Daily Manna with Pastor Gray 09 27 21

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[Music] [Applause] praise god and welcome once again to daily manna this featured presentation brought to you each and every day monday through saturday by way of saint mark gave me church here in orlando i'm overwhelmingly blessed to be both teacher and presenter for this week's sex segment as we continue our study inside of first corinthians chapter number 11 and beginning in verse of 17. i invite your careful attention as we study god's word today the bible does show us and say to us in the following directives i have no praise for you for your meetings do more harm than good in the first place i hear that when you come together as a church there are divisions among you and to some extent i believe it no doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have god's approval hear that verse again no doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have god's approval when you come together it is not the lord's supper you eat for as you eat each of you goes ahead without waiting for anybody else one remains hungry another gets drunk don't you have homes to eat and drink in or do you despise the church of god and humiliate those who have nothing what shall i say to you shall i praise you for this [Music] certainly not it's quite interesting to hear paul as he begins to lunge into the church at corinth and to begin attacking what is the overriding concern initially and that is division and when he begins the whole conversation in first corinthians chapter number one he's attacking this whole mindset that people were trying to say that their relationship with god was predicated based on the the person to whom they received the gospel through and some was trying their best to talk about apollos and others will find themselves talking about cephas and here is paul as being one of those to whom was in that verbal category but he was not trying to praise himself but others who found themselves dealing with varied persons were always putting down or tearing down other persons if they had not come to accept the lord jesus christ through a certain teacher or a certain proclaimer of the gospel and even to the point as we will continue to study in first corinthians that paul does even in the latter part of second corinthians is still in a dialogue to bring justification to the call that god has on his life to legitimate to this church at corinth that he really is an apostle of the lord jesus christ thus with that being one of the struggles that is happening or better yet who my pastor is is the conversation that's going on inside of first corinthians paul now is dealing with the besides that there are things that are happening amongst you as we will get into the 12th chapter and see that the gifts that god gives to the church within people are now being used divisively and that people are trying to lift up what is the more expedient or the best gift or what makes ones more significant in the eyes of god as we were steady as we move along this week and interestingly enough here paul at the jump street is saying that there is some division amongst you and the division is so deep and it's so thick that it moves into how you even deal with the lord's supper the division has created such unhealthiness that you know you all are trying to get the lord's approval by trying to show off your gift instead of trying to be used by god to draw others to christ in essence the gift should not be designed for you to say hey i'm the one that got it and the only one got it no the gift should be used i am the one that god has given this gift to and i want to share it and i want to enable and i want to help and it's through that that we're able to lift the lord jesus christ and to lift the body of christ and to do the work of ministry on behalf of god and when we do that god gets glory and god gets honor he can't get it when we're not finding ourselves coming together because it's in the division that the enemy finds himself flexing and believing that he is succeeding i always try to take our minds back to that passage inside of john chapter number 17 where jesus is praying for the community of believers and the those who believe in jesus through their message would also be unified and be as one and jesus says it so that the world might know that the father has sent him and that he and the father were one well every time the enemy goes to work he works in an attempt to inhibit the believers or for that truth to become a reality that the masses will know that god sent jesus to us so the enemy works through this whole mindset of division and to divide and to separate and to keep apart and paul says it's even impacting how you are experiencing the lord's supper when y'all come to eat the lord's supper you all are so divisive and so divided that somebody is is hungry and another one is already drunk uh in essence you you come to this experience where is not uh a celebratory and a not uh any kind of divinity not any kind of holiness amongst you uh all y'all doing is eating a meal and you just you just going to work grabbing up what you can get not concerned about if there's enough for your brother or your sister and paul says i cannot celebrate that uh because that's not how it's supposed to be uh there should be some concern for your neighbor and concern for your brother and your sister and when there is not that concern then the question becomes what is it that you're doing and are we representing the church in totality and we have to recognize that paul says that is not who we are that is not what we're supposed to do all right basically paul goes off and says you basically are humiliating and creating problems within our representation of god for the community and for the world to see and so paul ultima's goals inside of these verses 17 through 22 is to push in our minds as he's going to work it for us as we continue to study this whole idea that even the table of the lord when we come to the lord's table that should be a place of unification uniting coming together being one not separate uh and when you do that god gets glory and god gets honored it should not be a situation where you are trying to be so important that you are more important than your neighbor even at the lord's table you know you you're flexing your gifts at the lord ain't cut nobody care about your gift at the lost table don't nobody care about how you came to know god at the lord's table at the lord's table all of us become one because we have an opportunity to share the common cup share the common bread and because the savior's body is the bread and his shed blood is the cup and although we do have this opportunity to not affirm what is classically referred to as transubstantiation we understand that these are sacraments meaning they are what we can utilize as symbols of his broken body and his shed blood and so we take it with a sense of thanksgiving to our god and appreciation for what god has done in our lives and so as we move through this week especially considering that this upcoming sunday is going to be first sunday i want us to be ready to take the body and blood of the lord jesus christ and for our mindsets to be set on i want to be one with my brother and one with my sister and i don't want to be so overly zealous in my presentation of myself that i'm offensive that i out eat them or i'll drink them that i'm on such haste to get it done no i want to be one with my neighbor and one with my brother one with my sister well i'm out of time today but never out of word as you well know but we're going to be in this conversation as we walk through the remainder of uh first corinthians chapter 11 we'll be dealing with uh the the lord's supper for a couple of days and looking forward to it i love you thank god for it and look forward to seeing you tomorrow take care bye [Music] you
Channel: Saint Mark Orlando
Views: 64
Rating: 4.3333335 out of 5
Id: HecSPuHS5ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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