sucked it up and you dealt with it you had a hardship you had the depression yet World War One World War two Vietnam people the United States we've gone through [ __ ] and you just kind of sucked it up and dealt with it and that was only like 60 years ago 70 years ago it's been one generation so it hasn't been that long so we're all taught and we've learned and it's been passed down from literally our parents or grandparents you know these ideals have kind of been instilled since we were kids you know it's like stop it you know suck it up and you know rub some dirt on it you know soppy supposed to kind of thing do you think that so so kind of about your question like why there's more women would would you say that's why that guys just don't speak up like they maybe they do feel kind of the same way and they're just not saying anything or what like what would you say about that I don't think they don't think they feel the same way I think guys want I think guys want to change and just keep their [ __ ] mouths shut I don't think it's any different I just think women are I don't want to say like complaining because a lot of people complain about different things I just think in terms of the way they look I think in general I would agree that society is generally you know let more accepting of guys physically looking different ways I would agree with that just like an overweight guy is kind of look like you know fat funny comedian but you have that with some women too like you're like fat is funny right yet Chris Farley you had a lot of these things but I think I think it's just kind of like ingrained that men have to be tough and kind of like suppress feelings for for decades and I think a lot of people don't understand how deep that can go and same thing with with women like we're all programmed since before we can really remember since we're kids and when you're watching cartoons like [ __ ] I remember watching cartoons on as little we watch Looney Tunes and you have Elmer Fudd like with a shotgun shooting rabbits in the [ __ ] face and Pepe LePew trying to rape a cat today remember the cartoon like no one talks about that oh yeah you have like literal like a cartoon about rape and about sexual assault not the whole episodes were about a skunk trying to rape a cat and she's like no and he's like she likes it and the eye goes after her it's like by today's standards the most [ __ ] up thing ever but um I think it can easily be said that women are more I don't I say emotional in a bad way but human-like men and women interact and share emotions and were different everyone wants to act like we're just all the same we're not all the same men and women are not on an evolutionary level the same we're not emotionally the same a lot of women are more mature however it's you know men are naturally stronger whether you like to admit it or not it's just you take it on average guys are just naturally stronger and women according to psychologists they must mature faster whatever that [ __ ] means but everyone kind of like interacts in these weird ways on a societal level and with social media you just have the ability to hide behind a screen name and share a lot of opinions without really having any repercussions and it's a lot easier it's an easier way out I'm not saying that guys don't do things like that we're not perfect women are not perfect no one's perfect but I think a lot of these uh these themes go so deep and go so much deeper than we all like to admit we think we're on so much control of how we think and we are but were not because we're building this on a foundation I was set by our parents and grandparents and about the society when we were young not today but the way it was in when we were growing up in the 70s 80s and 90s like those were different times and it wasn't that long ago and we forget were we didn't have social media we had all these again those cartoons and you know and just like the language and what kids would do and everyone's like when you got bullied it was like well fight you know toughen up now you have all this policing in this softening of of youth and that will pay off like it's showing now but it's gonna get worse and worse because the kids today that are really even younger than than what those in high school are being set up for with eighth-place trophies and all this acceptance and you can't do anything wrong and don't yell at the teacher can you know you know like like educate and and discipline people because the kids gonna call the cops or text their parents or post on Twitter like Oh a little snapchat of the teacher like saying sit down and shut up when the kid should sit the [ __ ] down and shut up and you know of course the parent should be pumping them full of sugar and then bla bla bla and kids don't learn in a frickin desk and we're not adapting the rest of society with social media social media and technology has gone through the roof but the way we do things in real life is the same way it's been for the last 50 years and there's a huge like friction there with like the reality and like the virtual world mm-hmm yeah it's it's definitely interesting the whole society like everything I the more you complain about something you can kind of change it right like with eighth place trophies and oh well I don't I don't feel like this is okay so I'm gonna complain until it changes like that might work and in like college that might work in in like high school but when you get into the real world like you're gonna your boss is gonna be like you didn't perform so you're fired or you're not gonna get the rate they say it doesn't work like I don't care how much you complain about it like it's the same thing with with weight loss like it doesn't matter like how much you sit there and complain about how much maybe the world isn't made to fit more of the obese people it's not gonna make airlines change the size of their seats like that's it's not gonna happen and I don't think that it I don't necessarily think it should like or make rollercoasters more accommodating for for people that are morally obese like just because it upsets you it's like you can't expect this whole industry to make changes because you're upset it just doesn't work like that's not just industry its society everyone wants everything catered to them and I think that's one of the issues with customer service or that whole customer is always right and there's all these things where it's no they're not always right they're very rarely correct most people don't know what they need or what they want or and and everyone wants everything handed out to them and and customized so you have someone who's obese that wants to go on the roller coaster we should make this roller coaster they post on social media know you everyone else is writing it just fine if you're not this if you're shorter than this you can ride the rollercoaster why because you're gonna fall out of the seat and die so they don't want you to fall out of the seat and I do you want to follow the seat and die if you're too big to you know sit on the airplane or be on a roller coaster it's because if you're over a weight limit it's gonna lopsided it's gonna throw off the whole equilibrium like it's called physics people they design these things to a tee so they can work and everyone just wants a handout and to be catered to because of the upbringing because of everything else and it's very dangerous it's very dangerous like you said when you go out into the real world its merit either you're good or you're not you're you're performing at your job or your task or you don't so I think it should go back to merit it's not about race it's not about overweight or this if you're better than the other person it's like if you're higher if you're hiring people for construction why are there not that many women in construction because it's physical women don't like it otherwise if women loved construction but they love women are more empathetic so they go more into service industries like and nursing and in personal care because they are better suited for that in general of course is in general you always have women that go hunting and do this stuff and you have men that are nurses and you can't make a generalization everyone goes here but 95 percent maybe or more so that's just the the lay of the land and that's how it works and to imagine or to pretend like everyone has to be the same is ludicrous and just not fair and it goes over into this whole I mean we can go over into like the transgender stuff and there's so many things that are just you can't make it you can't make it a safe place for everyone yeah and then I kind of wanted to talk a little bit about like hey you you were talking about pads right and it kind of blows my mind because I was again and right I was morbidly obese and I like I didn't go I didn't go to amusement parks because I was afraid of not fitting on rides but before I had lost my weight I was in eighth grade and I was already getting really close to not fitting on some rides like I went with a group and it was like click it was like only one click that's all I got like normally would be like seven or eight and like or like they were having to have two people push me into the seat right so like that was that was scary like that was scary because I didn't want to be embarrassed and then the same thing with flying and like I just didn't do it because I was like I know how small the seats are so the path is you could either be like wow this is really sucky I don't want to be embarrassed I want to be able to enjoy these things in life I want to be able to - I want my quality of life to be higher I'm gonna make a change or which is becoming more and more popular this makes me upset that I can't fit on this ride this makes me upset that I have to buy two seats because I am taking up two seats I'm going to complain about this until it changes to fit my needs so it's like it's either in tiny yeah it's either make a decision make some changes improve your life or expect other people to make some changes in improvements and improve your life when in reality it's not really doing that it's just making you feel more comfortable yeah it's the accommodation and that entitlement and the lack of accountability for your own situation and it's it doesn't mean that someone isn't obese because of something that's out of their control you get into a nasty car accident and it [ __ ] you up and you can't move like there's a lot of people that really have serious things that they didn't plan they are not like as it wasn't their decision however there a lot of people that go through that and actually come out stronger and are a strong voice for overcoming adversity and the fact that most of obesity most most most most is self-inflicted it's not inflicted it's a poor support system it's the people around you it's that community or family or friends that don't they're not being honest with you are their themselves overweight or lacking that same responsibility but because we have so many things that are just easily accessible we just feel like everything should mold to us right we have Amazon Prime in a day or same day yeah you have to you want to even go anywhere which doesn't help people get more exercise people don't have to leave their houses to go to the supermarkets they just they just go they there's just type in their thumbs and get [ __ ] done but I I do think that responsibilities and the entitlement it starts when you're a child it's yet when it starts when you're a child again the eighth place trophies the teacher succumbing to the student which is absolutely insanity if you're sending your kids to a school then they have any respect yeah yeah but then parents I mean teachers can't teach I think that's probably the worst it's the most underpaid and one of the worst positions you could be I mean people do it people go into that field like [ __ ] I would never want to be an educator especially like in a public school like they're going out to war every single day not only with the kids but without these restrictions yeah they can't say things because everything's recorded everything's streamed live everything is you know and they're and they're they're working against the system in the sense that they're trying to keep these kids still the kids are pumped full of sugar and they're sit in this chair let me teach you how to add and kids are like I want to go [ __ ] climb a tree and play yeah and there's no like physical application so everyone's kind of working in this spinning their wheels and it's making the problem worse where do you think I'm a speaking of kids let let's shift gears for a second and what I'm sure will come back around I made a video on the did you made a video to on though the weight watchers the kirbo app the the kids I had some people say well I wish we had to add what about a parent that literally doesn't have time or XY and Z maybe it's a good thing and I I see the positive aspects of having or using technology to educate children but the aspects are the the actual user interface of this app is atrocious yeah and it really like again like I said my video that it's outsourcing parenting like it's for bad parents and I guess YouTube of course probably didn't like that didn't like that um so didn't didn't push it out too much so if you didn't go watch that you can go check out that video I post that I had the same issue like I was like oh so many people have asked me to talk about like it was my most requested video in a long time it got like no views yeah D monetize to [ __ ] and that yeah and where we can go with that too is I recently saw another clip that there are a lot of marginalized groups when you have social media and you can just form groups and maybe Facebook was to blame for that because they started the whole group thing yeah whether we're the beginning when the earlier adopters of groups and stuff but you have all these marginalized groups so it's popular now to be a victim it's popular to be an outcast and when you have outcast culture and victim culture it's who can be the most outcast who could be the biggest victim who could be the most marginalized like you're not marginalized enough if you're just fat acceptance if you're fat acceptance or african-american and you're gay whoa you got a trifecta going on you are the most your marginalized that's [ __ ] you're gonna really get all the love and everything should be handed out to you and and and pass down to you in you know and here here I don't want to offend you I forget where I was going with that but we're talking about oh the the group mentality so yeah speak a little bit about a little bit about what you what you think about that app about the interaction between the parents the children who's responsible for it is it a is it a good thing is it just the wrong approach is it something that because of the technological age because we're kind of like in this and I want to preface this up a little bit more we're in this point where I don't know how many of you listening know your history but it's kind of like World War one right now where you have this blend between the classic way of fighting and new machine guns I don't know if anyone really knows World War one history but troops were being sent into battle rushing machine gun turrets without helmets on because it went from like bayonets and like silver war almost like in the late you know mid-1800s to World War one were all of a sudden tanks and planes the world the warfare changed so dramatically people were just getting slaughtered like crazy because people writing in on horses charging like machine guns and we're like well it doesn't make sense but then people didn't realize like oh [ __ ] we need to have metal we need to have all this and that's why that war just killed so many people but right now we have this blend between real life and virtual and this is a huge shift in how we how our society interacts so I do see the merit in using technology however it starts with the parenting number one so I'd love to hear a little bit more about thoughts on it though so I I definitely made that video and I think that my biggest issue with it is it's the way that they're using that whole like stoplight system of you know putting the green yellow red I I think that obviously you should encourage kids to eat healthier foods and unhealthy foods like the cakes and stuff obviously they should be not encouraged but when you put like my issue is like putting these morals on food especially for like kids so like if you eat the red foods you're bad and you're doing bad I think that they can be really can be really damaging and I think the the reason that I have such an issue with that is because for me when I like lost my weight I I struggled with binge eating a little bit towards the like after had lost most of it and again a lot of it was because I was putting morals on foods and I was like okay and it it came from a good place it's like it came from me being like okay I'm eating garbage all the time so let's cut back on that but then it became like I was afraid to eat certain types of foods and then it would be like I was afraid to eat it for a few days and then I would just go crazy on it right so I think that that's my that's my biggest issue like obviously I am a huge advocate of helping kids with obesity like I think that if the kids obese they're alright it's already a little too late not saying you can't be helped right I was a kid that was obese but it's like they've already become so ingrained in the way they're eating or whatever and their parents are like I don't like to demonize the parents I guess maybe because like my mom was my mom right and I was an obese kids so a lot of it does come down to knowledge and that's why I always say people ask me what's the biggest tip you can give to someone that's trying to lose weight it's like knowledge learn learn for yourself like yeah it's good to have someone help you maybe get a coach or something that for a little bit but like one when you're getting coached you should be asking questions and questions and questions so you know the answers for yourself so I think that knowledge is really important for the parents but I think yeah the why don't the his knowledge I they just you never been taught you're not doing you're not and this is my opinion you're not taught how to learn in school you're taught what to learn you have to work originate it back out the same you've probably seen those memes or those pictures online it'll show technology like wow everything that's changed with technology and they show kids sitting in desks in the 40s and kids sitting in desks today like we're not changing how we're teaching kids so and then these and look and those those [ __ ] kids are the parents so those kids in the 60s are the parents of you and me and you know we're the parents of you know the next generation so if you're not taught how to learn and talk about like the accessibility my phone you know we're we have the technology and the ability to learn literally right now people are listening to this and learning so you have the ability to get information but people don't use it for that the user for drama the user for [ __ ] they use it for complaining they understand that it's a resource Wow I can absorb endless amounts of education about whatever I'll learn but we're not taught to pursue so the last books that people read are usually in high school or college they never read again they never because they they're taught essentially to hate [ __ ] learning they're taught to learn [ __ ] that they don't they're not interested in that heaven has no bearing in society and I think that's what poisons learning because when you're learning about dumb [ __ ] in school and you get out you realize oh I wasn't taught taxes I wasn't taught mortgages I wasn't taught you know how to cook I wasn't taught anything of the actual world learnings [ __ ] like that people are resentful for school it was literally a waste of time for most people is great for arithmetic and then I taught you that Columbus was a hero right and then now it's like wow you mean the og genocide right so yeah this is it's a huge it's a mindfuck and you get just get funneled in you just get dumped in whatever the the society wants to teach you you're trained to work and the reason why school was kind of like systemic like that is because you would do that go to a factory follow and still follow orders until you died you followed this you went here you punched at this time just like school it trained you to be a worker now you're training zombies but the world doesn't work like that and people are literally leaving school with like oh there's I don't know how to adapt because I was never taught this and then and so it starts with the idea education is fundamentally [ __ ] and there are a bunch of people in the comments discussing this and I we briefly touched upon it but I mentioned when I was talking about super marginalized at the intersectionality where you're not just you know just obese you are you're black or you're Asian and you're gay and you're low low income yeah and you have and you're an immigrant or and you're this and you live here and so the more marginalized and I mentioned that because it's important and people were saying I hate how fat acceptance is linked to racism and I talked about this so many times when you link these issues that are just based on feelings and you attach it to something that's really an issue for people like sexuality and like acceptance that's real [ __ ] acceptance okay if you want to if you want to be with a man be with a woman go for it right be who you are just don't force other people to do it like we're fine that's how I feel I don't care what anyone does if you want to do that go do that mm-hmm religion like believe what you want to believe do what you want to do just don't enforce that those beliefs that are subjective onto other people but when you attach it to those types of movements all of a sudden it's like sacred so I can't go after this because a lot of these people are obese but they're also you know they're questioning or this so then they're attacking you with this whole other mindset of just feelings and other issues and it's kind of getting blurred like we lose that or they morph it because it could have some more credibility there's kind of and you don't know who is crossing over to other groups so you have a group of like 500 people and some of them are Asian or black or this our wealthy are trans or our I don't know whatever little tiny groups and then they're all together it's like you can't attack any one part of it or go against it because then you're going against the whole thing and then you have a bunch of raging people that just have all this pent up like and the anger is so brutal and they're supposed to be this was to be acceptance like what do you think about the the phrase the irony of the phrase fat acceptance when they are the most ruthless [ __ ] the same thing with the posting like they're blocking talk about that because you're getting hurt I don't think anyone else knows as we didn't talk about this yet you're getting you you're getting home let jawed that the the friendly your friendly neighbor spider-man is getting harassed online so yeah go go into that man because for for accepting people it's not to accepting that blows my mind the page so it's this page it was it was called boycott that topia so they they started this page after that that film came out right and in their eyes they feel like fat topia I don't know it hurt their feelings it made them upset so they started this page basically I think the start of the page was like they were trying to discredit maybe the the director of the film the people that actually worked on it but then once me Michelle Allen we're making videos about it they started directing that hate towards us and they've called me fat phobic they've called me basically like a white supremacist they've called me John like talk yeah toxic because I you know post before and afters and then they called me this is this one I have never heard they called me they said X fats are the worst fats so now it's weird because the whole thing with a lot of that you know the body positivity and health at every size is they don't want to be just looked at for their size but then being called an expat is like everything about this guy is because he's no longer fat it just it blew my mind I couldn't believe it and then so now it's honestly I guess they just seemed like a huge control account like it really does some of the stuff they're posting doesn't even seem real so now I'm just kind of they're like they're stating that me Alan and Michelle basically anyone who's come out and said oh I like the film I think it's interesting has been paid off and has the director has reached out to us and given us payment to promote the film 100% not true con I think his name's Conor he messaged me before the film was already made he messaged me a few weeks before it was about to come out I was like hey I have a film coming out I would love for you promote it and I said to him I was like I'll watch it and you know if I like it I'll promote that's why I said yeah yeah I'm not gonna sit there and be like oh I hate this film don't watch it but like if I like it I'll say you know and that's what ended up happening but yeah it was it's definitely it's interesting in that the community of acceptance it's it seems like it's more about taking some other people out of the moment like I said there's those messages I get of people that felt like they were kicked out because they were no longer almost big enough or the fact that they had lost weight and it goes back to that whole I think we talked about in the last podcast that we were all on that whole like the fact and a spectrum and there is like a small fat medium fat Infini fat infinite fat right and it was the whole thing was that one was based on clothing but I guess when you when you dig a little bit deeper it's supposed to be you can't as a mid fat say you understand what an infinite fat has been through and so I get that argument a lot now too is like well you know you've had your experience but you don't know what it's like for XYZ I'm like I'm not stating that all I'm stating is that I was morbidly obese and my quality of life was affected because of it you know that's that's that in that said um that's super like who's who's holier-than-thou and this type of movement and for those of you that don't I find history fascinating because it repeats itself and human beings have a are notorious for forgetting history and we forget what real what what real tragedy is we didn't live through World War two or will were one or the Vietnam War like none of us were most people listening to this and watching this weren't alive for those real tragedies we remember September 11th and things that we maybe have like some kind of like perspective on but there are there's real [ __ ] that goes on in the world and to play the victim it the only people that in marginalizes are marginalized people that actually have real [ __ ] struggle and especially when these struggles are where these these struggles are made up and rather than put in the work you're going to complain and demonize other people so if you have someone who's a mid-face and you're saying well you know the infinifactory no and good I don't want to be infinite if you if you're telling yourself infinite fat you're you're not gonna be infinite fat for long you're gonna be infinite dead but and that's what it's serve because everyone and then it gets but then that's where the segmentation comes into play and that's why it's a really hard movement not just the fat acceptance or healthy at every size but it's all these different oppressed groups and then it goes back to the D monetization and then the LGBT and all these other issues that are literally chopped up into such tiny little pieces that you can't separate any one of them so if you cross over if again it's called intersection now if you cross over more of these little sub sects you can't even you can't even address the issue because where does the issue even start it's not even about the issue itself it's about where like the psyche psychological state of mind that would take the victim status is that lack of accountability the lack of responsibility and just literally the entitlement to having it your way and not having to improve yourself and feeling that you deserve things that you don't deserve you're given things are given too many opportunities or you have your life to cushion do you have a supermarket down the street you have running water these are all little subtle things that we don't have any of those issues here in this country we just don't have those basic struggles that a lot of people deal with and I think on a human like an evolutionary level the fact that we don't have to go and get water for some from somewhere I don't know what it is but I feel like even those little things not that I want to I mean it's great to have water just saw it turned our water but I feel like even just those simple little subtle things just take who takes away some part of our DNA that is like essential to the like being I don't want to say the word hard but like I guess a little bit more resilient the resilient yeah of the human species but for it when it comes down to YouTube monetization anyone that feels like they're being marginalized because they're being D monetized how many of you think that I get any of my videos I guess yeah I get yellow dollar signs all day long and it doesn't mean that you're not getting average that those are the advertisers that prefer not to advertise in front of someone who's putting nuts on someone's chin like that guy I'm not gonna run my ad and be associate with this lunatic it's even more than that even for someone like yourself who doesn't swear and doesn't you know go super aggressive on that you voice your opinions you put any kind of tag like obesity or childhood obesity and all of a sudden like I mentioned I mentioned my other podcast when I posted that kirbo app thing noticeably less views and less traction and I have had like a 1200 likes and like 10 thumbs down why are more people not being shown this video they obviously enjoy it it's because of the tags because of the title it's because of I put bad parents I put childhood obesity the real [ __ ] YouTube wants that the algorithm is more for the drama it's not the real issues it's the sensitive [ __ ] like you put gay/lesbian you put trans like oh [ __ ] you're but those tend to get the most views too but they get demonetised because those are the trending topics I mean what's your experience um like on your dashboard with your stuff yeah for me I've noticed so if I use binge eating completely like we'll never get monetized even if I like request review or whatever been the word binge is always and then even if I put obesity at all in the title its to the video that I put up today I knew for a fact like I actually uploaded it last night because I knew it was gonna get hit and so I'm lucky that most of the time when I do request review they're like okay it's fine but it's just weird that the word obesity the word binging all those things and then like that that video with the kirbo app the fact that I mentioned those things it didn't it D monetize but it was like it was like no one saw video which I'm not I'm not one of those who that likes to complain about that because who knows maybe people just weren't interested there there was a lot of people that maybe were vocal about wanting to hear about it but maybe mostly other people didn't care like I don't want to be that person that's like YouTube's killing my channel because of this that Matt or like I like to take responsibility like maybe the content is and what people want to see but I definitely have been demonetised because of those keywords the one thing I'd kind of wanted to bring up with what you were saying earlier is I and this fires me up a little bit I there we go here we go dude you every word go you know I get super annoyed with the health and every size movement trying to attach itself to like civil rights or to racism like racism is terrible right like there is nothing if you are a black man in America you cannot change that right and you shouldn't have to you should be treated with respect no matter what it is you cannot compare obesity to race that is my I cannot stand that you it is not the same thing you can change your obesity you can change that and so like I honestly um I get it blows me away there's not more people that are upset that the health at every size makai do attach itself to you know civil rights or the racism stuff because they're just not the same thing and you compare yourself to that like whenever we talk about you know help it every sighs I get called a white supremacist or it's white supremacy or whatever it's like how was that even slightly the same thing or mail Prague gesture or wipe yeah and stuff like that exactly like just just because you're a oppressed that it doesn't mean that it's the same exact thing is how it was for these people because for them it was like they were being oppressed for something they were there's nothing wrong with one like at all right like it's not like if you're you know you're not white you're unhealthy or whatever no I think you're a human just like everyone else but when you're obese it's like you weren't born that way that was something you did to yourself and so it it it's akin to like in my eyes it's akin to people that are maybe alcoholics or people that are are dealing with these things that most people like oh yeah that's something they did to themselves like yeah it's terrible they're dealing with it but like you want to think they say well we need to I'm being treated like it as if like all these people are being racist towards me because I am alcoholic it's like no people they know you need to stop drinking if you don't want to be treated that way that I just I get so fired up when people compare it to racism or civil rights or you know LGBTQ stuff like it's not it's not the same thing and I think that's a that that's a extremely important point and it's kind of like the body-positive movement should be about people's heights like you can't change how tall you are you know if you're if you're seven feet or you're five foot or you're black or you're like that's the way you were born no one chooses that and it's not to say that some people don't have you know a better starting point or more advantageous or more possibilities due to those conditions and again it's how do you normalize everyone's upbringing how do you make sure that everyone had the same childhood and has the same opportunities like that's something that we can work on and that can be addressed you can give I think there's a great I think there's great premise with equal opportunity I think it's not think there's anything wrong I think everyone should have an opportunity why not but I don't like equal outcome that's [ __ ] equal outcome is extremely dangerous and that's that's that that would that that's what brings down countries that's what brings down empires and stuff like that is the fact that you're human beings merit you have to if you're better than someone else in in a certain way it's just okay then you might that's just the way it is like some people excel at sports some people excel at Art at writing at talking at race car driving like you're gonna have some people yeah but you have to find and pursue that passion which is where I think because of technology people have the ability to be happier I think a lot of where this comes from is we were screwed by the education system we were screwed because we weren't taught about life we're in this weird place where technology is going through the roof but we still have these archaic like real life ways but people can create something that they're passionate about like if you're waking up every day like I know you're enjoying your life you know you're you lost all this weight you're doing things you enjoy you're working now you're doing your podcast or making videos like you're spreading good message like you're enjoying [ __ ] so am I like we both created something that we love to do every day but a lot of people don't I don't have that so they have a lot of pent-up aggression resentment for the cysts sandmen for their parents for how they got [ __ ] over like I have student loans I mean I have a degree in exercise science but my goodness talk about a [ __ ] waste of cash like in terms of like all the other classes I had to take because they required it because it was a degree that needed me to take this so your that that the education business is screwing a lot of people and when people are miserable they're gonna take it out in different ways and if they feel like they have an ability to have a support system and be like oh I could snap my fingers and just you know have all these people that got my back it's an easy way to do that but to do so and to attach your movement to race and things that have that or have real implications yeah it's extremely dangerous and it's insulting and I think people don't really talk about it because when you talk about race you are you're on like what you say the wrong thing you're getting fired like I'll talk about it you can talk about I mean I'll talk about [ __ ] anything but it's yeah it's a sensitive issue that she I mean people and it's people don't want to address it I want to make it clear to it's like when I say that stuff I'm not saying that we should not treat people that are with respect I'm not saying any of that stuff but it's like to compare the two it would be like comparing someone not being able to fly because of the color of their skin right that's terrible mmm everyone would agree I would hope versus this person can't fly because they're so overweight that they have to pay for two seats and they've decided they're not not going to do that it's not the same thing I'm sorry like it is those are two different issues and like while yes I agree that sucks that you have to pay for two seats that obviously I want I wouldn't want to do that but at the same time if you are taking up two seats you got a pink a form like right so to compare that that's what I mean you know to compare the two in that way is ridiculous should people that are morbidly obese be treated well absolutely should they not be made fun of and people like point at them and laugh yet know like I've dealt with that it's not fun but again you have to be realistic about your size and realize there are going to be implications not just with your health but with how you move throughout life whether that's not being able to fit on a roller coaster not being able to go bungee jumping skydiving you know all these things that maybe you want to do but your size is hindering you that's not society's fault it's something that you've done to yourself there's a weird there's a weird misconception about myself you people that do not agree with a fat acceptance movement it's not the fact that people are obese we're aware we're aware you then you of all people are aware John I mean I'm I've trained many Alan does this Michelle we know people are morbidly obese like that's an issue what I take I guess quote offense to what I don't like about it is you're taking that issue and you're making it making a group that makes it I have a positive spin on it and that's extremely dangerous if we can all sit around be like okay we have a lot of obese people we have a lot of fat overweight morbidly obese people what are we gonna do about it let's improve this it's not saying you're bad person it's not saying you're not a valid human in society but facts are facts and the fact that you're creating a movement that is creating this positive Avenue for people that don't need to change and like people are actually gaining weight to be a part of this group people are actually they are showing and they're getting attention like hey look watch me gain 50 pounds are eating themselves overweight on YouTube and YouTube shares these videos there are people that are on purpose gaining weight eating a lot of food and showing their weight gain because they're one be a plus-size model because you'll get more work now it's easier to break through if you're one of the unique people that can be a an overweight or a plus-size model that's a more of a niche market and people see the opportunity in that just like you'll have people that will change their gender in order to win more races like there are people that will [ __ ] do whatever they can to feel to get that gold medal to get to win people most people don't understand the competitive nature people will [ __ ] change their sex in order so to win and to be they [ __ ] will people are jacked up in the head and so many cases but it's not that fat as bad but we only need a movement honoring it like that doesn't that doesn't make any any sense whatsoever and too healthy it every size what doesn't get talked about because it says is like anorexia you're saying me that you tell me that someone who weighs a hundred pounds and they're 5/6 you tell me that's healthy it's easily not malnutrition and excess nutrition it's again both ways but no one talks about that in terms of healthy at every size let's go Infini fat what about in finis skinny what about you know ya Adam Adam size or whatever you want to who knows what the [ __ ] is it doesn't even exist but healthy at every size that's what it means it means you could be skin and bones and be healthy I don't think the I don't think the victims and the concentration camps were too healthy yeah yeah and the argument that I always hear when I when I bring that up is like well we're not saying that your health yet any size we're saying that you can have healthy habits at any size and I might then say that yeah and like if that's the I agree a hundred percent if you're gonna have those healthy habits if you are really really skinny you're gonna start gaining weight to a regular size if you're really really overweight like I don't think people that have like there's a lot of the a lot of the women it is women but a lot of the people that are in the healthy at every size movement are not really really really really really overweight to where it's like they're having issues with their health but when you get to that size because I was I was getting there there the habits that you have are so unbelievably unhealthy to get to that point so like for me like I kind of stated earlier I drank a two liter soda a day easily easily right I didn't move I didn't do anything I I sat in my house all day so the habits that I had made me very unhealthy and so once I switched those habits and it's like it's stuff that anyone knows and everyone knows you shouldn't be drinking a ton of soda everyone knows you shouldn't be eating candy bars all the time right like I just switched the most obvious things that I knew were unhealthy and this is coming from some of the I had I was as clueless as you can be about nutrition when I started losing weight as clueless as you can be but once I made those changes I started seeing weight loss I started seeing a healthier version of myself and so they always used that argument but I'm just like it's just like picking at straws now I feel like like yes you can have healthy habits in any size of course that's what we agree with as well and we want people to pick up those healthy habits and once those habits happen you're gonna start losing weight but then it's like the healthy at every size movement if you do end up lose weight and you're like oh look it I lost weight I'm so happy on my progress now you're toxic because you posted it before and after picture and you're not allowed to post those because it makes us feel bad about ourselves why is that it's like why is that such a poison in that community I mean before and afters I mean have been abused by that fitness industry of course like fake and Photoshop and stuff like that but why when someone shows how and when people share those and you can talk about this I mean I was I was overweight from like my by my standards when I lost and I've mentioned this before but it's because I was like you know gaining so much but I saw a picture and I was like wow I was probably 20 25 pounds extra just water weight and some extra fact I was bulking but I wasn't obese it was like by choice I was just eating I'm like okay I've gone this is too heavy for me let me cut back down so it was you know maintainable but when you have I just I've just completely blanked out I was gonna go we're just talking about B ways of losing weight oh yeah before-and-after before-and-after pictures so it's been it's been abused by the the fitness industry but people share those and you share that as like because you're proud of yourself and you feel better so you want to show that other people can do it too why is that so offensive it just shows my view and you can if your opinion or if you agree or disagree totally cool we'll see but I think it's because it reflects on what they're not doing it's a mirror reflection you're seeing what someone else is doing and watching and looking at someone else's transformation it's a mirror reflection on your own inadequacies and your own lack of discipline and your own lack of action and people instead of being inspired and saying you know what if John can do it I can do it too and be like it's much easier to be take offense by it okay you know what you know John is white supremacist John is promoting you know the diet culture and this is the problem rrragh and they just they get angry and they lash out rather than take it inside would be like that's empowering if John can do it I can [ __ ] do it I think I think that that's probably what's going on inside their heads that like what you explained what I've heard as the argument they'll actually state is that basically they feel like everyone loses weight from a basically a place of self-hate so it's like I hated myself so I decided to change and now I love myself and so I think that in their like the way they rationalize it cuz I just try to understand it there there has to be something have to believe it to some extent right just say these things so I think that they they truly believe that people that lose weight are doing it because Society has told them that being overweight is unacceptable and it's all Society not because maybe they felt unhealthy not because maybe they were having health conditions not because you know but because society told them to so there they're just following Society so I've been when I'm attacked for like posting before and after is it's a lot of people seem to think that anyone that loses weight does it because they hate you did themselves and you know everyone's like about self-love now so it's like if you just loved yourself you wouldn't have had to change and so I think that's that's why they get so upset about that why can't you why can't you want to self-improve why can't you be unhappy with where you're at like why can't you it's your body it's your life why can't you hate yourself and it's not like you hate yourself like I hit myself I'm gonna kill myself why can't you I hate my situation I'm frustrated up and I'm gonna change I don't think that's I don't think I know it comes from it's two different types of I mean you it's the use of the language yeah but I I think it yeah I think it exposes what they're not what they're not doing but I think that's what that's the beautiful thing about life is that you can change and you're a different person than you were five years ago mm-hmm even if you're the same like how was it that you lost the weight like uh it's been about six years right so you're but even six years ago like you lost a weight maybe you're around the same you build more muscle and you're but you're a different person than you were three years ago I'm a okay I'm a completely different person then three freaking years ago like a little bit over three years ago swollen Ormus and this this didn't exist like I'm a complete I've learned so much different things I've evolved and what the way I think and the way I feel in my direction and stuff so if you're not growing you're not changing like I was I almost resent and I eject like my past so much I really block out memories I just uh even like good things like my for me my past almost doesn't even exist it's like no like that that's in the in the past like I just I lose it forget it I move on like I you know I'm focusing on now in the future and you know living in the past can be a bad thing but it's also important to understand your transition and your different phases of life and you have to you have to change and grow human beings thrive on growing into themselves and and becoming a different person and a better person and self-improvement and to knock someone for improving themselves it's like [ __ ] who the hell are you to to judge someone for how they are improving themselves so you can reverse the acceptance you can reverse the the offensiveness to anyone it's just so easy to be offended and if you take that and it doesn't matter if it's you can say something I felt like I could say something that's offensive but whether or not that you take that personally that's on you mm-hm and people don't realize they have the power to internalize emotions or to listen to these voices or just just tune it out you get a lot of hate and like you might read it but you don't internalize that I'll read some of this stuff or I'll see a comment I I don't have time to internalize I don't have enough emotion to spare to give a [ __ ] about your feelings being hurt and that's just my approach doesn't mean I don't care about your feelings it just means like I don't have time for you have to deal with your own feelings mm-hmm and it's about yeah I feel the awareness to that they're in control their own perception of what's going on you can get offended by everything you read and everything you see why yeah I think like we were talking about with like the language and stuff I think that I've always said that I hate what obesity didn't to me but it doesn't mean that I hated myself right so I think that you do like when you decide to this way and again when I speak about like losing weight I'm usually talking about people that are morbidly obese because that's where my experience comes from is to actually lose the weight and to make those changes it is a form of self-love because you're like I'm hating what I'm not capable of I'm hating that I can't go do this do that that you know I feel sick or whatever so I want to make a change so it doesn't it doesn't always it's just like that community they always see it as they oh honestly they see it as a negative truly and again that's probably the more extreme sides of the health at every size for sure but it is crazy to me that they see it as that because again I think the law out of it comes down to identity right so they truly believe that it is their identity that they are overweight so like we were talking about you know I'll say there's this group of people that are trying to come together in and defeat obesity right get rid of obesity these people when they hear that they think they want to get rid of all of us instead of oh they want to make the world healthier it's they want to get rid of our kind basically it's kind of the again it's like they're they're attaching it to maybe race or to these things that are inherently unchangeable about ourselves right it's like it would it's that is crazy to me so but I think that that's why they're so vehemently against change is because they feel like if you change it would be like me changing I don't like my race or something like that and like oh you no longer identify with this so you can't be a part of our group anymore and so I think that that's where their mindset is that's why when they hear people losing weight or when they hear people that are against health at every size they think they're against me as a human when no I'm not against you I'm against the fact that like that you have a lot of fat on you and I want you to lose that fat but more than anything like I really don't care about the people that are on the extreme side hope that ever sighs like I understand I'm not gonna change their mind what I'm trying to do is when they make these claims I want to say hey that's not true and that's dangerous to believe that that's that's why I feel like my my mission almost is right now is to to fight back what I believe is lies that is coming out of their mouths and the interesting thing is these people are those that really don't seem to have had any real not that I've had tons of adversity in my life but it seems like everyone that's like really most vocal are super freaking privileged in this world they act like they're a victim and they have no options in this well you certainly have plenty of food you certainly have social media and technology you have phones that your your wealthier and your more privileged than 99% of the frickin world so where the [ __ ] do you get off pretending like you're a victim when you have access to all these amazing features that some people would literally and they do literally kill and sacrifice lives to try to get by coming to this country or other you know first world countries Europe and places like that like there are a lot of refugees and people that are they don't have food they don't have water they're living in a failed state they're living in these situations that are completely just depraved and if you have the ability to complain about being a victim for having too much literally excess of calories you're a human being that does not have to farm that doesn't have to hunt that doesn't have to clean food that doesn't have to deliver it you don't have to go to Mexico to get the food delivered to you it'll come to your door if you pay 20 bucks they'll deliver your groceries or you hit a button and you can like it's it's ludicrous how people forget the fact that they are over privileged and that they are just completely in denial that they have access to everything and it just seems like people are always even though the nutritionists you know I don't I don't want to buy I'm not I try not to because you know when you make [ __ ] when I make fun of people and I and I make these videos it's very easy to and it's always the lowest hanging fruit if you make fun of like the way someone looks like that doesn't that doesn't play you know that's that's rude that's like very like you know elementary school like you're fed or huh look at your nose or that's just that's that's childish [ __ ] so there's no need for that and that doesn't that just doesn't you know help anyone but it always it's always conveniently someone who's maybe who's overweight or who's not really in a great situation like themselves and it just it's convenient it's convenient and it's it's what's trending and it seems like Instagram this is where I'm going with this Instagram is this I'm not sure why maybe it's just the algorithm I'm two separate companies for anyone that's confused that YouTube is owned by Google and alphabet and that Instagram is Facebook but there's hope there's two different responses to the content on Instagram and YouTube and you were talking about before why and let's get into this discussion because I'm not broadcasting right I'm broadcasting right now on YouTube and Facebook not Instagram why is all this [ __ ] so prevalent or so it seems on Instagram but on YouTube we all will post this content and people will be like I agree this is ridiculous is absurd but on Instagram you're getting just blasted mm-hmm yeah I think it's it's really interesting to me because I've definitely noticed there is more support for these types of videos the videos that we make on YouTube I almost don't really talk too much about it on Instagram well that's why I talk about it a lot on Instagram but I know that I'm going to get a lot more pushback I guess it's it is interesting and I honestly I wish I don't know why that is I have noticed which is very interesting to me which it frustrates me because it's like you make these crazy claims so before I go off on the tangent like they a lot of the extreme I'll just call them extremists um that helps at every side right a lot of the extremists there that post these really inflammatory things you go to comment and you can't because they always have their comments made it so that only the people that basically I think it's like you have to both be following each other are allowed to comment and I'm just like so you want to make these crazy claims and you don't even want to hear any sort of opposing views like yeah it's probably frustrating when you post something and then a lot of the comments or disagreeing with you that's one of the things that I will say with like Tess Holliday she doesn't do that like she has all of her compliments are on and you can see what people are saying about certain things like you'll notice like when it's maybe just like a regular picture there's not many people saying stuff but then when it's you know she's talking about health at every size there's a lot more discussion in the comments which I do appreciate and I think that's good that she does that and I would hope that she continues to do that but it's definitely it seems like you're able to create a safe space more on Instagram than you are on YouTube YouTube has always been more like it's funny because for me it used to be YouTube was where I didn't get as many or I got more like a negative comments because YouTube is a lot more anonymous right so it's like most people that comment on YouTube don't actually have a channel that they're making videos on but on Instagram it's like most of the time this isn't always this is just my own thoughts but most of the time people that have an Instagram are actually using that Instagram for what instagrams for it they're posting pictures of themselves of them family so that it's connected to who they actually are so I think that that's why YouTube is like for me now it's it's weird cuz it's switched but for the longest time it was like when I got people meant the same making fun of my loose skin or making fun of like certain things like that it was almost always on YouTube now it's I don't know why I don't even know how to explain it but it's definitely kind of switch for me yeah I think the anonymous nature of these platforms is one of the issues just because you can say whatever you want I mean Instagram and I'm you know YouTube - you can block you can have it automatically block certain words from appearing so if someone uses let's say you don't want someone to use a word [ __ ] in your comments you put that in some of your blocked words and someone types it in there their comments show up so they might put it they might preempt this a lot but they'll delete comments and they'll you know and and that's why people screenshot comments and then say hey look you know why are you deleting comments just like that those troll pages that were kind of trying to call you out part a part of me I think almost that this kind of stuff it can be dissipate a little bit one of the I'll get into that a second but one of the reasons maybe why YouTube you get more more feedback because you can classically and more people watch that and watch the videos in their entirety and of course you can go in there and just hit the thumbs down but that doesn't really make much of a difference for like the algorithm standpoint but you can formulate your thoughts so if someone that's watching your video or the or when it pops up or they're subscribing so they're more likely you know people aren't getting notifications this and the other and I'm learning more and more about why that is because of based on the tags and the type of content YouTube will even people that subscribe to you even you have notifications on they're less likely to show your new video based on because they want to be more friendly to people so you're less likely to see even if you subscribe to someone if they're making a video about a sensitive topic you're you're more less likely to see it which is ridiculous but you're able to formulate your opinions more and Instagram is really more kind of like a Twitter YouTube kind of blend where you have you can literally post a picture that's like words and no caption or you can post seven or eight paragraphs as a caption or you can post a minute video or you can post an hour video in IG TV you can you know so there's all these different and or Instagram stories and you can talk for a while and you can string it together so there's so many different ways you can communicate within Instagram Instagram YouTube is like okay you post maybe you can post a picture but not like it'll post pictures on there I do sometimes you have stories but people don't really use that that much because it sucks but yeah you'll have is the functionality is garbage which would be cool if they updated it but here nor there you can on YouTube you have the videos so you go there for the videos and you know what you're gonna expect you know what you're looking for you're gonna get a full well-thought-out video potentially but you get the long form kind of like this podcast case in point YouTube I'm not streaming this on Instagram because it can't be done and when it comes to Instagram there's just like there's six places to look at for one thing so you can really get away with these bites little snippets and snaps and it's hard to communicate in the DMS when you get a lot of them it's really hard to keep track of conversations and to filter those out and to respond efficiently and there's just much more ability to leave those like little snarky comments like they'll stick out more that's what it seems like it'll have more of like a it would like the top comments it'll stand out I think a little bit more on Instagram but it's very it's very strange it's very strange that kind of split it's like where are they on YouTube why aren't they why aren't they as upset on YouTube why is it ok and it might be that anonymous thing you could be pretty anonymous on YouTube too yeah it is interesting that yeah you don't see a lot of like the healthy at every size on on YouTube I I wonder if it's again like you're able to like I said on Instagram I'm able to kind of curate your your followers and it things might not go to like there's the explore page on Instagram which I'm sure can work for some people but like on YouTube you put up a video it's like it could potentially go up to a lot of people that maybe aren't your demographic but you got kind of got a deal with it that so maybe you know you put out one video and you get so much hate it's like maybe it kind of makes you not want to put out another video I feel like that viral you have that virality and that reach potential much more on YouTube you have that organic organic Riyaz a lot better on YouTube you have a trending topic and you can get like a ton of views more than your subscriber base depending on the topic Instagram you're never happens you're always getting a percentage and you know that's how you can pick out troll accounts so you know I mean you myself alan michelle get very high engagement rates but it's still a fraction of people that follow a fraction of what you would think based on like follower count but you don't really reach doesn't get out it's not searchable like youtube you youtube is with the tags with the search functions obviously it's built on the back of google which is why it's so good in terms of searching and finding the content you want mm-hmm Instagram it's just kind of like here here's a mess of things like no one searches by hashtag who the hell goes on his hat let me look up the who posted it lately under fat acceptance hashtag no one does that no one does unless you're like doing research and you're looking to like pick out people that are yeah you know which I love to use the same hashtags but it's like your people see it if they share it or tag it so I feel you have the more of an ability to have a viral or popular video and but it's very also easy to mistake not getting a word out or not getting as many views for being some kind of like mission against a certain movement but you know it's a just from what I know from Tech and from I do personally I don't even know how these things work and how it functions as well as it does considering how many people are using it how many people it's just it's a really incredible place to voice your opinion but this is very interesting fundamentally I mean I still don't think we were just kind of like up in our like I don't know we no-one got an answer from this discourse right here about it but it says Instagram is noticeably you'll get more of those types of I just don't maybe think that people go into the comments as much on YouTube mm-hmm I think that's yeah that's probably big reason I know I don't I'll try to answer a few but it's like it just it's not as easy to go into the comments and to respond it's not as like user friendly so maybe that's part of it so people don't really even pay much attention and have that maybe the top couple comments that people make that get the most likes people will respond to but then you go deep no one looks at those but Instagram yeah people go through and it's very it's right there and I think maybe that's part of it is that you can respond a lot more and you can get I guess seen a lot more by everyone even including the creator on Instagram mm-hmm yeah I think that's that's actually a really good point definitely the because I know I try and read some of my comments off on YouTube but again it's like I'm not gonna sit there and read every comment but on Instagram yeah it's some reason I don't know why but I definitely see myself I noticed myself reading more of the comments there and even responding a little bit more there and then then I do on YouTube so I think that's actually a really good point yeah I see some people in the comments saying you can follow hashtags on Instagram or people follow hashtags I don't so I mean maybe other people do losers don't I just don't think people use that as often I mean I know I make the content I have my opinions you have your opinions everyone does I think because I reach out and I try to like I'm still impressed by the the level of like positive feedback posting what I do and I keep it I find myself unfortunately when I post them the content that I do I just feel when I'm posting it that the climate is so much more sensitive now and I keep feeling like there's gonna be something where it's just like the breaking point where something happens to like a post of mine or someone else's like it I don't feel like it's getting more and more open however I also feel like that could be the exact opposite and most people don't realize it so I tend to go even harder with my stuff now because it stands out but I think there's a thirst for truth there's a thirst for and it started with the shift into like things like Instagram stories and live broadcasts and podcasts where you can get more I guess information from the creator or for the person you follow you can get more well formulated thoughts and people are tired of like the little Twitter blast or like just the post and just this little snippet they want to hear more so something that breaks through the noise that actually says what people what they're thinking is refreshing so even though we have a climate where everyone's sensitive and everyone's getting offended I almost feel like there's more of a need for people like myself you Alan Michelle James everyone else that posts I guess quote against this or taking opposing viewpoint it's even more important to dig in more not to be like the other that group but that there are we have to be the voice for people that I know that's probably they think which is kind of ironic so I'm trying to word this carefully so it's not like well you know we're just taking and trying to push and spread apart people more but there's a lot of people that feel this way that could never say it because of the yeah I'm it and it's really and it comes out with this like look everyone that's watching the positive feedback and all the the light in the the shares I mean people agree they just can't promote that themselves and I mean I've had people that say I can't SH I wish I could share this I'm sure you probably get that - I don't know you gotta like people say I wish I could share this video I wish I could share this post and you're like then share it but people are afraid to I mean what do you say what about people that are lit that work in companies or that have family members that obese and they agree with you and me and everything we're saying like but they feel trapped like what would you say for those people I think I think a big part of it is a lot of people do agree with what we're saying but they almost have been conditioned to maybe feel like they should agree with the health at every size and so it's like this this like tug of war that might be going on in their head and then when they find like a post from you from Alan Michele me they're like no there's other people that agree with this and they see the again the positive feedback it's like oh this isn't some nice guy that's yelling into a microphone that only about three people agree with it's like no this is overwhelmingly people agree with that so I think that's a big part it's almost because of the culture now we're conditioned to feel like we should agree with the oppressed side right and so it's like I should agree with the fat acceptance or I should agree with the hope that every size because they're being oppressed and I don't want anyone to be oppressed but then when you dig a little bit deeper you're like wait a second I don't agree with that and then you find maybe people that are making the types of videos that we are so I think that that might be a big part of it and then what like when it comes to like a family member when it comes to you know if you are in that level of power or I feel like if you do a voice your opinion you might get in trouble like from a job and stuff like that I mean that sucks there's no there's nothing that I think of thee that we could do or that you could do you know obviously it's always you can voice your opinions in a way that's going to on purpose trying to hurt some people's feelings which is useful and can be like you've you've done it before right you're right you're able to like get that initially what the heck and then people actually dig deeper like oh okay it was just to get my attention or whatever but maybe if you are dealing with a family member that you don't want to do that ooh that might not be the best option to go for you know so that's why I think it's cool that we all do have our own different ways of explaining things while we do pretty much agree almost on everything we explain it in a way that maybe they might not feel comfortable sharing your video but we feel comfortable sharing mine or Michelle's or Alan's or they might not feel comfortable sharing mine but then they're like oh no I really identify with this or with that so I think that there's there's value in having like more than one because sometimes I struggle with you know being a creator I'm like man I'm like I feel like we we talked about the same thing or whatever but and that take a step back I'm like well it doesn't really matter like people are going to get something different out of each video anyways right like the fact that we all talk about health and every size or we all talk about you know body acceptance or weight loss or whatever like just because we're talking about similar things that doesn't mean that you're going to get the same thing out of each video I felt that for a little bit until we all started doing like the podcast and really started you know crossing over a lot more I kind of felt like oh they already talked about it or Ojon or done or Alan made a video so I'm not gonna touch that but now I'm like well that's a good topic and I look at it and I'll say my own thing and I don't think I think that that was like an internal thing that we probably all felt like oh that matters and you realize like oh no one cared I'm like like he took my topic I'm like oh that's a good one you mentioned you can give a shout out like oh they made that exactly this and yeah I think it's more important because well there's first off 7.5 whatever billion people in the world and we all have different audiences they cross over and again different styles you'll get it you'll say something a little bit differently you'll you'll put it in a different light one person might be more shareable or might have a different context or a different perspective that can help but it's really weird how it seems like everything gets and I don't know this is because the way the internet kind of started with Twitter and how Twitter was really like political from the beginning but I feel like all this stuff with the fat acceptance that people really take it with this kind of political or religious like mentality it feels like people were all we're all primed since the beginning of time people been fighting about religion since the beginning of time people been fighting about politics like forget about fat acceptance on how many people were arguing about body weight like hundreds years ago butts always been politics like revolutions I mean that's politics yeah you know Wars political you know so all this kind of stuff with the fat acceptance I feel like people are getting the whole marginalization or the split people are reacting like it's politics but it's not politics but they group it and again they attach it to politics and there's that like I'm right you were wrong mentality and I try not to say you know I'll say you know and I try to use like you know self-depreciating humor and you know the the sarcastic nature of it it's like look I'm this [ __ ] bearded guy I'm like raging on a camera how ridiculous is this but I feel like there are certain facts that aren't debatable which is why there hasn't been a real debate and again it's a sense of thing to say like I'm an expert you're not I mean what really is an expert how much does end do any of us really know you know and it goes more and more into philosophy on that but there's this uh this defense of fat acceptance like it's an ideal again like it's an identity and I think again it comes back to and I'd love to hear more input on this from you I think it comes back to people not having a purpose in life like fundamentally and if you have this identity wow there's a group that I believe and there's people that support me and then they attach their identity to this movement and then you attack the movement you're attacking me [ __ ] you you're the evil person you're the white supremacist and then it's anger because no I'm not attacking you as a person I'm you're overweight you're obese like I just don't want you spreading a message to millions of people that it's healthy like it's not but let's yeah let's talk about this let's get let's get this better it's not you as an it's not you exactly so that's that's what I exactly what I was going to say it's like they've turned healthy oversized into their religion right I've talked about this in the in a different context I was talking about with diet so for me right I I believe that with because again most the time I'm talking about weight loss I think that weight loss the main thing you should be focusing on is calories in versus calories out however you want to get there you know obviously you should be eating healthier food I think that that's obvious but like a lot of people whenever I say that I get people that are really big fans Aikido get really upset with me because it's like they think that I am saying if you do 'quite like people that do Kido that are really into it they turn it into more than just their diet they turn it into again like you were saying their identity it's this is what this is who make this is what makes me who I am and so when you disagree with it it's like oh so you're disagreeing with me as a person and like you're attacking my identity and that's exactly exactly what is happening with the health of every size because they haven't had an identity they haven't had something to latch on to maybe they don't have anything in in their lives that is worth that they feel like it's worth like fighting for or worth like being a part of so when it's like oh my size is something that I can attach my identity to when you talk about like I said getting rid of obesity are trying to fight the obesity epidemic it's like we're saying we're trying to get rid of this population of people is it no we're trying to get rid of the fact that you're carrying around that's it not we're not trying to get rid of you yeah that that's what bothers me about keto or vegan or anyone that puts these types of things in there like forget for example Instagram profiles like you know they have their name is like something like the fit vegan or you have like yeah you know the the Kido Kido life and it's like well you're planting your flag in one thing you're creating your entire your entire framework around this one ideology that I think it's really important to make it clear that there's more than one way to success now I'm a big proponent like you mentioned you know that quality is I think quality is the most important thing not at the expense of science and thermode and thermodynamics I you know you need to have make sure that your calories or me you're eating too much that you're consuming too much energy where is it gonna go you're gonna gain over the over time maybe not instantaneously but you're gonna gain over time so if you're eating healthier foods it's going to be a lot easier to make sure that doesn't happen so it goes hand in hand and you know whether or not people want to do keto or vegan there's just many ways to say so it doesn't have to be this my way or the highway and you know for you to lose weight in this whole anti diet culture we didn't really go into that as much but we talked about the before and afters the transformation pictures and that if you lose weight or you talk about losing weight or you talk about dieting the word diet I love that word why because it's a word that is descriptive and that's real it comes from the ancient Greek it's like the accumulation is the sum of your nutritional that's what a diet is you have a diet I have a diet what your diet is is whatever it is well my diet is doesn't have to be a keto or paleo it could be I eat this just whatever it is that you eat that's your diet you know put it down on a piece of paper that's your diet those are things that you eat you know and there are many ways to to get and to be successful but I don't think there's anything wrong with adjusting weight loss you mentioned earlier about we talk when we talk about like your morbidly obese that's more acceptable to talk about weight loss for them but then we get into that little gray area not the not the infinifactory called those but maybe 10 15 pounds 20 pounds that's where it gets really gray that's where it gets really like okay you don't love yourself now like you look good subjective beauty subjective how you feel subjective but also kind of objective depending because being obese and being unhealthy eating bad food can be directly related to your mental health and mental health in this country is completely upside-down [ __ ] and no one talks about the connection with nutrition and exercise with mental health we talk about medication and people need to be what do you think is triggering these brain like responses and these depressions it's because of the purpose it's because of people feeling trapped not having an outlet for what they want to do what they enjoy and also getting pumped full of sugar and all these chemicals so let's talk a little bit about the people that are maybe hey I want to lose 10 pounds hey man I'm trying to lose 10 pounds I just can't lose the last little bit of weight that's where it gets really gray because not everyone is destined to have a six-pack it's not it's not a popular thing to say you all want to say nothing's impossible and nothing is if one person can do it another person could possibly do it some people just with their schedule with their effort most people don't have the awareness of how much discipline it takes to make to make not just to lose weight not just to gain a little weight excess calories calorie deficit but to build muscle to carve that out to get that little last bit extra - there are a lot of variables and it's a lot of discipline and if you're a Y of two and you have two jobs or you're a father and you work at this time it takes an exceptional amount of discipline and dedication effort and not everyone's either dedicate enough has the time or has the really the interest to put that kind of effort in and you know there's something to be said for never giving up there's also something to be said for you got to find that balance between what you're happy with what you under I don't know you know where I'm going with this yes it's a tough it's a tough lay yeah so for me I've always said that like losing weight for me was about improving the quality of my life so that should be I think that should be your main goal and so there was a time where when I did my bodybuilding show that the me I was at my leanest and the quality of my life was terrible like I understood that I had to take these steps to get to the it was a goal that I had right so I understood that this is a season I'm not gonna always be this lean which is another self something people should realize right like that's why I'm not the biggest fan of having a goal weight because it's like maybe that goal weight is too lean for you like if my bowl weight was 180 like I weigh like 205 right now people throw I was like people throw numbers out there like it's exactly I will lose 50 pounds that's a round number maybe 99.5 is optimal Plus building muscle and all that exactly so if I if in my head I was like attached to 180 I would always aggressive failure because I'm too fat in my head right so like that's why I'm not a huge fan of goal weights but your health should be about the quality of your life improving the quality of your life so if losing that last ten pounds is literally like killing you and you feel like you had your you're eating barely anything and you have to do a ton of cardio or whatever it's not worth it in my opinion it's not worth it because now you are you're damaging your health for aesthetics and that shouldn't be like that's never what I am advocating right right it's about it's about being realistic with of like what sacrifices you can make you know sacrifices is almost like a dirty word now but it's like sometimes you know you have to make some sacrifices to see some change and that sacrifice might be the four hours that you spend on Netflix tonight right like why is that why is that dirty word why is it well Kiki I mean this is probably exactly like where we should be going with this why is effort demonized why is hard it was demonized why is why is obsession in a good I mean come on you can why is like that hard work and discipline why is that so oh my god you're obsessed it's like that's why I have results because I'm just I don't give up on it like how you think you get make great things happen it's it's definitely like there is a level to where it can be bad but it's like it's now that's like that level has been pushed back so much that it's like oh yeah I'm trying to lose you know I I'm 200 pounds overweight and I want to lose weight oh my gosh that's gonna take some work and like you're gonna have to make so many changes it's like in reality it's not gonna be that difficult to lose the first little bit of weight to see some progress right like you don't have to make that many changes when you're that overweight to see a little bit of progress so it I was I was thinking about I was talking with my girlfriend about this too it's like it's crazy that when I post before-and-after pictures now and like I'm talking about how you know I've worked hard for this blah blah blah I'm like it's just this like little thing in the back of my head it's like is this offensive and again I understand people like that's ridiculous but it's like the culture in that the climate has become so toxic against that stuff now that it's
Channel: The Daily Swole
Views: 11,580
Rating: 4.946548 out of 5
Keywords: daily swole podcast, daily swole, papa swolio, swolenormous, fitness podcast, obese to beast, john david glaude, weight loss, fat loss, nutrition, belly fat, obesity, weight loss for men, crossfit, strength training
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 4sec (6784 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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