6 Reasons Why I Use MPC (Making a FYA Sample Beat) MPC X, MPC Live, MPC One, MPC Touch

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what up guys this is the key DZ D aka the drinking purple world entertainment and you alive inside the dungeon Paulo studios once again thank you guys so much for clicking on the video thank you guys for checking out the video I really appreciate it if this is your first time with us make sure you smash that subscribe button and also hit that Bell notification so you can stay updated when I post content just like this before I get started with the video I just want to give a special shout out everybody out there that has subscribed to the channel we are now crossing 3,500 subscribers absolutely amazing I couldn't believe that you know when I first got started that I would get here and it's an amazing feeling thank you guys so much for supporting the channel and for you guys doing that I promise you that I'm gonna always try and Olivia hide content that way you guys can get some benefit from what you subscribe to so big shout out to you guys thank you guys so much and keep supporting the channel hit that subscribe button drop those comments drop it drop me likes or like the stuff like that I really appreciate it the day I got a hot video for you guys I am going to give you guys my reasons why I rock with the MPC and why I have been using the Akai MPC products for so long hopefully if I give you guys some insight onto why I like the MPC why I use it that will help you guys make a decision as to if you want to rock with yourselves if you want to purchase it if you don't want to purchase it or if you do have it and you're on the fence about getting rid of it or not my view hopefully will give you an idea as to if you want to stick with it or if you want to let it go so let's jump right into it the first thing that I'm gonna talk to you guys about is just the very simple way of how to browse your samples when I jump inside the MPC all when I'm ready to sit down and make a beat I don't want to be scavenging through all kind of hard drives and trying to find samples all I do is just make sure that I set on my MPC to where I hit browse then I go to the short cut folder at the top and I am already in my sample folder just like that I can scroll through my samples [Music] you see what I'm saying I am already there I can scroll through whatever samples I want I can find what about one absolutely amazing and it helps me dig jump right in and when I find a sample all I do is just go down here and hit load and then hit the sample edit like that and then I got the sample loaded and I'm ready to start dealing with that cuts my time in half I'm not trying to search through all kind of samples all kind of hard drives and stuff like that I know what I want to do I can load it jump right in and start working so that's the first tip just a browser it's amazing to find your songs I love the way that set up in the MPC another thing that I love about working with the MPC is once I have the sample loaded and I want to manipulate the sample suppose I don't wanna throw it is suppose I want to slow it down speed it up the MPC makes the time stretch feature so amazing I'm over there over the course of them recreating the MPC software and adding things to it and refining it they have made the time stretch features so amazing it literally picks up the tempo all you got to do is once you're in sample edit then you go to process get the process and then find time stretch and it's literally gonna tell me the sample right now it's at 128 and this is the sample [Music] [Laughter] so it's in 1:28 and all I want to do is just kind of speed that up a little bit so I go here and I go to new tempo and let's speed that up to maybe about let's say 168 let's do that so all I do is just type in 168 type it in boom hit okay hit do it it time stretch the sample I now all of a sudden the sample is sped up [Music] if I want to speed it up a little bit more which is probably what I want to do I can go back and just fund do it go back in let's go 173 let's do that typing 173 over here do it and time stretches it not till 173 so that's about what I want the sample at that's what we know rock with easy time stretching simply done and now I'm ready to start chopping my sample we're gonna convert that into a drum program now we're going to go to track 2 and we're gonna put this on track 2 and get ready to lay our sample down so now the sample is on the pads ready for track 2 and we're ready to go now a lot of people ask me why I do I start on track 2 with my melodies why do I start with my with my samples on track - the reason why is because I save track one for my drums I don't start off with drums so I skip track 1 yeah I can start off with my melody on track to save track one for my drums then when you guys see me doing the live beat perform when I go to track mute and I'm muting the sounds and playing a beat live when you guys see me do that you can check out my Instagram you'll see some videos of me doing that I know the drums are always on pad one when you go to track mute it puts the the your tracks now on pads so the track one would be pad 1 track 2 would be paired 2 and so forth and so on so I know all the time in my drums all of my drums are on pad 1 so once I get to the part 2 where I want to give it a drop and I want to take the drums out like a hit pad 1 muted mute all the drums and then bring it back in and give the beat a nice little drop because it meets all the drums so and it's not just that all of my songs are specifically put on the pads in a certain way not just my drum songs pad 1 drums pad - as always my hi melody pad 3 as always my little melody pad for is always my 808 pad 5 is always my chords Pat 6 is my weird son and just depending on if I want to take some of those things out the pads of shift if I don't want to put chords in then my weird sound will go to to pad five instead of pad 6 so when I take something out the pads just shift over one so that's that's that's all it is there's nothing special it's just my workflow that I've gotten down and that's the reason why I work so efficiently I encourage you guys to get a workflow down on yourself get something that you always do consistently this never changes for me never changes it never goes anywhere this is how I work all of my beats are designed this way and very seldom do ID be eight from it so that's why I've gotten so good at it all right now we are ready to lay down our sample sequence which brings me to the feel of the pads once you have everything on the pad your drum sound your sample songs whatever you land down the feel of the pads are so amazing these fat pads that the NPC has have a lot of bones in them so it's almost like you're bouncing off the pads you get a nice feel for what you're doing I myself on my hands-on person I do click some things in from time to time but I love having the MPC to where I can just play like play T the samples like drum songs play the drum songs how I want do all that good stuff and I can get my beats whatever feel I want so let me show you what I mean let's drop this sample down and then we're going to to see if we can kind of mix it and chop it up a little bit while we lay it down let's do it [Music] see I was able to do that I could just give it my own feel that I want because it's almost like I'm playing some drum sounds you know like I'm playing like I'm playing a bass like drums so that's why I love the pads it gives me a feel I can just do whatever I want to manipulate the sample chop it up and flip it higher if I want and I'll have that nice drum bounce to it that nice groove so that's another thing that I love about the MPC just the pads and the way they they have a nice bouncy feel now I'm a guy that loves to move very very quickly when it comes down to making beats so one of the other things that I love about the software the MPC X are the shortcut features I use those a lot on the keyboard just a lot of shortcut features that help me to work very very consistently like for instance if I want to if I want to go it on and copy this program I want to duplicate this these events to track too so all I have to do is make sure that this bars at the top then I hit ctrl a and that's gonna select everything then I hit ctrl C that's gonna copy everything then I hit ctrl and the right bracket that's gonna bring me to track 3 and then I hit control V and that's gonna paste it instantly I got the same events on track three ready to go same exact events and then it's it's even easier to copy things inside the MPC software now that I have the events on track three I want to put the that drum program that that sample on track three as well but I want a different sample I want to copy it so simple way to do it is just go tap the sample down here and then you hit you hit the the pencil tool and then you hit duplicate and it's gonna literally duplicate that sample that sample program onto the next one so now if you look here now we have we have the vent vent one and then on track two if we go back here we have just vents so it literally duplicated that sample that program at sample program launch track three and we have the events on track three now we can start laying down some effects and we can affect both of these two different tracks that you want okay it's time to start dropping some drums on the track so we're gonna go to track two on me on track one and that's why I drum sounds gonna be we're gonna create a new program for that and one of the things that I also love about the MPC hardware is the ability to browse the sounds we already went over the browser feature with the samples but when I do my drums when I go to browse and I go to my drum folder to pick up to pick out my drums this is something that I absolutely love I can go to my expansions I have all of my expansions here any expansion pack that I want even my own expansion packs for you guys that don't have it make sure you go get my drum kits dungeon drum kit strike a drum kit I have a bunch of sample packs that have MPC expanses in them to where it'll come out just like this on your software you'll have a bunch of expansions so when I pull up my expansions and I'm ready to pick my songs what I love about about the hard way is I can go into my folder and then I can just browse mice my drum sounds and easily pick the pads by just like by touching it and lighting them up when the parent lights up that's where whatever song when I hit load that's the pad that is gonna go on so I can literally play the beat and then just browse through sounds and put them on the pass and then when I'm ready I can drop their the songs that I want so let's do that I'm gonna show you what I mean so we gonna start off let's start off with pad - I'm gonna put my clap on pad - so let's play the beat in as fine a clap [Music] see I just loaded on my pad hit low and now it's on that pay so let's find a nice high head I'm gonna put that on the last pad pad for so let's play the beat and find a high high heads on that so I'm listening to the sounds and I'm swell I'm cycling through I'm listening to the beat and listening to the sounds and picking out in my ear which sounds fit with the beat and I can do that just from scrolling through them because I can hear them and then when I hear the one that I want when it drops and it falls nice with the beat I just hit low and it loads it to that page so already I have the higher head dropped I have a nice little pattern that's going on and it didn't take me any time at all now here's the good part after I get the drum sounds running and let's say these drum sounds are a bit too high they're a bit too too loud on the beat all I can do for the guys that have the MPC X all I have to do is see these encoders right here all I do is go to pad parameters right here the second to last button on the last row up here and then it switches all of my encoders to match the volume knobs of the pan so now I can lower my hi-hat on pad for right here I can lower my crash up here on pad 16 with this one here knob 16 I can lower my kick and my clap with pad 1 and 2 with knob 1 and 2 so instead of maps all of the knobs to the volumes of the pads so now I can now I can I can adjust the volume [Music] look at that already adjusting my sounds not have the the track that's rockin really really nice so absolutely amazing the way you can you can go out on and browse your songs while you're playing the beat and put them on the pass that way you can hear them and pick them out if they fit with it with the actual beat and then once you want to lower the sounds and do all of that then you have these encoder knobs to where you can lower the sounds now those of you guys that don't have the NPC's to where it has the dedicated knowledge you might have to touch the live it gives you a few knobs that you can do the same thing with you just have to work with it a bit hit the shift to kind of to kind of bank over and work with the knob so you can lower your sounds or you can just pull up the mixer right here which is amazing this is the mixer and you have all your sounds right here these are all of the drum sounds that I have [Music] so you can just lower your songs like that on the software very very easy to do now you guys know that one of my best features that I loved in the MPC software is the pad perform mode the pad performer what makes it very easy to back samples like we're doing right now it makes it very easy to come up with your own melodies if you want because it puts it all in key as you guys know or some of you guys may not know some of you new guys it puts the MPC in key that way you don't have to worry about hitting any wrong notes and you can kind of get you can kind of rock out just from just from that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put some chords very simply behind this very very simple and we're gonna go from there [Music] as I said MPC makes it very easy for you to work in fat perform mode you can back your samples all you got to do just find a key at a sample and make sure that your instrument is in Kia and then all of a sudden you have a nice really good instrument that's back in your sample just like that very very quickly so I love the pad perform all you guys are see me use that a lot on my videos and yeah it makes it very easy to do it [Music] let's find like a nice little pad sound or something let's drop that on there see if that'll fit yeah these are just some of the some of the reasons why I love the MPC X it's nice the not only the MPC X but all of our MPC products you can pretty much accomplish everything that I listed here you can accomplish it with any MPC that you have so don't feel that you need to get the MPC extra do it it's it's amazing it's an amazing machine it's amazing software and that's why I use it as the center of my music making production so I hope you guys got something from this video I hope you guys if you guys are planning on purchasing any MPC products then you can kind of look over this video and get an idea as to why I use it if you guys are thinking about getting rid of it then you know hopefully you got something from this video that makes you keep it you know and kind of work with it and learn it I also offer a live video help sessions if you guys ever want to cook up with me live on screen on skype and learn more about the MPC I'll take you guys on one by one one at a time and we can we can do it face to face on the screen and I can show you some things that help me out with the MPC so I'll leave a link in the video description for that also I want you guys to hit that thumbs up button if you found any value in this video if you got anything from it also do me a favor and drop me a comment below and let me know some of your reasons why you use the MPC products and why you enjoy them or why you don't enjoy them why you use something else I would love to know what you guys are using up there what you guys think about your npcs some of the problems that you have and some of the things you wish would be on it that I'm not there all of that I like to hear that way we can kind of we can kind of connect and I can understand what you guys know and don't know about the MPC thank you guys for tuning in make sure you guys follow me on instagram at the drink camp and also follow my new instagram at purple world beats you don't want to miss it as well you can catch some of the high beats that I post there this is the kid DZ dak to drink any purple water entertainment live from the dungeon Palace studios and I will check you guys in the next video peace out [Music]
Channel: Da Drank Kang
Views: 3,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: da drank kang, purpleworld beats, purpleworldbeats, dungeon palace studios, how to make beats, music production tutorials, music producer, purpleworld entertainment, mpc x, mpc live, mpc touch, mpc studio, akai professional, music production instructor, making beats on mpc
Id: BxsHEuzNlmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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