Big Girl Cannot Accept Being Rejected. GOES NUTS

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friends deal breakers is someone who doesn't have a j o yeah someone who doesn't have a job is have job you don't have a job why you got to scream like a gor Gore my you called her Garo that's crazy I've actually worn the male version of a dress whatever they're called like hi hi nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you my name is waen a lot of people are are interested in outer space and I'm interested in Inner Space okay tell me more let me get some water I think I need to drink for this one I think we going to have some alcohol you you did you did all all that for that in in a space inner thing your box them yeah tush people look they see space and the Stars they see all this stuff and they're like really turned on by it and I'm kind of disgusted by the negligence of out the use of money PR space uh how's your weekend been so far I've been pretty good I celebrated my f best friend's birthday yesterday oh Taurus okay I saw a murder last night okay attempted murder I was filming a video in California and I saw a man get shot in the neck and now we're trying to sell it to a news station it's absolutely batshit crazy yeah okay how's your day oh you know I took out my dog out for work great I watched the genocide happen I think she's weirded out by me so why did you press on me I immediately I knew you were not interested right off right off the bat just because you thought that I wasn't interested that's why you didn't want to continue conversation yeah I mean I'm trying to get married and have like 100 kids so like why was other's time I respect that I hope you have fun on your next day thank you what's your name I'm Ida I'm Dominique nice to meet you nice to meet you so how old are you I'm 26 how old are you I'm 32 what are you two looking for in a relationship right now I'm a I'm a tender person man I need somebody to be tender with me man I used to be out in the streets was you a hoe never been I never been I don't got a large number what about you but she asked the question yo I was in these streets you were a [ __ ] and he went uh no don't say it like that I wasn't like a high number want someone same as you like kind of like caring but also like grow together just don't be on your suck [ __ ] like I really just don't like that kind of stuff I've met grown ass men that are children if you're a child don't [ __ ] with me I mean how do you how much do you understand what they going through if you're in a predicament where you're trying M that's not I will never jump that but if you're a person who chooses to sit on your ass MH and be in home all [ __ ] day while someone's working oh I can't find J cuz you're just looking on your phone no get up off your ass do some [ __ ] you can find other jobs like you know like work through it go ahead that's fine and that's not that's and I'll tell you why I did it I think that you have to come to a term of forgiving people for not being their best selves and that's not me thinking you having Ida was that surprising yeah I kind of liked you a little bit anyways nice to meet you that's it talk about what was your name again Yaya okay cool when I come up up in this Che didn't being a toal ass ho got you on a check when you come in then this [ __ ] and come with disrespect wo bust that sick out here I wouldn't cat call anybody you would what I wouldn't cat call I've never catall somebody but if some girls walking by me and she goes my name is Yaya I'm like y that's not cat calling okay that's just a buster Rhymes that's calling s that's so childish but yeah I like y y it's a beautiful man no M would be uh I like the water I like to look at the water do you wake board or wake surf or okay I just like to like would you try it I would yeah okay yeah I'm down to bust my ass I don't know if the Box wants to say it but I don't really like city girls city girls okay like the stipulations that come along with that is is kind of dumb like a New York City girl like no no like what okay so what do you mean so City girl City girl is kind of like no that's not what I how yeah you can't be using hip-hop references with people that casually okay yeah it's not everybody that's on the same level I'm one of the city boys oh yeah I love going to the city mainlands amazing I'm just not about that Thug Life yeah we don't like criminals here either no no I mean I ain't about that all right there we go okay so what do you mean you so City girl City girl is kind of like uh fly me out do this do this do this like I'm sorry why why is that a they don't she's like wait what yeah I want to see her confusion this is like when red pill people meet normal people and they like a high value man can cheat like what the [ __ ] are you talking about this is this moment let me just let me is that a city girl like it's not that not just that let me finish uh like the intentions is not to actually get to know you just have this standard that is not understanding okay I felt like this came out of nowhere the girl's like do you like wakeboarding would you be down he like yeah I'm down to try and new stuff and he's just out of nowhere brought up like I don't know if the Box wants to say it but I don't really like city girls did that not come out of nowhere hey she looks confused too yeah cuz he kind of came out of know he's like I don't want to be with a gold digger it's like and and and she still doesn't understand that refence is City girl she doesn't know hipop so she thinks that he thinks that he women from the city are gold diggers hey yo hold there's levels to this [ __ ] but yeah you didn't get it some of these people live online so much or they don't interact with other communities that they don't know how to talk about this stuff like there's some deep cut stuff when it comes to hip-hop lingo that I wouldn't use with a casual and then be surprised when they don't get it you feel me like there's just certain things you you're not going to say like if I'm talking to somebody I'm like yo they're trying to catch the fade and they're like like a haircut but even it's not everybody that that's going to know a fade is related to a haircut so they're not even going to get that you know what I mean but even in the other people the other person that he was with the why did you buzz me answer was about money didn't even match no but it was also about the whole money thing like remember when he asked for forgiveness what did she have to forgive she had to forgive the guys who weren't ambitious and now again once again the whole weird weird I'm nice to meet you nice to meet you too so Adrian says the only reason not to date him is the size of his apartment apartment my apartment is 270 ft it's a little small bed's a twin but uh you know you have a bathroom yes and I have inunit washer dryer have a stove everything W and I have 70 pairs of shoes in there so see I don't have a problem with him having that apartment in it's super small size do do what you got to do to survive you have [ __ ] grills throw yourself off a bridge what's wrong with grills no it's nothing wrong with grills there's something wrong with grills when you have a 275t apartment yeah priorities my [ __ ] there's something very wrong with that you got a Mercedes b but you can't afford a real Studio no I would give her reaction if I meet a girl and she got a Chanel bag but she live in a [ __ ] bedroom with no bathroom she a room yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the red flag not the strug hi quick reminder we have a Discord join it I'm in there you know it's all fitting do you um I guess like have you been dating like are you a Serial dater Fu you two went hard tell each other tell me why I don't know I just wasn't giv the vibe yeah I wasn't giving you the vi I just I just wasn't there it was his grills yeah was nice me ni I don't mind people blinging out don't be a broke [ __ ] blinging out that's stupid that's like putting [ __ ] diamonds on a doooo stain that's what I said diamonds on a doooo that's what I said and you know it's kind of true Diamond the do think about it that's funny it's like girls telling you they if the bomb is head they out here advertising they got tongue piercing and come to find the bedroom they like I don't suck come to me with a tongue piercing and she don't suck that yo that's a fight not physically [Music] spiritually hey watch out someone's going to clip this yeah yeah yeah spiritual warfare you know so I was just saying grills and you live in that 200 I'm aside with the ladies no if if I don't want to cuz I'm red pill on the inside but I'm aside with the ladies somebody got to be R if if you if if you if you rocking grills and you can do this in your apartment and you stretched out every wall that wall to wall and that's that yeah if you on like Chris Brown Wall to Wall that's a good song I don't see what nothing but ladies called okay what's up I like that song I'm not going to lie I can see that you don't like that song it's all right you got the vampires they trying to Thriller [ __ ] it's not really Thriller but it's it was like w to wow but L it was kind of a like Back Street Boys Back Street back all right my version yeah I love it when Chris Tred to belt out the vocals but he really can't but he trying and it's not bad you got vocals I don't see nothing but ladies I'm like bro you can't really hit them notes but I appreciate the effort though this [ __ ] still fly like Chris is a good performer he's a good music maker he got that voice you think Chris ain't got that voice yeah ain't got that voice are you serious yeah ain't got that voice he ain't got that kind of I think you got that voice excuse me sir I heard you from across the room even was not talking to us sir listen I didn't want to misgender you mis preach [ __ ] is wrong with you bro I don't want to misgender you you're looking for a fight a fight yeah a fight what do you mean I said sir and then you're the one who corrected me so I can say Miss but the song the song is not certain you're not talking to me and you're not singing that song to me pause okay canot I it's okay I think it's okay to sing to another man as long as it's mainly lyrics excuse me sir like that's fine yeah cuz what you saw me across the room hey I did yo what's wrong with seeing somebody across anyways yo you saw another [ __ ] from across the room what huh yeah I did so why were you staring from that fall he's weird he's weird I'm hey hey he's weird hold up it's not me leave a comment below fellas have you guys never seen a dude from across the that is not the question my guy that is not the question have you guys never seen a fella from across the that is not that's not the like have you thought of it you're not going to do you're not going to do that do do yay girl girl no no no no dude he's been a whole ass weird right now that's the question not tell me ladies have you seen him and must have it must have been five minutes hi what's your name Adrien adri me you what's your name jayen it's like alien with the J right yes probably the first time you heard it huh no because I tell everyone that oh really I know I work at Geico I'm like a clean trainer oh so you could teach me about insurance I could teach you about insurance I know all about insurance I want you to teach her about insurance in a sexy voice oh my in a sexy voice man you know you got a scenario scenario someone get hit by a car now what someone call you hey someone hit my car I think she's crazy like I think this dude's weird but I think this girl she giving me crazy energy do what's the next step dang okay I'd be like damn someone hit your car I really car I really yeah that was the opposite of sex that was not it was not it that was goria for the ears oh wow just don't have a sex the laugh I'm telling you be the laugh you beef the L bro yo you know what it is is some people don't have a filter between like their brain and their mouth and everything just blurs out yeah and that to me is like the Shire way to know somebody crazy these [ __ ] are are straight pipe what you mean straight pipe oh okay straight pipe is whenever you have an engine and you want to have less restriction to your engine you remove the catalic uh catalytic inverter and it it goes straight from one the muffler goes from your engine straight out so we get all the noise but because it has a muffler and the original Muffler you don't hear that all right thank you but that [ __ ] ain't got no muffler on she's not even a straight pipe is engine out doesn't have a job is have a job you don't have a job bmbo [Music] CLI BM ass CLS deal breakers someone who doesn't have a j o yeah someone who doesn't have a job is have a job you don't have a job why you got to scream like a g Gore my called gargoyle that's crazy but the scream though that's crazy why the [ __ ] you got that was a dope ass show back in the days you watch that show watch they're going to do a live action I'm Elizabeth Elizabeth I'm Adrian nice to meet you I always like to ask people this question I know it's super random but would you choose that dress is really nice I don't know what it is so I I think I'm a sucker for dresses I think I'm a sucker for dresses a girl could be a five she rolling with a dress she go up to like a seven you know what it is what is it is when they walk in the ass Chee go it's partially that it's partially that it's just something about a dress is just El oh there's something about that yeah there's something about that it's also nice when you ain't got to take off their clothes to [ __ ] him you just have to hike him up that [ __ ] kind of fire too this is something about like wench you like [ __ ] fantasies yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely ignore me Mo death Mo de I've actually worn the male version of a dress whatever they're called like in Arabic countries you know how the males work we robes jalabia uh I have one of those and when you're not wearing underwear them shits is the best like like if you've never felt the wind on your balls I'm serious I'm serious don't laugh like as man a lot of us don't know that feeling when you get a breeze go like that [ __ ] hit different women get to experience that cuz they have you know well a lot of them depend on the dress they'll still wear some but a lot of them don't it's freeing yeah feels amazing I know I used to wear KS it's like if you've never been bald you'll never understand what it's like to have the scalp and the wind make contact is is the first time like losing your virginity in a different way it's the first time that you shave in a long time and you spend like 30 minutes going like this yay yeah you like oh this is me this me too yeah this me oh [ __ ] me I see Baler [ __ ] sometimes complaining but I'm like yo you get that wind touch though yeah that [ __ ] hit different like you have someone caressing you all the time like you might not get no cuddles from women but nature cuddling you be like baby it's going to be okay we might have taken your hair but we going to give you some of this mhm that feels nice kind of feels nice so my balding fans we watching right now you good you got something in your corner you got a special experience with nature we call that wind therapy yeah yeah go outside just be standing on a [ __ ] Bridge be like this do you imagine just like [ __ ] yeah do you imagine just like 40 bald [ __ ] just standing on the bridge like this I I see it people are like yo what is this cult ceremony yes you you can't get it you don't get it it's okay if you don't get it walk off youall deserve it I always like to ask people this question I know it's super random but would you choose waffles or pancakes oh waffles which one you choose [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up and let me eat but which one you have to pick you I don't have to pick [ __ ] you got waffles it's going to be that it's going to be pancake it's going to be that I don't care but if they have both I don't care what can you make the fastest that's that's a nothing question I don't care really I do not care I'mma probably say pancakes a good pancake is just always going to be better than a good waffle good I you know is one of them things especially when you start putting in some chocolate chips in that maple syrup it just hit different for waffles I guess if you like putting weird [ __ ] on waffles like chicken then maybe you like that but outside of that I feel like waffles are 100% inferior no I'm I'm whatever who cares what you think you don't like eggs but you asked so I don't give a [ __ ] either yeah yeah but it's not like I cared I just ass but then you want to be all difficult difficult so I'm like difficult difficult I don't care yeah I can tell you care me not it's me not being difficult excuse me sir I saw you from across Oh my days I love waffles pancakes I don't know they're not as fluffy they don't have the nice fluff to them I feel like pancakes are fluffier than waffles what are you talking about it's like I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to argue over pancakes like no I'm going to waste my energy on some other [ __ ] but you're not a breakfast person like that so you don't get it that's not I'm not a breakfast you don't sound like a bre you don't like like eggs you don't care between pancakes and waffles you've already killed 90% of breakfast what's left go ahead fruits [ __ ] are you a fruits person for veggies for for breakfast I'm a whatever person for breakfast then you're not a breakfast person yo breakfast people right now in the chat oh yeah breakfast people rally shut the [ __ ] up with that [ __ ] yeah breakfast people go in the chat right now uh to the breakfast resore like nah nah that's the the yo breakfast unite what the [ __ ] are you doing how you going to say you like breakfast how you going to say you like that's not even a thing how you going to say you like breakfast but you don't like eggs you don't care about waffles or or pancakes you're not about it it's okay it's okay nobody gives a [ __ ] it's okay [ __ ] weirdo you like those non nerds who always want to be claiming nerds it's not true I don't give a [ __ ] too cool I just want to eat exct it's not a question it's not a question about yo if if I just want to eat and I'm not going to argue with with a person over breakfast and pancake eat what you want to eat I'mma eat and I just want to dance but guess what right now we got a job to do what we are talk to do so yeah yeah and you I just want to dance no no and you went I just want to dance what the [ __ ] is that I just want to dance what the [ __ ] is that my guy I don't know what's in them bottles over there you've been drinking okay but it's affecting your brain all right let's good I feel like the Romantic chemistry like just isn't there for me I feel that for sure yeah cool well thank you yeah good mece meet you what are you looking for right now Elizabeth low key low key not a not a white dude in grills I be honest you not anybody in grills but especially not a white dude in grills it looks weird it's like seeing a white dude in a doag can you yes should you no what tarnation sometimes I see a white girl in a kimono and I'm just like do you know anything about Japanese no like can you sure should you I mean you know did you say neow that's Chinese but yeah you did you say niow no I was I trying to say noow no no you know like you know like a cat stop calling me out leave me alone a husband I'm at a point in life where I really want to meet like someone special as spend life with hi hi I'm Max I'm Elizabeth nice to meet you Elizabeth I love your hair thank you it's beautiful and your are also really great thank you so much fun fact about Max he has sold video games to MTV and Nickelodeon like ones that you created yeah yeah in high school I made like the flash games that you know you'd play in like the librar and made like 10 to $4,000 my junior year yeah Elizabeth wants to get married she's ready to settle down have kids well I I don't want kids like now now but like in four or five years fair fair so wa when are you looking to get married though that's my question is there like a specific timeline or I don't want to like rush anything so no Wedding Bells next year then unless it work probably not that would be a little insane I've lit up red a few times nobody's proud of me you you V yeah I'm having fun I think you're pretty cool I'm going to light out red one more time if you don't press me I'm going to consider it a [Music] match she stops here cuz I actually pre-at this and she asks him pancakes were shut the [ __ ] up and his answer you guys are going to be really disappointed his chicken his waffles she's going to reject him why am I spoiling this cuz I don't like you [ __ ] W it's love there's going to be Wedding Bells of the year I predict it I'm never wrong you get out of here you two you two little love birds all right they found love how' you how how you feel about uh how do you feel about today's episode um n whatever just like pancakes and waffles and breakfast and general for you cuz you don't care about breakfast cuz you're not a breakfast person got you what did you what did you feel about the episode Pancakes that's what he feels honestly there was a couple moments where you kind of drive me crazy and I just want to be and I wanted to do that was that was on a fun moment you know what I mean that was a lot that was on a fun thing yeah that was a lot in front of someone you don't know yeah ble they was doing too much no that's it all all right anyways that's it for today's episode let's know what you guys think in the comments below
Channel: Aba N Preach
Views: 1,032,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aba preach, reaction
Id: 4GLACG9vvx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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