CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] if you've ever had someone try and steal your brass at the range go ahead and hit that subscribe button if he was over the age or she was over the age of 50 make sure you leave a comment the comments section is out of control I have tried multiple times to tame it and my pleas fall on deaf ears get in there find out why it is the most lawless place on YouTube I don't know what I've done to deserve this if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest support of the channel right now is Big Daddy and limited Big Daddy limit is like the Costco of the gun world you get sick deals and great prices of course had to buy a 99 cents for the first month very cheap stuff I think they're selling their arm ours for I was like below 300 it's very cheap highly recommended to get in there check them out I recommend them because I believe in them if you guys are looking for sick bags and platy of vertex of course LX ammunition for all your ammunition needs ladies gentlemen and of course might not forgotten but often overlooked and triple sevens welcome to the channel today we're gonna be talking about something that I know you guys haven't wanted me to talk about a lot and that is the cz scorpion evo 3 s1 so unfortunately this one is same animatic I have two these well I have one this is from a local shop this one is of course SB RDSP are in mine soon so full disclosure on this wood is my relationship with cz well this was not from them this is actually from Big Daddy unlimited who supports me had a lot of firearms and Laos allows me to be I would say more objective perhaps in dealing directly at the company ammunition is provided for by fancy brass as far as my relationship to cz I talked to him the cool guys they sent me a pistol review once I haven't sent him back to him yet and I get invoices for it about every month I really didn't need to send that back to them but in any case I've been very excited to do this review for a while because I'm kind of on a pistol caliber carbine kick right now and we'll be doing a large comparison up in the few but for now I wanted to give the Scorpion its own video its own time in the limelight because I think it absolutely deserves it so without further ado let's go ahead an get into it now kind of launching off I'll I'll start up the prices right because there's a lot of pcc's out there there's a lot of prices thrown around so I just did this try bog travelogue is like you know six like mix mid 600's like six eighty something around there without the brace with the brace your course closer at around 800 or so I guess with the Scorpion you're looking at a price I mean it depends it fluctuates depend on the model you're looking between 800 to 900 some around there of course with a brace a little bit more so roughly not too different on their prices pretty close maybe about a month or two paycheck of saving which is why I want to compare them a little bit and then of course you have famously the B and T G hm9 which is compared to the Scorpion quite a bit well of course famously if it's a little grasshopper mouse eating the scorpion on its engraved in it so there's a lot of contention a lot of companies are trying to beat the score vena because I think they said a really good example let's talk about what they did right what they did wrong and kind of a overall impressions of the cz Scorpion Evo 3s one so as we always do we're gonna be going tip to bite so starting right here at the muzzle the muzzle device for me works fine there are multiple different companies allow you to do different muscle devices install different ones it's very easy to take off and once you do take it off there's actually threads underneath there that are protected by a thread protector that thread protector is half by 28 the most common you know threading you could possibly want so any amount of suppressors or other devices are gonna work on it I think they did a really good job with the muzzle device and I'm perfectly happy if it and there are actually some really cool adapters out there especially from HP industries they have a three-legged travelling adapter like the H&K silent that's why I mostly use on pistol caliber carbine so I'll be installing one of those on this fairly soon but in any case the stock muslin device is fine it does its job perfectly well there's not a whole lot to compensate when I'm using hotter loads it definitely does a great job there now the barrel is seven point seven two inches perfect and the barrel is cold hammer-forged so this is kind of a what do you want to call like a standard go-to now for many pistol caliber carbines to use killed hammer Forge and barrels on their builds and that's awesome I don't think you guys quite understand how luckily lucky you are to be able to get have that quality of a barrel on these types of builds and that lends itself to accuracy the Scorpion is plenty accurate when I was ziering this and stuff and shooting that was easily standing off hand and putting like a little ragged holes with this thing so it's very fun very accurate to shoot no qualms about accuracy when it comes to the cz moving from the barrel we have the handguard so the handguard is definitely a point where a lot of people like something different so again luckily I think what the cz scorpion did very well was that it allowed for a lot of customization perhaps that of all other things surrounding the cz scorpion will lead to its ultimate longevity compared to many of the pcc's that are currently out there in the market ease of customization easily makes for a great platform and allows people to innovate and make things better and that is absolutely true of the Scorpion Evo 3 straight up you know too long didn't watch or too long didn't read I think that the Scorpion straight out of the factory leaves a lot to be desired but with very minimal upgrades as far as prices are concerned you can have a really phenomenal SBR really phenomenal pistol caliber carbine in any case the handguard is perfectly fine as it comes from the factory there's no issues there a lot of people complain about the fact that the Picatinny on the top ends right here as opposed to extending out a lot of people say oh it's a stylistic choice it was stupid we should have more you know site radius for our iron sights I counter that with no one really uses iron sights anymore if you do fine you have yourself a problem right there but for the majority of people the lack of Picatinny lengths is not an issue for me personally based on where I put my hand stop right there that works me fine that allows my hand up over top there and get a very good grip on the weapon so personally I kind of like the way that rails designed now if you don't like this forward handguard there are multiple others out there so you have HV industries which I'm gonna reference quite a bit I'm coming here I think they may have a lot of really good innovative products and and if you Charlie taken mine which I it's with a buddy right now and I'll be completely outfitted with HV accessories and we'll be talking about kind of the future of the scorpion but for now we're running a mostly stock scorpion but in any case you have picatiny on either side and on the bottom with these standard hand guards we have the charging handle right here the charging handle is non reciprocating it does not move at all I know that was a point of contention in my older strive log video so the stray dog the earlier models had reciprocating charging handles the newer ones do not now on the scorpion they've been non reciprocating the entire time you can easily change it from one side to the other well not as easy as some designs but certainly it is doable possible I personally keep it on the left hand side because I have my hand forward of it already and I can easily manipulate it and do it I want with it now as far as the manual arms are concerned on the cz scorpion they're somewhat interesting in my opinion you can lock the bolt back very much so like an mp5 and I think that's kind of interesting and of course on a closed bolt that's not gonna work so much and that definitely helps if I'm loading like a full magazine to be able to lock that back and then to drop it it's helpful to say the least but in case charging handle is easy to actually if you don't like how small it is which I personally like cuz I don't like things getting caught on my gear then you can get an extended one from a variety of companies including HP industries of course moving from there we have our iron sights so the iron sights in my opinion are very adequate they're metal you have several different apertures it's actually very well made I've been very happy with the iron sights on this particular weapon and I want to talk a quick take a quick moment to talk about setup right here because if you notice on mine I'm running a Aimpoint Comp m5 with a scaler works mount and the reason for that is what the scaler works mount that allows for me to still see the iron sights despite having I'm a very tall optic right there so I think it's kind of the best of both worlds but in any case if all you're using is a iron sights you're going to be very happy they are absolutely adequate with four different aperture sizes a variety of other stuff I'm definitely happy with those I hate when companies kind of scrimp on that and I've been very pleased that that's easy definitely superior to what the strai bog offers on their variant given the price it does make sense but it's I think it's worth noting that the CC scorpion is also a very light weapon around five pounds perfect very maneuverable very compact now weight is kind of only so much of it because a lot of that weight kind of sits further back because of that the cz scorpion feels like a very well balanced weapon I've been very pleased with the way it feels in the hand from there we have our sling mounts right here and here there's a lot of different conjecture of as far as what sling mounts work for those personally I just use paracord through those loops to attach my slings that works fine there there are so many different options there but it's not your typical QD mounts just as a quick note there so we have our sling mounts all right moving from there let's move down the weapon [Applause] magazines so the magazines in this video were provided for by gun mag warehouse huge support of the channel since the very beginning we can't thank them enough for all their help in any case they sent me the kind of three main type of magazines that come with the cz scorpion we have the little boy right here it's a 20 rounder that is definitely excellent if you want to use this weapon in a concealed fashion whether that be in a backpack or something like that that is a very compact platform that can fit in a variety of places should you need it so the twenty arounder definitely has this place but if I have my chance if I have my choice I'm going to use the 30 rounder this is a more expensive version this is a windowed version in my opinion probably one of the stronger versions this one is a little bit more expensive at around $30.00 the typical one you see are these translucent ones that are around 18 now one thing that I need to know when it comes to magazines well several things is something that I feel like I kind of skipped over with the strai bog and the ghm 9 in multiple others which is magazines I don't think I put enough emphasis on magazines and what makes a weapon successful a weapon lives and dies by its magazine design the Scorpion I would argue has perhaps one of the better magazine designs of all current pistol caliber carbines Glock magazines are not a great option in pistol caliber carvings I definitely like what CZ has done these are robust and strong the strai bog and g h m9 have both suffered from magazine reliability issues for a variety of reason I will say that B&T has done a lot to rectify that in current magazines from B&T standby one moment here turn magazines for the G h m9 have different floor plates which help with strength of the magazines despite that though I don't feel that these magazines are quite as robust as the ones that are available for the cz not to mention many other companies are now now making magazine for the CB c z it was a great initial design right now Magpul makes a really sick 35 rounder which sticks out just a little bit more but is very sexy and Ike will make some great products so again I kind of go back and touch that point of longevity I do think that straight out of the factory that the B and TG h m9 is a better weapon I just think it is now that being said it's also $1,500 as a compared to 800 to 900 and of course added braces both I mean you increase that price by 200 for both of them but I think that the magazine design and the customization will add and ultimately make the cz scorpion a weapon that ultimately will outlive the ghm 9 APC 9 not so much that's a whole different story but magazine design excellent now funny enough of any magazine I've ever done a review on or done reviews on when I toss one of these magazines that exploded that being said the floor plate came off and the spring shot out now the actual body that did not crack but I thought that was funny that everyone was talking to me about the longevity of these magazines and one of them blew up on me not the fault of that in any case so let's talk a little bit from there about how these drop free this is one kind of pointing contention that I do have the cz scorpion is when the bolt is locked back and you hit the magazine release that guy is just not coming out we'll try it out with the other magazine nice that one came out so looks like this one has a little bit more weight to it we'll drop free let's check out the 20 rounder that one will not come out so primarily I'm using these magazines and because of that when I'm doing my magazine changes the magazine does not drop free and a bolt lock so I've tended with the Scorpion to primarily do l-shaped reloads and really you should be proactive by reloads and not allowing your weapon to go dry so I typically run that is I'll hold fire fire fire when I need to reload grab a magazine bring it up l-shape release in and then drop and then we index this magazine now what I can say about this is this weapon is fairly easy to certain magazine magazine in on a closed bolt that's something that's definitely very important so it's not awful in the Suzy scorpion you don't have to like you know pound that thing and really it's just a little bit of a forceful movement you get it right in there so when it comes to magazines just make sure you're staying on top of your reloads I haven't checked out than a couple magazines to see if those drop free but just something to note now speaking of the bolt lock so this gun does have last round hole to open and the bolt release is very similar to what the stray dog had or more appropriately perhaps the strai bog has what the cz scorpion has as a CC scorpion predates tri bog now compared to this right bug the sorry bog had a little piece of sheet metal that came down that you press down on us quite sharp it worked but it wasn't the best option compared to the scorpion which has a very finely machined piece of metal steps it's easier to actuate and get your hand on I think a much better design than the strai bog again people will be quick to point out well cz scorpion costs more it should be better and I agree and that's definitely proven to be the case with that particular design feature now when it comes to the magazine release I don't like that quite as much now that being said like many other things it's kind of a manual arm thing I do perverse prefer of course a AR style release that being said there's an excellent product from mag pole that extends a small tab down that allows you to grasp that grasp the magazine and release the magazine at the same time as opposed to using your trigger finger for a lot of the reload type stuff which i think is an excellent product in which i will be adding to my scorpion in the very near future so there are fixes and of course with that particular product it's like twenty bucks so that's something i can absolutely see myself investing in to make this a more viable weapon but from the factory not the best option at all all right safety is a thing I also have a issue with so the safety on this weapon is ambidextrous which is good of course but the issue that I run into is that on my on the right-handed side the with how high I can grip the weapon that safety just digs right in my hand maybe you can't see right there but it's constantly drawing blood which is cool you know I'm all about blood sports and stuff but it's kind of rubbing my hand raw and I'm not a big fan of it I'm also not a big fan of the length on the safety of course something that's very easily changeable but from the factory I wish it would have been a little more ergonomic than what they currently have on there so you can see where hands going raw is when it goes down safety it's right into my skin right there whatever be the grip also I do not like I don't like the angle on the grip I prefer a more you know something that has less incline on it a little bit more straight it's a little bit more comfortable for me and better on my wrist that being said this is an awful it's pretty close about the a2 grip angle that you have on like the classic m16 classic m4 so what's nice is again like many other things this is removable and changeable that means they can easily change this out to something from HV industries or a Magpul or whomever and have a grip angle that is more conducive to shooting in my opinion so again changeable you know again another 20 bucks with this stuff is starting to add up but from the factory not the best option of what they have now let's get to the trigger perhaps one of the most disappointing things on the scorpion in my opinion the trigger is just not good at my painting and it sits at around nine pounds let's go ahead and let's get into it though let's go ahead and let's ghost the scorpion trigger together and see what it feels like and we'll compared to an mp5 which is the gold standard in my opinion alright so we have a little bit of take-up it's mush mush we have more much heavier mush even heavier mush more mush about five seven five millimeters of mush release nine pounds easy maybe even more not the best alright let's check the reset okay let's check the reset here okay we said it's positive and all that weight behind it it definitely Springs forward that's try that one more time mush mush mush nine pounds check the reset it's about four millimeters of travel before you hit the reset on there just not a good trigger the trigger is what really slows this gun down luckily there are a variety of manufacturers to make both drop-in and multiple other triggers that make this way better but as the sense from the factory the trigger is in my opinion just unacceptable I you should not have a a trigger that heavy and I understand that people are gonna hop in and be like well military and police stop at nine pound triggers out of control I can understand like a five and a half or six pound trigger on a military police weapon but nine pounds is getting just absolutely ludicrous especially how this trigger feels it's insane compared to so many of the great offerings I'm out there and I know I'm gonna compare this to the mp5 and of course the problem is that the mp5 is around $2,000 so they're much more expensive but even a factory mp5 trigger which aren't the best a much much better this one maybe four and a half pounds that's a well broken and an mp5 trigger so the fact that this comes with such a terrible trigger especially when a weapon like the strai bog comes with such an exceptional trigger in my opinion makes me somewhat disappointed in the fact that it comes out of the factory like that and I know I'm harping on that so much when you can still run this gun relatively fast but you are certainly slowed down by that trigger and that is absolutely unfortunate alright moving from there I'm not gonna harp on that anymore stock you have a variety of stock options out there yeah both the standard CZ stock i opted to go with the Magpul a case ox and i have an adapter here from Reptilia if you're not familiar with reptilia they're making some really good moves in the industry right now and they can a lot of really good products and they sent me this told us coder they're my buddies and stuff I like them but yeah so the a case talk on this works perfectly well it is foldable of course you can still shoot it folded and I think that the a case Hawk from Magpul looks pretty pretty bitchin on this particular weapon so that is that [Applause] so now that we've talked about everything how does a recoil fill well not that much different from the gh m9 a lot has been said about calling the gh m9 the Scorpion killer you know the weapon which will end scorpion but I don't really see that being the case the they're kind of have slightly different design features and I think that ultimately the Scorpion wins out once you are able to upgrade these for example if you're - this one costs around 1,500 this one cost around 800 if you put the extra money into the Scorpion you know about $600 worth of modifications to upgrade it and you compare it to you know a $1,500 so like a $1,500 GHM 9 and a $1,500 scorpion I had 1000% take the $1,500 scorpion because it will be just a fire-breathing beast that will just suck Souls so I absolutely do love the Scorpion I think that there are definitely some issues for me you don't see a whole lot of competitors using it because there are some issues there I imagine in future generations it might make some various upgrades to make trigger swaps easier on this particular weapon but I do think that the Scorpion is excellent I think it is definitely slowly down bites trigger and I think that's one of the many reasons it's not seen so much in competition especially when you have so many great alternatives like the APC 9 the JP 9 millimeter a ours and other things but I think with some upgrades and especially if they were to update it and make the trigger perhaps a little bit more user-friendly and some of the other controls you'd have a really excellent design so do I recommend the Scorpion well it depends on what you need I think that ultimately the Scorpion is a better weapon than the strive log and the GH m9 but that comes down to a couple upgrades that need to be done to it from the factory I think that both the strai bog and the G h m9 are more suitable guns out of the factory but I think that with the G H but I think that what the Scorpion has is a lot of potential that potential can be harnessed or not harnessed so kind of up to you but the Scorpion is definitely a very viable platform even without those upgrades again magazines and a very very reliable robust system the Caesar scorpion is a blowback operated firearm because that is an incredibly robust fire like any other blowback operated firearm you can see here I'm throwing sod dirt into it [Applause] blowbacks work [Applause] it's just firing no problem so these guns will run is this gun for you well it depends are you gonna train fit because if you don't train if this you're still gonna look stupid and that is kind of what I want to end on here is so many people get so focused on the minutiae of gun just this channel but ultimately ultimately what it comes down to is you can you shoot can you move can you shoot around barricades can you communicate do you know what you're doing without that training you're not gonna be a good shooter so make sure that you get out there and get training I was recently out of training the event with BB it was awesome we had a good time we've worked up barricades multiple other guys will teach you out there a couple that I recommend cog works bare solutions Haylie strategic esoteric Darcy tons of great guys up Tony cotton Pat McNamara tons of them get out there and get that training become good at their weapons and become lethal yourself where you have to rely so much on the weapon but you know that you yourself are capable ladies gentlemen I appreciate you guys so much thank you for watching we have a huge PCC cut comparison video coming up in the very near future I can't wait to do it stay tuned love you guys thanks for watching yeah I've got nothing else for you so you need to take care of yourself and what I mean by that it's not just working out because a lot of us will go to the gym you know got a six-pack you got veins running down our biceps really oh good good bro I can you know rip the phone book in half great but what's more important to is flexibility and especially joint health there are a variety of things that you need to do to make sure that you're doing to ensure not just your health right now be your health in the long term things like car do things like stretching yoga plies all that [ __ ] actually matters make sure that you're taking care of yourself because those injuries will eventually add up I had a couple of really bad neck injuries from back in the day my military career from a bad jump and it's taking me a lot of time to get over them and I've been doing a lot of physical therapy and it's definitely got me to a better point but so let's made me think a lot about quality of life later down the road make sure that you take care of yourselves beyond just that you know sighs I'm looking [ __ ] shredded make sure that you're taking care yourself in every single way as far as mobility and pain and those types of things go ladies gentleman thank you for watching you know if you guys have gotten this far the various last thing I'm going to plug for you guys patreon patreon directly supports me so you guys are out there I post a little videos and stuff for you but the biggest thing is that money directly goes into camera equipment I brake cameras all the time I just I just actually upgraded a camera because I've broke an old one memory cards have burned through them at least a couple every month or something like that lights everything that kind of stuff really helps the channel grow if you want to really support me 1,000% it's there and also every four months pick a guy to come out shoot with me so it's kind of a good time guys thank you again take care yourselves
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 618,659
Rating: 4.939837 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, cz scorpion evo 3, scorpion, cz scorpion, cz 9mm, 9mm smg, 9mm submachinegun, 9mm cz, scorpion 9mm, ghm9, cz scorpion pistol
Id: 6zBpO7PqxuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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