Daily Driving My Rolls Royce Drophead For 11 Years!

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hi guys so today I want to share with you my daily mule I've been driving this thing for 12 years almost every day and I love it it's basically like a yacht on wheels it's got a lot of teak wood it's got a very long wheelbase and it stands very high up and very comfortable let's take a look [Music] [Music] and of course if you live in California you gotta have a topless car so let's put the top down first 53,000 122 miles all put on by mynique Watchmen great tired low flat tire gives you all kinds of warnings but good news I got gas so 53,000 122 miles that's a lot of miles on a Rolls Royce so let's put the top down there's a button right here you can tell it's kind of tired so here is why I love my Roy Roy's drop head and sight from the seats being like basically my couch there is super cushiony it has all this wood that goes all around their car like a meaning yeah so it's got all this thick wood so you can see all the shiny wood here it's got a little ashtray I don't think I've ever ever used this ashtray and let's turn it off so we don't die from carbon monoxide and on a rainy day I guess it rains a lot in London you got your very expensive rolls-royce umbrellas so this is pretty cool I think I've probably used these umbrellas a couple of times in 12 years not bad huh so I'm told these are like $2,000 so every time I take this to a valet first thing I check to make sure my umbrellas are there of course as you can imagine it's not cheap driving a Rolls Royce I probably spend about fifty thousand dollars in maintenance changing the shocks I think it was like 10 15 grand injectors this that tires wheels fuel injection gas pump I can go on and on but I don't mind it I mean I love it I mean look at the teak wood in the back so by the way this was an option I don't know how much I paid for this I'm gonna dig up the paperwork I think was like 10 15 grand to get the teak wood and of course I got my initials on the headrest and to be honest with you and I drive this car people still assume it's brand new so that's what I love about it it's timeless the design and they did a fantastic job with the design on this car they're still very rare you know I probably see one drive-by once every three months and my neighborhood which a lot of people have voiced worries and Ferraris and Lamborghinis and you see a lot of ghost rolls-royce ghost but all rate but you don't see Drophead often so this is the granddaddy of the rolls-royce and the new ones go for about five hundred fifty thousand and I paid four hundred thirty eight thousand in two thousand eight when he first came out and I loved it so let me take a look I think have the paperwork somewhere I want to pull up my invoice so let's go look in the trunk I haven't opened the trunk in many many months so let's see what we find it there so what I love about the Roy is Roy's drop head you see this little button here it's power and this just gets released drops down and it says 330 pounds I guess it's safe to say I could set it on here sometimes I just packed us up to a beach and just chill smoke my cigar if I'm not smoking while I'm driving and it's great or eat my hamburger so then you got few other compartments here you got your tools which I've never ever used you can tell it's not remain open for 12 years and then you got a another compound Hey look we got the window sticker I was wrong four hundred thirty four thousand six hundred eighty I can't say four hundred thirty eight thousand but Wow I can't believe this from twelve years ago pretty cool what else we got in here yeah yeah so gas mileage 11th for city 18 for highway but on the display says eight miles per gallon so must be the way I Drive and look what we got here we got a nice Royce Royce of Orange County bag I have no use for it Hey comment below I'll choose one of you lucky guys that's gonna receive this bag all right I think we're ready to take this baby for a ride oh the best part of this car the doors closed by themselves and people always freak out when they're sitting in the passenger seat look at this one button here yes sir so some of the other cool features with this car it's got two glove compartment one up here whoa looks busy and then one down here this is where you keep your secret stash I don't have any but the funny part is this is where your CD changer is and the cartridge to put your multiple CDs oh another cool thing I forgot to tell you guys you can choose whether you want the Spirit of Ecstasy on the hood ornament down or up here we go and here we go now of course you can take a joy ride in a Roy Choi's drop head enjoy the weather if you don't have your Monte Cristo number - and this is where I keep my stash thanks to Roman I was out of Monte Cristo number two and he sent me a box so thank you got my Lamborghini cutter my cigar numbered Monte Cristo number two [Applause] uh-uh a better cutter Lamborghini get it together [Applause] there's like a good cigar alright let's go find some Grey Poupon so this car is obviously a 12-cylinder car no turbos so there's no lag and over 430 horsepower as you can tell is super smooth and it's obviously doesn't have the power like the Wraith or the ghost but I kind of like cruising and not punching her than just chill enjoy this Dakar and my favorite music to listen to while I Drive my drop head is Frank Sinatra kiss FM so we can't ask for Grey Poupon they probably won't even know what I'm talking about with my accent but 53,000 miles later it still drives like it's rolling on ice or floating on water as you say excuse me sir do you have any Grey Poupon good get out what no way yeah yeah yeah cool yeah yeah I'm just treating some content for my youtube yeah you don't mind to be on my youtube view there you go I'm just getting this guy's authorization you're okay I'll see you I'm gonna be done in 10 minutes yeah it's up bite you got a good scene you man all right no Grey Poupon but it turns out to be someone I know so now why don't we go see what's under the hood aigo rolls-royce 12-cylinder 6.75 liter lot of torque and what else do we know about this car that's about it pretty quiet huh oh yeah these must be the air suspension that's what he's so smooth I just noticed that no one that the swats and sharks cost me so much money and another part a lot about that car is the grill this Royce raised well is this just symbol of success I love it hi guys I hope you enjoyed this video sorry no pistachios today but I had my number to Monte Cristo cigar this is my daily meal I call a mule but it's really one of the best cars out there for daily driver if you're entrepreneur and you'd like to smoke cigars and you want to get some Sun make sure you subscribe and see you in the next video a lot of my success has been true trial and errors over the past 28 years have I had a mentor early on I would have saved a lot of money and lots of time and avoid a lot of pitfalls so lucky for you I'm giving you the opportunity to be mentored by me I created something I wish I had when I got started we call it many cars means millionaire mentorship
Channel: Manny Khoshbin
Views: 1,472,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manny Khoshbin, Hypercar, Business, Success, Investing, Real Estate, Investor, Millionaire, Wealthy, Car Collector, Orange County, Lifestyle, Vlog, Irvine, California, Rolls Royce, Drophead
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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