Dad Won't Accept Daughters Boyfriend

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hello friends it's me and today is dark man monday so we're gonna watch a video about a rich dad who rejects his daughter's boyfriend let's watch i don't understand where is this new boyfriend of yours i'm sure he'll be here soon dad he had to work a double shift today oh so he's late mother and father at the table the food is on the table and he's still not here already enough reason to not like him that's nice honey he seems like a hard worker that's no excuse for being late to our family dinner what kind of first impression is this i'm so sorry i came as soon as my shift was over didn't even have time to change you came to our house dressed like that don't worry you look great we're just happy you're here sir i just met you and this is crazy but like i just came from work so it's a pleasure to meet you mr and mrs reyes and it's a pleasure to meet you and you can call me gloria now let's sit and eat thank you test me the hot sauce here you go why is it so quiet in this room alexa play moonlight sonata or something [Music] like the silence is loud so mr reyes i must confess i actually read about you it's very impressive what you've accomplished i hope to be a businessman like you one day well you can't be like me dressed like that dad stop a man that has to work he ain't got time to go home and like change like he's not even giving him a chance we met at the university oh so you go to the university with maria what are you studying oh no uh actually i'm not studying at the university we met while i was working there oh so you're a professor actually um i maintain the buildings that's why i'm dressed like this so you have a construction company oh no right now i'm just a janitor i do as soon as you said uh yeah i don't actually go to the university i just clean it you know maintain the buildings or whatever and i just thought i was like the janitor he'd be looking real cute i think i should talk to him like that shouldn't matter but daddy's about to blow up but i hope to own my own company one day just like you sir you have no college degree so you show up here for dinner and dirty clothes so you're a janitor so and you want to date my daughter yes dad chris is the hardest working man i know and that is a very good trait to have like having somebody that's like hard working and like that wants to do something with their life he's just like pee you stinky my daughter with a janitor like illegal at least she didn't pull up with some tick-tock e-boy with a face tat and he treats me really well i love him what do you know about love what do you know my daughter cannot be dating a janitor i'm sorry chris but dad you don't even know him jeez just like that like you didn't even ask him what he likes to do his favorite food like i can't understand like if he didn't like the hot sauce like sorry i don't like spicy food you don't like spicy food get out of my house right now i understand that i understand dad's right i shouldn't be here you shouldn't be dating a janitor you deserve better no chris wait dang see what you've done how can you do that to chris yeah man that wasn't cool or to her daughter she's too young to understand she cannot be dating a janitor why she like twenty thousand thank me later oh really then i guess you're lucky i didn't take your advice when i met you what do you mean why you're such a big businessman that you can't remember where you came from oh god i'm like how are you going to act like that when you haven't been a rich businessman your whole entire life didn't he not have humble beginnings father you can't forget where you came from when i first met you you were also a janitor oh that's why you just moved to this country and had no money wow and you would also wear the same dirty clothes but you had big dreams and you worked really hard that's what i loved about you most people didn't believe in you but you believed in yourself and over time you became successful you left being a janitor to start your own business you left your dirty clothes for your business suits and now here you are here you are roasting the same exact guy that reminded you of yourself like he started out as janitor i would have been like hey cool man i used to be a janitor too like are you so ashamed of where you came from and how things started so you're like that air in my life was very dark did not exist control you can't forget where you come from you were just like chris damn get humbled working a small job with very big dreams gloria thank you for reminding me how i started yeah because i clearly forgot so long i almost forgot you know all this hot sauce got to my brain i just don't want our daughter to struggle as much as we did honey if we figured it out they will too you're right that's the man i fell in love with better go over there make it right he put on his old uniform hey still fits looks like you could use some help oh no sir i can't nonsense it'll be easier with two people thank you but i can do this on my own i don't need your help old man you know when i first met maria's mom i was the exact same way i wanted to do everything by myself that's the thinking that motivated me to start my own business wow i i didn't know that's how you got started so you were just like me i want to be like you're just like me bro why you give me such a hard time like you start out as a janitor too janitoring runs in the family that's not a word look i owe you an apology you sure sorry i said you weren't good enough for my daughter i forgot that i too once was in your shoes you think we could start over yes of course i'd shake your hand but my hands are dirty what you think i'm too good to get my hands dirty hey don't forget where i came from okay nah you clearly forgot where you came from wifey had to like refresh your memory all right now let's start sweeping here just tell me about that company you'd hope to own someday yeah sweet sweet sweet sweet oh and then they bonded over it and then he invited him for another dinner and then he showed up late again and that's when daddy really beat us i'm kidding what did we learn today stay humble but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video check out jeremy's other videos i will link them in the description below and if you guys want us to do another collab make sure you hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,601,074
Rating: 4.9594622 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dharr mann, dad, daughter, boyfriend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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