DaBaby on Home Invasion, ATL Goons Pressing Him, Street Losses (Full Interview)

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alright here we go the baby what's up with it welcome to Vlad TV appreciate them man I don't say this often and you could go back and check I feel like we have one of the hottest down south street artists I swear to God coming up right now you know with uh with the lyrics of the substance behind it mm no no mumble rap like you could really tell that you've been really developing your craft taking this [ __ ] serious and and the authenticity to go behind it go don't grassman and you've been riding for a while on top of that you know I went back and found it this is 50 interview for like 2016 rather like okay he's been he's been doing it mm-hmm that's what's up my congratulations on everything for research so is your first time here all right let's start from the beginning so you were born in Cleveland mm-hmm but you grew up in Charlotte North Carolina no okay two-parent home one pair of home okay how many siblings two older brother okay what was your dad he was Nashville Kentucky he was an army [ __ ] okay I may say yeah so he you know wherever the [ __ ] he was it with it you know but he was always in my life too okay so you had a father yeah yeah yeah he always put [ __ ] on my mind yeah me okay yeah I go I go kick it with him for the summer and [ __ ] like that okay um but he wasn't actually living with you guys mm-hmm was he helping out with the family and yeah he just shoot me uh I used to goddamn get my love my love child support [ __ ] it'd be like $80 of sunlight so my mom would get it all ones okay you bring her child support check money in once yes she examine you know she give it my mom you know my mama sure she give it out of me you know I mean I always yeah oh okay $1.00 isn't really a lot though to help raise a child but if you [ __ ] if you [ __ ] uh but not he did way more than it I ain't just saying okay no but that's just way you know by whatever the child support guidelines whatever right away mom yeah I mean but a single mom and three kids out assumes I'm not still don't know hey yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure they wouldn't know where Neal hell nah yeah what do you think was the hardest thing growing up in that kind of a situation no I ain't really one I ain't never really been one to complain and then rinse out like you know never really you know never really noticed what's up with it and said later on in life like you're growing up you just think it's normal like this is how she'd go you know I mean so I don't know I mean ojas I I could call it self but [ __ ] it is what it is you know what motel for her you know I mean then it was for me like I wouldn't trigger you know okay your two older brothers yeah you guys real close yeah there be outsiders [ __ ] though you see like I'm the baby then right I really been the baby like I'm baby so you know like I look just like my mom and everything like I'm the baby you see what I'm saying so I beatin toad on the ass and he beat me up and [ __ ] trying to beat me up he said I'd be the toad own there's no I mean I got brother my oldest brother he's like five years older than my other brother like two years over them mmm-hmm okay I mean before you started rapping you said you were already successful in the streets yeah okay like how old were you when you started getting mixed up with all that gave me stir what the streets she like teen okay a little bit later yeah you know I've talked a lot of guys there 13 14 I mean I've been running around don't you know [ __ ] but I mean like 17 when like I mean I don't know it depends on you know what you would call you missed up in the street okay mmm-hmm I mean when it comes to that type of life it gets glamorize but it comes to a lot of losses yeah yeah yeah all right well why do you think were the biggest losses that you took before you start rapping Plus as I want to speak on you now me I said I'm gonna speak on but you know they build character you know they made a man I didn't okay you know I mean so it made it you know when it comes the music and you know and this business is [ __ ] not going my way here and there like I was already accustomed to like dealing with that type of [ __ ] standing on it and shaking back like I was always one who could just shake back from whatever you know me okay mmm-hmm well you talked about a situation I think it was a double XL where uh five dudes ran up in your house yeah I was rapping though he was already rapping by that time yeah I was rapping for like maybe like a yeah mm-hmm okay I mean was there a specific situation where you said okay there's the street should has a low shelf life and and if I don't do something different it's gonna end badly for me and this is why I'm gonna rap no it wasn't really that like I just always been somebody like I just always knew like it was it was a whole lot more with me like I knew I was normal like from the get-go you know I mean I gotta knew that [ __ ] I could never answer the question like what you want to be when you go I could never answer that I'm like [ __ ] I don't know I know I can't see myself I don't know I know said it I just I can't see myself doing a regular [ __ ] you know I mean I was like seven five I was a little boy talking like that like nah I ain't doing it normal like he gotta be something there's some special we gotta make a whole lot of money like I was a little kid talking like that like five years old like I know I had one song I was like back in 94 no I wanted a million like I was [ __ ] three years old and I know you know I mean but I was talking like that like we I'm driving by oh I see a mansion so I'm standing there like but I meant that [ __ ] like anybody a dude it you know I mean any kid to do it but I got you know that's what I say about success man you have to know what your goal is mmm-hmm you know it's like imagine playing soccer with a blindfold you know how many how many goals are you gonna kick you know case you crying your goddamn self yeah you might kick a goal on the other side yeah so so I think that's important to actually see this [ __ ] and say okay I want a million dollars I want a house with seven bedrooms I want you know I want a I want you know million dollars in my bank account like that type of thing so you already knew earlier yeah yeah so what you're just are trapping oh did you see it what four years so 2015 mm-hmm okay and you were baby Jesus in the beginning mm-hmm I still am I meant it okay I'm gonna chose him and people actually got upset with that mmm well you do live in the South in the Bible Belt right where people are real religious down there mm-hmm so why were they offended at calling yourself baby Jesus I mean because I'm calling myself baby Jesus you know I'm saying but it ain't it ain't even like no self-proclaimed [ __ ] like I mean that like I'm not here for a reason like you know I'm in a position on man to do great things for other people with anything written about me and through Tom it's gonna show you know it's gonna show he's gonna show naturally like I can't shake it you see what I'm saying like I can't shake it you know there's just me like I do for others you know I mean before I do for myself no matter who tell me not to whatever I can't yeah okay whatever I'm still gonna I'm gonna do that like that's how I get my sleep at night you know me well you ever see that show black Jesus nah heard of it that's some clown she'd oh well III know the dude I interviewed the guy who stars in it all right and we had an interesting conversation about that all right you know where he said you know a lot of people were kind of you know had issues with black Jesus and so forth and I said well what if what if you just called yourself Jesus and he survives as an interesting point Wow I never gave that question much thought and that's a great question man it's satire I think I think he couldn't even happen because it's satire and that's that's half as part of the satire because I think that in America people have this problem with Jesus being black when in reality he probably was black see what I'm saying oh so was there any of that any sort of like racism type thing no I never kid you know I mean really like I ain't never really getting no problems with the [ __ ] at all like the people who didn't like the [ __ ] was people who I don't give a [ __ ] about know it like right there's people that wouldn't listen to my music if my name wasn't baby Jesus you know I mean but anybody like you know in my age group you know I mean black or white really white people love [ __ ] more than black you they love [ __ ] was so mad like white people was so mad when when I got down when I switched the name yeah I mean they like what the [ __ ] you doing you know what's up you know I mean for whatever reasons you know but like it would never know racial [ __ ] okay it was just more so like you know I mean at the end of the day like this business you see what I'm saying like so you know it's going somewhere along the line that's gone that's gone getting away the business you see what I'm saying and and I got enough sense to that listen you know I mean understanding okay let's make an adjustment I mean I still I'm still here for a reason anyways like I'm here you know so that ain't gonna change like so you change the name to the baby - baby - baby okay at what point did the whole diaper thing come about were you so baby Jesus back then it was already switched to the baby besides me I just don't give a foot you know so you showed up to South by Southwest and an actual diaper I put it on like I'm performing it in performing around oh sure yeah I put it on like the last day out - I think yeah I was out the other week I come sit down home you know me like and I stretch it down before that like I didn't need I need to put that on you know I mean like a chirp I'm a nation and I'm like [ __ ] ressy is gonna go viral I am I really gonna go [ __ ] like watch like that's how I'm talking about it like laughing and [ __ ] like I ain't even you know like I was already I was already set up like I ain't even need I wouldn't even reach him when I did it I just don't give a [ __ ] you know like so a night like really [ __ ] I oughta name it they didn't even know like I stopped I had on regular [ __ ] left the hotel room I'm in a sprinter it was just like we split up and hotel rooms this [ __ ] so he was in like like me and a whole clique my whole team was like three different hotels but it was like downtown Houston but like only four of us was in the room with me wasn't the same hotel with me we got split off till I go grab some cigars and some [ __ ] before we went hit the strip and I [ __ ] it stop it stop it Walgreens CVS one of I got there when I threw that [ __ ] only one bought some adult diapers oh yeah oh no when he [ __ ] himself someone else no yeah I went goddamn I found him host through that [ __ ] oh no I got no my brothers from the rescue clothes off yeah you're basically just naked we line it up good so I got now you know she was our brand-new some brand-new ones okay you know reg kicks in a diaper in a fade she went back there beats like the night before song hell yeah he's got no time I got two men stopped by walking post about well Green do their [ __ ] on we mean that sixth Street and whatever other you know I mean whatever intersection we met it I come around a quarter they like this [ __ ] crazy like and you know that's I went in everybody you know even down there like you know other internet the Internet gonna be the internet [ __ ] you see what I'm saying but like even down that Oh everybody I know like what the [ __ ] right in person it wasn't no you know I mean it wasn't no disrespect it was no none of that [ __ ] right and I'm [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] went crazy [ __ ] coming up send me got down trying to trying to pull my dick out to divert see what I'm saying like they going crazy so you know it did exactly what I knew it was gonna do oh you were trolling basically no outro I mean I got it I didn't put it on the Internet what you knew was gonna get on the Internet oh yeah for sure so I mean no trolling is the general kind of turn now I was marketing okay that's what I was just also really guess marketing these days trolling is continuously doing it you know okay so that was just the one a one-and-done yeah yeah okay and then you see what I'm saying like I'm so ahead of the curve you get six seven months down line a [ __ ] with rainbow Hill boom blow of a night light and I'm at Tojo [ __ ] like if you don't give a [ __ ] like if you you know if you a person that just don't give a [ __ ] if she Faye's you [ __ ] like that like boom like that's what that's what's next blow out it like this was that's like gonna be the most marketable pain I'm already knowing it like you get what I'm saying like I'm already knowing it's like the first video I see you like sees nothing I already knew what time with no he's out of here that Quezada you get what I'm saying but yeah like you know it's the difference though I could never do the trellis [ __ ] I'm - I'm - for real you know I mean to do that Charlie [ __ ] like you know the [ __ ] that come with it like I meet that head first so I wouldn't even I wouldn't even get into it you know I wouldn't get into it and then if you see me a person with a diaper on all you got to do is just look me in my eyes you ain't going you ain't gonna play with me you know I mean I rock the diaper no not [ __ ] no you say see me a personal diaper ain't nobody play with me okay so I DJ Paul from three 6 mafia here no the other day and we were talking about how rappers get hated on in their own cities but he made a distinction he said it can happen anywhere you know be honest with you but uh it's just like you know when you when you depending on where your home is it like when you from a small town then it is gonna be more dangerous going back home I would think okay you know but if you're from like a big cities sometimes it ain't this that's crazy no we're not from basically from a small city and even though Charlotte down south we wonder fastest-growing cities update the big city but the grand scheme of things compared to like a New York or LA if it's still considered a small town in on a US level right did you start to get that hate once you start to pop here yeah cuz I'm the first one to blow this Michael Charlotte really well yet Jay I mean North Carolina got Jay Cole we mean blow I don't know that's New York he flew B blue out of New York that's true yeah you're right he didn't he didn't build up on North Carolina fan base really speedy Pablo right there's the last big one I guess I'm yeah I got it I gotta get I had to take my head off the PDA yeah yeah definitely that's a long stretch of time exactly that's decade over thank you to the word I mean I came out of well like 98 or something like that you're talking about like 20 years all right you know most multi generations of kids have been born time or issue so you guys have had like you know a long period where nobody's really coming out of that situation mm-hmm and then boom here comes the baby mm-hmm and then you got a whole bunch of other rappers that have been probably rapping a whole lot longer than you ran let's run them [ __ ] right what started happening the same [ __ ] just gonna happen anyway you know because you you know you've given the same chance I I got you know we in the same environment I mean but like would I take that [ __ ] is like they just trying to make sense of it like they got a that's the best a way of understanding like they got to find some kind of excuse but really when it boil down to it it's just you ain't it bro and I am I mean I know I am but like I say when I came out it was baby Jesus like you know like I'm I'm chosen like you feeling like that's what I was on so I already was on it like I didn't I didn't care about it you know it went [ __ ] you could tell me the first song I made it was nothing you could tell me you see what I'm saying so like that [ __ ] never really faze me like yeah you say you're the best hey in a bunch of songs yes Nana by as you should as if you don't think you're the best you shouldn't be doing it you know but if you think you're okay and that I nobody [ __ ] about I feel you I seen how many [ __ ] hit songs you got and that a seven million five million three million two million like we still you know yeah there's a situation with five people running up in your house yeah yeah can you talk about that yeah we could talk about that all right so put me in that situation like I say I have been rapping for like a year see we were still like I was still like hot would it like that's before I got with our Nutella s CMG so it was just like it wasn't the business part wouldn't put it was you know it wasn't it wasn't implementing with what the [ __ ] I had going on it was just I was just hot as hell I was hotter than a [ __ ] I was just the hottest thing already had the big-ass Cuban Linx like you know the Cuban link chokers he's been wearing it amigos made popular [ __ ] yeah I had I had the big one like I could have cut it and made two chokers like I had anyone like I had that [ __ ] like three years ago before them [ __ ] I I had all that [ __ ] like going on I had like like $50,000 worth of jewelry on like at all times even if I'm wearing I wouldn't leaving that [ __ ] at home know so even if I got on basketball shorts and flip-flops I got that [ __ ] on to go do whatever I throw the grocery store yeah yeah our jewelry oh yeah yeah you can't hear now I can't let you get it easy footnote what about put in the bank like in a safety deposit box in the bank yeah yeah what you were thinking about that thought no oh I take to the bank close at 5:00 whatever I want to go to the club yeah okay I got it wait till tomorrow to get my sack okay you know but uh but yeah and I already like had a lot of [ __ ] going on I like the way I even approached to see like off the RIP my even with Jimmy like I had like posters and stickers and [ __ ] like air where I aired right through in a city like in a restaurant I had like a stick on that [ __ ] like well my goddamn face my picture my social media outlet [ __ ] like I had posters and putting up in every hood out of hood stores I got posters with the same picture I'm I still forgot but it's like three four different colors I got I'm lining them [ __ ] up I'm lining them shits up every stone every side of town well you know I mean every stoplight down there did you stop it in the city we got them shits goin all the way up the pole up until we can't reaching them up like we I was kidding it in like as far as like it's always been like that with me like with that marketing [ __ ] and all they like like I really I really did my [ __ ] time with this [ __ ] so my face was there when my face was so hot but then again like I'm still just living like a normal [ __ ] you see I was in like I'm still just running around living like a normal name I'm still doing my thing you know here enough and I ain't scary to at the same time you see what I'm saying care and then I'm [ __ ] a lot of hos you know my brother [ __ ] a lot of hos so you know we are we right hook you know I mean it was no secret where we was at you know I'm saying no telling ain't no telling I like we saw out there like it wouldn't even know that we come into the club like with t-shirts on like my logo and [ __ ] like there where we go it's like 20 of us with the t-shirts on like I will be wearing them [ __ ] every day every day for like a year like everywhere we went you know I mean so it ain't nothing to draw by this gotten them apartment conflict in the sea [ __ ] with the shirt on you know I mean you see a sprinter outside I got you know who you know who in issue you know I mean especially at that time like cuz a [ __ ] sweating doing it what nobody doing it like that like what nobody seriously doing the music [ __ ] direction I went nobody doing it like that in here he said it was but they wasn't like that's why when I popped out like you it's like I separated the men from the boys it's like was this learn a good life you know I mean so I ain't no telling how I know telling like God [ __ ] knew who set it up who lined it up but whatever but one night I left the studio [ __ ] I was taught I came to the crib I can't see the crib at my other partners with me I dropped him off one of my other partners they stopped many lights go to cameo as a popular strip club out there at the time I said that [ __ ] thing got shut down now let's go to cameos [ __ ] and I'm ahead I'm going to Korea I'm tired so them [ __ ] they they went one way I went said crypto low you know me and like like the apartment you could part in the top like in a garage and come down into steps so it [ __ ] around it not be no car out say you see not that look watch it for some time I can come in the crib and you not even know you see what I'm saying like I said I'm tired so when I come in the crib I just come in and I got no you know I mean I lay across the bed you know I mean it's the grand side which I passed up by smoting bluntly across don't you surpass that but it was still like I think it was a TV on and a living room or some [ __ ] you know I mean um so I pass out of [ __ ] that first I ain't know what will me up but I found out after you know once I woke up is [ __ ] but like I hear [ __ ] just the first time gentlemen behind your knees yelling a bunch of [ __ ] you know and I know [ __ ] I only stay with my brother that's don't nothing negative there that anybody else to come through there they just a friend a son so even if y'all is out there yelling like that we're done with this [ __ ] out here in [ __ ] voice like you know it's a problem anyway you know even if it like I didn't I came around the corner with that on you see what I'm saying like I woke up my daughter baby I'm in my drawers coming on a corner with it you know I mean because I know I know it's going down regardless when I come around this corner somebody fighting the something he's doing I'm saying somebody fighting it fight my brother so yeah yeah you know I mean so I come on corner and what I heard he's yelling his [ __ ] was like where's but like they had to be like rookies though cuz like they came in scared yeah I mean like that's scary you ask me like they came in scary cuz so they didn't know you were actually not in the apartment but they but they played it just in case somebody was an apartment they played it safe because anybody know like that ain't you know that ain't no no easy task you know I mean anybody that anybody from that I know that ain't no easy task you see what I'm saying so I guess they seems just in case somebody right there in that [ __ ] when that couch let's come in screaming you know I mean get on the ground is it was so many [ __ ] I heard screaming they're like so I knew what time it was when I when I turned that corner I knew it so there they were screaming into an empty room basically and yet I was running the night you know I don't know this really sounds like hell but if you kick you kick somebody don't like yeah you choose you better goddamn try to startle them okay you know I'm Sam I was like amateur hour right here yeah yeah you better got down you know I mean like so yeah so I heard I got them screaming but what really woke me up though was probably I'm kicking it dough okay because I'm I hear the screaming so it could have been screwing them so they're probably you know not that great on screen but I come straight out it's like long hallway my room isn't on Highway come on is hallway turn the corner boom is like a little wrap around it to the living room you see them saying in the kitchen over here to the left wraparound sin living room and then it's pretty much like the front though that way seems big-ass apartment it's like a house as there isn't anything any [ __ ] you know I mean oh when I got them come I turned the corner changed my [ __ ] him I turn the corner I see is it like this I see I see Snickers you see what I'm saying but they some of them over there going through [ __ ] oh they're right I don't rummaging through your house if this yeah I wrote that ain't in clear the spot you know okay veining make sure with nobody in there they going through posters and [ __ ] so they don't even case the whole house to make sure that he ain't get a chance to I met him right down before you get that first bear so now you're face to face it was a couple of creeping towards me and his is plenty it's plenty of them it would I seeks people like by I saw five six people okay and then guide him so I turned the corner like I said well that was some Chinese box you turn the corner huh I see all these [ __ ] now oh I still run expecting there you know I mean like I said I buy six [ __ ] and they the closest one semi he just goes to Julius yeah I mean what are you coming to it and then I'm turning the corner poppy there and they zoom back jnanis no better they start shooting back yeah yeah okay like time did you get hit I told you J about at ten o'clock oh [ __ ] they stopped them boom I swing back around I swing back around the corner and I like the way it is like the way the career is I told you in court some stairs through the back and go out the garage I swing around the corner and goddamn good steps around the garage I hit the button but see like oh so you saw actually start chasing them nah no I don't know that homie I ain't chasing okay I ain't chasing but uh but light like the way to Korea said it like when I got them go around it's like uphill with a garage it is like it's like a street it's a hill you see what I'm saying it's a hill the apartment building light right here on here you see them sensor you come through the front door you downstairs damn there and you go up on the garage now I'm up here so if I come out the garage and I cut through the I come on my garage and I make a left I cut through the grass I could look at the sidewalk they lead out to the front oh and they had to call puting on the street you see them saying so when I come and I hit the garage and I got them swing out the [ __ ] garage you hit up in the Costco okay but one person got shot yeah yeah yeah were they still in the house nah oh they match yeah he drop isn't the gun [ __ ] okay yeah they got the [ __ ] up on it off scared so five five or six guys right up in your house probably morning it what about got shot and they all escaped mmm police come at some point hey what do you tell pretty much how you told me yeah I had to tell me [ __ ] they see the dope keep though when they see TV move and that's how nose Pee Wee's cuz first time you touches a TV with the foot I buy one of y'all [ __ ] dead TV true TV before you armed robbery that's how I know with more than six [ __ ] cuz ICC's [ __ ] right here and nobody tried to pick the TV up on the way up after the gunshot they went off you see what I'm saying so it was a bunch of [ __ ] like you know and then like I say like and that's why I started it off like it's playing out and I started my brother name was at the club and we was so hot like any time we come in the club like the DJ stopping everything like oh [ __ ] baby Jesus you know I mean so it ain't nothing like and like my last like [ __ ] I have put on social media I was pulling up home on my favorite freak you know I mean on the other side of town you know I mean so it show like I was on the highway ride and like listen it says song I was just I just had to phone up like this it was it sure like the exit that's on a completely different side of time you know I mean so exactly I think I'm not a nice girl I wasn't even done in I wasn't around not i winning around it it was snapchat okay yeah it wasn't even instagram stores okay one guy gets shot the police come it was money that you're protecting her whole mm-hmm did they ever catch the guys did it I mean [ __ ] I you really got a snitch for [ __ ] to catch him like what they did what they do was somebody get shot when they went gunshots well they they are already in cahoots with hospitals so where's [ __ ] pop up anywhere anywhere with them and yeah I mean he nice around the city in that city they tell the police okay he got a gunshot wound when you see what I'm saying right and then they know they just put two and two together so is that what happened someone showed up with a gunshot okay yeah why they were still questioning me and [ __ ] I'm not breakers I'm not so they were not explaining y'all not one more time like y'all ready cuz they keep having different [ __ ] come up to me after my all y'all [ __ ] get together I said already you gotta sleep I get screaming I come around the corner oh they shoot back boom boom boom boom I come on this way not y'all here you know I mean I'm not explaining this [ __ ] no more so they basically went straight to the hospital then got arrested not aining arrest them they probably questioned the machine but I don't think that rested him like okay I got a whole lot yeah I feel like that's him and press charges and go to court he was trying to do all that for no no yeah no see so you wouldn't you were to cooperate with the police even against someone who try to kill you essentially no I mean [ __ ] I seen a [ __ ] face anyways they had masks on oh they're masks yeah okay mm-hmm how did you feel walking away from a situation like that because my baby if you if you didn't get the drop on him yeah okay you could end it up on a t-shirt yeah yeah he'd be like ah this was the hottest rapper in North Carolina he was about to blow up until somebody killed him in a home invasion or mm-hmm you you have to think of that process right yeah absolutely and how does that make you feel right baby Jesus I'm here for a reason [Music] that's all I know where No God you made it yeah I'm good I mean you know that [ __ ] I've been that she had been having her yeah man I'm losing liquor sleep there's a situation we were filming in East Atlanta yeah that happened before after that way after way after yeah yeah so you're filming you're not from that [ __ ] with the home invaders [ __ ] that happened like 2016 okay mm-hmm so they fast-forward and you're shooting a music video for what's all good I see only 21 hottest thing money was right what are your big song yeah how do you sit in the streets right now so you're sure this music video needs to add and you're not from there no no I'm strong right and a bunch of guys from the neighborhood show up mmm and ask you for a permission slip mm-hmm I think they actually use those words yes what he said hey tiny and where's your permission slip I need her in a minute school what's happening oh yeah Oh ain't nobody side of a business with me oh yeah I know that okay okay look oh you say what nah I don't know good night you told about nah ain't none of ain't none of that going on look like I say I'll [ __ ] with all of the young as I dug this clue I but their kool-aid where their food ain't got a foot with me behind silent no permission slip no well that ain't what I do Hey look look hey if you woke up hey if you wanted to come politic you could have came and politic hey that's all good be humming they said he could've just came a pilot [ __ ] you know that what real [ __ ] do I ain't no pee-wee's hey hey nah but yet but check out what I'm sayin I ain't no peewee dough so we don't don't go like there they got to be respect it got to be respect you see what I'm sayin that solitaire it got to be respect I'll check on y'all get respect I got the utmost respect you see what I say what girl which I like you saw Iowan I saw what I got they asked the part of them you stood your ground hmm okay I mean granted when you look at that situation with so many cameras around I doubt anything would have happened but then again people do act stupid yeah you know Eagles coming to play and so forth did you feel that it could have could have gone wrong hey a guy was on his side your guy was on a Sun yeah I mean it worked out perfect form you know and we're not perfect I really had just ordered like you've seen like that film like autumn people out there like the film crew yeah I had just came down it was just me and my uh my brother but I had just ordered like pieces for like the whole of film coma she said everybody can you know everybody eating [ __ ] you know I mean uh and I'm ready to go crab go grab a piece of sushi but I went to grab the pieces for oath and crew I don't like a little short since she's so you know I had to like you know not on the sauce smother me to do my love dance and [ __ ] where I know do what I do and like you know so it worked out perfect form you know as everybody probably know not well I don't I didn't see any security no I don't even see really just me everybody else we're doing that was there to do a job right I had just met them that day everybody else too was there like they don't you know they was there to do a job that was scared as [ __ ] I don't be scared everybody out there looked like a scary situation it looked like it was about to go left yeah but they ultimately walked away I don't sound so yeah and you know I like the way you handled it because you basically said like you can come and talk to me and we could have a conversation about it you could have come yeah you could have you could have done it you could have you know talked to me like a man instead of doing this rah rah [ __ ] that you're pulling right now they were trying to go viral and I did yeah they're trolling yeah that is true that give me that's true yeah okay what happened at the Gucci Mane show what Gucci Mane show there was it was a kind of outside of Gucci Aine show you got into it with somebody not me not you not me there's a video there anything oh yeah yeah you all see it yeah yeah [Applause] hey pepper spray the hell out of me what's that my pepper spray the hell out of an innocent man and I should hurt you got pepper spray yeah yeah so my iso-ne any reason why I why this this popped off the way did mm-hmm it's hard to like know cuz I don't got no product selling I punched a negative up question it just looked like I punched him I didn't punch you didn't punch nah that's just a bad video okay cuz you see some happen everyone goes oh so you think that's what happened but that's not what happened yeah I mean punch okay I hear ya dropped his [ __ ] ass but I ain't point I know I knew what she was talking about like as soon as you say to say but I didn't punch me though somebody else did someone else somebody dropped his ass here yeah okay they did it right when i was when i was about to okay you're the one that got peppered I can't hear ya I don't that pepper sprayed before is it a nice [ __ ] hurt like a mother fun and it get worse you try to wipe it out and she get worse you know in this case you do get poop spray you need milk oh that's the trick no no okay you got a poor old gallon milk on your [ __ ] just recently there was another situation oh yeah it was a at a nightclub mm-hmm well I guess someone ran up on you yeah eh yeah I hit somebody I guess somebody was with me and [ __ ] and then you know I being a professional that I am I kept performing you know what I mean and then they attempted to you know I guess try to come hear me and I stopped it from heaven but that ain't you know that I know reflection in a way we do business though you know I like to leave with everybody happen Brooke it's awesome at least bad for business I close and I have a security good enough to keep that [ __ ] from happening that's bad for business - and that ain't only bad for business you know this is just bad for my life a little it all together you know and that's more important than business cuz if I ain't living ain't no business do you feel like more people are just trying to test you as you're out I mean as a regular [ __ ] you know I mean I ain't going and I ain't gonna be no crybaby about it you know that's what happened and we have you had to beef up security and stuff like that no but I'll shoot it yeah I am this was like I don't know I always tell everybody I have security yeah I'm getting so much money I'm about to start having any [ __ ] yeah flip your mouth trying to play tough guy win when you can get sued now I'm played tough guy Oh played self oh but you see what I'm saying but like trying to stand your ground knowing that you look like a bag of money to people huh you know I mean like if if the baby does something to them they look at as a check not in that situation no he can't you know check out I mean I understand that but just in general yeah but I got you know I got plenty of sense to like at the same time so like she I played a video for your ass in court it ain't nothing is going he gonna go to jail we played a video I'm not you see what I'm saying so like I got plenty of sense I know what and what they got down you know I mean when the got them let some [ __ ] slide yeah I know when got them she ain't at the end of the day like I'm a grown-ass man bro well regardless of what happens legally mmm it's gonna cost you money regardless see what I'm saying it's gonna cost you just to protect yourself yeah absolutely like the legal system in this country is [ __ ] up you could be 100% on the right you'll spend 50 grand just yeah yeah going through the court procedures with a [ __ ] who's lawyers doing for free on contingency you see what I'm saying you just had a disadvantage having money right that's what come with this [ __ ] though that's what comes in the [ __ ] now I know everyone's gonna want me to ask about the Walmart situation but we actually looked into it and we saw that it's still an open case so therefore I'm not gonna ask any questions about it whatsoever that's cool you know I mean and my suggestion is you know cuz yeah I know you're doing interviews the answer should be no comment I wouldn't answer [ __ ] of you that there you go there you go and the reason why I say it it's because you did do a video about it right afterwards and I feel like is on the right to tap here you see what I'm saying oh and let y'all know first of all ain't no free me you know freedom [ __ ] and ain't no r.i.p meat you know my heart still beating you know condolences goes out to the to the other parties involved you see what I'm saying oh and uh oh you [ __ ] as weird always come on you my bad my god I'm brother Comi so you know my [ __ ] it froze up but uh yeah come on using this [ __ ] to promote my [ __ ] album mixtape whatever [ __ ] check the dates check the caption I will promoting this [ __ ] got down but folder the weak-ass [ __ ] happened I will promote his [ __ ] as I was on the way to the Walmart you feel me and I'm gonna keep I'm only [ __ ] my hand on that stop you know if I don't got none promote this [ __ ] and continue to be successful that I wish it was in vain anyway cuz that's why the [ __ ] happen cuz I am Who I am yeah I mean like I see it when I posted that video the other day you know shut out the guy continue to use mmm you know I'm saying that to me was a little bit concerning but you know ultimately you're gonna do what you're gonna do right so you've been popping off for a minute now I mean and the catalog like I said like when I started looking through the songs it's like damn like persons get lucky to get one video as a million views mmm you got like a dozen of them now different platforms and everything else like that and you've been dropping mixtapes the whole time mmm you haven't dropped it they all on the same platform all they [ __ ] on my YouTube here ain't no video I gotta got a million views there wasn't no worst what no it wasn't no amenities she didn't know and you talked about how labels will approach you but they're not coming with the right with the right back mm-hmm for me for you is there a number that you have in mind I mean it got to be it had to be like a mixture like the number in the situation you see what I'm saying like I still gotta be able to like do me you know I gotta really want me I gotta really want me for what I do you know I mean for what I love to do what I like to do and then you know we can make some [ __ ] shake right because at this point I'm sure you're getting booked for shows all time yeah I'm booked up getting booked for features I'm sure all the time I booked the [ __ ] I'm turning them down you turned down features yeah yeah that's something you know that's interesting because you know boosie's a regular Oh TV right and you and busi actually did a song together and therefore it would boost you paid them to do a song here yeah boosts its in your ex but it's 15,000 yeah yeah well worth it yeah and I asked him and this is where me and him kind of disagree and I said if the wackest [ __ ] paid you to do a feature and you listen the [ __ ] that [ __ ] is horrible would you still do and he said yeah I'll still do it it doesn't matter only thing that matters is dum duckies is them green guy I don't care how the song song it doesn't matter to me I'm telling you the truth like I don't give a damn out of song so you know it'll sound better when I get on that i person disagree with that I feel like I wouldn't like for example like you know you're not paying for this interview all right all right we're paying for this interview because of who you are and what you've accomplished I've had people offer me 20 racks to do more I already know and I turn it down right I feel like [ __ ] like you I have a brand and if it's not up to the quality of my brand I'll just keep make that money later Boosie disagrees boosie's trying to get what everybody gonna take you know I respect it but I just disagree with it how do you feel about that no I mean I thought what it is all about you know right what you got going on you know like me I'm still I'm still you know I'm still getting in the door Boosie he's established you know your legend he good to go you know I mean like he establish I'm still getting in the dough so I just searched [ __ ] like I I don't need to be I don't need to be tired so you see what I'm saying and I don't need [ __ ] like like I [ __ ] around and go platinum tomorrow like I'm I'm a song away we got them being like they're my mega star you see what I'm saying and I really already gotten him songs I just think putting [ __ ] out [ __ ] okay so I don't need you know like is is so much come with this [ __ ] like I can't let all this [ __ ] I got going on and out of [ __ ] that I didn't been through and on the grind I can't do all that just to have a clown that I let give me got them a couple dollars you see what I'm saying like come put some [ __ ] out right when I'm got them going crazy and it's like with the foot right here you know right you know you seem shy like to be humming on the telly the woman got me thinking like that yes I'm just like boo some of us the two so I'm like [ __ ] that like what you mean why why why you're not taking that bro yeah well you know it is it's like you know me I grew up or miss as well and it's like when you grow up or you think that that money's never gonna come back I want to grab as much as look when people is there you want to grab as much of it because you're so worried that it's not gonna be there tomorrow because you're used to it not being there then you make short-term decisions which ultimately under being bad decisions that's out but you gotta stay down and I mean it's gonna be times where I don't like that Devin I'm saying and and learning it and seeing the bread come and I guess you know my eye mobility I'm I take my hat out sometime I appreciate that cuz I would have been just you know I'd say like done in the same time library you know it's all good like your surgery she gotta let you know I mean you gotta like that [ __ ] just right cuz it ain't you know I think they not shoot it not doing what you're doing and I got the same goes and you see one because I wouldn't even be paying me for no [ __ ] verse I put that bread into myself I'm not paying over [ __ ] [ __ ] like I gotta got them went and got posters and shirts and [ __ ] and pulled up to the club every night of the week and got them got noticed that way you see what I'm sayin Gator DJ a couple dollars they play my [ __ ] bought him a drink you know I mean play like I was best friends with the pitchers [ __ ] you know I mean like I work my move with that bread you see what I'm saying so right it's just you know it's this business man it's like no another so you just got to know how to play especially depending on what your goal is now if you just want you know I mean stripes from [ __ ] with a [ __ ] or you just want to be next to negative you want some some groupie type [ __ ] then that's cool you know didn't do that if you just want father wasn't [ __ ] like that do that but what you're gonna learn is that [ __ ] really don't they don't like I'm not for a minute like I've been the way like I'm not paying nobody for no feature like hell no you don't want to work with me on your own then it ain't gonna be right anyway she got to be like genuine you know I'm saying well you said you've got a bunch of a list features I do stashed away here yes you don't put out yet can you say what any of them are yeah I got she wha what a lot of people I uh I see with the dirt I'll say rich the kid famous dick uh uh I got some oh [ __ ] soon man okay I forgetting somebody I got its emotion - that's a lot of you know I mean it's a lot of people like I'm waiting to work with him like I ain't got I've been so damn busy my damn self I ain't even got a chance to go work with a lot of you people you know I mean like and [ __ ] crazy like I got to say hold on bro I don't got time for it so that [ __ ] [ __ ] I grew up listening to a [ __ ] like that you know I mean so god is great you know there's a blessing yeah you know listen they got the Stewie chain yeah that because he's the baby of the family is that is that the connection there or yeah yeah that's probably have my name on the baby I probably wouldn't have it on one of my partners came in at oh gee you know got out of G's little bit okay mm-hmm that's anybody's [ __ ] the Cuban Linx you see that I used to had him picked out thing about no I anybody [ __ ] hey my jewelry is always better was free yeah they boost I even said he don't buy his jewelry either he just brings a bunch of dboys and [ __ ] to the jewelry stores and then they just you know I have to do that a few times you know they'll break him off some you know I mean that's like as a commission and that's how he keeps rotating the jewelry I really don't pay for anything man my july's man [ __ ] I bring him so many dildos and so many Street dudes with you know good money who's spending with him it's just like if somebody bring you Vlad somebody bring you a customer who's spending ten customers who's spending a hundred thousand with you that's a million dollars you're not gonna charge that guy for no interviews and bringing you their money right we don't charge for interviews I'm just saying as if as if you were if he bringing you all that damn money man what are you gonna charge him for you're saying most of your jewelry you get for free from jewelers because you bring them so many customers right work you move yeah I don't know anyone who hustles more than busi man no offense things [ __ ] hustle now what wouldn't I float with him so what's next for you taking over taking the [ __ ] over okay mmm next project coming real soon a set when they release I don't know I don't know I like the list [ __ ] like that just come to me you know I mean okay I fill out I feel like the climate a bad thing and I just that's how I come with the names they gotta hate me when heating that's what I'm gonna go with right cuz you had the whole boss baby theme at one point yeah that was the cover baby toe fire you you're not sure what you're gonna do the next one I probably can't do the boss baby one for this wasn't worth too much they gonna try to sue my yeah that's true mm-hmm all right so stunner for Vegas actually happened to be in the house today we're just gonna bring them in the interview real quick that's what I do and the - you have a bunch of songs together mm-hmm how did this whole thing hook up um I was already trying to like get something going for myself I am from Charlotte I'm like 30 minutes away from him okay but I was trying to guess I'm going for myself with the music - so I'll just drop it drop it drop it I hope if somebody see me or hear me and then he just happened to like like one of my songs or somebody else and that person screenshotted it - as soon as I seen it I hit him up like trying to get in there wish to talk to business I think it was a hurricane - Oh tornado or something yeah we was trying to both get in there that night mmm we just got there the next day did animal track draw month later a month or two later so you actually paid him for a verse initially yeah yeah okay yeah yeah and this is an important kind of factor here man like if you're serious about your music dig in your pocket you spent some money and I knew I knew I knew why I was telling my people I was telling my people like this cuz we were just doing keep it out to anybody and not seeing no progression yeah I was telling him like we're gonna do this and it's gonna happen and this would be me yeah cuz I think too many people wait around waiting for someone else to invest yeah in their career and the [ __ ] never happens and that's what made me take her serious yeah I mean he came in with biggest one I saw and he recorded it right there and Adam going crazy right now you know it's millions of views on YouTube yes three and a half million yeah let's go on Kurt a half million when that and that's that's the first song yeah okay that was only three months ago all right okay and that's actually standard song featuring you yeah okay so your first song is that the first feature you ever paid for I'll pay Jimmy WAP okay I paid you muah p'lice yeah like four months before that song yeah paging me love oh but that would that one ain't do with it like you feeling it ain't but it still like recipes to him but like we shot the video like a week before they happen song yeah we interviewed them a while back oh yeah yeah it it did what it did yeah I mean other was not mops office yeah and on the regardless of who it is yeah yeah animal was window how do you feel - because I'll only were you doing it at that point how many years I been rapping for like four or five years or so five years I was trying like yeah and you finally get one that's hitting multi-million how that really isn't like life-changing fur and that name is different Stunna the number four yeah Vegas yeah well I got when you read it you're like I don't yeah the quit make sense is the thing people think is like me saying I'm for Vegas or not but yeah I'm from the 704 that's where the folk come from and the Vegas [ __ ] just like I was a young [ __ ] sayin that [ __ ] like faux Vegas like we take chances we take risks your fingers like just look Lee [ __ ] though and I think like the reason why you guys sound together sound good together is that your like more height I feel like in your delivery and you're more like a little bit more than a smoother side you're the brother there you know I mean like that's the impression I get when I want to hear your [ __ ] oh we just the hardest to ever that's what's up that too yeah I mean but like we when we came we did animal like he recorded his part like right there in front of me you know I mean like I said with just a beat when we went in so I got to see like his workflow to you know I mean he wanted a recording and when I smack that [ __ ] boom like didn't take long at all he went smack this quick I mean I'm gonna smack this [ __ ] quick you know I mean we uh I'm like [ __ ] get with me let's do the video ASAP and get with me and [ __ ] yeah you guys know shooting videos now you have a bunch of songs yeah yeah bunch of songs together yeah I think he called me bet like today's after we may end them or we may be photons yeah like Forex no no we made a faint we made Fame then we made four times four times before every style really like you know it means it's like Brett come [ __ ] with me to me you know I felt like he needed to be hurt you know I'm saying I put the video like on my youtube and all that [ __ ] you know I'm saying I just felt like you need to be heard and I'm like what you got going on well you got back at you like yeah like what something like YouTube all that like what you got going on yeah and instead I mean your own songs your own songs go pop like hell yeah is that like 7000 PSA is like 600,000 like yeah you know it seems like you you took the momentum from what you guys did together yeah that's my plan that was the plan that's what's up man I love to see that man I love to see you know to business minded people coming together and taking that [ __ ] seriously and doing it on their own man Burroughs did occasion you know yeah you know you willing got them to listen yeah I'm saying like the most thing is that especially when you are when you're hard as he is like you don't wanna you know I really want to listen the [ __ ] like a nobody really tell you nothing you know I'm saying like but birla he really I'm like this they like that and watch I mean watch yeah you know so like pretty much like I got an independent label billion-dollar baby entertainment i eated LeBron James of it like okay so you side them to your label basically okay that's what's up but I'm like brother like we started off with like this the fourth quarter agenda and it's just we talking October and I just the fourth quarter gentlemen this this this this and this we quadrupled that [ __ ] night he came you know he paid for the I'm verse he even did like ten features more than what he paid me forever he booked up like he's booked up to like March like right now he's booked up to like March I you know I mean like he booked the [ __ ] up and a lot of people don't even want to see that go down that Brett you all need that now I bring you know need the foot when he didn't circles around you know I mean I every major label in the game colorful hell okay and the new projects called blank play okay why that name that charlotte [ __ ] like that Charlotte lingo you know I mean and that's why I gonna cover of it I got Charlotte Jersey on Charlotte head on I just feel like with your tongue it's time to put the identity with the [ __ ] you know and I knew that was gonna be the one they take it over the top you know so I I made it a point to me show that I did I bring our culture you know I mean to the Masters what they shoot okay and what does that mean in Charlotte like blanka's like it's a figure speech like you could say you blank would show interviews cuz our successful a years you know like a blank out cuz like I'm fresh as [ __ ] today I say yeah I blank I blanked with it you see what I'm saying okay yeah he if he drop learned I'm fired versus on so like where you blank on this home okay no I mean why blank blank though because I see how you got to talk yeah okay and there's also a song called blank but yeah yeah right now yeah no that's what's up yeah that [ __ ] you know it started should I think that should a like 30 million like 30 million plus dreams and it ain't no features on bastogne of a Vegas that photons that's one of the streets favorite songs ii don't know i love it man i love to see it meet some love to see it man [ __ ] listen man the baby started for Vegas appreciate y'all coming through since I think I'm right bright future heady research sobbing keep do anything no peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 918,477
Rating: 4.8375535 out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama, DaBaby, Stunna 4 Vegas
Id: q3OdiyTm5YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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