Daily Juicy Memes 389

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fresh juicy memes everyday 7:00 p.m. British time the test isn't that confusing the test teacher everyone get in group of three my friends me YouTube would you like YouTube premium me no YouTube understandable would you like YouTube premium Anna meet my family there rocks the BuzzFeed employee creating a which type of bread are you quiz other countries struggling to make cloth masks meanwhile Japan Japanese researchers have created a smart face mask that as a built-in speaker and can translate speech into a different languages human have night-vision goggles cats have night vision eyes but two characters hate each other and regularly try to kill each other fan fiction writers I think we all know where this is going time travel is invented girls yes I can relive the best moments with my ex voice no Heron Bay get away form that kid my dog after doing literally anything perhaps treat yacht owner has a pool on their yard the entire ocean surrounding them Mr joke to you don't knock unless I married you birthed you or ordered food from you me and intellectual man finds baby bears dancing like human children and the forest boys you get taken to hospital your mom starts crying the doctor starts crying the avengers actor walk in my alarm clock come this is no place to die my parents the soup isn't hot at all just drink it the soup zombie bites person person but I'm the main character virus understandable have a great day how much for spider-man not for sale how much for the company Steve Jobs said one thing separates successful people from everyone else money me moves a snail from the curb to the grass the snail behold the one commandment vines will always be better than tick-tock unmuting myself just to say okay in the zoom meeting breaking my silence me that can you drive slowly I'm drinking water dad slams brakes me I'm France can stains monster you don't seem like a monster to me I keep the click sounds on my phone turned on measuring with the metric system America she basically lifted one thousand hamsters America Billy Eilish unfollowed Ariana Grande whoa that's interesting but I sure don't care interviewer why do you want this job me here's a list of things that aren't free food the demons in my house after I turn on the lights understandable have a great day girls you left the toilet seat up also girls what's my purpose 14 year olds post your quotes on Instagram to seem intelligence oh my god me exists EA you're gonna pay wolf grandmother corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture in this picture they are the same picture having the TV volume on an odd number having the TV volume on an even number having the TV volume on a multiple of five the murder Hornets are not gone we lost track of them I have to go make a call Florida inmates use criminal skills to rescue baby from car the criminals well maybe I don't want to be the bad guy anymore parents when they scream at their depressed child for the fifth time why do I fix everything I touch college you need money to attend college job you need a degree to get money college you need money to attend college capitalism okay class thirteen is now a school subject so it's time to get smooth let's start with an example who wants to go first Joe say get up here if some hot piece caught your eye what would you say are you a minecraft fence because I can't get over you mother hips teenage daughter with flip-flop from impossibly long distance I've seen Ross strength only once before animal species in Avatar be like when you finally get the water out of your ears after swimming when your phone autocorrects holy crap - holy carp you are falling panic you have a water bucket in your hand calm you are not playing minecraft panic when I die I want the people had done group projects with to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time my group members watching a 30-second unskipable ad on youtube reporting the ad to skip it dog whimpering the cause of bad dream human pets it the human in the dogs dream camera man doing the same things but with a heavy camera TV survival specialist beach takes months to bring rocks to the shore me throws rocks back into water beach how the twitch chat looks how the people sending the messages actually look lasagna is just a giant pastor sandwich mock go outside and play it's not that hot the temperature outside ariana grande showcases her toned abs in a sports bra oh dear I guess that doesn't really qualify as news does it kids on Xbox Live when they start losing an argument n-word party when your girlfriend sends you a meme she found and it's yours local potato happy today pain paint me drinks gasoline just before I die the guy cremating my body now pet-friendly except for bears we are not making that mistake again sad bear noises the scariest things on earth the dark clowns sharks serial killers death monkey in Toy Story 3 why do you look sad daddy hey are you sleeping yes I am now shut up we are more prepared for a zombie apocalypse than a math test Caryn's after wearing a mask for barely 6.9 seconds in terms of oxygen supply we have no oxygen supply hero in movies gets shot 18 times his go no don't leave me death understandable have a great day welcome to the gang kit we've got stealing Steve murdering Mike and baby shark what did baby shark do do-do-do do-do people in an ambulance be like you may be old but are you this old Apple might not include a charger with the iPhone 12 iPhone 2-0 assemble it yourself each part sold separately when you and your friends bully all those students who always bully new and weak kids we are bad and that's good is for a lot depends on the context Lego bricks no friends yes any impossible piano song exists Synthesia bought me falls down 256 blocks in Minecraft but uses a water bucket full damage understandable have a great day mum buys me a videogame console me uses it huh you weren't supposed to do that teacher what did you do during vacation me I went so coning which is basically reading to someone teacher who did you Salkin with me I did it to Jo teacher who's Jo me a good friend who has lid ma teacher what Seligman me it's this really weird disease rest of the class I'm the brain for computers I'm the nervous system I represent eyes can we change the subject please someone enters your lair panic it's just a platypus calm its perry the platypus panic go come over the dutch can't i'm busy go i got spices the dutch what if Mosasaurus was still alive 2020 that's not a bad idea I'm booked until September maybe I'll release it during November some Americans when they are asked to simply put on a mask for their and other safety health help I'm being repressed people when they call for duty I don't know I didn't play the game [Music] people today people are so violent these days things were better in the old days the old days so cool bro me at the school trip takes out my power bank to charge my phone everyone else at the school trip our power bank man who lost arm by plunging it into lava smugly refuses to describe what lava feels like fine I'll do it myself are ya winning son yep having a blast thanks dad okay class 13 is now a school subject so it's time to get smooth let's start with an example who wants to go first Joe say get up here if some hot piece caught your eye what would you say red stone is red lapis is blue can I put my minecraft bed next to you when your friend takes you to a party and leaves you alone with people you don't know I hate life type C for fast-charging C I too am extraordinarily murderer tries to kill me me fully under the blanket murderer understandable have a great night in order to save the world from 2020 scientists have rebuilt Heron Bay everyone like that thank you for watching today's episode of juicy memes tune in tomorrow at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. for your daily dose of memes if you liked the video be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't already also be sure to check out my Instagram page and discord server the links are in the description thank you for watching
Channel: Memenade
Views: 823,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9_AV-5VQtf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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