My Honest Tips For Beginners In The Gym | Lost Motivation or Confidence?

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what's up YouTube family and welcome back to my channel today we are talking about confidence in the gym I get a lot of questions about how to feel comfortable in the gym like how to get to the gym and how to approach the gym in a good way and I figured that this is actually a problem out there today so we're gonna make the best of it and we're gonna make a little cute guide here on my youtube channel and I'm gonna take you through step by step how you get from the couch feeling unmotivated choose the gym and how are you feel comfortable in the gym how good is that oh my god so in the couch in the bed in your apartment that's all like almost where it always starts like you're in your house you want to go to the gym but you don't so the first step is actually to get started we have to get started some somewhere and everybody is new at some points it can't be good at something that you haven't tried before and if you think about it the hard part is to get from your house to the gym and actually get started when I was new I wish that somebody told me that I don't have to train every single day I don't have to set too high goals to be able to get to where I am today if I only knew what I know today when I started I would have had so much results so that's why I am like I always tell you guys that it's really important to rest for example I wish I knew that because I was training every single day and I thought that that was supposed to be like that I was supposed to train every single day but it said it's not like that it's not like that at all you don't have to set too high goals you can train once or twice a week and that's fine because we have to start somewhere you have to find a balance and you have to find a routine in your life do you be able to continue the road and continue your own journey I wish that somebody told me that I should feel motivated from people instead of comparing myself to others because that was what I did I was comparing myself to others and it's really easy to do that especially now today when you have the social medias and when you have a lot of like YouTube Instagram going on and the typical how are you supposed to lose that's night don't even think about stuff like that you should do you and you should do the best version of yourself always always don't think that you are supposed to compare yourself to others find a person that you feel motivated from and work your own progress so that's basically it step number one so step number two is to get dressed okay so this is basically always me when I'm not having the camera in front of me you know my Instagram feeds you know I have a lot of bright colors all I have all from pink to yellow to orange to everything that just like pops out there but when I want to train just by myself I wear all black because it's like I melt in I'm in the zone I'm training by myself and nobody is disturbing me it's really like it's really simple and this is basically me okay so I have this on I always have a hoodie on on I always have a hoodie with me so when I train I know I've showed you this before I have a big sweater on [Music] and then I have this one and this is actually so true this is helping me so much this is me when I'm turning like literally me when I'm training because nobody can disturb me I'm like in the zone of myself and nobody can see me because I'm just like I'm just there doing my thing you know and it's really nice it's really simple to just dress only black I'm not saying that you are not supposed to wear any bright colors because you care is the best thing ever I love to wear yellow I love to wear orange but when I want to be just by myself I feel like this is actually helping me so this is just a tip for you to try out have a big hoodie with you I'm always having an extra one as well if I want to do what exercise that is really you know out there I can take this one they can just like tie it around and nobody can see me haha how good is that so good it's really good it's really good I'm a pretty simple as well and if you don't want if you don't want to do that you don't have to it's up to you but I feel that this is actually helping me so much one I just want to go to the gym and do my thing okay so I'm gonna be a beginner today when we come to the gym and I'm gonna train legs and I'm gonna take you from the step I take into the gym and it's gonna be a new gym and then I'm gonna take you through how I'm thinking to be able to get the workout done okay step number three is to have a plan you know I always tell you to have a plan otherwise you're gonna go to the gym and you're gonna feel like what am i doing so plan is always good today we have social media you can find full workouts both on Instagram YouTube you know I have my YouTube you know I have my workouts you know I have my guides as well so find out what you want to do in the gym and start slowly if you want to train shoulders if you want to trim back if you want to train legs have a plan before you go to the gym [Music] I'm okay so we're in the gym and next step is to actually see how the gym it looks like if you haven't been to the gym before it's really good to just like go and have an overview over the gym and in this case for my gym I have the cardio area upstairs and then when I'm on the treadmills I can see the whole gym so most gym has some kind of cardio area if you have a row machine if you have a treadmill if you have some kind of coast trainer anything just do a warm-up feel a little bit more comfortable in the gym and see how the gym looks like before we start I'm gonna have a little overview of the gym now and then I'm gonna start looking for some machines that I want to do because I want to train legs today so actually we're gonna walk for about 10 minutes so warm-up is done and we're supposed to get started in the gym I face the fear we can do it I promise you can do it I can I did it so you can do it as well so when you are new in the gym like there's tons of ways of how to train tons of exercises tons of machines but when you're new in the gym I would say that machines are a little bit more comfortable to do because they're there you have a frame of which muscle group is working and how you are supposed to perform the exercise and you can also install the machines to fit your body type best so I would say that machines are the way to start so I told you that I wanted to train legs today so we're gonna go to the leg machines that we're gonna see the frames see how the machines works and also see which muscle parts of the legs and the booty is working okay so that's the first step and then we're gonna take it to next level but that's where we're gonna start if you're looking at this frame we have a cute looking guy it's going from in to pushing out and this one and I wanted to train legs and I wanted to focus leg workout so as you can see on this frame this is working with the glutes I'm a little bit on the outside of the box of the pipe but mostly on the glutes and that's what I want and like there's nothing wrong with looking at these pictures like trust me I do it when I'm traveling you know I travel a lot and I'm on different kind of gyms every single month and like this machine can look so different in other gyms and like any other machine can look really different because there are different brands and there's nothing wrong with looking at the pictures and the frames on how the machine is working nothing wrong with that the picture is there to help us and to help us get the exercise right we're gonna try this one I'm gonna jump in and as I saw on the picture I want to go out with with my in a adduction but as you can see now something is wrong because like I don't get a angle on this one so look Oster how you can install the machines this one I'm gonna pull this one and push it in now I have a really good start in the machines I'm gonna store it really easy so we feel how the movements and how the machine feels like when I'm doing it I'm gonna start with this and okay so when I'm sitting like this I can feel that when I'm pushing out the goods is being activated so I'm gonna raise the weights a little bit more and make the muscle and now I can really feel it so next step is to actually give yourself some credit because you're in the gym you're staying you're doing you killing it and also to remind yourself that when you are in the gym nobody's there to watch you like nobody's there to judge you everybody's in the gym because they want to work on themselves so what you should do is to do you that's the only thing you have to do you do you everybody do themselves right so even if I'm here with a big-ass camera people not looking like nobody's looking because when I'm in the gym I'm here to do my own work that's like it's really simple if you think about it like that don't let anybody get in your way of what you want in your life as I tell you you are the boss of your own body make it happen and also when we are new in the gym you don't have to do 10 exercises for one muscle look you don't have to go into the gym and do ten exercises for the legs I'm not gonna do that like I'm not doing that today either start slowly start with about five exercises per muscle group because like today we're training legs legs is like the most almost the biggest muscle group we have and you can do a lot of different exercises for different angles and like four quads for hamstrings for glutes that's the whole lower body and you don't have to do ten exercises in total to be able to get a good workout so what we're gonna do is to start slow is to take it step by step and do like five exercises maximum and we don't have to make it hard we don't have to do it hard in the hard way we can do exercises like machines for adduction we can do leg press we can do this one for example the leg extension machine and you can do lying leg curl and you have it all for just like four exercises so you don't have to make it harder than it actually is okay so let's talk about confidence in the gym there are a lot of exercises mostly for us girls that can be alone exposing you know a lot of like out there for example when you do squats I know a lot of girls are thinking about like squat proof leggings because they want to have squat proof asked when they're doing the squats dead lifts dead lifts sick leg deadlift and like the cool crew in the cable that I'm doing a lot of exercises can be exposing and we can feel uncomfortable I personally I never think about stuff like that like I'm trying to do you think that I'm in the gym because I want to train and some exercises it's a little bit more out there but I don't care but I I totally understand and I have also like I know the feeling of when you are doing an exercise in a new gym or with a crowded gym and people are like all over and you're doing different like certain amount of exercises that shows a little bit too much I know the feeling but if you feel like that just take the sweater tie around your waist and you will be over okay so we're gonna wrap it up here guys I really hope still like this video and I hope that this was helpful for you when you are new in the also I want to say that below I will link every single one of my comment makes videos from the gym because these are really good and really informative and really like when you are new in the gym it's not that easy to know what's right and what's wrong and remember we all are you at some point we all have to make mistakes to be able to get better always it's always like that but it can be really good to look at these common mistakes because it can be small things small tips and tricks to make it right and to make the exercise like feel more so you can feel the exercises more and so you can get the most out of your workouts and if there is a certain exercise that you feel is a little tricky or a little hard to do you can always research back home go home skip the exercise don't do the exercise if you don't feel comfortable doing it you can do something else you can use the machines as I showed you before and go home and do the research and like find all the tips and tricks you can to make the exercise right I once again commet mistakes videos linked below for you to see I have both backs they have for abs I have for your legs I have for boots I have for everything so just check them out before you go to the gym they are really good and really informative okay so I hope you had fun I did so guys I see you in my next video please give this video a thumbs up if you felt that it was a good one I don't know what to do this subscribe to my YouTube channel and don't forget to turn on the notification bells so you never miss a video with me I see you in my next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hanna Öberg
Views: 154,647
Rating: 4.9661341 out of 5
Keywords: hanna öberg, hanna oeberg, hanna oberg, hannah oeberg, hannaoeberg, beginner, tips, for, the, gym, motivation, confidence, beginners, guide, how, to, start, working, out, fitness, weight loss, weight loss journey, weight loss motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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