Daily Quiz (7th April 2024) for UPSC Prelims | General Knowledge (GK) & Current Affairs Questions

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hello everyone so today we'll be taking up the daily quiz for the date 7th of April 2024 so yeah 2024 so we had quite interesting articles from today's newspaper so the first headlines was on the basis of the citizenship Amendment rules allows dual citizenship so in this context we'll be taking up the question so one was filed regarding the citizenship Amendment rules and by the way who who has given the citizenship Amendment rules which Ministry it is Ministry of Home Affairs so let us start with the first question with reference to the citizenship Amendment act 2019 consider the following statement CAA that's your citizenship Amendment act provides a path for fast trck citizenship for Hindus Muslim Hindus sik Buddhist Jane pares Christians from India's all the neighboring country is it true so does uh Hindu sik Buddhist Pary Christians and all the six Buddhist Pary Christian uh James all the six Community from all the Indian neighboring countries do they get Indian citizenship in a fast track manner what do you think no it is not all the IND all the neighboring countries it's only Pakistan Bangladesh Afghanistan in Pakistan Bangladesh Afghanistan the minority the religious minorities like say Hindus s Buddhist James pares Christians they will get the the Indian citizenship in a FASTT trck manner stand under naturalization process normal uh a foreigner would take 11 years these guys will take only five years so again this statement is wrong why it is wrong it is not all it is only Pakistan Afghanistan and Bangladesh fine okay statement one is wrong what about statement two dual citizenship that is your dual citizenship is not allowed it's not allowed to an Indian citizen as per the Indian laws is it true can can any Indian hold dual citizenship in the sense you are a citizen of India as well as you are a citizen of us or say Canada is it is it possible no as per India's law if you are an Indian citizen you cannot hold any other citizen by the virtue of you holding other citizen your Indian citizen will get automatically cancelled that is India's law so you cannot hold any other citizen if you take up any other country citizenship you your Indian citizenship will get canell so again here dual citizenship is not allowed this is absolutely right India doesn't allow dual citizenship for Indian citizens so dual uh citizenship is not allowed to an Indian citizens as per the Indian laws this statement is right if you take up any other country citizenship your Indian citizenship will automatically get cancelled so that is the rules so again statement two is right what about statement three citizenship Amendment act the rules do not require the applicant to anounce their existing citizenship so again what do you think is it right wrong so the recent rules of citizenship Amendment act given by mha Ministry of Home Affairs Does it include this no it it uh as as per the rules uh this statement is right that the citizenship Amendment rules do not require the applicant to renounce their existing citizenship so that is the reason why a plea was filed in the Supreme Court so as of now this statement is right that the citizenship Amendment rules that was recently rolled out as per that it doesn't request for the applicant to renounce their existing citizenship so this statement is right so again both the statements are right so the answer has to be b b is the answer fine okay now we'll take up the next question and the next question is from the article that is regarding your IMF so and by by analyzing all the PQ we'll get to know that uh upsc has asked a lot of question on IMF regarding the reports that they publish so a lot of questions have come in upsc regarding this one so on the same lines we'll be taking up the question which of the following reports are published by IMF uh first one is World economic Outlook so what do you think world economic Outlook Outlook is it published by IMF yes World economic Outlook is published by IMF so global economic prospects so global economic prospects is it published by IMF no global economic prospects is published by World Bank so again here don't get confused World economic Outlook is published by IMF global economic prospects is published by World Bank and the third one is Global Financial stability report so Global Financial stability report is it published by IMF yes it is published by IMF so statement 1 and three that is uh report number one and three is right so the answer has to be C is the answer World economic Outlook and Global Financial stability report are published by IMF global economic prospects is published by World Bank fine so this was your question number two and question number three is based on one important article that was regarding solar power and it mentioned that the importance of various government scheme and one of the most important government scheme was PM suar mu B Yoga so it was recently launched in February 2024 this article was emphasizing what are the benefits of this uh scheme that is p Su mu B yna so with reference to the question number three with reference to the PM gar mu B Yoga consider the following statement so statement one under the scheme households will be provided with a subsidy to install the solar panel on the roof is it true is that the uh is is that the importance of this PM sua Muti mu blya yes under this PM G PM suar mu B OA so households are eligible to install solar panels at a subsidized rate at a subsidized race in the sense government will later on provide them with some sub subsidy so this statement is right under the scheme households will be provided with a subsidy to install solar panels on the roof the statement is right so St statement number two it offers subsidy of 100% for the installation of solar roof panel for the installation of rooftop solar panels on residential building is it 100% uh does does the scheme provide 100% of subsidy no the scheme doesn't provide 100% of subsidy the scheme provides up to yeah that is the scheme provides up to 40% of subsidy not 100% subsidy up to 40% of subsidy is given under the scheme so this statement is wrong so what about statement number three the scheme is implemented by Ministry of power is it true uh does PM Surya gar mu B is implemented by Ministry of power no it is not implemented by Ministry of power then which ministry will implement the scheme it will be implemented by Ministry of new and renewable energy not Ministry of power it will be implemented by Ministry of new unrenewable energy so this statement is also wrong so the answer has to be c c is the answer fine okay so now we'll go to the next question so the next question is regarding sites so consider the following statement and again upsc had asked one question regarding the sites and again it was too much in news So based on that we are taking up the question which of the following statement is or correct regarding the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild FAA and Flora so that is known as the short form is sites which of the following statements are correct regarding sites so statement one sites is an intergovernmental International agreement a at ensuring the international trade in wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival is is is this why sites has been established that is to ensure that international trade in the wild animals and plants do not threaten their survival so what do you think that is the precise reason why sites has been established if you see the name the the name of sites it's well so it is nothing but convention on international trade in India dangered species of wild FAA and Flora again here it the the the core agenda of sites is to Monitor and regulate the international trade of endangered wild flora and FAA so that it doesn't threaten their life so that is the Crux of the sites why sites was formed this statement is absolutely right so statement two sites is a legally binding treaty is it true is sites a legally binding treaty can can sites be a legally binding treaty or is it so important that it is legally binding treaty in fact sites is a legally binding treaty so and uh sites is a legally binding treaty so the answer has to be C both statement one and two are right so additional information about sites is India a member of sites has India uh signed uh the agreement of sites yes India is a member of site India has ratified sites so it is a legally B binding duty of India to follow the uh agreements of sites so India is a member of sites so the answer over here is C is the answer fine okay we'll take up the pyq that's a 2017 pyq uh the parliament parliament of India exercises control over the function of the Council of Minister through the question is how can the parliament exercise control over the ministers that is the Council of ministers so in what are the ways what are the functions first one is adjournment motion through adjournment motion can the parliament uh create create some accountability hold hold accountability to of the government yes through adment motion what happens in an adment motion if if any of the MPS feel that some important matters has to be discussed the ongoing matters in the parliament would be adjourned in order to discuss the important matter so that this MP can question the minister or say can bring the attention of the government towards that important matter adment motion is one of the ways through which parliament of India that is the MPS can exercise the function can exercise the control over the function of the Council of minister so statement one is right that is adment motion so in question hour so through question hour can the parliament exercise control over the functions of the Council of Minister yes that's why question hour is designed see in question hour there are various types of questions say for example the MPS can ask starred question or say unstarred question through which they can control the of they can they can control over the functions of the Council of minister in the sense they can hold the Council of Minister responsible they can hold the Council of Minister accountable through starred question what is starred question where the MPS will ask a question and the minister has to give the answer in a oral Manner and what is your unstarred question unstarred question MPS will ask the question and your minister will give a written reply so that written reply that's your unstart question through this you can as the MPS canate ensure accountability or say responsibility of the Council of minister so statement two is right so what about statement three so that option option number three that supplementary question through supplementary questions can the parliament exercise control over the functions of Council of Minister yes so in in in the question question hour the MPS can either ask St question or unstar question for St question the minister will give the reply so orally the minister will give the reply but if this MP has further doubts this MP can ask supplementary question to the minister so as a reason what happens you can control the function of the Council of minister or say you can hold the uh Council of Minister accountable so again supplementary questions are only for starred questions so in a starred question the minister has to give a oral reply if the MP is not convinced or the MP has some other questions regarding this topic he can ask he or she can ask the question so that is your supplementary question so through all these three that is adment motion question number and supplementary question uh we can that is the parliament exercise control over the function of the co so statement D is the answer so answer is option D fine so we will be taking up the fact of the day so the fact of the day is total solar eclipse so total solar solar eclipse tomorrow that's the 8th of April so you'll have this total solar eclipse uh will be witnessed in some parts of the world so in this context we'll be taking what is total solar eclipse so total solar eclipse is a simple concept where the Moon that is the moon passes between your sun and your Earth in such a way that the Sun's light cast because because uh it blocks the Sun's light if you see this image it blocks the Sun's light and the the shadow of the moon will be casted on the earth so that is your solar eclipse is it clear so that that this concept is called as your solar eclipse so and another concept you have to understand here is that path of totality so what is path of totality path of totality means it is a strip that is a strip on the Earth's surface where this patch of land say if you see in this image where this patch of land will witness total solar eclipse total solar eclipse in the sense when it is when the sun is completely covered so that is your total solar eclipse only this path of this patch on the Earth surface will will experience total solar eclipse in the sense complete darkness that's the moon would cover the sun completely so as a reason only one part one patch of Earth surface would experience this complete darkness that path that path is known as path of totality that is within this path the Sun appears completely covered by the moon and creating a temporary Darkness during the daytime known as totality so this is your path of totality say for example but however if you are somewhere here or say if you are here so in this region you will witness par IAL solar eclipse in this path of total solar in the path of totality you will witness complete total solar eclipse in the adjacent to the path of totality you will witness the partial solar eclipse that is partial solar eclipse so this was a fact of the day and maybe maybe if tomorrow uh you can you can uh better articles would be there on total solar eclipse so you can go through that so this is the concept of total solar eclipse so then thank you thank you guys
Channel: BYJU'S IAS
Views: 8,688
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Keywords: daily current affairs, byjus ias, byju's current affairs ias, byju's ias, BYJU'S, UPSC, IAS, UPSC CSE, The Hindu Analysis, Civil Service Exam, Current Affairs 2022, IAS Exam 2023, UPSC 2023, current affairs for upsc, UPSC Current Affairs, IAS Current Affairs
Id: KdU_YO1XYew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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