Dad Given 3 MONTHS TO SURVIVE (What Happens Is Shocking) | Dhar Mann

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oh God [Music] great what Grant what are you doing oh God open this door right now okay okay now I cannot believe that you are drinking and driving again I wasn't drinking and driving I started drinking when I got here so I avoid all your Naggy oh I'm not even drunk oh you need help Grant what if Sienna found you out here like this oh cool please Allison Sienna's asleep besides I'm gonna only the answer to you well yeah you said it yourself Brant you're an adult you don't need anyone's help whatever oh what are you doing at 6am I don't have to be at work for two more hours you said starting yesterday you were going to join me at the gym remember your New Year's resolution I let you out of it yesterday let's go come on get out like yeah I'm so tired what's my chest is Burning uh I need some Pepto all right I'll get you some as soon as you get up but I made you a green drink so come on let's go can we go later in the afternoon no no no can do Sienna has her recital at 4 pm and no and do not be late by the way flying goes in there to work for dinner but can you please turn off the lights so I can go back to sleep no get up do you remember what Dr Singh said at your physical exam you need to take your health more seriously yeah well you're the reason I have half my health problems you're the one that gives me a heartburn oh starting out inside the 15 Thompson [Applause] oh hey honey bear how was your recital where were you oh I'm sorry Daddy wasn't feeling too good I'm like a little a little sick okay well I hope you feel better and then you come to the next one oh thank you honey bunny okay sweetie listen I want you to go upstairs and change and then get in the bath okay and I'll be up in a little bit okay all right sweetie [Music] look before you get started I really was sick otherwise I would have been there oh yeah and I'm sure all this stuff is making you feel wonderful huh did you miss work too not a big deal come on oh endless sick days okay we didn't lose any pay you think I'm worrying about the money I'm worrying about you killing yourself Grant with all this drinking and the way you're eating and this medicine is just a Band-Aid it doesn't fix anything you know if something happens to you it doesn't just affect you it affects all of us nothing's going to happen to me okay I'm gonna be fine sure maybe now but you know what they say if you don't spend time with your Wellness you'll be forced to deal with your illness cool okay come on get up and let's go to the gym do you hear what I just said I'm sick oh yeah and I bet you that beer is helping oh here we go with the drinking I drink because of all your lecturing you know what Grant you want to throw your life away you have at it I have done everything that I can oh great no one else Grant [Music] ah it isn't good we are still waiting a few results but looking at your heart I'm really concerned Grant how much alcohol are you consuming it's nothing out of the ordinary you know like five or six seven or eight a week oh a day oh and how was your diet are you exercising oh I you know no you're not doing that either I ask him to eat healthy or work out with me and he won't you need to listen to her Grant you're really lucky that you have someone who loves you and cares for you as much as she does if you don't change your diet start exercising and stop drinking for a while wait stop drinking baby talk but I can't have like just like one or two stop and just listen to him at least temporarily otherwise next time you come in [Music] well let's just say there may not be a next story foreign so please take it very seriously Grant oh well I promise I will and we're still trying to figure out if it was a really bad heartburn or an actual heart attack I'll call you once I get the results thank you doctor that sounds great take care Grant thank you [Music] did you mean what you said about your promise I'm still not convinced it was a heart attack oh I think it was this really bad heartburn but all I need is some Pepto honey why don't we just wait until we get the results back and then we'll go from there [Music] oh hey Allison I was thinking uh for dinner maybe we would uh no what is it going to take for you to take this seriously come on Allison it's just a couple of beers it's not a big deal no I mean like I'm not drinking nearly as much as I used to oh no big deal right so it's no big deal Grant why did you hide it you haven't been to the gym with me not once you even change your eating habits even a bit and now you started drinking again you know I've been feeling pretty great lately until you start lecturing me you're the reason that I have heartburn oh I mean more than the beer or anything else oh I should have told the doctor that you were in the hospital you could barely walk what is it going to take for you to take this more seriously because we still don't know what it is okay and until we find out if it's something serious I don't need to change oh really can you get that I'm watching the game hello hey Allison Dr Singh here oh hi Dr Singh I'm calling to let you guys know that Grant is okay it was just a case of severe heartburn he should just take the antacid I prescribed if the heartburn returns okay I I appreciate the call thank you come on how's that a penalty oh no Dr Singh I I just can't believe it I I understand I I I will I just I can't believe it thank you thank you for the call so uh what do you say hey what's going on you're just starting to scare me a little bit he said you did have a heart attack and it is way worse than you thought he said that you have three months to live if you're lucky level right wait what do you say to me three months to live what does that mean he said you have three months to live Grant well I I can I can reverse it I yeah I can make this thing better I can I can turn this around nothing nothing [Music] unless unless it's a long shot but if you do everything that he told you everything exercising eating right and stop drinking you might have a chance [Music] I'm not I'm not ready to die I don't want to die I want to travel the world I'd be like I haven't even been to Yankee Stadium look I want to see Santa get older I want to want to watch her get married [Music] I'm bouncing you have to help me like I can do it like I'm gonna do this I pause from that moment on Grant finally decides to change his lifestyle he stops drinking and gets rid of all the alcohol in his house [Music] he starts going to the gym and when he wants to give up knowing what's at stake he pushes himself to keep going with a little bit of help of course he swaps out the milkshakes for water and instead of cheeseburger and fries he orders salads [Music] he even starts to spend more time with his daughter she couldn't be happier to have him around more [Music] everything was going so well but then he runs into someone that he least suspected that changes everything [Music] hey there Grant hey how's it going good you look great I guess I don't have to ask if you have been taking my advice seriously yes I am I mean I'm eating clean I'm working out all the time and I completely quit drinking like all together which is great because now I get to spend more time with Allison and my daughter so oh that's a great news come by sometime we'll do a follow-up okay ah that sounds good yeah cool see you then hey Doc um what do you think the chances are now I'm not sure what you mean well you know when got the test results with three months to live you know I mean now that I'm healthier I mean is there any other way that we can like reverse it okay Grant I'm sorry but I'm confused you called up Allison and you told her that I only had three months to live and you you said that right no hey hun I have a surprise for you oh for all the hard work you've been doing what's going on guess what uh while I was out grocery shopping today I ran into someone okay Dr Singh yeah and he told me the craziest thing you want to know what he said what that I didn't have a major health issue and this is my favorite he never said that I had three months to live imagine that okay Grant no you listen I can't believe that you lied to me about something so big you weren't listening to me I didn't know what else to do and sooner or later we would have ended up here I did what I had to I can't I can't listen to you I can't believe you I don't trust you you can't be mad at me for this you look amazing you are happy and healthy and you have been the best father and husband ever can you not see any of the good that's come out of this the only good is that I met up with Dr Sin and he told me the truth I didn't even need to give up drinking in the first place I can't believe I listen to you grant no please don't think don't go down this path it's not good for you or us okay forget about me think about Sienna do it for Sienna [Music] you need help Grant now let's just say there may not be a next time call 9-1-1 [Music] foreign is everything okay yeah everything's okay sweetie are you coming with me to my recital today absolutely I want to miss it for the world [Music] [Music] I'm so proud of you it's almost like you said I gotta take care of my Wellness before I'm forced to take care of my illness I'm so grateful to have you and thank you for letting me see that [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 6,113,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: w_nzwa3n70A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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