Saint Mark Virtual Worship 10 03 21

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[Music] good morning st mark my name is alfred weston i chair the st park amec orlando scholarship committee we the committee would like to announce our inaugural event to scholarship harvest a fundraising opportunity to bring financial support to our graduated seniors who decided to go on to pursue a four-year degree and or vocational training now dr bartee tell us how we should support this effort gladly education in any endeavor is such a commitment and i'm so happy that all of us here today on the committee are represented in our favorite college or university t-shirt yes there is a commitment sister woodley how much and how often should we give to the scholarship harvest for the next six weeks starting today september 19 2021 our committee will be reaching out to you to make a a contribution to the scholarship harvest the amount is 20 you may make this payment all at once or just a little at a time we also invite you to ask your friends to participate in this endeavor whether members of saint mark or not nate how might the scholarship harvest benefit you it will benefit me to become a police officer tariq it will benefit me to become an anesthesiologist and what about you madison it will benefit me to become a public defender and brother goodwin how might those contributions be made contributions can be made by using the specially designated scholarship harvest envelopes or you can take a regular tithing envelope check the box other and list scholarship harvest along with your donation you can also use text to give and you can drop your contributions off at the church during the course of the week of course all contributions are tax deductible sister postel can you tell us the significance of investing in the scholarship harvest yes matthew 9 37 reminds us that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few in her last will and testament mayor macleod bethune founder of bethune cooking university further charged us with recognizing education is the prime need of the hour and for the next 1008 hours in our 42 days our scholarship committee will be diligently harvesting sister stewart where might further information be gotten about the scholarship harvest and other endeavors about the scholarship committee all of us in this announcement are part of the scholarship committee you will see us doing sunday services with our purple ribbons we will be reaching out to you and or your friends during this harvest time information about the scholarship harvest and the scholarship committee can be picked up in a church breezeway brother mcgill as we close out what is our financial goal gladly simply put our scholarship harvest goal is 10 000 our calculations indicate to us if 500 persons give 20 within the next 42 days we will we will reach our goal we can do it with your help 20 within the next 42 days please support our scholarship harvest h h r v e [Applause] [Music] good morning st mark and thank you for tuning in to wibn channel 8 news we are a church at prayer each morning and evening at 6am and 6pm no better way to start and end your day than by dabbling in and interceding with your family in christ so pick up the phone and dial the number you see on the screen we look forward to having you multiple opportunities throughout the week to hear and study the word of god we have daily manna monday through saturday at 12 p.m on facebook and youtube we have our wednesday worship service at 7 pm on wednesdays in the sanctuary here at saint mark and we have our in person praising worship on sunday at 7 30 and 11 a.m two virtual experiences 9 30 for the main campus and 10 a.m via zoo for east campus we want to see you we want you to embrace the word so come out or tune in we have our next farm share distribution on october 8th it starts at 10 am and we are in need of volunteers it is first come first serve definitely let your friends and family know we want to try to help as many as we can in our community so mark your calendars for october 8th 10 a.m we started our scholarship harvest on september 19th and we're going through october 31st we want to make sure that we collect funds to help get our high school seniors off to college if you'd like to donate we ask that you donate at least twenty dollars and there are three ways to get you can go on st mark you can text smc 1914 scholarship to 73256 or you can come to the church and get a scholarship harvest envelope we want to make sure that we can get our youth onto higher heights after graduation so let's chip in so that we can help them [Music] good morning st mark and thank you for tuning in to wibn channel 8 news we are a church at prayer each morning and evening at 6am and 6pm no better way to start and end your day than by dialing in and interceding with your family in christ so pick up the phone and dial the number you see on the screen we look forward to having you multiple opportunities throughout the week to hear and study the word of god we have daily manna monday through saturday at 12 p.m on facebook and youtube we have our wednesday worship service at 7 p.m on wednesdays in the sanctuary here at st mart and we have our in-person praise and worship on sunday at 7 30 and 11 a.m two virtual experiences 9 30 for the main campus and 10 a.m via zoom for east campus we want to see you we want you to embrace the word so come out or tune in we have our next farm share distribution on october 8th it starts at 10 a.m and we are in need of volunteers it is first come first serve definitely let your friends and family know we want to try to help as many as we can in our community so mark your calendars for october 8th 10 a.m we started our scholarship harvest on september 19th and we're going through october 31st we want to make sure that we collect funds to help get our high school seniors off to college if you'd like to donate we ask that you donate at least twenty dollars and there are three ways to get you can go on saint mark you can text smc 1914 scholarship to 73256 or you can come to the church and get a scholarship harvest envelope we want to make sure that we can get our youth onto higher heights after graduation so let's chip in so that we can help them [Music] [Music] praise god and welcome to sunday morning i'm so excited that god has blessed us once once again to have a chance to gather by faith as god's called out as although we might be separated but we still gathered community that we may enter the lord's gate through thanksgiving and it's course with praise i'm excited about our worship excited about our word and sad about excited about our sacrament i want you to get ready as we make big preparations to go into the sanctuary and be blessed with thanksgiving and enter his course with race for this is the day that the lord the lord is way we will we will rejoice we will we will rejoice we will breathe we will rejoice [Music] we will rejoice and be glad come up with those glad hands together we bless the lord we honor the lord for truly this is the day the lord has made and we're prepared to rejoice and be glad in it oh god we give you thanks we give you praise we give you glory we give your honor but we celebrate the fact that you and you alone have been faithful you you alone have been good your mercy has been everlasting and your truth still endures to all generations thank you jesus for another day for another opportunity to bless you another opportunity to glorify you we have not come for performance nor have we come for entertainment or an outside show to the world but we've gathered in this place because we recognize god is good god is faithful god has been a sustainer and god has been an enabler so god we bless you one more time thank you that in spite of every trial in tribulation you've been faithful thank you but every time we found our backs up against the ropes you brought us out thank you for never never allowing us to fall fell to filter or be destroyed but oh god you've been right there through it all and so on this day we gather we gather we gather to glorify to magnify to lift your name high because you are worthy to be praised now have your way in this place bless our worship let your presence be amongst us in the mighty name of jesus thank god and amen come on praise team lead us as we prepare for worship we'll praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody praise the lord come when we came to bless the name of the lord on tonight and this morning our hymn of praise for this morning is we will understand it better by and by we are often tossed and driven on the restless sea of heaven summer skies and howling tempest often succeed a bright sunshine in that land of perfect with a mishap rolled away we will understand it better by it by the chorus as by and by when the morning comes when all the saints of god are gathered home we'll tell the story how we've overcome [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] bye [Music] [Music] say goodbye we will tell [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we will tell you [Music] [Music] and [Music] together lift your voice [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um [Music] [Music] [Music] neighbor old neighbor trouble don't last our way come up drop your hands [Music] tap your hands [Music] everybody [Music] this is [Music] oh [Music] come on leave me boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] him to be [Applause] [Music] you'll be there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] say him to be a friend of mine [Applause] [Music] come in your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know the lord the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] it will be [Applause] [Music] no trouble [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on everybody is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say we've been hey [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Applause] tell your neighbor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that trouble it might may not look like it but it's not going to last always hallelujah and we bless the name of the lord and we honor his name on tonight come on zion open up your mouth right where you are and give god worship god we honor your name we bless your name lord we give your name the praise god we honor you we love you we love you jesus hallelujah we love you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank god and we blessed your name [Music] we came to lift our voices to hallelujah [Music] you don't know my story all the things all the things that i've been through [Music] you [Music] is [Music] you don't know my story [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] yes [Music] my worship is foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] worship is foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lord i love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] because my worship [Music] my worship [Music] [Music] and we give you praise for what you have done thus far in this worshipping experience [Music] just pray for your presence to abide [Music] for your spirit to make itself all the more known enlarge yourself saturate the atmosphere with the freshness [Music] of your power in your presence holy spirit you're so welcome to abide in this place saturate the atmosphere by way of the airways let somebody be blessed somebody saved the converting connect to the church pray your blessings now in the mighty name of jesus so let your words fall on my ear come through my mouth let yokes be destroyed and burdens lifted have your way i pray in jesus name amen well this is the day the lord's made for those glad hands together and rejoice and be glad that you may be seated in the very presence of the lord i do honor the lord for this blessed time that god has granted us to come together by faith in faith through faith that we might worship him in spirit as well as in truth we celebrate the fact that god has allowed us to come together one more time and we celebrate that on this sunday in which we formally realize this first sunday and a chance for us to renew our covenant through communion as well i'll ask if you will join us as we direct our attention to the god's holy word found inside of luke chapter number 22 and i really just need what i would normally call the b clause of verse 32 but in an attempt for us to have an idea of the context i'm going to read verses 31 and 32 a very familiar text but i want to focus on the b clause of verse 32. uh the whole text says johnny verse 31 of luke chapter number again luke chapter 22 it says simon simon satan has asked to sift you as weak but i have prayed for you simon that your faith may not fail and when you turn back strengthen your brothers the section that i want to focus in on that your faith may not fail i want to say a word about a faith that will not fail a faith that will not fail i'm not certain how many times you've been heard me say this or not but there is this word that i had to learn while i was in seminary and there are times in which i realized the german word i may mess up was heilich ultimately what it is is a terminology that is used to say holy history the way in which it was evolved is that people began looking at scripture and began to say that here was a people who viewed history through the eyes of divine intervention they could see how god intersected how god intertwined god's self in their eyes through their perspective in life issues and circumstances ultimately when they looked over life when the people who make up the hebraic community when they looked over their shoulder they were looking at god's participation along their journey and they marked it and said this was god ultimately when they found themselves coming out of exodus and crossing red sea this was this was god when they found themselves at the place where they were divided because of the golden calf and god struck them down in that place they would they said this that this was god and they got ready to cross later when moses died the jordan river and the water seemed to find itself being in a place where they could cross it they said this was this was god and when they walked around jericho and the walls came tumbling down they said that this was god and that's what i'm raising to you is there was not a point in which they did not see god's divine intervention and they could declare it they could say it they were affirming that god was an integral part of their life ultimately crafting out the terminology heilich gulchekta i begin there because there's this story that is now able to be seen by hbo max it premiered in august of 2020 and if you did not get a chance to see lovecraft country then you missed a very interesting series of events it's about a young man by the name of atticus and a young lady by the name of letitia and ultimately atticus is in search of finding his father but in the quest of attempting to find his father you will watch it and see historical events that were occurring as the writer writes it that had both divine good and evil at work if you watch it it has interesting historical facts but they've painted on the screen to basically allow us to see the possibility of good versus evil in the background working against or for an ultimate end when you watch the story trust me you will enjoy it and you will be fascinated by how this writer was able to allow us to see behind the scenes how possibly evil and good world war i raised that because i need you and i to face the truth there are a number of things that are on the backdrop of our lives that we never see that has good and evil at war you have no idea what it means ultimately to find yourself where you are at this moment in your life too many of us act as if we're here because of our gifts our graces our talents our education some of us talk about how good we look but if the truth be told children of god we're all here because of a god who basically in the midst of evil working against us has some kind of way propelled us to be right where we are i really want you to get to that place children of god where you understand that too many times we play around with it but don't play with this don't act as if that the only reason you have been are able to survive and endure what we might call covet 19 up to this point just because you wore a mask because you washed your hands and because you were just socially distanced no no don't do that to god there was a god behind the scenes that in the midst of it all when covet was right at your face he told kobe to turn and go in another direction what i'm trying to raise to you children of god is that most of us do not see god's handiwork and do not see how god is fighting for us or god is working for us in the midst of evil being on our tracks and yet evil is always lurking if you go back to the very beginning of scripture go back to genesis go all the way back to genesis and watch how god has a conversation with cain he says sin is lurking at your door and that says he told cain brother you don't realize the devil is already on your tracks the enemy is already setting a downfall for you the enemy has already created an opportunity for you to miss the mark and here was from the beginning of the inception of creation up to this point we have not recognized that the enemy is always coming at us why is the enemy coming at you he's coming at you primarily because he wants god's prized creation to turn against him he wants god's prized creation to say god is not worthy of being praised he wants god's prized creation to say god is not worthy of our praise so consequentially we can see that clearly even when you look at the life of job as i build my case look at job's conversation look at job's life look at job's experiences he conversed with god daily prayed to god daily offered sacrifices to god daily on behalf of his children but it was satan who decided i'mma make him crush it to your face he's not worshiping you because of anything other than the fact that you've been good and you got a heads of protection around him you've blessed him with everything that he might want but if you just take the hairs down and let me put my hands on him i make him crush you to your face if this is that's what satan's objective is his objective is to stop to prevent to halt us from our worship you heard the choir singing my worship is for real well children of god the enemy wants to say the worship is memorized the worship is just what they do the worship is just a performance it's not genuine it's not real it is not authentic it is not based upon sincerity they come into your presence only because of how good you've been to them and god i promise you if you let some trouble show up in their lives they will crush you to your face thus i find myself at the place of transition in this i conversation an opportunity not long ago on a sunday to miss worship it was on that sunday at 11 o'clock that i went to celebrate the life of brother donald brown and after that worship while there john herring was with us john herring shared with us that being me and mark glover that his wife was now in the hospital all of us know kay herring we've seen kaye at her best in strength in mind and about i'm talking about a golfer like none other who basically talk trash while spanking your behind on the golf course she was a good trash talker she had that style and that swag that's demonstrated she was good at what she was in the game and a genuinely good person all around so who could imagine kay herring being at a place where body and mine becomes frail if somebody would have told me the k that i see now was the k in involvement i would have said it can't be kay had dreams and visuals of travel and experienced a life with johnny for multiple days to come only for her to have her bouts with sickness back to back while at the hospital that day i had a conversation with kay as i was preparing to leave and i talked to kaye about singing a song and asked her if there was something that she wanted me to pray about it was at that moment that this lady whose mind was still sharp and able to talk had a sudden pause a pause that was awkward a pause that was different a pause that almost said what do i need to pray about the pawns were so eerie that it caused me to get frightened because it made me wonder about kay's faith as she evaluated her journey thus far you see it's easy to praise god in good health it's easy to worship god when resources are in your pocket it's easy to worship god when the family is a-okay i'm talking about it's easy to worship god when you doing well on your job when you got a job it's easy to worship god when you got money in your pocket and in the bank and you got all your bills handled but children of god let's face it sometimes there are these awkward pauses that causes you to ask questions about god and your relationship you that you think is genuine when trouble shows up now walk with me walk with me further i i was in atlanta not long ago and i was there as a matter of fact last week and sitting on the balcony of the hotel where i was with my lifelong friend andrew and as you know andrew's blood sister and my god sister translated from this life to the life to come on july 19th of 2018. and so here was a wellness check for me and andrew and i asked him i said brother how you doing these days based on the fact that our sister is no longer with us and he went to this idea he said i'm struggling he said my struggle is this i hear people who have gone through cancer too and they say that god healed them and it causes me to wonder why didn't god heal my sister and i'm now struggling with my relationship with god is god saying that there was something wrong with me or something wrong with my sister that he could not do the same for my sister on that balcony he helped me to understand a long life's journey it's easy to bless him when stuff is going good but it's a struggle when you're in the crucible of pain and reality because it's in that crucible that your faith is on trial and that's why that's why that's why i need to have this dialogue with y'all that's why i need to talk to us we're going into the month of october i don't know what the end of the year is going to bring to us i don't know what kind of difficulty we might end up facing but just in case the enemy has been granted permission by god to mess with us i need for us to gain some nuggets that we can hold fast to so that our faith will not fail you see children oh god that's the ultimate objective and i'm telling you right now i want you to hear it as i move through this harmonic conversation the objective is not that you will not have a fall not that you will not have a slip up not that you will not have a hiccup along the journey all of us are going to have them every now and then go fool yourself all of us done bumped our heads and act played stupid all of us didn't miss the mark and have not measured up all of us at times are not going to be what god desires for us to be ultimately yes we gonna mess up every now and then but the reality is jesus is not praying for us not to have the fall god is not praying for us not to have the slip god is not jesus is not praying for us not to have the hiccup or the bump of the head but the scripture says he's praying that our faith will not fail and that's a child of god some of y'all don't understand the reason the enemy works at you is because the enemy wants you to start doubting yourself all right here can everybody shout with me the devil is a liar and then says sometimes you got to recognize what the enemy is working on is for you to become so internalized against yourself that you doubt you you fight you you fuss you you dislike you you got so much stuff internally that you can't walk in the authority that god's already ordained for you to have because the enemy's got you in this inward pull and this inward tug of war to create doubt and vividly and anxiety inside of you that you cannot even see that whom the son has set free is already free indeed and so the enemy has you more and more days looking at yourself at what is wrong rather than spending quality time seeing how in spite of what you have gone through in spite of how much you have cried in spite of how much you have lost in spite of how much sickness you've overcome in spite of how many tears you shed how many jobs you lost how much money you wasted the lord has still been faithful through it all but then they will not let you see that because anything wants you to spend more time nursing your wounds and kissing your sores and dealing with your aches and dealing with your misery because the enemy wants you to turn so against yourself that you start acting like judas and start thinking that life is no longer worth having do you know the enemy wants you to take your life he don't want you to attain or ascertain the fullness of your possibility take your life why have it you ain't done nothing with it know how god is not really for you look at where you are look at all that you're going through you might as well throw up your hands and walk away quit now save us the time of trying to listen to all this craziness you quit now give up stop but i came by here to serve notice on satan we are not going to stop because our faith will not fail there's one thing for you to mess with everything around me you can mess with my body you can mess with my family you can mess with my resources but my faith will not fail children of god the enemy finds themselves trying to lead you to believe god is not for you god is not on your side god will not bring you through again the devil is a liar will y'all go ahead and shout it with me the devil is a liar even though i'm then children of god you've got to remind yourself he is the author of lies and since he's lying he's causing you to look internally and to down with this spiral but he messed up if you were going to get me satan you should have blocked jesus from praying for me there are moments in church that you ought to shout and that's a shout moment and that says jesus has already interceded on my behalf every now and then y'all ought to thank god that jesus who sits at the mercy has already called your name before you got to where you are in this in essence before satan could run into the moment where he was going to bump his head jesus had already interceded on his behalf it was not so much that simon got to it and jesus started praying long before satan started working against simon jesus had already talked to the father on his behalf and don't y'all know that before you got to the point in your life where you are that not only did jesus pray for you but you had a mama you had a daddy you had a grandmother you had a granddaddy you had an aunty you had a uncle you had a cousin somebody prayed for you they had you on their mind and since they talked to god on your behalf you want to celebrate the fact that what the devil means for evil is going to ultimately turn around for your good [Applause] the enemy is at work always to create this kind of difficulty this unhealthiness to cause our faith to fail but jesus prayed that the faith wouldn't fail not that you wouldn't bump your head not that you wouldn't slip not that you wouldn't fall but your faith would not fail reverend reverend reverend what are you talking about let me now go back to the room with k let's go back there okay in that eerie pause never answered i started singing and she sang i started praying and you would hear her gently under the stillness of a voice pray with me and when i started reciting psalm 23 she said it with me but the eeriness eeriness was why couldn't you say what to pray for do you still believe in the power of god do you still believe he's able she answered it when i said blessed assurance jesus i wish i had somebody who knew the bible and news from him jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine i'm an heir of salvation i've been purchased by god born of his spirit and i'm washed in his blood some kind of way although she couldn't say what to pray for she still knew who to pray to and she knew who to sing to and who to sing about and she still had enough word in her that no matter what she was facing she still knew that the lord would make a way somehow or hug yourself real tight and say yes i'm gonna go through some stuff and yes i'm gonna cry sometime but i still got faith in god oh children of god i want to celebrate the fact that she proved to me in that moment yes i'm struggling with talking to it but can we confess all of us struggle at times to talk to god all of us get mad enough to say i ain't gonna talk to you no more all of us got a jeremiah moment when we say i ain't gonna speak your name anymore but he's so powerful he's so contagious he's so joined that he therefore puts a fire that we have to say is like fire shut up in my bones and i can't hold my peace all of us in life will have those moments where we have our struggling moments doubting moments those moments when it's hard to speak until it's time to think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me and all of a sudden my soul cries out hallelujah uh uh i'm in my seat thank you god bless you do you know why your faith and cage faith ain't gonna fail she got enough worship in them and she got enough word in them can i ask you do you have enough worship in you well what is my worship it's your love for who he is i didn't say praise him for what he's done i said love him for who he is and if you know who he is that means your back has been up against the ropes if you know who he is that means you cried sometimes if you know who he is it means sometimes you did not know how you were going to survive if you know who he is that means you learned about his personality when you were in crisis can i testify children of god i know i know i know i know why i know that he is jehovah shalom how do you know he is jehovah shalom because when my mama passed away i found out that he will give you a peace that will surpass all understanding hug yourself one more time and say thank god i know who you are so when i come to church now on sundays and when i come to church on wednesday nights i don't praise any god i praise the god that will give you a peace i'm talking about all hell is breaking loose but you still got peace i'm talking about a god who will therefore sustain you everything around you can be fallen apart but you can still have faith and confidence in a god who will guard your heart and guard your mind in christ jesus i think i got about five of y'all who don't mind testifying tonight that the only reason you're still here and the only reason you're still in your right mind and the only reason you're not emotionally messed up is because when you were going through the god that i said showed up and introduced himself as jehovah shalom that ain't all i'm about to be through but can i tell you some of y'all in here have been like hazel your body's been sick you've been wrecked with pain you did not know you were still in the world but the lord showed up in your secret and introduced himself as jehovah you didn't learn who he was until your body was sick and when he introduced himself every time you get a chance you don't praise him just for some money in your pocket you worship him because you know he is a shown of healer do i have a witness here do you know he's a healer well if you know who he is then you can worship him some of y'all ought to shout because i know him as my savior anybody here ever was sinking deep in sin farm from a peaceful shore very deeply staying within sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea [Music] my despairing cry from the waters he lifted me now safe am i i know he's my savior anybody here know that he's your savior then go ahead and shout i know him as savior i know him i know him for myself [Music] and since i know he's my savior the devil can throw stuff in me storm clouds may rise strong winds may blow but i tell the world i've got to say and he is sweet i know do i have a witness here yes he's my savior is he you're safe is it your safe is he your peacekeeper is he your healer well since you know him go ahead and worship him when the devil tells you to quit say i bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth that's worship but the other reason that your faith will not fail because you've got too much word anybody here can you help me shout i got too much word yeah though i walk to the valley of the shadows of death i fear no evil god is my refuge and my strength god is a present help in the time of trouble god god god is anybody here can you testify things that we upon the lord shall renew their strength mound up on wings like an eagle run knock it wear it walk shout my face i got enough words weeping me endure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming in the morning say yes your faith will not fail your faith will not fail [Music] is over we'll hear him say servant [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] god's involved god's involved god's involved evil might be working against you but he meant it for my good god meant it for my good he brought me out without a doubt and i knew [Music] that he would [Music] now i know no defeat except i'm strong when i'm weak god gave me a song now i must sing on the devil meant it for bad [Music] but i'm so glad god man did for my good can i do it one more time [Music] god meant it for my good [Music] god meant it for my girl [Music] he brought me out without a doubt i knew that he would [Music] god gave me a song now i must sing on the devil [Music] [Music] god without [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight's or today is one of those days where you got to look and see that behind your shoulder behind the curtain of time good and evil is at war evil is saying you're going to fail and god is saying you're going to prevail the enemy is already set up to lose because jesus already prayed for us he didn't pray that you wouldn't slip he didn't pray you wouldn't fall then praise you and have a bump of your head when he prayed for is your faith wouldn't fail and as long as you've got worship in you [Music] and you got word in you you're gonna make it somehow the altar is designed for folk who just want to say lord give me more give me more love for you more ability to worship you give me more word that i might learn from you that no matter what the enemy throws my way i will be able to have a faith that will not fail all you got to do is come on he brought it now i know he said i'm strong god gave me a song [Music] [Applause] just about one more good time hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is sweet i know he's sweet [Music] strong winds strong come here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Applause] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] clouds let's go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] come on [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] just for me praying for me [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] it's all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh listen listen listen y'all oh this is one of them nights it's one of them nights you know one of them nights we're just like god bless you [Music] those who celebrate birthdays in october i'm gonna take care of you next sunday i'm gonna take you tonight [Music] i have to take care of communion because i got i wanna dance a minute and shout a minute because if you have any idea how many times the enemy tried to steal our faith um um [Music] [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] do not be the glory to god be the lord [Music] oh [Music] be the [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] blessed bless every soul bless the gifts bless the times that's the offering [Applause] jesus said these words to peter around the same time he had consecrated some bread and some wine he prayed that their faith would not fail you got enough worship in you and i'm not worried in you jesus has already prayed for you you're gonna be all right general confession i want you to say it with me and say it earnestly say it earnestly the general confession almighty god father thy lord jesus christ you're the maker of all things judgment we acknowledge i manifold sins and wickedness time to time most grieves you have committed by thought against your divine majesty provoking most just of your wrath and indignation against us we earnestly repent and the heartless sorrow for these our misdoings the remembrance of them is grievous unto us have mercy upon us have mercy upon us most merciful father for your son our lord jesus christ's sake forgive us all that has passed and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee to the honor and glory of your name through jesus christ our lord amen [Music] yes [Music] oh [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] almighty god the heavenly father who of your tend to mercy to give your only son jesus christ to suffer death on the cross for our redemption who made that by his oblation of himself once offered a full perfect and sufficient sacrifice oblation and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world and the institute in his holy gospel commands us to continue a perpetual memory of that this precious death until it's coming again hear us o merciful father we normally beseech you and grant that we receive your creatures bread and wine according to your son our savior jesus christ holy institution in remembrance was death and passion and on the particular most blessed body and blood on the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and said take eat this is my body broken for you do this in remembrance of me likewise after supper he took the cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and said drink you all of it for this is the blood of the new testament poured out for you and for many for the remissions of sins as often as you eat it and drink it you do show my death until i come hello brothers and sisters i'll ask now for you to make ready to take your bread and your wine make preparations to receive the elements of the lord's supper is is [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no now [Music] [Music] if you go ahead and take that top layer off broken body represents this body this represents his body you got to break it i i i don't ever want you to ever take this hole you need to be reminded that it was his brokenness that's brought you a semblance of wholeness break it so that you remind yourself of how they crush this body break it and remember how they nailed them in his hands and feet pierced him in his side a crown of thorns on his head break it so that you understand his brokenness has brought you healing soundness and health come on eden thank you jesus thank you thank you take that cup thank you jesus blood on the doorposts covers everything in it everything that came from drink is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and i know it was [Music] the lord spread together and you give your gifts as you depart our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses says we forgive those lead us not but deliver us from me for for thine is the kingdom forever you've shown by your coming you're living your love and charity with your neighbor and that you intend to lead a new life on the commandments of god as you rise let's stand on our feet it's first sunday praise god from whom all bless this room great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] raise them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now unto him that i'm glad to tell you is able to keep every one of us from falling one day's gonna present us all faultless before the only wise god our father but until that time we would not let our faith fail jesus has already prayed for us and we got enough worship at another word to sustain so we can say like paul i'll let nothing separate me from the love of god may let god be with you now his fault and forevermore put the bad hands together and affirmative by singing [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] god bless you my sense of hope that you've been blessed by our worship experience today it's been an honor a privilege and a pleasure to have had the opportunity for us to worship even in this scattered experience we recognize the importance of us coming together i pray you already have your communion you were able to join us and be a part of it but if you have not don't forget we still have church today at 11 o'clock and you can stop by and be a part of that if you want to stop by and do that you can also drop off your times as well as your offering if you have not already given you can do so at this time or throughout this day by way of the platforms that we have by our smartphone smartphones and electronic devices i always want to encourage you to be a part of our prayer call don't forget we're going to have prayer this evening at 6 00 pm and tomorrow morning at 6 a.m every day of the week we have our prayer call and i want you to join us further don't forget that we also have daily manner that premieres every day at 12 noon and i want to encourage you to be a part of that as we study the word of god and then don't forget it means something for us to have these platform of worship as you well know wednesday is a phenomenal time for us wednesday we take the time at 7 30 to tape our worship service that we air on sunday morning and if you would like to be a part of that community of worshipers come on and join us we would love for you to be here it will mean much to us to have you to be a part know that i love you i thank god for you and i look forward to seeing you soon but until that time let us thank god together for another sunday morning [Music] this has been another imani broadcast thank you for tuning in and we look forward to seeing you next sunday [Music]
Channel: Saint Mark Orlando
Views: 401
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vzt92o2r8s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 46sec (5986 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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