Daily Quiz (3rd April 2024) for UPSC Prelims | General Knowledge (GK) & Current Affairs Questions

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hello everyone so today we'll be taking up the daily quiz for the date 3rd yeah for the date 3rd April 2024 so today we had very good articles mainly the editorials were extremely good in uh the Hindu newspaper So based on that we'll be taking up the question so we had a very good article regarding the GST So based on that we'll be taking up the first question of the day consider the following statement regarding GST GST is your goods and services tax okay so statement one the goods and services taxes subsumed various indirect taxes leved by the Central and state government is it true so did the GST subsume or say subsume uh the indirect taxes levied by Union and state government what do you think that's the reason why GST was introduced so because because earlier before GST so there were multiple taxes that was put on various Commodities both with state government and central government so as a reason the product the cost of the product was different in different states say for example say uh this is a product so in order to this product for this product Karnataka government would impose a separate tax and Tamil Nadu government would impose a separate tax Union government had a different indirect tax but what did your GST do so your GST subsumed all this indirect taxes say uh some some of the indirect taxes were subsumed baring few say on on Liquor on petroleum Etc baring Fu most of the indirect taxes was subsumed into one tax so that is called as your GST so statement one is absolutely right so statement two GST is a source based tax meaning the tax is levied on the production point so what do you mean by Source based tax Source based tax in the sense say the tax is levied at the point of production say for example if this phone is being produced in Karnataka and it is being sold in Tamil Nadu will the GST be be levied in Karnataka or the GST will be levied in Tamil Nadu so what do you think so GST is a destination based tax even though assuming that if this phone is manufactured in Karnataka and if it is sold in Tamil Nadu GST would be levied in Tamil Nadu that is it is a destination based tax wherever the source wherever the product is sold or say that destination in that destination the tax will be leved not at the source point so GST is not a source-based tax so again here statement two is wrong so what about statement three so statement three GST council is the highest decision- making body regarding the GST in India is it true does GST uh is this GST Council the highest decision making body in the GST so in the GST setup so what do you think yes indeed GST council is the ultimate authority to make any changes regarding any tax lab Etc in the GST so the article uh article 279a empowers the GST Council to take all the important decisions regarding GST so again GST Council uh that is is the highest decision making body and who is the who is the uh head who who will be heading the GST Council it will be your Finance uh Finance Minister of the Union government so again here statement 1 and statement three are absolutely right so the answer has to be B so B is the answer fine so we will go to the next uh topic so that is sorry uh the next question and the next question is regarding the one important important article that was there in today's newspaper that was regarding the climate issues and uh the it it mainly revolved around a report that is your state of global climate report So based on this topic we'll be taking the question so state of global climate report So based on that so question one question number two so statement one the state of global climate report is prepared junly by unep and ipcc so what do you think is the state of global climate report prepared by un and ipcc jointly or does any other organization prepares this state of global climate report and again here guys from UPC perspective a lot of question have been asked as on report say which organization prepares which report that list you should have if you're giving her prelims so again here does UNP and ipcc prepare jointly prepare the state of global climate report what do you think no state of global climate report is prepared by the World Meteorological organization not by un EP and uh ipcc it is prepared by wo that is your World Meteorological organization so statement one a statement one is wrong so if statement one is wrong we already directly we we directly get the answer the answer is D but however we'll see the statement two it assesses in the sense the state of global climate report assesses the current state of climate system and provides insight into climate change mitigation and adaptation uh efforts what do you think so is the is the second statement right does the report provide about the current situation regarding the climate change and climate system and will does the report emphasize on the climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts yes this statement is absolutely right so that's what your state of global climate report emphasizes all so what is the current status about the climate change what are the measures that has to be taken to overcome these changes that is given in the report so statement two is right so statement two is right and statement one is wrong so the answer is uh D so D is the answer but however we'll go we'll slightly go in detail regarding this uh state of global uh climate report 20 23 so again here what I Briefly summarize this so the entire report is summarized into this this table what does this uh report indicate it indicated that the global temperature is warmest since the Industrial Revolution since Industrial Revolution since 1850s this is the warmest uh year that is the warmest year recorded that is 1.45 De C above average and again here greenhouse gas concentration is in the atmosphere it is record high never it has been recorded So High so this year that is uh it is the highest point again ocean heat content ocean heat content in the sense the amount of heat energy absorbed and stored by the Earth's ocean that is called as your ocean heat content and even that is record high never it has been so high even the ocean heat content is high sea level rise is one of the highest since uh Humanity started recording the sea level and again Antarctic SE ice is one of the lowest lowest in the sense the size is very small compared to the previous records so again here records low glacial Retreat glacial retreat in a sense melting of Glacier so even the melting of Glacier the rate of melting of Glacier is also highest that is faster on Record highest the rate of melting of Glacier is also one of the highest and again extreme Heavens that is the increased frequency of extreme Heavens like he heat waves floods droughts Etc this has increased so this is the summary that was highlighted in this report that is your state of global climate report uh state of global climate report 2023 fine so now we'll go to the next topic of the day and the next topic of the day is based on one important article that is India risking demographic dividend and this world Bank says that India has a lot of unemployment and because of that we may not be able to reap the benefits of demographic dividend so then what is this demographic dividend So based on that we'll be taking up the question so question number three that is statement one the demographic dividend refers to the economic benefits benefits a country gains from the large working age population so is it true statement one is it true that is demographic dividend refers to the economic benefits a country gains from having a large working age population what do you think so is this a meaning of demographic dividend yes in fact that is that statement represents the demographic dividend so demographic dividend means it is a phase in the economic growth where the economic growth occurs due to the changes in the population structure in the sense when the working age population is more compared to the dependent population compared to the non-working age population non-working age population are your kids say 0 to 15 or say elderly people who are not in the working age population so when the working age population is more and because of this if there is any economic increased economic activity that period is called as your demographic dividend so demographic dividend refers to the economic benefits a country gains from having the large working age population so statement one is absolutely right so what about statement two a country with high dependency ratio is likely to experience demographic dividend is it true a country with high dependency ratio by the way what is dependency ratio so dependency ratio means so the the equation is number of dependent population who are dependent population say that is your 0 to 15 the kids the kids and the elderly people they are dependent because they cannot be earning they cannot go to the work they are dependent so dependent population divided by the non-dependent or say the people who are working working age group so this is the equation of dependency ratio so if you have to have demographic dividend what is the criteria you should have large that is working age group so again here so if the denominator increases that is the population between say 15 to 64 they are the working age group in order to have demographic dividend we should have large working age group if if the denominator increases what would happen the dependency ratio will come down in a demographic dividend phase the dependency ratio is less not high if it is high it means that the dependent population are more that that is there are more number of Childrens and more number of elderly people in the population group compared to the working age group if you have to have demographic dividend you should have less de dependency ratio so if you consider see uh there are so many article which says that India is in a demographic dividend phase it means that the working age population see in this image if you see here see now it's say 2024 so it's somewhere here so almost say somewhere around 64 to 65 percentage people are in the working age group and say somewhere around 25 percentage of India's population and say somewhere around 10% of India's population are not in the working age group so roughly around 65% of Indian population are in the working age group around say 35% of the people are not in the working age group it means that the working age population is more compared to the non-working age group that's the reason why India is in a demographic dividend phase so again here if you have to be a if you have if you should have a mographic dividend then the dependency ratio should be low fine so this statement is wrong so if this statement is wrong the answer has to be c c is the answer fine okay so next question is very uh important but it's easy as such say somewhere around five to six times upsc has asked the same question on isra that is a geographical location of isra so it has become very common so the the map locations around Mediterranean Sea is Extreme okay fine I told the answer but however so the locations around Israel and Mediterranean Sea Red Sea these are like super important From upsc perspective So based on that and there is one editorial on Israel So based on that we'll be taking up the question which of the following bodies of water sorry which of the bodies of water borders Israel to the West so which is that water body that borders Israel to its West so that is your Mediterranean Sea so again if you see the map app so this is your Israel and this is your Mediterranean Sea and Israel also borders with Dead Sea Israel also borders with Gulf of akaba and see this is your Israel via Gulf of akaba why this is your Gulf of akaba by Gulf of akaba Israel can also enter your Red Sea and then your Arabian Sea so again Israel borders your Mediterranean Sea Dead Sea and your Gulf of aaba so fine so this is uh This Is The Answer has to be a fine okay so now we'll go to the pyq and this pyq was from the year 2080 so 20180 so how how is the ngt that is your national green tribunal different from cpcb so that is a question how is ngt different from cpcb so statement one ngd is established by an act whereas cpcb is created by an executive order of the government government so what is what is uh what is the body that uh that that's created under executive order executive order in the sense just through one government notification one new agency is created or say one new entity is created so those are called as your executive B say for example your law commission so it's executive body or say Niti AOG so there was no law passed to establish niog it was just one government notification through that one one body was launched or say one body is established so those kind of bodies are called as executive iies so again here so ngt is established by an act whereas cpcb is established by an executive order is it true is cpcb established by an executive order what do you think no cpcb is not established by an executive order so in fact cpcb is also a statutory body ngt is also a statutory body that is ngt is established under the ngt ACT 2010 and your cpcb is also a statutory body that is cpcb is established under the ACT water prevention and control of pollution act 1974 so even cpcb is also established under your water prevention and control of pollution act 1974 say for example you your spcb spcb is your state Pollution Control Board even that is also a statutory body established under the same act so again here cpcb is a statutory body not an executive body so statement one is wrong so what about statement two ngt provides Environmental Justice and helps to reduce the burden of litigation in the higher code whereas cpcb promotes cleanliness of uh cleanliness of streams Wells and aims to improve the quality of air in the country so what do you think yes ngt is a quasi judicial body so what does your ngt do it's a quas Judicial body it takes up the cases that are regarding the Environmental Conservation rather than the case going to the district court high court Etc the case goes to the ngt and ngt will decide that case so as a reason what will happen it will reduce the burden of litigation on the higher courts so if there's any environmental cases say for example whether the trees has to be uh whe whether there has to be a deforestation or whether there has to be uh construction of dam that would affect the environment Etc rather if if that is the case rather than going to the Judiciary this case can go to the ngt and ngt is a tribunal it's a quaz Judicial body so it will take up the decision lowering the Bur on the Judiciary or the higher courts and cpcb promotes a cleanliness of streams Wells and aims to improve the quality of air yeah that is the that's the ultimate aim of cpcb that's the reason why cpcb is established in order to promote cleanliness of streams Wells that is your water cleaning that is maintaining the good standard of water and as well as improving the quality of air so cpcb deals with maintaining good water quality as well as air quality again so statement two is right statement one one is wrong so the answer has to be b b is the answer fine so now we'll be taking up the fact of the day so fact of the day is food security you would have heard about food security a lot of times so what is the actual definition of food security so what do you mean by food security so the actual definition of food security is that when all the people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient safe nutritious food that meets the dietary need of dietary need and food preference of an active healthy life that is this is the definition of food security as per the 1996 World food Summit so again in simple language if you have to consider what is what is food security when all the people at all the times have access to the food are that that have access to the food at all the times which could be assimilated assimilated in the sense which could be consumed and the body could assimilate in such a way that they maintain the healthy and active lifestyle so that concept is called as food security that is when all the people at all the times have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets the dietary needs and Foods preferences for an active healthy individual so this is the definition of food security but however under food security there are broadly four pillars in the food security so what are the four pillars in the food security so the first one is availability so food security means the first one is food availability has to be there that is people should have access to food that is Avail available to there has to be food availability that the food grain should be available for the people so that is the first aspect and the second aspect is food access that is people should have access to it if there is a food grain and if people are not able to access it access in in the sense because of poverty if people people may not be able to access it because of some War people may not be able to access it so again under food security food should be available and this food has to be accessible to the people and the last one is food has to be utilized utiliz food utilization in the sense assimilation that is the food whatever the food we consume that has to be assimilated by the body so that it meets so that it helps in meeting the nutritional requirement it is not that I can have any any kind of food I should have adequate appropriate food that can be assimilated my assimilated by my body so that I can meet the nutritional requirement so there are three broad aspects here one is food availability should be there food accessibility should be there and the food utilization or the food assimilation should happen and this are the three important pillars and the last one is stability of the above three dimension that is the food availability food accessibility and food assimilation should be there at all the times that is stability of IO three dimensions over time that is at all the times when these three criterias are met that situation is called as a food security did you guys get it so in simple language when when you're writing in a GS answer we can write it as three a at all time 3 a at all yeah at all time so that is the definition of food security what is 3A that is availability affordability and assimilation of food at all the times so that that is called as your food security is it clear so this is the definition of broad dimensions of your food security and whenever you're writing any GS3 answers you can use this definition so food availability accessibility and food utilization at all the times the there has to be stability of all the above three dimensions that is called as your food security fine so that was the end of today's class so then thank you guys
Channel: BYJU'S IAS
Views: 5,104
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Keywords: daily current affairs, byjus ias, byju's current affairs ias, byju's ias, BYJU'S, UPSC, IAS, UPSC CSE, The Hindu Analysis, Civil Service Exam, Current Affairs 2022, IAS Exam 2023, UPSC 2023, current affairs for upsc, UPSC Current Affairs, IAS Current Affairs
Id: Pg1jEw5_IT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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