Dad Loves Me, Mom Is Jealous Of Me

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hello my name is iman and i'm from iran please like and subscribe my dad always told me the day i was born was the happiest day of his life i was his pride and joy and my mom and brother adam envied me for that on my fifth birthday dad threw a big party for me and even bought me my very own miniature princess island which we set up in the backyard mom was not happy and complained that dad was spoiling me as the two argued suddenly there was a loud crashing sound outside i ran out to see that adam had completely wrecked my gift adam you stupid monster what have you done he just laughed like a maniac and when dad grounded him mom said it was just a toy and he was too harsh on adam adam was three years older than me and mom spoiled him rotten he failed the second grade twice and when he ended up in the same class as me mom insisted that i do all his homework and allow him to copy from my tests luckily in the eighth grade the teacher caught him cheating from me once and he got suspended for a month and it was the best month of my life at school i was the smartest kid in class and the class president everyone loved me and adam hated that i got more attention than him so sometimes he'd take off his shirt and walk around during lunch breaks showing off his abs he thought he was god's gift to women once in the 10th grade he sat down next to the most beautiful girl in school without his shirt and she threw her soda all over him and told him to stop walking around like an eight i laughed so hard i fell off my seat i caught adam glaring at me and i knew i'd pay for it but it was just too funny and just a few days later on valentine's day a boy in my class gave all the girls roses including me and the minute we got home adam told mom that i had a boyfriend jeez you're such a liar adam mom the boy gave roses to everyone and wait mom the boy lived in our neighborhood and mom was already storming off to his house she barged in and yelled at the poor boy's mom your son gave my daughter a red rose today does he have any intentions to marry her when should i expect a proposal the boy's mother was speechless and then she took the rose back and kicked us out i felt humiliated and mad mom i'll be the laughing stock in school tomorrow why do you always have to listen to adam because he's your big brother and you're just a foolish girl i can't trust you do you know what happens once you take a rose from a boy what mom what happens a baby exactly i was so sick of the way mom treated me i brought home straight a's and trophies and did everything right well adam flunked exams and maxed out dad's credit cards by buying stupid things but he was still her favorite and she couldn't trust me a few days later dad called everyone into the lounge for a family meeting and he made a shocking announcement i've decided to give all my wealth to iman and she will take over the family business once she's old enough what you can't do that that belongs to adam yeah it all belongs to me says who he doesn't deserve anything because he's spoiled and irresponsible who do you think pays the credit card bills and i'm not blind i see the way you both treat my iman if you start being fair and change your attitude i might change my mind and the next morning it was like i'd woken up in a different house because mom and adam were treating me like a princess oh iman your bag looks too heavy for your shoulders adam will carry it for you um i'm used to it thanks i insist adam took the bag off my shoulder with a big smile just then mom handed us our lunch money and she gave me a lot more than usual how come i'm getting what adam usually gets yeah mom have you forgotten i'm a boy and bigger and need to eat more now now we need to be fair to aman you can have more tomorrow adam she winked at him and i just rolled my eyes you guys should take some acting classes because you suck at pretending i know why you're doing all this i took my bag back from adam and walked off to school by myself of course i was onto their plan to impress me just to get dad to change his decision but adam still kept going overboard with his niceness at lunchtime when i was about to sit down at the table he ran forward to pull the chair out for me and i ended up falling flat on my butt dude you're not really helping me and just drop the act it's not gonna work but i'm trying to be nice can't you see i hope you're taking notes because dad needs to know when it was time to go home he insisted on carrying me all the way from school saying that my legs were too precious to walk that far and as soon as we entered the house mom announced that she'd give me adam's room and already shifted all my stuff there i just realized it's massive and has air conditioning what does a boy need such a big room for anyway now come on i've made all your favorite dishes for lunch adam looked pissed but i just grinned at him as i went downstairs and saw the massive spread on the table even though i knew mom's raisins i was loving this royal treatment this is what being adam must feel like once we were done eating mom asked adam to do the dishes and he looked at her confused and then he smiled widely yeah of course i'll wash the dishes oh also mom you remember i'm having a party for my friends this weekend right i wrote down the menu you have to make the brat had a party every month and mom was always happy to host it but suddenly she said actually i was thinking of having a party for a mom this weekend so no you can't have your friends over what why are you throwing me a party it's not my birthday i just want to show you how much i love you honey but mom the dishes are not going to wash themselves adam this was just amazing but the next day as mom was preparing for the party i walked into the kitchen to find adam shouting i thought you were on my side mom i know we have to be nice to her for now but this is too much why are you doing all of this for her maybe your dad is right adam we've been unfair to her wow do you really mean that maybe i was wrong about you and you are just a weak dumb woman who's scared of dad and stupid am i hey cut it out jerk she does so much for you and this is how you behave with her why are you defending this woman are you stupid she doesn't love you she's only doing everything because dad is giving you his fortune well even if that's true she's still my mom and you can't talk to her like that i shoved him aside and started helping mom and he stormed off angrily mom looked a bit shocked and then she thanked me for standing up for her the next evening i was having a blast during the party and then some of my friends approached mom which caught her by surprise auntie thank you so much for inviting us and aman really deserves this party she's super smart at school and she's really kind to everyone i'm sure you're so proud of her mom looked at me and smiled yes i am and then dad pulled me away to stand with him while he gave his speech aman has always made us proud and today we celebrate her and all her achievements everyone stood smiling at us except adam his eyes were red like a raging bulls and suddenly he started bursting all the balloons and then he flipped over the table with all the food adam what is wrong with you i hate you you don't deserve everything i do oh yeah and why is that because i'm a boy and you're a girl that made me so mad that i just pushed him into the pool i don't care what you think you're done making my life miserable adam came out of the pool completely drenched and furious mom dad didn't you see what she just did you're not gonna say anything to her but my parents just stood there silently glaring at him and he screamed and walked away after everyone left the party i was helping mom clean up the mess when suddenly she stumbled and i caught her just in time mom are you okay yes just a bit dizzy just get me some water dear i'll be fine this was the first time i'd seen my mom look so weak so the next day i insisted that we go to the doctor the doctor diagnosed her with tiredness and when we got back home i made sure she got rest i did all the chores and cooked her favorite meal and took it up to her room i i'm really sorry iman i was blind not to see how special you are and believe me i'm not saying this because of your fortune you deserve it you really are an amazing daughter thank you mom i hugged her and i felt at peace because i knew mom was finally being real with me but adam was ruining everyone's peace he was losing his mind because no one babied him anymore one day he threw out all the food from the fridge so we had nothing to eat another time i found out he'd thrown all my clothes out the window and then one night i just lost it when i found all the kitchen garbage on my bed my parents were so angry but their scolding had no effect on adam he just looked at them blankly and then started laughing like a psycho soon after it was time for our final high school results and i had passed with flying colors while adam had failed he would have to repeat the 11th grade dad just flung his report card to the side and turned to me i'm so proud of you aman of course we already knew what to expect from you you have never disappointed us now come outside for your graduation present mom looked really excited too and i nearly screamed when i saw that it was a brand new car but then i caught a look on adam's face and he looked stunned instead of getting angry he just walked off silently and i felt kind of bad for him dad maybe you should get adam a car too he's older than me and i'm sure he already feels pretty low about staying back in high school then he shouldn't have been such a fool you're too kind to think about your brother iman don't waste your thoughts on him later that night as i was watching msa videos in bed i suddenly smelled smoke it seemed to be coming from outside and when i looked out the window i screamed adam was laughing like a mad person next to my car which was on fire mom dad you've got to come out now as we all ran out dad started yelling at adam adam have you completely lost your mind you bought her a car because she deserves it he went totally bonkers after that and started pouring petrol all over the house i'll show you i'll show all of you if i get nothing then nobody will please just stop it why are you doing this adam you know why all you care about is stupid iman oh she's so smart oh she's the best well i'm sick of it i'm the first born here and i'm your son what i want should matter most you're such a brat adam you're just getting a taste of what i felt like all my life and it hurts doesn't it oh shut up iman you're just a stupid girl who came along and stole dad's heart he loved you more than me and i had to live with that all my life and now you've got mom on your side too well you chose to be a horrible brother and son and if no one's on your side now it's your own fault you've ruined everything for yourself with your stupid jealous heart just then adam lit the match but before he could do any damage my uncle suddenly appeared he was a cop and dad had called him and he'd come with his team to take adam away as we watched him leave mom suddenly broke down this is all my fault i made him believe he was more important being the son and i spoiled him or maybe it's my fault i never made him feel like i loved him enough mom dad you both made mistakes with me and adam but it's not all your fault adam needs help and hopefully he'll get it now and be better i don't know how you got to be so wise amon i want to be better too starting with you i hope you can really forgive me for all those years mom trust me i already have
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 24,187,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ng2XxOcbDuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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