Fresh & Fit Cry As They Demand To Fight Andrew Schulz, Aba & Moistcritikal

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I would say that you are extremely emotional do you consider yourself an emotional male not really I would say I do a good job of you know controlling them okay these two in caner try to destroy us guess what happens we became even stronger from that I'm like yes you can stop being a man because you have the fierce tenacity that no one can a little sick today so I might sound a little weird seems that myON really wants to get physical with me and Andrew Schultz if you aren't aware um DJ academics went on the flagrant podcast and fresh and fit was brought up where Andrew Schultz and the crew started clowning on him a little bit and my was not happy uh my's been challenging a lot of people to boxing matches including myself I uh somebody sent me this clip I'm get the Honda 2002 I'm going to gym I'm pting the gloves on and beat the out of you man that's what we're gonna do I have his phone number call his ass on here you me call him call him I'm calling watch him duck it man go pick up bro hell no you a't going to pick up oh bad I'm just calling but not picking up call again put the gloves on back up what you got to say with your fists man the amount of cope that you guys give for Abba running away from his own fights I don't know preach I've never met him in my life we call him on air two times we're calling this on air no you you guys are a witness I told I called Destiny we called him directly I didn't even know fresh had his number yeah I tagged him on Twitter remember he's gonna duck it what happened you don't you didn't answer like you I don't have WhatsApp notifications on one and two the funny thing is at the time day we're calling I was at a birthday party so here I am talking to ladies and I guess these guys thought I'd be like I hope fres fits calling let me find out like why why would I leave a birthday party so I can answer a phone call from two dweebs this just's like over 2 years old people still talk like if it didn't happen at first it's not going to happen now just move on I guess Myron's been sharing the fact that he been training you been post on Twitter about how you's been trading three times a week ready for this boxing match the time has passed if you think I'm going to travel to Miami to go see friends and family and then I'm going to take time out of that to go spend time with you you are Bugg it I feel like we're in a playground you scared huh you scared you want you want you you scared sure you aing grown man out here using playground insults to like trying to go to me into something I have zero interest in it is corny for grown men who want to be leaders of other men to be out here yelling emotionally stop being a man screaming at people about how they want to fight leave the fighting to the fighters all these like corny ass YouTubers and all these other people who love to just talk about violence like it's nothing it's corny you're just posturing to make other people think you look tough but the truth is your business partner or your former associate AUD who showed up at your house broke in and has been finding you in the streets what did you do when he wanted to fight you and beat beat you up when he said let's get in the ring boxing gloves he walk up out of there bro immediately after M was like Queen watch out bro this about to come up on us R right here with come up and M blower like hey stop playing lose your life come closer I'm about to blow your back kept coming bro and and then luckily the cop was right there we had extra yeah fact here he he would legit be right that crazy bro tried to two different occasions really yes yes that's what I'm trying to tell you like bro I in public yes you don't want to get in the ring with even though he wants to get in a boxing ring with you no you pull out the blicky at that time what happened I thought you've been training why don't you take that fight it's because your ego couldn't handle the thought of you losing so you've done the calculation had you justify however you want but the truth is it's because you're a coward ain't that right by your logic cuz I think there's a tweet from you saying if you want to talk talk some about people online you better get ready to put on the boxing gloves and get in the M ring so why aren't you doing that you been talking these are your words this is your Paradigm how come you don't live by those rules doesn't that make you the biggest coward of all taking only fights that you think you can win oh you want to pull out a gun now what happened here here's another person rolling up on him in the UK I was come to greet you from across the river I don't know you man I don't know you Just Bounce bro just bounce bro I don't know BCE I don't know you bro but huh come back over here come back over here when he's gone when he's gone when he's why did you have that same energy for your y for HS Tik talki the one who wanted to fight you been calling you lived in your building let's be real I saw him earlier yeah boys I saw him earlier walking into the hotel with his girl I was I was looking at him and the he won't even look at me he's a little that guy's a myON he looks like he ego man no no do you know what yeah you're probably watching this he goes mad you're little and I'll knock you out any day of the week red pill this you would have got bued at school I would bu you at school no you now you want to take off your shirt and fight somebody hold yo hold me back hold me back man hold me back hold me back hold me back yeah yeah you're not holding hold me back hold me back yeah yo dude what are you doing what do you mean you supposed to hold me back but you said you had a problem with it no you're supposed to hold me back okay my way me back yo yo yeah yeah you so tough okay hold me back man you're supposed to hold me back I think you been working out I think you hand bro you looking dumb right now bro my bed's over there we can just lay down and chill what the is wrong with you we on a sports team we on a sports team we've been struggling together you know working hard like let's getting B hard pause like like just watch this clown Behavior just watch this watch this you coming back you come back come back come back I you up right now what's good what's good through chill come through and just think this guy used to be like a federal agent what a clown like the criteria to be a federal a got to be trash and you know what's funny is these guys always lar about oh women are so emotional women are so look at this clown he's in a foreign country risking himself to go to jail in the UK get his Visa banned for pretty much all of Europe for what all chill come on bro bro my come on dude shout out to Fresh be like babyy come back baby please baby baby come back stop daddy why you going to fight Daddy stop you don't look cool because you're taking fights you think you can win it's like what's his name sneo wants to fight 5' 6 Charlie I'm not calling him small I'm saying he has no muscles yeah but hit the gym Andrew Tate preaches getting a better physique you really body watching right now you're body shaming but you can't fight Chad I don't want to I'm not reacting to his stream this guy's pissed me off and you could tell him this I want to meet him in person Angel Wallace you got me feeling some type of way bro I ain't going to lie those glasses this one little B I challenge you you want to box me bro let's do a 1 V one boxing match you say I belong to the streets yeah I belong to the streets we can rock this out on the streets so we can do it in the ring bro let's box you fat lying piece of sh I would beat the out you Ethan Klein if you said that about me you lie to my name to my face let's get in the ring stop talking about me and let's box and then finally when Brandon Buckingham is down to meet sneo he's there to box him they're both similar size mind you this Brandon Buckingham said he wanted to run a train on sn's girl sneo would now rather just sit at home and tell jokes behind his computer I'd rather just I'd rather sit at home and yell at a camera tell jokes than you know risk my manhood falling flat for Branding branded Buckingham you know if I lose the so these guys aren't Brave they aren't courageous they aren't strong they just want to appear strong to Their audience they want to take fights they think they could win I've said this from the jump and I told this to preach I think this whole fighting is corny during this whole few between I been preaching and fresh F where we've been just basically clowning on some of the stuff and the dumb that they've said all you've done is take lse you've just cost your business millions of dollars you're getting yourself demonetized over the dumbest is that how a leader operates is that what you want to teach everybody hey guys watching don't be strategic don't be smart just say whatever you want do whatever you want and lose a bunch of money wow that's great financial advice that's a great example to set you guys are grown people with networks in the Millions talking about putting on gloves to settle your issues like it settles anything what example are you setting for people all your followers are going to get boxing rings with people they have disputes with too just stop it uh but you can carry on Yelling you can say I'm scared you can say it doesn't bother me imagine trying to appeal to a bunch of strangers and be like n I'm a brave man I need y'all to know so I'm going get when you fight somebody at the drop of the dime cuz they said some words to you so like let's say they call you a coward they call you they say they want a box or whatever you're essentially giving them control over your mental state and your actions like today it's these guys what happens when the next person says something about my family I got to go fight them too what about the next person that has an issue with them I got to go fight them too like it becomes a NeverEnding cycle these kinds of things I'm not saying don't defend your family somebody puts hands on your people that's a different thing but you got to understand like there's not a shortage of people who are going to say crazy things online are you going to constantly react to everybody in the way they want it's not because somebody calls you something that you then have to go and immediately start get it's not a reasonable way to handle yourself online what do you want to say say um well first and foremost I never challenged them I accepted this difference they challenged me and when I accepted there was nothing on the line we try to contact you nothing Duds I said both of y'all both of y'all the one that initially said it and you and for some reason now all of a sudden you want to take him it's me you targeted why all of a sudden you don't have a problem with me when I initially accepted you see how weird that is how corny that is and he thinks it's corny because you even you didn't call you even call me out on on cam I told you offline you told me yeah we were filming and you told me offline and yes yes and you're you're right but but just just on that point the thing I said was like listen it's not my place to tell somebody how they want to defend their family or wife so that's your thing me personally I just don't like it when I see grown men talking about they want to fight to settle disputes but I'm it's not my place to tell you so you're your own person I understand what you're saying but you you you also said that it was corny you said that to me too and it's and it's and it's fine and I and I agreed that's not my point I didn't think it was corny initially said I said it corny a year after you know like a year after but is still talking about it it's like if y'all not going to fight at the beginning just stop bringing it up 100% 100% 100% you're right no no but but you're right but you're right it was a year after to put the proper context absolutely it was a year after but you initially you you and your partner actually did that you called me out it's with me that you had a problem he never wanted to do it he like even when I brought it up he didn't even know that was going on you could watch the video again you're like wait what what's going on what I remember that wait wait what I was like yeah if y'all want to talk come back in the studio we'll talk about it or we could box about it too cuz I'm in the gym now you feel me feeling feeling nice right now the box or preach bro Bo bro so you know what come back to to Miami let's box it out how about that and later on in the video you're saying that you want to box with me sort of happen that I'm going to be in the US next week you want to do this let's go both of you I'll be in us next week hold up hold up I'll let's go we'll put gloves on cuz not only this that's why I have a problem now you talk about my wife this preaches married prior to a beluga well somewhere and y'all talking and you talk about my country old said that he was about to send me on a boat to my country to Haiti yeah cool next week I'll be in I'll be in the states I'll drop by youring Studios you know where it is give me the address I'll be right there we'll put gloves on it'll be legal I know Florida liar I take one then I take the other one listen I'm not here to have people fight Advocate but preach you're your own man I was the one that was willing I was the one that was let's go and when we contact you you said nothing h a partner as well didn't respond saw the messages didn't respond both of you now you're going to switch it to Abba that's fine that's cool that's what we know that you don't want none of that and if video you said I don't really so much have a problem with preach and then you call other people coward my boy cuz that's what you is a boy sit down sit that one down also think about this think about this um that being said there's a way that you can get with a sugar and I'll say this I person like this is just my take on it like black men and their egos when it it comes to online stuff is especially pompous like the amount of time I see black graders talking about I'm going to box you I'm going to catch you in these streets and I'm like bro you got like 500,000 subscribers like what are you doing you going to catch a case and risk your whole you're going to stop the money that CES your family to do what and I'm not saying these guys asking for a boxing match or whatever is the exact same thing what I'm trying to say is you're inherently telling your audience to solve these kinds of issues with violence are you going to be the man at your house with that kind of attitude are you going to be able to take care and provide with your family because you're out here challenging people to boxing matches you think that good to employers when you're talking to people and you're like yeah I challenge these people to fights like it's clown Behavior I think we already went over the fact that like we would never do that on in the streets that was never the purpose that was never the point if that was to happen but even if I see you in the I'm not going to do that we're about to do it the proper way legal way but you didn't want that so yo but even doing it the legal way what does it settle it it settles it settles nothing it settles nothing I got yeah and I'mma tell you right now it's really just ego 100% And I'm not saying that you just you only have ego yes you do but it was me too on my side it was ego too go ahead what do you mean oh me yeah me responding to that was ego it was 100% ego it was me being heard about different things about the the different thing in the past and stuff like that and that just just brought all that back up what you you give us an example or you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to but no it's just how I was treated and when I was a kid and how yeah how I was treated when I was a kid how people used to clim me when I was a kid and stuff like that it's like I thought I overcame all that and I it was finally over and I have this ass mother doing that as well like okay you going to get it for everybody you going to get it for everybody that's still ego yeah that's still ego there's better ways to act there's better ways to do stuff like that you know what I mean and they said no they knew it's just the switch up is just weird to me I don't know why it switched to you about you you know why it's because he thinks he can win and listen here's the thing if you've ever been in fights and loss even if you've been insulted in front of people like especially when your ego's really caught up into it you replay that moment and then you replay what you would do differently it's like that Kevin Hart beam where the parents says something to the kid and the kid starts pacing around in his room was F yeah you yeah that's this guy in box that's why he's been training because he has his vision in his head of how he's going to fix the past um clown that he's received and it's not just a him thing like you see this with our people all the time a says something on Facebook they take the insult they imagine everyone laughing at them then they start ramping themselves up the next time they catch the dude they pull out a weapon they do whatever it's that ego that makes you drive it drives you crazy like I can't I can't sumach this shame if I beat this person up then even if you get that you get the temporary boost you get the dopamine from people calling you a big dude but the truth is you're still the same miserable ass person you were before no respects you cuz you're a you're a you're sitting in this chest like well yeah just NW workk with millionaires I don't know if I'm going to make it oh never every's going to become millionaire you're a what the is wrong with you you're going to have the mindset that I have I will not fuing lose these two in Canada try to destroy us guess what happens we became even stronger from that I'm like a say it you hit me I live through the battle and I get stronger after the fact now we're number one best podcast in the world that's such a nerd can you say I'm like a Sayan yo did he just call himself some kind of DBC character bro you cannot y whatever when I told you about that fantasy you shall not you cannot tell me that that's not nerd I got in the hyperbolic Time Chamber and now I'm ready to fight somebody weaker than me godam if you're saying go fight a y That's what I'm saying with you that's what I'm saying with you yeah yeah yeah go be Goku go be Vegeta and what happened to Goku he got beat up a bunch of times he died a few times he died died a few times yeah but we ain't got no Dragon Balls those two clowns tried to destroy us and theying fail I want your opponents to fear you have the fear of God if I ever run this he's going to beat the shadow me that's what I want because you have the fierce tenacity that no one can no one your voice is breaking my guy these two in Canada God they wanted to fight me Canadians make no one let you fear you you're a man you're the prize my God welcome to the Crusty Crab you understand stop your SE in this chat tell me some dumb about I don't know where I stand I don't know if I can do it yes you can stop being a b man that's where I want y'all to be where everyone is scared of you they cannot stop you cuz they know if I get in this Mother's way he's going to run me over and he's going to going to destroy me in the process no one can stop you that's what I want you guys to have man hearing another grown man huff and puff while they say my name is PA that is mad weird energy I'm un PR yo what you been doing I'm going to keep laughing at you there's nothing you could really do about it cuz I think dudes who huff and puffing scream and they're very loud they're generally the biggest jokes in society and the fact that you spend your whole time on your podcast calling women emotional women can't control themselves women are not to be you seem like a liability my friend you seem like you can't control your emotions whatsoever what happened to being stoic to controlling yourself you can't do it so again another one of these alpha male podcasts these red pill dweebs can't hold the frame that they preach their audiences to they just scream and they get upset and they take a lot of lse think about this in the last 2 years all these guys have done is cost themselves all the opportunities that they've spent their whole careers building for themselves congratulations you played yourself and you're probably going to lose way more down the line because you can't control your emotions so put a time stamp on it you going to say Abba predicted it uh these not going to last much longer by the way we got a Discord Please Subscribe real Alpha men have a Discord and uh Reddit subscribe that voice crack that voice crack where he try to be the mainest dude possible his voice betrayed him
Channel: Aba N Preach
Views: 1,066,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aba preach, reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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