C++ CSGO RCS Hack - Recoil Control System Tutorial - Quick & EZ

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alright what's up guys it's gonna be a RCS tutorial for Cisco which is recall control system and it's basically just gonna take it from recoiling counter-strike being like this all right and it's gonna completely mitigate it when you inject it when you inject it it's going to work like that right so let's get into it first thing we're going to do is open a visual studio and you're gonna create a new project gala right you name it whatever you'd like to and when it opens up it's going to have this template and we're gonna remove this top bit that is precompiled headers go up to properties c c++ freaking vault headers double click there to disable it and hold us with this we're gonna have to include windows IH since it needs some of this stuff and we'll just do a little cleanup right here since it's ugly from default right right alrighty and the only other thing we're gonna need here is this process we're just doing a cement and do this out and if it's attached we're gonna create a thread that calls this function thread we're gonna have to pass our H module right and then we're done in here and then we are going to create this side or this function I mean which is an int win API if I'm stretch back thread and it's going to take our each module and right at the end it's gonna return 0 we're going to close our handle each module and 3 library and exercise and what this allows us to do is uninjected dll and test it and whatnot over and over again by clicking a key what do you want so in here we'll have our hack stuff out here we'll have our factory class our offsets and our settings and here while our our data we'll have our a collude and that's it so right up here we'll just create a simple vector E class real quick because we're gonna need that stroke struct I can tie it back 3 and that's just going to be float XYZ for our settings we're gonna have a given pointer T exit key which is just going to be set to be a key under source scape so that's gonna be execute now and that all of us in our hack loop to do if not get AC ace you stay exit key no it's gonna be a while so we're gonna loop while we're not clicking our execute so yep that's gonna be our tech stuff in here stuff right up here we're gonna have our data we have our like client module engine module local layer pointer view angles plain air shots fire explainer and punch later up here we're gonna have our offsets for our local player we're gonna offsets for our clients a viewing angles shots fired and anti-tangle right so in here the first thing we're gonna need now first we'll set up our offsets alright so the way you find these is just their haze dumper which is super easy there's also a guided hacking dumper but since a stumper post pushes all these to this repo it's super easy to just grab them real quick so first we're going to need to do a pointer to CW a local player and that's going to be right here right fenerty DW the client state and that's up here and then we're gonna need it um Piner t DW i'n state underscore view angles and that's going to be down here and then we're gonna need you in planar t and miniaturize shots of fire and that's gonna be right here so that's all of our offsets so now that we have our offsets in our class setup and our loop setup we can start to do stuff so our client module that's gonna get the location of the client panorama dll so we can add our offsets that I can get like a herb flare pointer and our health and stuff so that is just going to be a UN pointer t client module equals um pointer P casted get module handle and then like I said your client I just flipped panorama GL l and l in there because we're not multi-byte engine engine modules the exact same except we use App Engine to yellow outside right alright so a local player pointer now is going to be a local player equals it's a dereference um pointer t pointer at client module pw local player and that gives us our local player object and then we need our view angles which is a vector three pointer video angles equals effect three pointer and this is a dereference a pointer t GW c'mon stage no engine module plus DW i'n state plus DW i'n state few angles righty all right so now that gives us our view angles tweener which is again our our view angles in game so like left/right up/down and we can show that off here by just going view angles equal zero zero zero so that should freeze our view angles in one spot we'll just build it real quick and that's gonna be right here so we'll grab that no oops add files and then we'll just inject this real quick in our view angles are not frozen and you see I'm spamming my mouth in a circle but it just won't let me move anything all right so we'll inject that real quick and that's whatever you analyst does all right so now in our shots in our pointer I shot firing equals it's gonna be pretty much the same except this one's gonna be a little bit easier this one's just our local player plus my shots fired and then this one's gonna be the exact same as above that's AM punch angle equals deck three-pointer local player and we're punching right so now that we have all of our data we can start gzip and our shots fired returns the amount of shots fired since you start clicking to when you let go so one once you want to go one two one one one one two one two three anyways you get the idea and aim pitch angle is where the crosshair currently is so if I start shooting here aim punch angle is gonna be the angle where the crosshair is because that is one half exactly the distance of where the bullet will land so we're gonna need to do some math in there super hard just times two and it's gonna be the crosser angle and then we'll mitigate that from our viewing angles and it will make our bullets land right where we want so as you can see when I hold the button the crosshair will always be a half way in between where I started shooting and where the bullet lands if you watch so it's gonna be half way in the middle the whole time so that's why it's super easy to do a repo control cuz you just multiply by two so what we're gonna do here is if we're firing we're going to do character cs normalize and then set and then if we're not shooting we're gonna fix it so that we can like start and stop shooting and do some other stuff and that makes it awesome so if firing so firing since we have five shots fired which you can do if I shots fired is greater than one super easy because we've still want to be able to like tap fire like dudes from super far away yeah and if we make it one it only starts like if we've shot two bullets right and since when we fix it it's gonna still store that first shot so it's not gonna matter Kocher CS so our our CS calculation is super simple it's just first of all we're gonna need a vector three to hold our old punch and we're just gonna set that to blank and then in here we're gonna need a vector three punch angle which is gonna be our aim punch angle dereferenced times two like I said earlier because it's halfway up and then that's gonna be there and then our calculation is just gonna be a new vector3 Club new angle it's gonna be our view angles plus our old punch - our punch angle sorry count 1 and then we're going to normalize it and set it and fix it and as you see I tried to use these operators here to multiply this times 2 and add these vectors together but since we created this class it actually doesn't know how to handle it so you think you're just multiplying a vector times another factor at work but like imagine if I add like a boolean what's up in here it's not gonna know how to multiply boolean like that just so make sense so we have to tell it what to do so we're gonna write these operators these overflows they're called operator overloads or overflows overload I don't know anyways so we're gonna need plus so we're gonna want to add a vector3 and we're gonna have to - a vector3 and we're gonna want to do times a float since we used float for this on our integer but we'll want to float so all we've to do is basically it takes tells you what it's gonna be on the right side of the operator what's on the left side of the operator and it returns it this to our object and we could do that by going like x3 temp temp x equals x plus DX into y equals y plus dy temp x equals Z plus D does e and it returning temp but an easier way to do that is just by returning the initializer values of X plus DX y plus dy is e plus G times Z so we don't need any of this stuff and for subtract it's identical except these are subtracts instead and for this one it's even easier it's X return X times D Y times D Z times D right alright so now we're able to handle these multiplications additions subtractions normalize so normalize is gonna make it so that our chief always works and we don't get banned at the same time because in cs:go the angles work like 0 to 180 degrees and 0 to negative 180 degrees it's not 0 to 360 0 to 180 0 to negative 180 so we need to make sure that we're always in that range and it's also 0 89 negative 89 - 89 so if we're like negative 100 we'd be like upside-down and we don't want that cuz you're getting a band so we're gonna need a function in our vector 3 class all normalize and that is just gonna be a void function and what it does is while ry which our Y is actually left and right in this game for some reason I don't like that but it's whatever it's how it works so we're going to follow that and so while or Y is less than negative 180 we're gonna add Y plus equals 360 and yep while our Y is greater than 180 y minus cos 360 if our X is greater than 89 x equals 89 if X is less than minus 89 x equals -8 and that's our normalized function works super simple and then all we're gonna do there is call that to normalize our name right so after that all working up to do is simply set our view angles to arguing and that's pretty much it but first we're gonna have to set our old punch to our punch angle keep that updated and keep everything working smoothly and then after we do that that's gonna be it so we can build and compile this and since I already added it here when I showed you earlier you see that or if you have a de to it you can do that and once we inject it it's gonna work perfectly super cool super easy it's like 90 lines of code with comments and weird spacing like you can just make all this on one line and whatnot however you'd like and it's super super small and really easy to understand and you've learned operator overloads class functions and if you've never done anything with hacks before it's super easy or if you suspend anything with you angles because view angles are super important when you're making an aimbot there you go this is gonna be super helpful for you hopefully you enjoyed see you if I do another tutorial
Channel: Guided Hacking
Views: 60,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: csgo rcs, recoil control system, no recoil, no spread, nospread, norecoil, counter strike global offensive, C++ rcs, rcs source code, recoil control system tutorial, rcs tutorial, cs go, counter strike, how to make a, csgo aimbot, counter-strike: global offensive (video game), csgo nospread, csgo no recoil, csgo no spread, guided hacking, no recoil cs go, recoil control, csgo hacks
Id: i99MqX5BjlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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