β˜‚οΈπŸ’Ž Play Cake Storytime πŸ„βœ¨ ASMR Cake Storytime @Brianna Mizura | POVs Tiktok Compilations 2024 #153

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what form do you wish to receive your magical gift my dear a ring or a necklace I pick Choose Wisely because once you put it on you will not be allowed to take it off I pick necklace excellent choice now the necklace will protect you wherever you go are you sure that necklace will keep her powers contained yes your majesty the necklace' power is quite strong so are her father's genetics she must never know of her aquatic Origins her father King Triton is extremely dangerous she is to never find out about him do you understand yes your majesty I shall watch over the princess and make sure she never learns the truth are you all finished getting ready yes Martha but remind me again why I'm only allowed to take 5 minute showers I barely had enough time to wash my hair I told you too much water dries out your skin next you shall be telling me that if I take too long in the shower I'll turn into a mermaid what who told you that relax I was only kidding I got my color wait don't tell me until I get mine okay okay good luck thanks stand still while we find you a color placement scanning color placement found color placement blue okay I'll tell you what I got and then you tell me what you got okay I got red well I got blue we got different colors yeah what do you think they mean I don't know they're supposed to tell everyone tomorrow breaking news due to overpopulation Reds must eliminate Blues starting tomorrow all Blues must be terminated hey did you see the news outside yeah I did well I have an idea on how to save you we can trick them into think you're you really think we can fool them I mean I don't see why not okay I'm going to try it this actually kind of works it looks just like yours oh wow it does you know I I actually kind of got scared for a little bit why because I heard they were paying Reds to kill blues and I know you really need the money Bri are you kidding me I would never even think about that I know I just got scared mom's hospital bill went up to how much 50,000 I I can't pay that breaking news rewards for blues have gone up to $80,000 hey I just want to say thank you again for helping me out with my color yesterday I really appreciate it and I'm so lucky to have a friend like you oh stop you're just saying that no really Maya I mean it I don't know what i' do without you you're really not making this easy for me what' you say oh nothing hey why don't we watch a movie okay yeah sure thanks for the food Maya but I told you I wanted to buy it no it's okay I got it do you like it yeah it was I'm so sorry Bri but I can't let my mom die hi I eliminated a blue yesterday they said I was supposed to get my check today but I haven't received anything she was a rent no she was a blue she Drew over it with a red marker if she's still alive then where is she experimentation experimentation yes hello your with me I thought you guys had her she escaped she what no she's going to come from me if she does you want to call immediately three is that you hey Maya oh my gosh Bri what happened to you I had to fight my way out of that place but don't act like you care since you were the one who tried to get rid of me to fight my way out of that place but don't act like you care since you were the one who tried to get rid of me Bri listen I can explain why would you come after me why not go after any other blue out there why would you choose your best friend because you were an easy kill wait no I didn't mean to say that no I think that's exactly what you meant to say because you're heartless I was doing it to save my mom well your mom would be very disappointed in you you really shouldn't make me angry Bri hi it's me she's here the door is not going to open I have full control of the security system Maya just let me out maybe I'll let you out if if what if you tell me how you survive oh well that's simple I never ate the food you gave me what oh come on Maya you were acting so suspicious I knew you put something in it you little Faker you made me think you were really dead well I'm so sorry to disappoint you now open the door okay a deal is a deal whoa your wrist what damn it the marker must have smeared off you're a blue yeah what about it I can't believe you they're going to be here any minute Bri I suggest you run now they're after you not me she's on the run she just left through my back door want to play mother may I for a chance to win 50 million I always wanted a mother and I can use the money to buy myself my own house one day hello hi are you really my mother now yes I am your mother mother you listen to me okay mother may I have this cookie no you may not but do not argue with me it is past your bedtime mother may you sing me a bedtime song I'm tired but I can't sleep no hush little baby don't say a word mother's going to buy you a mocking bird thank you mother you're the best mother I ever had hey mother I was just thinking may I know what happens if I don't listen to you no you may not well mother may I go to school yes you may hey sorry you made me spill my iced coffee mother may I hit her again no you didn't ask me permission the first time hey sorry you made me spill my iced coffee mother may I hit her again no you didn't ask me permission the first time mother may I go see a friend yes you may hey what's wrong remember the bully I had since elementary school yeah she was eliminated from the game today and I'm pretty sure that mother wants me to win this game you think mother wants you to win the 50 million yes look I get you were a foster kid and mother is the closest thing You' had to a real mom but she's AI she doesn't have feelings no listen to me I am telling you I am pretty sure that I am her favorite okay let's test this then mother may I go to Sarah's party no no mother may I go to Sarah's party yes you may what forget mother I'm going Justin wait don't go she's not going to do anything mess around and find out I have to shut down mother I have to shut down mother mother may I please have some water no you haven't let me drink water for 3 Days mother may I please give her some of my water no you may not I can't take this anymore give me the water please if you just hold on a little bit longer I'm going to save you mother may I ask you a question yes how many players are left in this game there are three players left mother may I go to sleep of course but wait I'm always watching do you understand yes I understand good night it's time for me to end this game once and for all stop you didn't ask me permission to come here I'm sorry mother I can't let this game go on anymore don't if you unplug that I will have you eliminated no you won't because I know you care about me if you were going to kill me you would have done it already I have to do this wait I can show you your real mother I'm sorry I have to shut you off wait I can show you your real mother you can yes she's closer than you think your real mother is shut her off mother powering down finally the game's over Joslyn forget mother I'm going JN wait don't go she's not going to do anything surprise I survived I'm glad you're okay but she was right about to tell me who my real mother was I'm sorry but she had to be shut down do you feel like this was a little too easy wouldn't you think there would be security yeah that is odd forget about it all that matters is that this crazy game is over hey I'm going home be safe okay hello it's you you're beautiful why do you sound so familiar it's me mother don't be scared sweetheart I'm just the voice of mother but I'm also your real mother no all that matters is that this crazy game is over hey I'm going home be safe okay hello it's you you're beautiful why do you sound so familiar it's me mother don't be scared sweetheart I'm just the voice of mother but I'm also your real mother no I'm so sorry I had to put you up for adoption so I could run this game but now it's over you hurt so many people I never meant for this game to get so brutal I started out by doing this as a science experiment but it made me lose sight of the things that really matter even as mother I was watching over you I wanted you to win that 50 million but don't worry because I'm going to make a new game what yes and I was thinking instead of mother mayi we could all play Red Light Green Light and since you're my daughter you'll have to play this is kid life versus adult life kid oh I guess I must have fallen asleep watching SpongeBob oh well what's for breakfast adult oh my back I fell asleep watching Criminal Minds again oh and I slept in my makeup I'm going to break out tomorrow and I forgot to buy groceries kid what time is it oh it's already midnight no wonder I'm so sleepy adult bro what time is it dang it's only midnight okay next episode kid mommy don't get mad I have to tell you something Lily peed on the carpet in my room what you might want to go clean that up now why would you pee on the carpet do you know how much my landlord is going to charge me for that but you're still so stinking cute I can't be mad at you no I can't no I can't
Channel: 24th Storytime
Views: 9,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr cake storytime, asmrcakestorytime, cake, storytime, text to speech, texttospeech, povs tiktok compilations 2023, povstiktokcompilations2023, storytime tiktok, cake storytime, cakestorytime, slime storytime
Id: A_Bnf90C2c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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