D3D9 CSGO ESP Tutorial 3 - ESP Boxes, Health Bars & Recoil Crosshair

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all right what's up guys yes p10 and again and this is gonna be the third video for the ESP series in this video we're gonna cover 2d boxes healthy SB and armor you speak and they recall cross here so by the end of the video you should have something like this so we have the snap lines from the last video already but then you'll have armor and health and a box and the recoil cross here like this alright so let's get started on that first thing you want to do is open the template from last video you're gonna have to watch that video the last two videos first last video I made a slight mistake it still works fine but it'll be a little more optimized if I do it like this so we're going to create a line object here first and we're gonna call that line out like we did in the drawing function last time here except for this is super inefficient creating and releasing it every time we want to draw a line so we're gonna do here if we don't have one then we're gonna do this create function rather and then we can get rid of this here and we can get rid of this release here and then change this taxes of our line function all right and then we're gonna have to get a reference to that we should be able to use that all right so that's the first thing another thing we're gonna do real quick is we're gonna make the function here called draw a line that uses vector choose instead which is gonna come in handy in a bit and that's just going to call this other one we have above you know like that then then we have to make this in the drawing dot H as well that's super easy alright now we're gonna set up the new things that we want for this video so one thing we're gonna have here is a function called we can't bound position which is going to return a vector3 of where the Bhawan of a player is located we're gonna use this to get the head bone of entities to draw a box around them nice and clean another thing we're gonna have here is we're gonna have a vector to cut across here to D which is the position of the crosshair on the screen and in crosshair size that's gonna be for drawing our crosser stuff and then we're gonna have a couple member variables up here like bone matrix and armor value and aim punch angle bone matrix it's going to be an integer bond matrix and it's gonna be 0 X - 6 a8 but these are gonna be you're gonna dump those yourself I taught you how to dump them in the last video these are just what I have right now it's probably gonna be different when you do it so you're gonna have to dump them yourself then this one is gonna also be an int armor value and then minus 8 368 but it's probably different for you these actually don't change a whole lot but you still should dump them yourself just to make sure and keep them updated especially if it doesn't work vector 3 for this one aim punch angle that's your excerpt you see if you saw the recoil control tutorial we use this it's basically going to be a better recoil control system since its visual it's a little easier to use it feels more natural alright so now we have these set up we can go ahead and set up the skip on position function as well I'm so gonna hack HTTP and then we can set this function now what its gonna do is it's gonna have a um pointer T called bone pointer and that's going to be our bone matrix and then we're gonna have a vector 3 bone pose and we're gonna set this bone post - it's a flow pointer dereference and then it's bone pointer so it's at the view matrix plus 0 X 30 times bone plus 0 X DRC and what this is is whichever bone ours is gonna be 8 for the head bone but they change depending on the model but 8 is always the head bone for all of them this will change every once in a while like it was 7 like sometime last year but for now it's probably gonna be 8 when you try it so I'll show you that later but this is each bone is 30 bytes because it's there's three positions and these are 10 apart so basically it's gonna be the one post plus the bone times 30 and then bone X orbona Y one printer plus 0 X 30 times bone since there's 3 of 30 bytes like I said it's one see if these positions are that far apart all right and then same for Z so 30 times bone plus 0 X 2 C and then we're gonna return one post and that's gonna get us our bone position and we can use that later all right so the first thing we're gonna do here now is we're gonna make the crosshair function though yeah so first of all we'll just set our right now I'll show you this we basically have just this ugly crosshair yeah you also have to include a cage in here to get that vector reference if I can spell shoes right so right now we have this really really ugly crosshair if I inject it you can see it's just six Claire that's that's stupid so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna get rid of that first of all and we're gonna make a BEC - we're gonna make four buck Jews for left right top and bottom and then the reason we're gonna do that is because it's just a little easier to think about so we're gonna set them all equal to the crosshair to D at first and then left is going to be minus equals hag dot crosshair sighs our taxes eat the plus crosser sighs you know it you know why is plus C let's heck that's cross their size and to die why is minus T let's hack cross here sighs and then we're gonna draw these two lines from left to right and we're just gonna make it white for now because why not you can change this color if you want but I like white and then top to bottom 30 color air speed right and then that should draw well first of all we're gonna set up tent variable real quick so cross for two dot x equals the window width divided by 2 just so you can see this real quick right and then that should make a straw cross her in the middle of the screen which it doesn't because of her dog [ __ ] what did I do wrong here did I not set the crosshair size right I have to set the processor size it's not drawing anything now I should draw it right so it has a little crosshair in the middle and that's a little better already in our last cross here but now we're gonna make it recoil yeah so in our hack loop down here we're gonna have vector 2p angle equals hacked-up local and input single this is actually a vector three my bad obviously we're only gonna use two of the variables but we soft have that third one just in case cross here to t dot x equals window width / 2 minus window width / 90 x pn got y and crosshair 2 dy equals window height 1 a 2 plus window i divided by 90 times PA X and this is gonna set our crosshair to the right position for the recoil these two lines of code I'm gonna credit hello why me because I spent like an hour trying to figure out across your thing without looking it up online and I was like transforming the camera angle forward to a position and then like worlds of screening and in crap and it was super bad I mean he's like you're an idiot just use this so now I use that yeah we're also gonna have to remove where we set these here the temp once but I ended up using that function I made for something else so now this should work alright so we have a cool crosshair and then now we can go ahead and make the 2d box and get rid of this as well so now that we have that crosshair done we'll go to drawing dot H and we'll make a draw ESP box 2d and what we're gonna have here is when I vector to top vector to the bottom in thickness and d30 color call that color all right and then in drawing not CBP we're gonna have this one's pretty simple actually it's on height equals top top why might a spot dot why and we're actually gonna want to absolute value this because I'm lazy and it'll work better this way and then in hacked age we're gonna make this hash to find for abs because it comes in handy later and then we're just gonna set that if X is less than 0 its negative x otherwise positive x if you don't know what this is this is a ternary operator you can look it up it's really cool it's basically like a mini if statement if and then this is true and then false but I'm not gonna explain that super hard I pretty much just did but you know alright so now that all of us use it here and then we're gonna use a vector to top left to top right I like using vector twos for each corner not just like two corners because it's easier to think about and then we're gonna have vector to bottom left and bottom right and then we're gonna draw a line from top left to top right with thickness color and then we're gonna draw a line from bottom left bottom right thickness color and then we're gonna draw a line from top left to bottom left thickness color and draw a line from top right to bottom right thickness color alright now we need to set these out so top left x equals top X minus our width which is height divided by four and then our top right X is the same but backwards top X plus our width which is height divided by four because I was just gonna be half our height we have to offset it from the center and the top left out y equals top right del y equals topped out live since that's gonna be the same we want it to be even and then down here it's basically the same bottom left our x equals 5x minus height divided by four if I can tell you the bottom right now X equals 5x plus height divided before and then bottom left out y equals bottom right now y equals bought y and that's gonna do or or SP blocks function and then we're gonna have to tell us when to use that so we already have the integer the integer the entity position right here but we're gonna want the entity head so because we're gonna draw from the head to the base so we're gonna have another thing called impose int head 3d and that's going to equal to our get bond pose like we said earlier it's give me a current int and then eight like I said earlier as well which is our head so inside of here where we are we already got our info so we don't want to do this function again so we'll do if hacked at world's your screen and then it head 3d it had 2d so if we're if our heads on screen we can do this draw SP box 2d impose 2d and then our int head 2d much blank out there so about that and then that should literally just draw our ESP box our simple basic ESP box if we inject it yep now there's one small thing we're going to tweak here which is you see it cut it goes straight the head bone is like right at this line but we want it to be like above just so that's perfect so we can do that really easily and the reason we did it this way instead of drawing a rectangle is so that it always like covers most of their body because he's the other slanting forward if it was a normal one it would be kind of like just weird and awkward looking and if we're like kind of above them it would like right here for example it would draw random box somewhere else so in order to fix that head thing where we set up the nth head 3d we can just add about like 8 to the position of the head on the Z it'll just raise the box up about eight units and game not pixels because if you add it to the pixels when you get far away it'll like not scale right but this will this will work good and then now it looks nice and the same for our teammates over here right all right so now the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to be making the health bars and the armor bars so in order to do that we're just in here as well now this is actually a little more complicated than the actual box because we have to like scale it with the slant of the box but it's still not hard um so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna have our height which is our impose 2d y minus R and head to t dot y and that's the height of our actual ESP box and then we're gonna have an institute content DX which is Delta X and it's our change in X from our head to D at our ya are in position to D and our head and then we're gonna have an a float called health percentage and that's going to be our current and health divided by 100 point and then we're gonna have armor percentage and this is just our our percentage of how much armor and health we have to draw the bar correctly and then down here we're gonna have vector twos for bottom of how top of hell bottom of armor and top of armor and then we're gonna end health height yeah that's gonna be equal to our height times our health percentage and in armor height because our height times armor percentage that's how tall our health bar is gonna be and then we're gonna set these up so our bottom health dot why it's gonna be equal to our bottom armor why and it's going to be equal to our impose 2dy since those are always going to be right at the bottom even but then our X is gonna be a little bit different because we have to get that width in there I'm sorry bottom health dot x equals imposed to the X minus R divided by four and then minus two pixels to offset it a little bit and our bottom armored X is the same and post to DX but this time we're gonna add or with and then add to pixel it's offset it and then top health dot y equal to our head to D dot y plus our height - our help height that's going to factor in how tall it's going to be and set it equal to that and then top armor dot y equals a head to DIY plus height - armor height and then the last one which is the most complicated but it's still pretty easy um I forgot to can't place this it is going to be our top health by X and our top armor dot X and that's going to be in post to DX minus our width but before - our offset and then minus DX times health percent and that's going to kind of like factor in the slope in order to make it even with the other slant and then this one we're gonna add our with we're gonna add our two pixels and then do the same thing DX times armor percent and that's gonna be it for now first of all we have to draw our line stuff so bot health we're gonna draw the lines my bot health to top health and two and then I'm gonna use these colors because I like them for armor we're gonna use a green and then for our for health we're gonna use a green imean and pharma we're gonna use a blue so bought armor top armor 55 31:44 to p5 and I'm colorblind so if these look terrible to you um that's sad for you because I don't care really you can change them really easily as you can't figure out how to change them you should probably just like uninstall you like csgo and everything oh and now we're gonna have some nice armor and health bars this is cool because like you could see how much help they have and so like super low on HP you'll know like oh this guy's low so I should kill this guy first I can just spam or whatever you want to do and it just makes it look nicer than a little crappy box so that's it for this video the next video will cover 3d 3d boxes and a headline like a view angle ESP and I might throw in a velocity ESB just because I think it's cool and then I'll show like what direction entities and yourself are moving and stuff but that's it for this one you have any questions just ask him on the forum thank you for watching I really hope you enjoyed this video again guided hacking comm / donate patreon.com slash guarded hacking please support us so that we can continue to make videos and peace
Channel: Guided Hacking
Views: 27,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guidedhacking, d3d9 endscene, endscene tutorial, csgo esp, csgo esp tutorial, csgo endscene, endscene hooking, counter strike esp, csgo tutorial, counter-strike global offensive, d3d9 tutorial, esp boxes, esp1z1, counter-strike: global offensive (video game), counter strike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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