Cycles vs Octane Blender Which RENDER Engine Wins

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blender octane versus blender Cycles which one is faster which one has more features which one is better or which one should I use that's what we're going to get into in this video let's get straight into it all righty quick trivia question at the moment what renderer am I using is it Cycles is it octane I'm going to count down to three and give you a chance to decide 3 2 1 the answer is Cycles I'm using Cycles at the moment right just want to give you a little bit of trivia there quickly how do I switch over to Octane well I'm using the Standalone version of octane blender and I'm using Cycles right now if I wanted to switch over to Octane I've made a whole new scene which I'm going to come up here to scene octane hit the renderer boom just like that now I'm in octane just like that for me the big issue is why do so many people have an issue why should I use octane why should I use blender my my thing is why not use both literally by a flip of a switch I can be in octane or I can be in blender literally that easy it's absolutely fantastic now that I got that out of the way now for me honestly this is not you know a scientifical I didn't I spent months Gathering data to put this together no this is just a quick video because a lot of people were like this is the question they always get to me why should I use octane or why should I not use cycles and I'm like why not use octane because it's you can it's there it's free oh it's free cinal 4D people have to pay for octane I think 56 60 bucks a month I don't know what it is plus they have to pay for Cinema 4D for us we just have to download it but we do have to pay for it in knowledge the time to learn this and that's why my channel is here for you guys to help you learn blender octane so I'm going to quickly jump in here so first of all one thing let's look at the viewport like which is faster do I have a faster viewport in octane or do I have a faster viewport in Cycles I'm going to go ahead and turn on my overlays now one thing that's really nice with octane I can I literally have my viewport set to 50 between both of my scenes everything is set up as as close as possible right so I have my viewport preview set to 50 samples and you can see right here 50 out of 50 and it took 13 seconds let's just go ahead and remove that around so it can do again so now it's going to countdown and it's here's the lapse time so I can literally see how long it's going to take to get to 50 seconds or 50 samples and right now we are at about boom 10.97 seconds my GPU is a 1050 TI GTX very very old on a core i5 laptop okay 32 megab of Ram or whatever whatever that is but it's a very old laptop okay so it roughly took 10 seconds okay 10 seconds now I'm going to switch over to cycles and let's see how long it takes for Cycles now with Cycles I did deactivate the the den noising viewport because we don't have we have that in in octane but I'm not using it just to keep everything you know on the kind of the same level here I got 50 samples set up again no den noising just like against Cycles an octane no den noising and let's he again now unfortunately we don't have a clock or a timer so I'm just going to count and actually let's wait for it to initiate because that doesn't count for the first one okay that it takes time for it to initiate so let's go ahead and just move the viewport and let it start over 1 1000 2 1,000 3 1,000 4 1,000 5 1,000 6 1,000 7 1,000 8 1,000 9 1,000 10 1,000 11 1,000 12 one okay roughly 12 seconds okay it took roughly 12 seconds so it's took about give or take about two which I've kind of done with the timer on my phone it was about 2 to 3 seconds different in viewport so that's kind of it for the viewport now you have to realize this is a subsurface material on this for both of them they both are using a subsurface material because I know that's really taxing on the the system here so you figure if you're using just like a default or something else it should go a lot faster it'll be a lot CLE cleaner and faster so next let's kind of look at and let's see as far as overall render times now what I did was I've kind of set up a couple of images that I rendered so I've got some side by-side comparisons here on the left side I've got Cycles here this is our Cycles image here on the left side and on the right side here is octane now I tried to get them as close as possible they have the same material both of these materials are from Mega scans I Tred to get the the size as close as I possible you can kindly see it's a little bit off they all all have an image map a roughness and the normals in none of them are using displacement and then on the monkey I just have a general diffuse material with roughness on full roughness okay so literally the Cycles version took 2 minutes and 58 seconds to render set for 500 samples they both were at 500 samples no D noising on okay and then on the octane version took 3 minutes and 43 seconds now typically the octane took longer because one I'm using the free version of octane and that requires an internet connection we need to be connected to the internet in order for the server to work okay so give or take a few seconds 10 15 seconds probably for upload okay but if you have the paid version you don't have to worry about having it connected to the internet it will work pretty much like octane or like cycles does but for the free version we're limited to one GPU and we have to have it connected to the internet now you can clearly see here it looks like I'm almost using displacement here but I'm not this is just the normals and this is the normals in both of these so I clearly see we got some more definition in the normals Cycles here looks a little bit like the light fall off is a little bit more contrasty now these both are using ggx Punchy ggx Punchy on both of them okay and you can clearly see the the color difference we do have a little bit more color difference the fallof here on the octane side is a little bit more soft and even the image is a little bit more uh I would say almost it feels like it's a little bit more washed out again this is using ggx but if you clearly look at the background difference it's a lot more different just the way they both perceive the light so this was just a a standard roughness material let's go to the next one now on our next one here I just did a full metallic material okay full metallic material here is the Cycles version the Cycles version took 2 minutes and 10 seconds to render this 2 minutes and 10 seconds octane version over here took two minutes and 30 seconds it took two minutes and 30 seconds okay actually no actually I take that back it was 3 minutes and 30 seconds and this was 2 minutes and 10 seconds so almost a whole second uh almost a whole minute again I'm thinking it's the upload time that's why I said I wish I had maybe the full version to really give it a true comparison but this is just a general comparison and let you guys get the low down okay so that was our our metallic next I did glass again 500 samples full glass material full glossy this is our Cycles glass our Cycles glass came in at 3 minutes and 50 seconds 3 minutes and 50 seconds and then octane glass our octane glass came in at 4 minutes and 17 seconds and we can see a little bit of cos sticks kind of kicking through there here you can see it on both sides again very similar just a SL I think maybe some slight difference in color up here and up here too you can see a little bit of difference in color colors so that's pretty much the glass and then full subsurface material here on our cycle side it took 6 minutes and 10 seconds at 500 samples in octane it actually took 5 minutes and 23 seconds at 500 samples so octane came in on the winter on the subsurface again like I've heard glass and subsurf or octane's strong point and you can clearly see the difference in the subs surfs again I tried to put the density as close as possible to both of these uh again not measuring it fully scientifical but as close as possible try to keep the number values I can clearly see here that the contrast or the depth or the thickness is a little bit different you can see here on the ear and here it's a little bit more darker here you can kind of see we have a little bit of that the SS kicking in right there and along the eyes and it's just a little bit different again and plus in octane we have several different types we have random walk we have scatter we have volume we we have uh medium there's a couple of different options for the subs server way more than we did have Cycles so again a little bit I think we're probably leaning towards the octane side on that as far as but again it it depends on your look if you like the way this looks or if you like this the way it depends on the person right and again here was a different type of subsurface setup here I think on this one I ended up using a random walk and you can clearly see the random walk is a little bit different let me go back to compared to our standard uh Cycles version here the random walk has a way more deep saturated colors and you can again you can still see we got some subsurface happening right there on the ear this one did take longer to render this one took 6 minutes and 30 seconds to render this one and you can clearly see the dark the contrast between the two are clearly different there so just right off the back out of that I mean octane is slower for rendering time you know again like I said I don't know how long it takes to upload the stuff to the server and stuff like that Min that upload time who knows I don't know exactly you can clearly see in the subsurface it was a lot faster in the subsurface for me personally octane is a little bit faster than Cycles when I'm in the viewport there's other options too that I can optimize a little bit more but my due to my GPU being so old I can't really take advantage of RTX and stuff like that I generally have a faster viewport on octane than I do in Cycles okay for me but render times it seems like Cycles might be the winner right now and then again like I will feel like Cycles has a head start because octane has to upload okay so that's that sorry guys sorry about that you guys want to get more in depth about blender octane I do have a private Community we're all hardcore about blender Octane and learning together to try to get the word out for blender octane gumroad I got a lot of bunch all bunch of free stuff on the gumroad setup files materials things like that Patrick Lavar keep rendering it's the only way you'll get better peace
Channel: 1 Polygon With Me
Views: 14,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx blender, blender, daily render, visual effects, daily renders, how to improve your renders, blender 3.3, blender 3d, blender beginner tutorial, blender tutorial, blender Octane, Octane render, Octane setup blender, octane render, octane c4d, vfx, blender vfx, blender vfx tutorial
Id: eFY1HeymUU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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