Dad Reacts to JPEGMAFIA - Veteran

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen my name is Connor here with my father Kevin and today that was a quiet one quiet nice and subtle uh today we are covering an album that uh a lot of people have been wanting you to hear you know this man you've heard his production we scared some hoes yeah a couple weeks ago jpeg Mafia veteran uh this is not actually his debut record uh somebody on our patreon corrected me recently I thought I thought this was the debut but um apparently the record before was actually His official debut um I thought it was a mixtape this is his second record but this is really the entry point for a lot of people um it was the entry point for me he's known for his wild uh experimental production pushing boundaries uh what do you know about jpeg I found out today that he is truly a veteran um uh from the Iraq War and I and I this part of me that goes wild like you think you cover a lot in your life and then you realize you start looking into people and you like other people yeah he was in the air force for four years and then he's he's carved out this really [ __ ] amazing career of this of really really great music right yeah and then you go [ __ ] what do I do what am I doing here track number one 1539 in Calvert [Music] oh nice [Music] [ __ ] backing tracks are so good okay still [Music] that's fine right yeah [Music] that was awesome yeah that was really good you know what if I catch if I go back and catch these lyrics You can tell me if I'm wrong and just say Dad you're an old [ __ ] okay okay um is there a disc yeah there's like slight disses I mean to Drake it seems like they're almost like you know like parody in a way like yeah yeah I don't think he's that serious about the disses like you'll notice some disses on here and yeah he's he's known for saying like some controversial stuff but not really controversial yeah see the white I was saying I don't give a [ __ ] if you if you're out there in the six yeah like yeah like those like they're like little shots but they're not really too you know serious I think no no it's more just uh him really just speaking his mind freely yeah you know he's just very open yeah well I like this one too like this one credit Mike credit like my name was Chad yeah like these [ __ ] those are those are like yeah I mean he he throws in some stuff that's like you know uh like very uh yeah it talks on like different situations in in the United States he'll talk about political he'll bring in political people he'll bring in celebrities that's that's what I'm getting here the whole mix here like he's got shorty trying to give that dick to Kelly Conway like yeah like you know Republican and yeah yeah no so he's he's really tuned into all that kind of stuff and he's just speaking his mind on this yeah yeah and and you know then doing all the production himself so it's a it's a really unique uh he's a really unique artist and a very it's a very interesting project but a very very I'm gonna go like I've I've dug into the lyrics a little bit here but the the production was so [ __ ] done in such a I'm gonna say soft okay but soft in terms of like they're nothing squealed out it was just [ __ ] out you know what I mean yeah it's sat in that pocket it sat in that really nice nice park and then those little Dukes in there right and then the 808s yeah no it was a cool it was a cool track I could really hear me listening to this in the car yeah it'd be fun yeah right I've done it many times yeah um we'll go to the next track track number two you think you know me [ __ ] crackers [Music] [Music] this is such a dope sample flip ah smoking yeah great great about great programming yeah let me program these [ __ ] I love the boundaries he pushes man that was [ __ ] great yeah what a way to take that sample yeah and I'm so glad that you knew the song beforehand because it just adds so much if you didn't know that that was yeah no sample it still would be great yeah the fact that you can you know you recognize that and then you're like holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] such a cool interpolation of it yeah it's great that he didn't go this is what I loved and I loved about the death death grip so much and experimental hip-hop is that he didn't go down and bring like he would did uh it was into that but then his vocals just came right in and I like that they were extremely clear yeah they weren't off in the back Reverb no no not distorted they were just they were there and they were just so good and that contrast between the crazy and the clear yeah is perfect it's great I like the choice on that one too that was [ __ ] fantastic and the drum programming is just it's just insane man this is this is this I'll tell you right now listening to this is uh like if if we get into if we did a scissor or or a Tame Impala or whatever today right not conventional but just you know something something you'll recognize something yeah something I would I would you sort of know the patterns right yeah you know what you're getting yeah this is like an Amazon box delivered that I didn't order because I was on acid yeah right and I opened it up and this tomato paste in there and two condoms big enough different things what the [ __ ] is this what does this come from yeah so when you when you say pull up the next song I'm like what's gonna happen like where are we going yeah that's the excitement of it right yes that's the great thing track number three Thug tears foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this would go so hard in that little Club yeah [Music] don't kill me holy [ __ ] [Music] it's a it's a pretty wild ride on that one that was really wild that was like wild wild the West I was gonna say this out of all the tracks so far this one I would not want to play it if I was stoned oh yeah you'd get tripped the [ __ ] up because there was [ __ ] going on like I think people are talking about me I think there'd be someone yes yeah yeah I wouldn't listen to that on like shrooms or anything definitely not no way um next track is I if I remember correctly it's an instrumental we're gonna go into track four damn and then I'll let that play into track five baby I'm bleeding wow that's a big [ __ ] in the background eh oh wow okay I'm glad I wouldn't want to either be on um [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] this dick got so many styles they should call me Peggy AJ tell your [ __ ] come here like I work for Midway [ __ ] like fire that was fire a great track that was absolute Fire Man build up from the beginning yes just stuff constantly coming in until that verse finally comes in and then he is just so aggressive you can hear him build his aggression before with his his [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah it's kind of muffin and then right when that when the when when a [ __ ] snare whatever you want to call it snare came in when that finally comes in and then it just [ __ ] pushes the beat yeah like it elevates everything but that bonus that's what great [ __ ] thinking out of the box is yes 100 like that is like about that that would like do you do that maybe some somebody would you know produce it and do it maybe a few times and then keep it away but no but that there keeps that [ __ ] aggression yeah all that [ __ ] right yeah it keeps it built up and he comes in so hard uh with his vocals and uh that's one you'll definitely want to dive into the lyrics you know I I have to I have to dive in the lyrics but that was [ __ ] that was great track that was a great track and and lots lots and lots of stuff to dig out of there man wow track number six my thoughts on neogaf dying foreign [Music] [Music] he's got a little so many little things to keep you entertained man yeah I don't want to I like the coffee so yeah kind of a track that's like you know if you're listening to the album front to back it's sounds great in the Productions dope um and his vocal like you were saying there's so much going on to keep you entertained not one that you'd like you know pick out and put into a playlist or listen No No but but but no like picking out all the great [ __ ] in it man like like first off it I guess it's toned down yes definitely pitched he pitched it down to you right to my yeah but I want to say about the the just the drums like he had and some and way over here he had to pick all those out and choose and choose and choose where where to put them why over there and there was there was one that was only once yeah yeah so these are all conscious decisions you know it's not like he just picked a drum Loop and then that's that's Let It Go and then you know that's you're reading my balls that's exactly what I'm trying to say like that's not that's he's he's that's creating that's not going into GarageBand and pulling that thing in and they're just doing the vocals over top no he's no he's like creating an actual art piece you know that everything is constructed 30 something seconds it's all picked out and yeah so and and man kudos to you because oh man I I to get 10 seconds together for me is [ __ ] hard track number seven Rock and Roll is dead foreign hey that pussy's [Music] I don't know how he makes it sound like you're in a [ __ ] sewer yeah I don't know what to say about that it's it's it it is so intense yes it is so so intense but I'm gonna start with this the way he sucks his samples and has them on the beat and has them and it used to be like that is [ __ ] great do you is that through that whole thing man I I don't know if it was a drip or what but it it really felt like a sewer you were in a massive sewer and you could hear what yeah but until the end when the birds that's when you then you you came out of the [ __ ] sewer into the Sun and you're walking around you're like holy [ __ ] it's nice out today Track eight D deform 214. oh mama [Music] [Music] yeah it's cool to hear uh like someone else's voice on this production [Music] I love that yeah I'm doing favors of petty pay call me I'm Peggy to skank I get the Ratchet and Clank yeah [Music] [Music] thank you oh [ __ ] me I'll just I love that oh sorry love the female like I love the having the different voice on there yeah my question now is you know we're nine tracks nine tracks into the record you've heard some of his production do you understand why people were so excited when they heard that jpeg was going to be producing with Danny Brown oh for sure yeah yeah because his production style is so unique so it's like as much as everybody loves hearing him on it yeah like you just craved like man I wonder what this person would sound like on here well that's that was the female right yeah yeah yeah like Danny Brown was like you know a perfect fit but there's so many artists I wonder like what would jid sound like on uh wow like he would [ __ ] kill it um so many other artists I could think of like you know oh jid would kill it like yeah you got you hit it like his his voice that yeah imagine Jade on jpeg production it would it would be wild um [ __ ] on jpeg yeah that [ __ ] sells it right there that's the album title jit on jpeg I'd buy a t-shirt yeah oh Peggy jid track number nine germs can I just read all I have on genius yes it just all it says to me the ninth and the possibly the weirdest song yes I don't like this that it tells me that I want to make that decision on my own yeah wow wow that's definitely that's a creature from Jurassic Park that off the top [ __ ] [Music] look [ __ ] I got the sauce and it's whopped up Jesus right I [ __ ] love this the backing of this this Fresh Prince no princess [Music] I'm proud [Music] his [ __ ] I tell you I dig his [ __ ] mind so much [Music] okay I that was [ __ ] so so cool I don't know what they mean by weirdest I don't think it's the weirdest I I don't know whatever they say weirdest I think that for me that was like absolutely coolest one of the coolest tracks on that that that Raptor thing going or whatever yeah and that that having and that's so many changes oh that was so cool even you know what when it goes to what they call it the chorus um I think it's it's not a chorus no it's not it's where I thought was the course and then he went off and he was doing the singing and stuff like that and all that was over there that was just it was so different but it was just it was like me staring at a piece of art that I just it was I just got it I got it yeah it's like you look at it you're like I understand you're staring at it you get the colors and you're like [ __ ] I get it I get it I get it I get it and I was just saying I love his mind man because there's just that weird part in me that is like is that that you want to do that yeah and I've done it like I like doing that vocalization because you yeah it's just the weird [ __ ] and the unconventional yes yeah because it [ __ ] feels good it's rewarding it you know what it is and when you do I'm gonna [ __ ] do some weird [ __ ] with my hands but when you when you actually let yourself out I understand when people dance and they're really [ __ ] and I'm yeah when I dance I dance really [ __ ] up you know that right and I do really weird [ __ ] right but that's really letting out the [ __ ] that's in your body and your soul right yeah no it's expressing yourself and just getting that release yes and that here what he just created that was that was full of that really that release that you have built up for whatever it just he just it just spit out man in this really [ __ ] cool way that was a cool track yeah and but again the cool thing about it the amazing thing and the great thing is that he constructed that that's not just pulling [ __ ] in and I'm gonna grab this apple and apple and apple loops and stuff all that kind of stuff yeah like that's that's what makes it so special like anybody I said any any ear that's just doesn't know music or hasn't worked on creating they'll just go what a bunch of noise yeah no but it's not it's it's no it's curated every everything comes together he has to you know consciously pick all these sounds and these noises yeah everything that fits into the track and choose when to stop things and slow it down and yeah all that there's these records in certain genres that are boundary pushing and try new ideas and I think they're the foundation of of the future of of music I I I I totally agree and you know what as if you want to write like conventional uh pop or or conventional nothing wrong with that no Queen conventional hip hop or anything like that but you take maybe two elements yeah just small pieces of it take some inspiration it takes some inspiration and do something different and and uh the reverses and and just everything like anything that he he creates in here is a that was exciting for me that was a great one I'm gonna I'm gonna tell right genius and say you're [ __ ] weird track number 10. libtard anthem [Music] word [Music] [Music] I know my real mom started going into the next one yeah it's a short one that was the other one of those like almost uh interlude-esque yeah yes track 11. Panic Emoji [Music] so that's cool [Music] yeah just watch them work [Music] [Music] yeah yeah I could hear jit on this oh yeah yeah love this beat such a such a cool Beast yeah and I'm getting cash [Music] on the Block wow yeah clean the shower oh there's water out okay shower could be [Music] foreign that was really really cool that was I for me on this album this the most spacious and stand out in terms of like wideness and openness and not super super choppy which is really cool to see that there's a little break and he does do that which is like you know I mean he has he has this preference of doing the quick chops and stuff like that in samples but to have that nice space there without everything going on and and um and by the way it shows you at the beginning here and it's it's that one it's uh all re recreate it it's I think they I think they took it from uh the scream the famous painting the screen oh yeah right I look like I'm getting a [ __ ] give it I'll use that for the thumbnail [Laughter] yeah no one of the cooler songs production wise and I know you can see that about most songs on here but to me that's one of my favorite uh just beats yeah really really good if he ever drops a you know [ __ ] 10-year anniversary in 2020 yeah and it comes with all the instrumentals I'm playing that one on repeat track 12 DJ snitch [ __ ] interlude Hulk Hogan known to keep the thing smoking steady [ __ ] with a blonde I think I'm Frank DJ snitch you are not a man [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] token Giuliani sucking dick that's the [ __ ] slogan make you disappear with no Trace that's tragic riding down Cavern in the caddy with the ratchet [ __ ] called a cop so much the cops you give them badges [Music] the thing that throws me off is the high pitch hissing I couldn't sleep to that right interlude there that was cool cool I dig the music but I think there's way more in there lyrically that I need to look at yeah yeah it's pretty pretty deep right yeah no uh that's one that's uh another one that I said where it's like you're not gonna throw it on uh just in a playlist yeah you know listening to the album front to back it's a great track it makes it makes it it goes yeah yeah and it makes the album what it is yeah it has a flow right track 13 Whole Foods oh [Music] My Whole Foods like I'm busy [Music] Dimensions stop pretending till I die [Music] oh wow [Music] the clock is still there metronome but the I'm up window looking real stupid [ __ ] that perfect dark [ __ ] for the job so I zip them up do you hear those these shots what shots that's another like lyrically heavier song with like less on the instrumental side yeah so probably one that you'll want to uh you know dive into one yeah it wasn't too freaky in terms of music I love that though I love that but I love also when that big raw it dropped out and then it went to the second verse yeah about my favorite my highlight for me on that track is the first line though [ __ ] I shot the Whole Foods because or like I'm bougie [Laughter] track number 14. [Music] it's nice cool guitar work really cool face like Macaulay Culkin gave her the Sig but I left the smoking just for me no style is my custody man I should charge the ship and feed these rappers don't mean [ __ ] to me sounding like my mini-me's but you ain't got the heart to do these evil Deeds Deborah pack turn stone cold in the simple steel that's great [ __ ] you really [ __ ] pushing the frequencies eh yeah [ __ ] around yeah thought that that was good yeah that was good that was you know I love the that he's done this twice on this album so far where he's given you this space break yes from the chaos and I love that really that guitar and pretty straightforward with the bars you know yeah anything too crazy it wasn't the the verses weren't split up and vocal chopped or anything it was just straight you know yeah lyrical content with uh with a really cool but there's so much to dive into here yeah like I love so many lines but I picked out the stone cold right but there's [ __ ] so much to extrapolate man yeah I'm excited for you to go like re-listen to this a few times like front to back no pausing not not us talking yeah you know it's such a great record to just throw on and uh and really you know get yourself immersed in it track 15. Williamsburg selling art to these yuppies getting mixed office I'm in New York like I'm Peter Parker I'm a slave to this rap [ __ ] I can't quit fresh sake with the grip oh you pop [ __ ] call the gun Britney Gene when the spears come out I hit you and JT the Hawkeyes you go Rust in Peace heard you like Thrasher foreign [Music] [ __ ] it always freaks me out with that yeah [Music] he [ __ ] me up with those those uh the Statics because I had to grow up with that you you didn't right no my dad used to go change go you know change the TV right yeah so I'd walk up to the TV he'd be laying on the couch smoking a cigarette whatever and I go up there and the TV would be cranked right so you can hear that so every time he does that I'm [ __ ] jumping out to me that's new that's a new sound it's something it's brand new it vented recently cool track lyric another one lyrically you want to dive into later I'm sure yeah that was way off for me like I and then uh you know the second half is more just kind of that instrumental and it's uh it's a hypnotic kind of just you know really well produced yeah beat track number 16 I cannot [ __ ] wait till Morrissey dies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] was that I love that that wasn't a shot at Morrissey wasn't it The Gunshot yeah that was short short one yeah another one that's uh short and uh like I said flows with the album um right I I'm really gonna sit with this right now right at this moment you guys are gonna have to just wait oh you want to read through I mean do you know much about Morrissey in terms of his controversial stuff no not at all this I I saw I saw him recently uh walk out of somewhere and people were his fans were trying to talk to him and he totally dissed them like he did didn't even look at them in that so I just reading here that this is Jay pink mafia's diss track against Morrissey the famous English vocalist and former lead singer of The Smith the song is a result of Morrissey producing and selling an offensive shirt um using the likeness and image of American novelist and social critic James Baldwin yeah I think I read an article like I I haven't done my my Morrissey lore I'm not uh I'm not caught up on everything um but I I remember reading an article once because I was curious you know I'd see all the more see hate yeah um and I was like what what do you do so I looked at an article and it was like the top five it was like give us if you have an article that says the top five worst things you've done that's already a really bad sign track 17 Rainbow Six [Music] yeah I think you know me holy [ __ ] I can't stop talking about it's freaking me out it's a great this is a creepy track [Music] with the pistol slap you up [ __ ] little boy boy I can honestly say I've never heard of them in this place [Music] [ __ ] ing [ __ ] [ __ ] you gone [Music] I'm around you baby nice that is the most haunting thing I have heard that we've listened to between that guy sounding like he's actually dying at the last breath God I can't even do that but that sample that sample and just the whole thing the way it was constructed was really really Eerie like Eerie like I've heard I've heard like stuff like with you know Death Grips and stuff like that but that was that was that was just [ __ ] eerie but not saying I'm not saying that's bad I'm it's to to do that and capture that to capture that and pull that and make me feel that is is incredible yeah I don't know how to I don't know I can't explain how I feel kind of in some weird loss well I feel space space but but very hypnotized and with the way this music is um it it takes a certain ear and people who like it like it and people who dislike it it scares the hose right yeah you played at the party um yeah I'd never play that right but I would go back to that yeah yeah exactly right that's the that is the feeling that's the feeling it's such a good thing Man lyrically it had some great lyrics as well man yeah track 18. 1488. I like when he's using guitar yeah [Music] I think a nice big fat gresh guitar it sounds like he's in a grocery store or something machine jobs oh you ain't got your flag now [ __ ] what you are not against you're a hostage rap game thirsty piss same color as Lots white boys do [ __ ] Marching for peace [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] another another cool really real cool production and I'm selling like a [ __ ] broken record here but that uh starting with the guitar starting with the guitar was really really cool and then it then it just went it just it was gone um but there's I know there's [ __ ] tons in here that extrapolate man like lyrically it's obviously I'm excited I was excited for your reaction but uh I'm honestly more excited for you to you know re-listen on your own time yeah track 19. curb stomp [Music] Superman [Music] he's going hard on this eh yeah [Music] [Music] I punch that [ __ ] what hold up wow he was he was vocally curb stomping yes people there that was like yeah [ __ ] at the end there the oh baby I'm dying like wow man it was just vocally uh yeah that's one of the high points on the record wow just that energy man that he's just given out wow that is veteran that is your full first full jpeg Mafia project because scaring the hose was uh daddy Brown yeah collab this is your first taste to jpeg Mafia how do you feel I really really enjoyed the artistic part of this it was I think um diving in and having the appreciation as a musician listening to this and understanding how much work it takes to do this and it's not just a push of a button um is is really really cool and he's pushed some boundaries um the track the one that freaked the living [ __ ] out of me germs or no no uh Rainbow Six yeah Rainbow Six was very very very haunting I've listened to lots of metal and and you know creepy tracks but that gave me a new level of creep so that one that takes the top for like making me have Eerie feelings with that [ __ ] whoa yeah right um I loved I absolutely my fir one of my highlights on this whole thing was uh [ __ ] dob doing the oh yeah and then him using that and then coming in with the beat that was that was it was fantastic one part I feel really lost at this is my all in all honesty is I feel really lost when I can't connect to the lyrics and things are over my head so those two components they you know for me I I I feel like well you're a big lyrical person right yeah yeah you love uh you know diving into what an artist has to say so yeah I think for a first listen for you uh it's definitely gonna be tough catching a lot of the references because uh obviously like I I didn't catch half of the references on my first listen yeah it was like 18 when it came out yeah because you know that like I I know I know that I'm gonna call him Peggy if that's okay yeah uh I I know that especially in that song there it was was he's Peggy spitting stuff out and I'm getting it in terms of the I'm getting the emotion that he's putting out but if I can connect what he's saying lyrically as well it evokes something in me that you know it brings it up he knows what he's saying and when he's spitting it well you feel the power and the emotions yeah I feel the power and the motion but when he's when he's when he's writing his when he has those lyrics and he knows what he's saying right um and he's throwing it out it must feel amazing because he's he knows all the references said yeah and he's got the the the the emotion behind it for me I'm just hearing the motion behind it and I'm not getting all the rest yeah so I'm not getting the substance right yes so um once I dive into the substance a little bit more and then I know I know that this project will be better for me right yeah it will just you already like it but you're gonna like it more yeah once I start yeah what I'm gonna do is I don't know how I'm gonna do this one because um if I'm just gonna sit and like you know I guess genius is my option right yeah genius and and then just read watching interviews around from this time you know I'm sure there's some interviews on YouTube that we'll talk about you know you know behind the scenes and whatnot yeah but this was very enjoyable and uh and I think that um you know like you said earlier with Carolyn Polachek and JPEG and Death Grips and uh clipping um all those take if you're writing take components you don't have to do this you don't have to have to make a record just like veteran no but you can take inspiration from veteran and yeah into your you know work as if you're uh if you're a musician uh right now making music and uh I think that's why these records are so important like you know they're pushing these boundaries and giving influence to you know other artists I had a lot of fun today you had some fun I had lots of fun feeling better I'm feeling yeah I'm physically feeling better and I feel really good that we did this album and uh again another thing that you've inspired me with to create some music well not me exactly but uh well you showed it to me we sat together so yeah so jpeg right hope you guys enjoyed hope you had a great time uh we will have some more content coming out uh take care guys take care see you soon bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: turning the tables
Views: 129,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wIHD01O3Ok0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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