I Don’t Understand Emotions

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my name is Lola and I'm from Atlanta please like And subscribe when I was a kid my parents and I had adventures all the time we played hide and seek we fought monsters in our backyard and I even saved mom from a mean old pirate who tried to steal the last piece of pie my life was fantastic but when I turned three mom gave birth to an evil witch named Genevieve from the moment Jen was born she used her Beady blue eyes to cast a spell on my parents and turn them into her evil minions genifis we love you more than anything in the world here you go honey hey I was playing with that Jen started walking at nine months old at two she could write her own name and at three she could do the alphabet without making any mistakes when Jen was seven she won her first national spelling bee she got a huge cash prize and the reporter came over to interview her for the cover story of a magazine I'd like to thank my parents I couldn't have done this without him we're so lucky to have a genius daughter she's our pride and joy my parents kept gushing about Jen for hours as I sat in the corner when the reporter finally said it was time for pictures I joined my family for a photo but Jen insisted that I stay out of it my parents tried reasoning with her but she was beyond reason it's my moment and she'll ruin my image with her stupidity Vibe like my brain sees pictures with his special lens and I'll be able to feel her dumbness every time I look at the pictures I can't explain how my brain works just make her go so Mom gave me some money for ice cream and told me to wait outside while the photo shoot happened a couple of months later I came home from school and found Jen sitting on my bed and all my stuff was gone Mom and Dad said I could switch this room's bigger and has more space for my trophies but but this is my room mom dad May Jen give me my room back Lola stop being ridiculous you don't need a room this size you don't have any trophies Genie do you need anything should I put up some more shelves a new bookcase I was so mad I threw myself on the ground and started screaming this sucks I'm leaving and I'm never coming back I'll show you I'll get a new family that will appreciate me I stormed out of the house I got to the driveway and realized I had nowhere to go so I decided to hide out in my tree house but then something crazy happened my stomach started rumbling and I searched through my pockets to find a candy bar then out of nowhere this girl appeared and snatched it out of my hand hey that's mine this is my tree house get out I don't see your name on it it's written right there oh then the strange girl wrote the word Madison on the wall I guess we're roommates now we'll just have to share then she tossed me half the candy bar Madison and I spent the rest of the day together and she was pretty wild she told me about all the adventures she'd had in the neighborhood I found a skeleton in the neighbor's backyard no way the old lady across the street is an alien I saw a spaceship in her Garage Madison made up on games for us to play we had a spitball fight and threw water balloons at the neighbors as they walked by then my mean old parents told me to come inside for dinner they didn't even miss me or remember that I'd been upset after that when I wasn't at school or watching Janet's spelling bees I'd run out to the tree house and spend time with one time we were pretending to have a sword fight in the backyard it's over for you Madison give up now you'll never take me alive suddenly Jen appeared out of nowhere Lola who are you talking to Madison duh who's that I turned around to introduce Madison but she seemed to have vanished Into Thin Air she was just here must have scared her off with your mean Vibes I thought Jen would say something but she just gave me a weird look um I think you're old enough to not have an imaginary friend and went back inside and Madison instantly reappeared beside me where did you go I didn't want to meet your stupid sister in there I got you you're dead when I was 12 I started junior high school and it was the worst all the girls were more interested in boys and makeup than building pillow forts or searching for Hidden Treasures I had nothing in common with any of them and most of them thought I was weird I was pretty lonely then Madison started sneaking into my school she'd make funny faces and tell the best jokes Madison you're hilarious stop please I'm gonna pee my pants uh who's Madison is she talking to the wall Madison told me cool stories and she was such a gossip she knew everything about everyone and she always had my back whenever a bully tried to mess with me having her around Made Me Stronger and braver hey ugly get out of my way who are you calling ugly you look like a rat and your breath smells like poo once I was cast in a school play and I had to do this huge monologue my parents didn't even bother to come because Jen had a spelling competition the same day I was so nervous I could barely speak but then Madison showed up to cheer me on I shook off my nerves and gave the best performance ever I told my parents all about it but they didn't care the next day they dragged me to another one of Jen's boring competitions Madison brought a bag of ants and we let them loose on stage Jen and all the other kids freaked out and ran around screaming it was hilarious then one day things took a turn for my 15th birthday me and my family went on vacation but when we got back home I realized that Madison was gone I searched for her everywhere the tree house at school and all over the house she didn't show up Madison where are you what the heck are you screaming about I can't even hear myself think I can't find Madison what are you for why do you keep acting like Madison is real she's real to me look I'm really busy but do you want to talk I know you're lonely and have trouble making friends but this isn't healthy I'm totally fine just leave me alone and go back to your books if it wasn't bad enough that Madison had just left me Jen soon got moved up to my class because she was so smart and all the other kids instantly loved her is it true you can spell every word in the dictionary yeah almost I am an international spelling Champion please what was so impressive about spelling anyway one was being able to spell the word crustaceology useful then one morning the most popular girl in our class Emily handed out invitations to her birthday party hey you forgot to give me my invitation sorry no freaks allowed then she whispered to Jen just loud enough for me to hear I can't can't believe you're related to her I hope you can come it's gonna be the best party ever I don't think I have any contests that weekend so I should be able to make it I watched as all the other kids waved their invites around after school I walked home and stopped the candy store to cheer myself up just then I caught this voice staring at me then he started following me around the store I'd let him down an aisle hid behind a display case and when he wasn't looking I tackled him and put him in a headlock ouch that hurts what's your problem why are you following me he reached behind me and pulled off a huge piece of paper that was taped to my back with the word loser written in bold black letters I was so embarrassed then all of a sudden I started to cry like a big baby what's wrong my life stinks my best friend abandoned me my family doesn't like me and all the kids at school think I'm a freak and a loser you're not a loser you don't even know me I just have a feeling you're pretty cool and someone I'd like to know better his name was Hunter and he was really cute and we had a ton of things in common we loved the same books in movies and he made me laugh a lot we quickly became friends and having him around made me feel a lot less lonely the more time I spent with Hunter the more I started to like him he never once compared me to Jen and he always listened to me even when I went on a full-on rant about how my parents gave Jen a brand new laptop on my birthday and I just got some cheap shoes then one day my parents called me into the kitchen for a family meeting guess what Lola I got into Saint Florence's Academy isn't that incredible Jen we're so proud of you we can't wait to start our new life in Chicago Chicago what no way I'm not moving there I'm not leaving Hunter Lola don't be selfish you'll find plenty of new friends in Chicago I don't need to make new friends I already have a friend here I'm not moving I stormed off to my room ten minutes later Jen showed up at my door can we talk why have you found more ways to ruin my life that's not fair you want to talk about Fair ever since you were born you've taken everything away from me my parents my toys my room and now my only real friend I know I wasn't very nice to you when we were kids but I've tried reaching out to you after that to talk or help you out with your issues but you just shut me out issues my only issue is you I'm sorry you feel that way yeah right Emily's throwing me a going away party tomorrow night come if you want or just sit in your room being bitter it's up to you Jen put the invitation on my bed and left I was pissed at her but I'd never been invited to a party before my heart ached at the thought of leaving Hunter behind and never seeing him again Hunter was more than my best friend I felt I was in love with him I invited Hunter to the party and he agreed to go the party was at Emily's mansion and it was so much fun the food was great the music was spectacular and the best thing of all was that Hunter was there with me then a slow song played it was the perfect moment to tell Hunter how I felt you want to dance sure dancing with Hunter was so romantic he held me tight and his cologne smelled so good I looked at into his eyes I like you I like you too you want to kiss me I really do we had the most magical kiss but then something strange happened I opened my eyes to find everyone staring and laughing and pointing at me and Hunter was gone Hunter Lola what's wrong where's Hunter he was right there I started to panic where could he have gone hey look at the freak making out with her invisible boyfriend Emily pointed at a huge screen on the wall a video of me dancing alone and kissing the air played on a loop I wished I could curl up into a tiny little ball and roll away I ran out of there in tears and went straight to my tree house minutes later I heard a knock and Jen walked in Lola please talk to me tell me what's going on with you I thought Hunter was a real boy I was in love with how stupid is that I'm a freak and a loser like everyone says no you're not you just found a way to cope with your loneliness that's nothing to be ashamed of now you know the truth and you can move forward move forward forward to what no one cares about me I do from now on I'll be here for whenever you need me I swear and we're gonna teach Emily a lesson Jen and I went to my dad's butcher shop and grabbed a bunch of raw meat then we went back to Emily's house hey Jen hey crazy he's still looking for The Invisible Boy no we just wanted to give you a gift a gift for me what is it then Jen and I dump the raw meat on Emily's head she screamed like a banshee as Jen and I went away laughing the next day as the last of the moving trucks were being loaded I made one last visit to the tree house and suddenly both Madison and Hunter appeared how come you're both here now will you stay for long this time we just came to say goodbye we don't think you need us anymore you have a chance to start over let other people get to know you they don't know what they're missing you're a super cool friend thanks you guys you were there when I needed you the most goodbye Lola and good luck it was sad to watch them leave for good but it felt like it was time we moved to Chicago and Jen was true to her word we started spending more time together and I realized Jen didn't have the perfect life after all I'm so tired of spelling bees I only do the competition to make extra money for Mom and Dad I just want to be a normal teenager for once and live my life without so much pressure you should tell them how you feel I've got your back I stood by Jen when she told her parents she wanted to stop doing spelling bees after that Jen and I grew even closer I finally had a real best friend and she just happened to be my genius little sister [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 10,937,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e2xLYM3FM-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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