Dad Finds Out His Daughter Is Starting An OnlyFans... On A Podcast

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Alissa uh was like Hey I want to talk to you about something I want to tell you something promise you won't get mad and I was like just stop right there first of all never going to make a promise like that cuz that might get mad and second of all let's just have the conversation on the show and you were like not so sure you want to do that I think it'll be helpful for other people to listen to because I know the difference our relationship versus the mass majority and the reaction most people would get I feel like and that can create toxicity and I feel like you're going to have your own opinions and that's what I'm also here to listen to is also hear you out and hear your opinions but I feel like you're going to have a healthier um reaction than most parents might and it could be helpful for other people to listen to including parents right there right there right there he's just what she's saying she's like oh what are you going to say what is just get to your for other people to listen to including parents are you moving out of state oh God get to your offensive statement it's not offensive that's you yeah it just get your just do it just do it Nike Nike just come on that's when your kid starts rambling before they just came home late at night it's like what what you do well it's you know like okay don't be you need to promise you want get mad okay so listen what do you want to say listen okay so you know my friend Mike and you star like you Mikey's a piece of and you already warn this not to hang out with Mikey done 10 times why you with Mike wait hold on hold on I was not with Mikey and mom said I could go out but Mikey was there and there was drugs you're guilty eat it on the just me up first we're going to get that out of the way and then after that we could talk get the anger out yeah you know what a lot of my com ation with my parents would have worked out a lot much better if I would be like you know me up cuz I used to have to hear a whole ass talk but you already know it's coming at the end it's like listen you're going to beat my a yeah me up yeah we'll talk after so I've kind of joked about it before starting and only fans but it's it's also not what you think either I would be taking a more model route um in that way we obviously have a little bit of a presence together so I want to get your opinions and thoughts and I also want to tell you but I also feel like I have assets that I could capitalize on and call assets that's a wild way to talk to your parents about your body I don't care what nobody says there's no play I don't care how Progressive you are talking about like you know what the thing is my assets to your parents is weird and I know a lot of you viewers already agree with me yeah before you agree with me a lot of y'all also come from weird backgrounds we're talking about anything sexual is always tle and that's also really weird cuz a lot of be out here in these streets doing a bunch of dirty business and you can never I don't I come from the same background you can never make anything but this end of the spectrum is also really weird to me where it's like you can talk about anything I'm a Busom you taught me to be a Busom um and I have my boundaries as well as my own adult there are a lot of things that I won't do but there's also you know some modeling I would love to do anyway so there's that you know I love you I respect you I R I wish I had Sons raised you to be independent to be like you said to be business-minded to be logical and I guess the biggest thing is you being safe like having a daughter already knowing that you're highly likely to be assaulted or or hit or groped or something like that that's already on on a a a father's mind when he has a girl so there's that protection part of me that's like I don't want you to be opened up to even more people stalking or chasing you or doing stuff because bro you should have thought of that before you put her on your podcast you thought that should have thought of that before she had a Tik Tok with millions of followers say whatever you want my X work want them to go against that's fine but your kids are never going to experience as much unwanted attention from weirdos as when they're on social media and they're popular I've never had so much unwanted attention from weirdos as right now yes she's like well known on Tik Tok or like she has a pretty large following like that world has already opened up to her there's a lot of reasons to not want your kids to do X work but it seems kind of odd to say this when you made your kid a little celebrity mini whatever it is you know that's what I'm saying I'm like I have bail money like I'm willing to straight up go to prison I know that's already a a problem that we have to deal with and then on top of that you being like oh here's a booby now Bo just a booby a lot of what I'm feeling is like protection I don't want you to do something that's going to make something harder on you later in life like at when I was 19 I had I thought I was going to be one thing in my life completely went in a different direction what if when you're 37 you decide to run for president or run for some kind of office or you want to be taken seriously as an actor in some major or you want to be an outspoken you know uh activist in a certain thing and this comes back to haunt you maybe Society will grow up and that kind of stuff won't affect you negatively but I'm concerned with your safety I'm concerned with your future and I don't want you to do anything that's going to harm future you my fear is that you would do something now get money now and then when you're in your 40s you look back on it and go man I really had an opportunity to do something bigger with my life and because that that stuff exist on the internet now I'm prohibited or restricted in some other aspect of my life I I raise you to respect yourself and to be safe and I mean you're a grown woman you're going to do what you're going to do doesn't feel great but I I love you and I respect you and if that's what you want to do then I mean I support you and whatever you want to do I just really want you to be careful MH with said not only your safety but your future opportunities like you know if you're going to do something like that to do it in a way that's classy and respectful of who you are and not not ruining future opportunities yeah and that's where like go ahead um Dad I respect the way you're talking to your daughter and the way you're able to have a conversation with that right um but I think it's all fun in games until one of your friends fall on the only fans of your girl and then it's like [Applause] yo buddy buddy bud bud I think I saw your daughter out there she looking mad good what one of your buddies seen your girl your daughter on only fans and reports it to you you might feel different you might be like yo watch what watch what you say hey hey hey watch what you say you can't say that to everybody all right A lot of people are going to think that it's your it's your boys it's your friends it's your homies they're going to fall on that you don't understand what I'm saying okay so you're like oh you have a daughter she has her only fans and I'm like yo Abba I think I saw your daughter on that if you said it like that we'd have a problem and I'm okay with us having a problem because that means you shouldn't be in my life I understand what you're any friend who would talk about your daughter that way you respect to whatever the she's doing is weird and probably not somebody you want as a friend personally understand so at that point I wouldn't even be thinking about my daughter that deeply I'd be like yo who the is this guy cuz you should never be thinking some weird like that and if you even did you better keep that in your head and make sure you never act on it that's me personally I don't care what my daughter's doing I don't care what her job is there should never be a time you talking to me like that that's me now the whole shame associated with people around you finding out that's very real and a lot of parents are probably going to feel that that's facts and there's no way around that there's no way around it I think the way he's talking to her is the thing that makes the most amount of sense if you want to be involved in your child's life listen you could disagree with your kid you can be so against what your kids doing that you may have to push them away but acknowledge that at the end the they're adults they're no longer just a child right they may be your child but they're not a child but it's going to she's forever going to be my baby she going to be your baby but at one point in your life she probably going to wipe your ass is that really your baby is still so she you went wiping it changes the relationship changes she not a kid I have no problem under a certain age you got to talk to them a certain type of way you got to give them orders okay understand at some point you going to have to start changing tools with which you parent with you can't use physical discipline or orders or rules the same way you could as when they're child as when they've grown into adulthood and your approach to it has to change and I think he's taken the most reasonable approach whilst so basically making his feelings clear while also saying I still want you in my life this isn't enough for me to say you got to go some parents got that for example I know some parents if you leave the religion you've left their life I know some parents if you've embarrassed them you've left their life everyone got a different threshold him it's clearly not meant that for some of you watching that might be too much your kid doing some some adult stuff they can't come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas or whatever it is me personally I think I identify with this man much more than I think a lot of my viewers because to be honest with you I feel more Progressive than a lot of y'all and there's not throw shade at nobody I just couldn't see myself throwing away my child or pushing them out of my life because they did xor I would disapprove of it strongly I'd be very much against but I would never push them away where they no longer felt like they had a home under my roof right I feel like there's also a culture of wanting to school everybody cuz that culture of people wanting that to happen especially on social media yeah and sometimes discourse is just like I'm talking to you let me I I can disagree with you without yelling at you I can disagree with you without being mad and stuff like that we can just both Piers agree and be like you know what I disagree on that point I don't agree with that I don't have to scream at you it's it's so common for people to scream and yell and be like we disagree and be in a battle when we disagree disagreeing with someone doesn't necessarily equate to that I think the disagreements sometimes don't even make sense to me because these guys are all operating in the comment section based off of logic it's like you have a distance from the issue so you can afford to be like that y when it's your niece when it's your daughter your son it's a much difficult diff conversation and like yeah we say facts or our feelings blah but if you think about it family is all about feelings family is all about emotional attachment so you can't rid yourself in that conversation I know this because like there not a daughter but I have my niece who's here three times a week do I think I could distance myself from somebody I'm that close with I've Loved I've literally watch when they're a little person to when they're growing and throw them out of my life cuz I don't agree with their adult decisions I don't think I can I'm going be honest with y'all you know if they were like dling kids or doing something that like they're harming other people that's a different conversation in entirely if they're just doing work I strongly disapprove of that's not enough for me to disown these kinds of people that's me um even if they arming themselves or people around I can't I can't go with that I can't I can't like it's like so I I can distance myself from people that entertain certain relationship that I cannot I can no you you're dealing with that kind of people I can't I can't no I can't even be seen with you I can't chill I can't we can't we can't be we can't be so you have a different threshold than me seems like you even even if they're engaging in really strong criminal activity that's harming other people you're not necessarily willing to push them out of your life I'm willing to oh you're willing to your kids not my kids even my friends I got forget friends I'm talking about something much more intimate that's a different relationship the thing is is is is is is even like sometimes I can understand like with the work that we do and stuff like that would I so so clarify hold on hold on clarify the question what the question is it do would I would I distance myself it doesn't even matter my whole point is everyone got different lines you may have a different line what is the question if they're harming other people yeah I can okay means depends on what kind of harm yes they saw somebody is very different than when they did L kids sure all is to say some people ex work I know some parents if they kids doing that kind of work they're like get out of my life I'm not one of them people me partially okay and I say this also for me I also don't think this is subjective thing but for me I think when I've had periods of my life where I didn't have my parent around especially when I was a young adult in my 18 right and I'm joining the military my mom doesn't want to talk to me anymore because she doesn't approve of what I'm doing and also to my mom's credit historical context at the time 9/11 had happened recently A lot of people were going overseas for deployments Muslims felt some type of way my mom being a Muslim she felt a lot of type of ways about her son joining the military and do that stuff I understood her perspective I just felt like as an adult I needed to find my way in life I need to get some sense of disine but this is the environment that I was going to find it in we stopped talking it was a difficult period when you don't have the support system of your parents you don't have that emotional support people backing you like I remember doing most of my and I had nobody to call every time things would get difficult I would watch my platoon mates go on collect calls to call their families from the payones and stuff and I had nobody to call right that period was a very difficult one for me and it made our Chasm really difficult even when we did start talking it was awkward for years and now we're at a point where it's different because she's no longer trying to order me she's no longer trying to tell me what to do because she's finally acknowledged oh my child is no longer a child they've grown into their own person as adults you got to talk to people differently and my some people like yo you can never talk about your par that way uh yes you can you know what my mom is my mom I love her to death she doesn't know everything she doesn't always know better sometimes I have to slap the credit card out of her hand because she doesn't know what how bad she's making financial decisions and I have to do that for her wellbeing sometimes I have to push her into a car and drive her somewhere because she needs to go to a medical appointment for her eyes because she's too irresponsible to realize that it's not good to not go to the doctor you're getting blind stupid I remember that you know I love my mom my mom is my mom but she don't always know better I remember that oh that was from the heart and I say that because was oh this Vision I had of you like oh it's it's nonsense you're flawed like everybody else and it's okay for me to talk about that with reverence and respect but also with a directness that shows my love for you and I say this to say your relationship changes so the way you approach the dynamic changes the way you communicate to your parent changes but also the way the parent communicates to you changes that's that that's life that's life you might have a subordinate at work when they get promoted to manager you can't talk to them like they're subordinate no they're your peers now it's a different relationship they so I respect the way he approaches it even if a lot of people are going to mock him or whatever is going to say he's going to be much more apt to protect his daughter from any negative things that happened going forward than a lot of people are completely removed her life in fact he's much more likely to prevent it because she got that emotional support system she doesn't feel like she's isolated from people so in my opinion I like this but I'm okay with also saying I understand where other people are coming from when it comes to The Clash of their value system and and also I I get like she can more think about it and not do thing out of spite M just to be like oh yeah cuz people have a tendency to do that whenever they don't get the support that they're supposed to get or the support that they need they're going to be like ah yeah word it's no longer about what they want to do it's it's now it turned into it switches into I'mma do it because you don't want me to do it even further than that it's not even necessarily because of Spike because the people who are supporting them are the people who already living that lifestyle so all of a sudden you go to the strip club but everybody else around there is also supportive to you and very kind to you so you're like what I'm not getting at home I'm getting from these people gang gangs X workk whatever we not name it yeah it's the same thing but again I also say this knowing I understand why people make the different decisions so where like I have my boundaries I don't own you I don't control you you're not mine but I care so deeply about you like there's not another single human on this planet that I care to protect more than you and so that's it's just a safety thing I appreciate you telling me yeah and us talking about it I'm glad we're close enough to have this conversation I'd rather you know than it's not it's not up to me you know what I mean you don't need my approval or blessing I mean you know I trust you to handle yourself like my job as your parent is to teach you how to live without me that's a bar that's a bar hey say what you want about him but he not lying now some people might say he failed that's up for a debate in my opinion if he really had that mindset that's beautiful I think a lot of parents think they're supposed to be parents and guided forever they think they supposed to make decisions for you forever I see kids in their 30s and their parents still deciding everything yep I respect this Italians what different cultures different perspectives sounds morbid and screwed up but I don't want to be on my deathbed in my 90s and having you being like Dad don't leave I don't know how to do taxes I'm like I want you to be like I got this let go you're fine I want to peacefully you know pass into my death knowing that you're going to be fine so I've given you those tools up to this point for you to just handle your business it's funny because I realized that one of my mom's pride is not even my success one of my parents pride is not one of it's not even my success one of my mom's pride is the fact that my sister and I are cool MH so that if she goes we got each other and that's very important that we're able to handle each other even Beyond her being there so I think it's something that you realize and I think the that goal changed with time you know it was not always that yeah you know it was a have a degree have a there that a big career big money and everything like that all that changed got when the perspective came in and then she's not cool with some of her siblings and then she sees and she's like nah when she sees me and my sister my big homie she's like oh when I tell my sister we're going to Florida oh yeah but yo I said we going I didn't say nothing about the what I said we going is wrong with you okay we going just pack your bags when my my mom sees that she's y have a good time we cool we have a good time have a good time my sister new was good me was good okay it's like you know my sister's my sister I'm me we CH we CH we chilling you know what I mean so it's like it's cool to have her around and stuff like that and we don't have like a beef or whatever I understand people that doing stuff like that but yeah one that's one of my that's one of my mom's Pride when I roll and you guys are always together well I mean I pay for the whole like I pay for the the tickets I pay for the car I pay for like what we but you guys came together yeah but the fact but my mom is like okay you got your sister's back yeah y y y together and this had mine yeah got you got you so that's what you're proud of you know what I mean so she's yeah she's proud of that the one thing that I do want to make clear is that this is because I respect myself I want to just do it the fastest way possible so I have more more time to do things like rescues and Charities and help my family and my friends that need help so this is really my fault cuz I failed to become a billionaire that's what it sounds like too I understand what she's saying because in her head she's like there's so many things I want to do and what's the fastest way I can accumulate wealth and the dad's thinking think about the long-term consequences but she's not necessarily thinking about it like that I understand where she's coming from and people can choose to believe her not whatever it is but from what I've seen I could see it being true for some people absolutely absolutely before you became adult if I'd been a billionaire you'd be like yep there's no point assets that I could capitalize on and call them assets I talk up to my parents like that sometimes the reason why I'm going to tell you why is because uh my parents are very for black people they're very open okay but there's still some tabos and because I was when I was growing up I was left out of a lot of things a lot of discussions like you always left out because it's that Bo you can speak about this but as a child you want to understand certain stuff and you navigate life not knowing certain things that you should have known and you don't know them because they want to keep it from you and they kind of forget about it and there's like a threshold of time that they should have told you about it and you still don't know and you act life not knowing those things and when you go back for example there was a beef from my family okay okay there was a beef in my family one of my aunts she married a man and the family of that man had some beef with her they never told us about that so the kids were cool all the kids of those family were cool but the parents are not and me I'm walking and I'm seeing the parents at the moment I'm like oh hi and I'm walking up to them and I'm like oh yeah and that how you guys doing and I feel like the parents are mad awkward they don't know like they're like I'm I'm good am might like stuck up and I just walked in a situation that I didn't even know about cuz y'all have a beef they looking at me funny and they're like who the why the is this little talking to me have the audacity to talk to me but then I didn't even know that was a beef okay but when I I asked the question so what happened to just oh don't even worry about it there's nothing you didn't want to tell me about it or you want to tell me later you forget about that you don't tell me and you make me walk in situations that I'm not even supposed to walk in cuz I'm supposed Tabo cuz it's taboo so all the taboos I'm like that you're against I'm against that stuff so whenever I'm talking yeah I will talk straight up about sex with my mom I will start straight up about I know you know it's so funny you explained that whole thing I'm like yeah yeah yeah the taboo I talk straight I'm like E I know and but but acknowled also it's me I know and also also you've seen my parents you've seen they kind they different they are different but in my head a parent is still a parent because my Cal reference is just my parents and all the parents I saw growing up and that would never fly like for example so I get what you're saying but I'm culturally conditioned I understand what you're saying like for example my birthday there was a background like we did a back barbecue in my my backyard and everything and stuff two of our friends went there and everything stuff and they saw how I interact with my peeps like two of them were like yo you speak like that with your mom it's like yeah and at some point at some point I was Blazing my parents was right there I was like to proty was like yo yo your mom is right bro your mom is right there my mom is right where yo mom you want some no not I don't want any she cool she don't want any isn't that so crazy people could see you drinking with your parents but if you smoke something that's legal over here they lose their mind yeah it's funny it's a funny thing it's a funny it doesn't make sense logically speaking but we just convince oursel Alissa please be careful out there that's why I have boundaries it's because I don't know 30-year-old me like I know me and I feel like I'm going to still be okay with it but I also want to make sure I have that room to change if I feel like I want to and I love you and respect you and support you through all of it so yay please be uh please be safe like I'm I'm here for you like through the I think we got the point uh no no no way no no no no no I mean that's me that conversation that's just no no no no no no no for like a couple days of denial and then like come talk to me later let me have a few drinks no no no no no no no and I'm like all right let's talk and then she going to be right in front of me I'm like baby I love you I wish I had Sons but you're here we're going to figure this out you're my only daughter I hope I never have more daughters I mean I'm joking but I don't know I'd be like that would stress me out I feel like there's like a bunch of things if I had children that would stress me the out my kid says they're going on deployment I'm like no no no no like yes I know you're doing in the service of something greater but it's just like no yeah you did it too you no no I didn't do deployment that's does it matter you went in yeah it was not the same they're going to use it against you does it matter yeah it was not the same say you could have been but but I get what you're saying um only fans no no no but if it was like push come to sh and she like we got to figure some out uh but that's a different conversation difficult conversation I know people going to meme they're going have it laugh at him that's cool but like ask yourself honest question everyone watch it right now that's your child how would you handle it and don't do it from the perspective of like you're observing someone else's life think of somebody you love very close to you engaging in this stuff and how would you react to it how would you keep them into your life or not I'd be curious to hear how you guys feel in the comments and just I want to see some some some some good good responses it's a good thing it's a conversation but as weird as this podcast is and seeing these conversations that I think are generally private being public I think it's good for conversation points for everyone else watching that's that's what a podcast is let us know what y'all think all right so get in the comments anything else let us know
Channel: Aba N Preach
Views: 996,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aba preach, reaction
Id: 75lGXa-Jtt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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